Primary keys on webforms (load initially or on save)? -

This is just a general question irrespective of database architecture.
I am maintaining an ASP.NET web application. The structure is such that,
Say on 'Add a new employee' webform
The primary key (or the record id to
be saved with) is initially loaded on form
load event & displayed as a label
So when the form loads, the record id to save with is shown to the user
End user already knows what the id/serial of the form is (even before he saves the form)
So on form save when he is directed
to gridview screen (with all entries)
he can search records easily
(although the most recent one is at
the top anyway)
If he does not save the form, say he
just cancels after loading the data entry form,
the id/key initially fetched is
wasted (in my case it is a sequence
field fetched on form load from database)
What do you guys do in these scenarios ? Which approach would you recommend for 'web applications'? And how to facilitate the user with a different approach ? Is our current approach recommended (To me,it wastes the ids/sequence from database)

I'd always recommend not presenting the identity field value for the record being created until the record has been created. The "create a temporary placeholder record first to obtain the identity field value ahead of time" approach can, as you mention, result in wasted IDs, unless you have a process in place to reclaim them.
You can always pop-up a message box when the user presses save that tells them the identity field value of the newly created record.

In this situation you could use a GUID created by the application itself. The database would then only have the PK set to be a Unique Identifier (GUID) and that it must not be null. In this situation you are not wasting any unique keys as each call to get a new GUID should be definition produce a (mathmatically) unique identifier. It is worth noting that if you use this method, it is best to make sure your PK is not set up to be clustered. The resulting index reorganisation upon insert could quickly result in an application that suffers performance hits.

For one: I wouldn't care so much about wasted id values. When you are in danger of running out of int32 values (and when has that happened to you last?), use int64. The user experience is way much more important than wasting a few id values.
Having said that, I would not want the primary key to be anything the user would want to type in. If you are having a primary key that users need to type in, chances are it then is (or will be requested to be) more than just an int32/64 value and carries (will carry) meaning in its composition and/or formatting. Primary keys should not have that. (Tons of reasons google for meaningless primary keys or other such terms).
If you need a meaningful key, make it a secondary index that is in no way related to the primary key. If a part of that is still a sequential number taken from some counter value in your database. Decide whether functionally it is a problem for gaps to appear in the sequence. (The tax people generally don't want gaps in invoice numbers). If functionally it is no problem, then certainly don't start worrying about it technically. If functionally it is a problem, then yes, you have no option but to wait for the save in order to show it to the user. But, please, when you do, don't do it in a popup. They are horribly intrusive as they have to be dismissed. Just put up an informative message on the screen where the user is sent after (s)he saves the new employee. Much like gmail is telling you about actions you have performed just above the list of messages.


