Removing a word from a <p> only using css - css

Due to mod rights on a site, I can only add css (no js etc...). When users input text in a comment box, it saves it and then displays it as a <p>. is there any way through css i can search for a specific word in the <p> tag and remove/censor it?

There is no practical solution for that ( You may be able to select elements based on the value and hide them in CSS3 but it wouldn't be cross-browser friendly, if at all possible ). I'm afraid you'll have to use JS/server-side for a real solution.
On the hacky side of things and for IE only, you may be able to use an expression and display:none elements which contain certain strings in their nodeValue, it wouldn't work for modern browsers.

If parent element in this case input field has class or id you can hide elements inside like this
textarea#mytextarea p

Once upon a time, there was a pseudo-class :contains() in the wonderful spec of CSS3 selectors ... but it disappeared early and afaik well before any implementation.
A JS solution has one problem: search bots and any user without JS (or displaying the source code) will see the f***ing original text :)


How to add text with css without pseudo-element

I want to add text just with css.
But pseudo-elements are not option.
Point is to add text just with css, and have text in DOM.
Is that posssible ?
So this is not option :
.someClass:before {
content: "some text";
In general, the entire purpose of CSS is to preserve the distinction between style/design and content. The pseudo-selectors are a little unique in that they don't select actually existing content to "style" it, but rather create the content in the first place.
This doesn't exactly interfere with the purpose of CSS because the distinction between content and design can sometimes get a little fuzzy. Cf., for example, which talks of how appending "E-mail: " before every email address can actually be a style decision.
That said, I really don't understand why you don't want to use pseudo-elements. Support is near ubiquitous ( Your only other option would be to use JS/jQuery or good ol' HTML.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a simple mechanism for adding style (e.g., fonts, colors, spacing) to Web documents. (w3org)
You can not add any content without the use of :before or :after
In order to edit the DOM consider using jQuery or any other js script:
$('body').append('<div>Your new content</div>');

selenium - how to click on a link based on its text using css instead of xpath and without using the contains operator?

I try to use css locators over xpath when I can.
I have the following xpath locator that I would like to change to css:
I would like to use a css locator. I wish to avoid using contains as there are support issues in later versions of css (i.e. contains was removed from css2 and css3 (css2 removal was a very last minute thing) that selenium covers up but I would like to avoid.
I am trying:
css=table#service_schedule_sets a[.='OptimalTest')
but it doesn't find the element.
The HTML is:
I want to use the text in the link ('OptimalTest') not the href.
I do not want to use link=OptimalTest approach as it is not specific enough.
CSS selectors do not support node selection based on their text content.
Actually there was a suggestion for a pseudo class :contains which would suit your needs, but it was removed from CSS 3 spec.

Style half of a word, sentence, etc

I'd like to show a title with the first three characters in different color.
I know this can be done with <h2><span>The</span> awsome title</h2> but I was wondering if there is some kind of "nth-child" property that can be applied to characters inside an element.
I'd like to avoid breaking the text by inserting other elements ( etc.)
A (relatively) crossbrowser solution would be welcome.
There is no cleaner way than what you already have.
<h2><span>The</span> awesome title</h2>
With CSS:
h2 {
color: red
h2 span {
color: blue
There's :first-letter and :first-line, but no :first-word.
I imagine the reason for this is that it's hard to define exactly what a "word" should be.
The only way to do it without changing your markup is to use JavaScript to enclose the first word with a <span> (and style it the same way), but I would only recommend that if the rest of your site already heavily relies on JavaScript to function.
Yep, JavaScript is the only way I can think of (as everyone else has already said!). Demo here.
$(function() {
$(this).html( $(this).text().replace(/(^\w{3})/,'<span>$1</span>'));
This isn't possible with the current CSS operators you are talking about nth-whatever,
This could however be done with JavaScript... if of course you want to go down that route, the best way to do it would be with <span> tags as then you will have no problems with people who have disabled JS.
It is entirely up to you, but if I were in your position I would just man up and use JS, it is called progressive enhancement and unobtrusive JS, as long as the content is not wrecked if the user disables JS it is acceptable, see here:
Sadly, there isn't a way to do this with stylesheets. CSS3 provides us with first-letter and first-line, but not first-word, and certainly not first-n-letters.
See also the answers to this question for more: CSS to increase size of first word
JQuery does implement a first-word selector, so if you're prepared to go with the Javascript option, you may be able to do it.
Heh. It seems that JQuery doesn't actually implement it after all. I must have been using a plugin when I saw it.
But here's a link to a Javascript solution that might help:

Why doesn't the selector h3:nth-child(1):contains('a') work?

I check this selector:
selector doesn't work?
I check this in firefinder and does return nothing (not info that there is zero elements)
Then check this:
and it returns h3, so selector is almost good, but something with this(h3 has text 'a') text goes wrong.
:contains() is not was going to be a CSS3 selector (thanks T.J. Crowder for the link), but it didn't make it, most likely because the way it works tends to lead to severe performance and over-selection issues. For example, if an element E matches :contains() for a given string argument, then all of its ancestors would also match; using it with a universal selector would lead to unexpected results with certain style properties, on top of being slow for the browser.
There is no other CSS selector that serves a purpose like :contains(). So you'll have to find some other way, either by modifying your HTML or even by using jQuery's :contains(), to achieve the effect you want:
Select an h3 element
if it is the first child of its parent
and its text contains the letter 'a'.
For jQuery and Selenium RC users: :contains() is implemented in the Sizzle selector engine used by jQuery, which is also used in Selenium RC (but not Selenium WebDriver). It works as described in this decade-old revision of the CSS3 spec, but again, due to how the spec describes it, you need to use it with care or it may lead to unexpected selections.
On a final note, h3:nth-child(1) can be replaced with h3:first-child, which as a CSS2 selector has better browser support.
If you're trying to use :contains(a) to find an anchor tag (rather than the letter A), you could use:
h3:nth-child(1) a
h3:first-child a
The :contains() pseudo-class isn't in the CSS Spec and is not supported by either Firefox or Chrome.
You can find a couple of detailed discussion in:
selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidSelectorException with "span:contains('string')"
Finding link using text in CSS Selector is not working
As a solution you have to drop the contains() part and your effective locator will be:
Further as #BoltClock mentioned within his answer, you can also use:
As an alternative, you can also use:
tl; dr
selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidSelectorException with "span:contains('string')"
Finding link using text in CSS Selector is not working

All stlyes in css

In .Net, all styles are not listed in corresponding controls and html tags. For example, the style "WORD-BREAK","WORD-WRAP" etc. Any site which lists all styles available to all tags and controls ?
W3schools is a great place to start learning CSS.
The official specification is another place to look.
Have a look at w3schools.
But remember that there are also styletags specific to a certain browser (like the mozilla tags).
As far as I know Visual Studio shows the tags which are compatible with all browsers (and that might be the reason why you are missing some items).
Also, you can apply all style tags to all HTML tags (you can assign font to an img tag), but they might not give you the effects you are hoping, but the beauty of CSS is that you can assign any style to any tag (and if you are embedding tags in eacht other it will inherit the style, so for example assigning a list-style to a div might not look usefull, but is allowed and will cause all lists in that div to look the same, ofcourse this can be done in various other ways).