ASP.Net - Persistent shopping cart across sessions

What would be considered best practice for implementing a persistent shopping cart in an Web Forms(*) based application? The only built-in way seems to be involving the Session state, which is not ideal because once you close the browser... it's gone. One way seems to be involving the localStorage via Javascript, but that creates awkward client/server mixups, as the data processing is meant to be done server side.
(* please pay attention to that part - MVC or Blazor based solutions will not work for this particular case)
Well, I can't imagine any practical application that involves database operations having ANY kind of suggesting that some kind of session, or view state will have ANY kind of relevance to database operations?
Be it a person filling out an invoice, or making orders or anything?
Not at all different then if you were writing a desktop application.
If a user is building up a list of items or "things" for/in an order?
Then as they build up such an order, then a database "order" record and structure will be built up. No different than say even building an invoice system say for the desktop with ms-access.
The only "use" of say session in most cases allows you to pass information from one page to another. (In place of say using parameters in the URL).
So, person might have a shopping basket of items (in your database, right!!!!).
They browse/search for more things to add to that shopping cart.
So say while on some items page, they choose to buy/select. When they make that choice, then you might say shove the ProductID into session, and then jump back into the current basket of items page, check session for a new product, and then insert/add that new item to the basket (which was being saved in the database).
If they log off, then fine. When they log back on, then you can load the current basket of items for display, and then allow them to continue shopping.
the only thing you going to use session for (or viewstate) is to allow the person to jump around looking at items, and then upon selection, you get/grab that particular product ID into session, jump back to the basket page, and add this new item from session, and then display their list of selected items.
So, in your database you have their current active order/basket, and thus when the user logs on, you can jump to that most recent or only "active order" page, and pull that order from the database. And then display all the details etc.
No session or viewstate would be required nor used at that point in time.
Not really any different than building up a invoice in a accounting package, then closing the program, and then next day, you launch the accounting package, load up the invoice, and thus can continue working on that invoice until you are done.
So, they look at the order, and go, "hum", I want to browse some more. So, they go look at/buy/choose/select another product. When they do, then you can now jump back to the current orders/basket page, and check session for the value just passed, add to order/basket, and now display the items in the basket, and that one "product id" in session can be pulled out, and is no longer required.
so session is not some kind of "magic" database system but is really only a feature to allow you to persist some values for a very short time, and only a simple "id" or simple variable in code for a rather short time. So session is ideal for passing a few values for use in code behind variables from one page to another.
Thus things like an address, name, products selected? That goes in the database, and not session.
For the most part, such software really not much different then desktop software.
You save and build up the list of items attached to a given order, and that order going to exist in the database.
So no real development approach here suggests saving their name, billing address, their past orders, the current new basket/order they have? That all going to be saved in a database.
So, session() is only relevant in most cases to "pass" some values, or "hold" some values for code behind.
So, if they select some product from a grid, you would shove productID into session, jump to the basket, add the new item in code behind to that order, and then let the page pull the information from the database to display items in that order.
So "session" persisting of data? That really only for a few variables that your code might need for some data operations, but your data for that order is not persisted in session - it goes into the database.
Session has VERY little to do with using a database system to "manage" and "hold" and "have" the order saved in the database system.
Session is not some kind of database - only a "active" storage of some variables you might need during program operation.
Easy, store it in database for logged in user.
use local storage or cookies for guess.

Prevent users change of hidden field value

I'm currently developing one project and I just discovered that the value of hidden fields can be edited. So that causes me a problem of security.
Imagine that I have a form to edit personal information. Currently, the form has a hidden input that has the value of the primary key. So if someone change that value can update data from another people.
I already check here and on google and found a possible solution on But unfortunately, that's not available to the recent version of ASP.NET MVC.
So I want to know if someone knows the properly way to prevent that.
The short answer is, Never trust data coming from client!
You should never trust data coming from a client browser. It can be altered by the end user. So don't simply trust the value. Always do needed validations on server side to make sure that the data / operation is valid.
In your specific case, When the form is submitted, you should check the value of the hidden field (the primary key value of the record being edited) is valid for the current user to be edited. Depending upon your systems user permissions/role system, you can do some if checks and determine whether the current user is authorized to do this operation with the value coming from client.
One solution is to encrypt the primary key before putting it in the hidden variable. That's the approach alot of site use, although often the encrypted var will be in the query string.

How do I check which values in my Form have changed before saving?

The situation is like this. We have a form with a large number of fields (over 30 spread over several tabs) and what I want to do is find which values have changed before saving with minimum impact on performance. What happens right now is, for editing, single records are queried from several databases. The values are passed over to the client side as value objects. At the moment they are not bound to any fields in the form.
My initial idea was to have a boolean flag for each field to set true or false each time any of the fields were changed. At the time of saving the program would run through the list of flags to see which fields have changed. This seems more than a bit clunky to me so I was thinking maybe it could be done on the server side. But then I don't want to go through each field one by one checking to see which ones don't match the db records.
Any ideas on what to do here?
This is a very common problem for a lot of Flex applications. Because it happens so often there are a number of commercial implementations for Data Management. Queries are stored into entities and those entities are bound to a form on the client side. Whenever a field is updated, it will automatically perform the steps to persist the changes to the db and do rollbacks when requested.
Adobe LCDS Data Management - If you are dealing with a Java environment
WebOrb - If you are dealing with a .net, php, java, rails environment
Of course you can re-invent the wheel and roll out your own, set up PropertyChangeEvent listeners on each field. When the changes are dispatched, listen for them and write handlers for each one.
This sounds exactly like what we're doing with one of the projects I'm working on for a client.
What we do is dupe the value objects once they back to the UI. Then when calling the update service, I send both the original object and the new object. In the service, I do a field by field compare on the server to determine what values should sent to the database.
If you need to update every field/property conditionally based on whether or not it changed; then I don't see a way to avoid the check with every field/property. Even if you implement your Boolean idea and swap the flag in the UI whenever anything changes; you're still going to have to check those Boolean values when creating your query to determine what should be updated or not.
In my situation, three different databases are queried to create the value object that gets sent back to the UI. Field updates are saved in one of those database and given first order of preference when doing the select. So, wee have an explicit field by field comparison happening inside a stored procedure.
If you don't need field by field comparisons, but rather a "record by record" comparisons; then the Boolean approach to let you know the record/Value Object had changed is going to save you some time and coding.

Generating unique database IDs in code

One requirement is that when persisting my C# objects to the database I must decide the database ID (surrogate primary key) in code.
Second requirement is that the database type for the key must be int or char(x)... so no uniqueidentifier or binary(16) or the like.
These are unchangeable requirements.
What would be the best way to go about handling this?
One idea is the base64 encoded GUIDs looking like "XSiZtdXcKU68QWe7N96Dig". These are easily created in code and are to me acceptable in URLs if necessary. But will it be too expensive regarding performance (indexing, size) having all primary and foreign keys be char(22)? Off hand I really like this idea.
Another idea would be to create a code version of a database sequence creating incremented integers for me. But I don't know if this is plausible and would need some guidance to secure the reliability. The sequencer must know har far it has come and what about threads that I don't control etc.
I imagine that no table involved will ever exceed 1.000.000 rows... will probably be far less.
You could have a table called "sequences". For each table there would be a row with a counter. Then, when you need another number, fetch it from the counter table and increment it. Put it in a transaction and you will have uniqueness.
However this will suffer in terms of performance, of course.
A simple incrementing int would be the easiest way to ensure uniqueness. This is what the database will do if you let it. If you set the table row to auto_increment, the database will do this for you automatically.
There are no security issues with this, but since you will be handling it yourself instead of letting the database engine take care of it, you will need to ensure that you don't generate the same id twice. This should be simple if you are on a single threaded system, but if your program is distributed you will need to put some effort into ensuring the uniqueness.
Seeing that you have an ASP.NET app, you could do the following (hoping and assuming all users must authenticate themselves before using your app!):
Assign each user a unique "UserID" in your database (can be INT, or CHAR)
Assign each user a "HighestSequentialID" (INT) in your database
When the user logs on, read those values from the database and store them in e.g. a custom principal, or in a cookie, or something else
whenever the user is about to insert a row, create a segmented ID: (UserID).(User's sequential number) and store it as "VARCHAR(20)" - e.g. your UserID is 15 and thus this user's entries would have unique IDs of "15.00001", "15.00002" and so on.
when the user logs off (or at any other time), update its new, highest used sequential ID in the database so that next time around, you'll know what this user has used last
Again - you'll have to do a lot more housekeeping work yourself, and it's always prone to a mishap (assigning a duplicate user ID, or misinterpreting the highest sequential number for that user).
I would strongly recommend trying to get these requirements changed - with these in place, all solutions will be sub-optimal at best, while using the database to handle this would be totally painless.
For a table below 1.000.000 rows, I would not be too terribly concerned about a char(22) Primary key. Of course the ideal solution for a situation like this would be for each object to have something unique about it that you could leverage for the key, even if it is a multi-part key. The next ideal solution would be to have the requirements changed :)

Allowing nulls vs default values

I'm working on an ASP.NET project that replaces many existing paper forms. One of the requirements is that the user can save the form in any state, i.e. they could create a new blank form and immediately save it with no data or with partial data. I'm validating for data type on every save but validation for required fields does not occur until the user marks the form as completed.
I'm not sure what the best approach is to handle this requirement in the database and domain model. As I see it, I have two options:
Allow nulls for any field that may not have data. This feels like the "correct" approach but it requires that almost every database field allow nulls and I have to code around a lot of nullable types. Also, when the form is finalized none of the required fields are enforced in the database.
Populate my business objects with meaningful default values. In some cases, there are meaningful default values for many (but not all) fields that I could use. This approach verges on "magic numbers" which makes me uncomfortable.
Which approach is best? Or is there a third way? I'm not willing to go to extremes, such as splitting the tables.
Edited to add: I wanted to expand on this a bit since I accepted a response. The primary reason that I'm not interested in splitting the tables is that once a project is submitted, the data on the forms is used to generate data for another system that is the system of record. At that point the original form data is unlikely to be revised or used for reporting.
I don't understand why you don't want to split the tables. I don't know what domain you're in but in any I could imagine there are two classes of people:
people who have submitted the form
people who haven't
And as a business executive I don't care about the second. But the first I care deeply about, and they need to have all their data in correctly.
It also improves efficiency - most of your queries about aggregate data will be over the first table, not the second. The second table will only be used for index seeks.
If splitting the table(s) (are there more than one?) is not an option, I would consider creating single table to store serialisations of objects of incomplete forms, and only commit a form to the "real" tables when the form is fully submitted by the user.
If there isn't a sensible default, and you don't want to split the data, then nulls are almost certainly your best option. Re the db not being to verify that they are not null when completed... well, if you don't want to split the table there isn't much you can do (short of using a CHECK constraint, or an INSTEAD OF trigger to run validation). But the DB isn't the only place responsible for data validation. Your app logic can do that too.
You could use a temporary table with "allow nulls" on every column to store the form containing partial or no data and copy / move the data to the final table when the user marks the form as completed. This way, you do not depend on default values (which the user may forget to change), you can save in any state, and you still have the validation in the end.
This is a situation that cries out for split tables. I know you said you don't want to do that, and in a comment even said "this project doesn't warrant that level of effort". but it's really the best solution.
Set up preliminary table(s) with everything except your key nullable. When the user marks the form complete, and it passes validation, move it to the final table(s). not only is this The Right Thing To Do, but it's probably less effort than "coding around nullable values" when working with finished forms.
If you need to see all forms, finished or not, make a Union view.
I'd take the first option but add a column to the database tables so that when the form is completed this is flagged. Then for anything using the form data it merely needs to check that the form has been completed.
That's my suggestion for a way around this.
NULL values are not searchable by the indexes.
If you'll need to issue a query like "select first 10 forms with a certain field unfilled", this query will use a FULL TABLE SCAN which may be not efficient.
Oracle does not distinguish between NULL and empty string, but other databases do. You'll probably want to make an empty string to be the DEFAULT for unfilled fields and use it in a search.
If you don't need to search on unfilled fields, then just make them NULL.
NULL generally means "Don't Know" (in a database) whereas an empty string could actually represent an empty string.
I would tend to use NULL as the "Don't Know" value in your case. When you print out data you'll just have to assume that any NULL value means an empty string.
if you don't have a status field add one so you can tell that it is finished.
add a check constraint on that status field so it can't be marked finished if any of the columns are null.
When you write your queries on "finished" forms you can ignore checking for nulls everywhere if you do one of these two options:
just add Status="F"inished in the where clause
make a view of only finished ones
when using the "finished view" you don't have to do all the validation checks or worry about unfinished ones showing up in the results
I've had a similar situation, and while I haven't yet come up with a solution, I have been toying with the idea of just using simple XML serialization to store the temporary document data. If you generate simple classes that model the data in the objects (using nullable types where needed, perhaps), it would be easy to stuff data from the screen into those objects, serialize them to XML and then store them in a temporary "staging" table. When your users are done working and want to submit or finalize the document, then you perform all of your needed validation against the serialized data, eventually putting into the "real" table with the proper data structures and constraints.
