how to enable script debugging in visual studio 2008 when using Firefox -

I'm using Firefox as my default browser and I'm trying to debug java script in side page visual studio 2008 with Firefox browser.
how to enable script debugging in visual studio 2008 when using Firefox?
by the way, I installed JavaScript Debugger plug-in for Firefox.

Unfortunately there's no way to attach to a non-IE browser in Visual Studio unless someone knows of a trick I don't. You'll want to either use the infinitely useful Firebug Extension for Firefox or the more feature rich Venkman debugger.
I have had issues with scripts being cached in FF while you're developing, so I would suggest making frequent use of the [CTRL][SHIFT] + Delete shortcut to clear your cache. Another trick I use is to insert
into your script where you want to make sure you break into the debugger. I'm sure this works in Firebug and may also in Venkman.
Happy debugging.


Stop Visual studio debugger when closing Chrome

After looking all over the web for solution, I give up.
Is it possible to make chrome close when you stop the debugger and make the debugger stop when you close chrome, like it does with IE?
Maybe there is an addin that does this?
I'm using both vs 2010 and 2013.
Only Internet Explorer can do this, as it's both a Microsoft product. Since Chrome has no direct access to Visual Studio it would be weird if Chrome could cut down the IIS process which is running on your PC.
If you like to see the "Stop debug behavior" you should use Internet Explorer as debug browser.
Stop debugging Visual Studio 2013 when browser closes

Visual Studio 2010 Disable Debugging of External Websites

I am improving an ASP.Net website using VS2010. As part of the payment flow I need to redirect to an external website (like Paypal) to process the payment before returning to my website, however this site has an error in their JavaScript that Visual Studio is trying to debug. I have no intention of debugging this third party's website. Is there a way to tell Visual Studio to only debug websites that are part of the project I am working on or just for localhost?
To answer my own question. I ended up using Chrome/Firefox to debug with instead. Visual studio doesn't try debug javascript unless you are using IE.
I could then use the javascript debugger built into Chrome to debug any javascript problems I was having on the site I was actually trying to fix.

Limited browser functionality when developing in Windows 8

Has anyone else run into this problem and resolved it?
I am developing with Visual Studio 2010 in a clean install of RTM of Windows 8. While developing an ASP.NET application and RUNNING it with the Debugger Attached, I can not click on HTML links in ANY application and have it open up a browser window.
I will be running(debugging through VS) my application in Firefox, and I can't click on links sent in Google Talk or Outlook.
If I stop the application from running, I can then click on those links.
I have also seen that while debugging, I am using jQuery Drag-N-Drop HTML 5 functionality in my application. I can't use that functionality while it is running under the debugger, it just doesn't work. This happens with all browsers (Chrome, Firefox and IE). But if I stop debugging, and run it without the debugger on, it then works.
Any ideas?
Try to disable the debuging for "Javascript" in Visual Studio 2012.

how to use non-IE debugger in visual studio 2005?

I am building an website on vs2005 (c#) and I can't find a way to debug using a browser that is not IE.
I managed to open pages in non-debug mode with different browsers by using "browse with..." on any file's context menu and even setting the desired browser as default if i wish.
but I can't find a way to make this alternative browser work when I do it in debug mode (start debugging button/F5).
Is there any way to do this? I searched around a lot and all I found is a solution for vs2003 which doesn't seem to work in vs2005.

what tools do you use to debug your application?

this is acutally one of the interview questions I had. I didnt really use any tools to debug, only use trace, debug, breakpoint, command window.
I dont think my answer is what they are looking for. please tell me what tools do you use to debug your application and how do you debug the applicaiton in both Dev and Production environment.
Visual Studio is the most powerful debugger in the world, but mostly limited to server-side code.
Firebug, or the built-in dev tools in Chrome and IE for JavaScript
Fiddler for examining web requests, AJAX, etc.
SQL Server Profiler to find SQL-to-ASP discrepancies, query timing, etc
Red Gate tools for memory profiling, finding leaks. VS also has good profiling tools, depending on what version you're using.
Most of the dot net developers are using Visual studio debugger for all dot net applications such as ASP.NET, VB.NET, Console applications.
For ASP.NET application, you can debug server side & client side codes from VS (when you are running the application from VS). It will be in DEV & Prod environment you can use the latest DLL and attach debugger mode and test it in VS.
For Client side, you can use firebug in firefox, dev tools in Chrome and IE for JavaScript.
For more details please see this link.
Well it really depends on what you are debugging?
I often use Fiddler for trafic debugging and IE Deveoper Tools or Firefox Firebug for css, html and sometimes javascript debugging.
Visual Studio Debug, Firebug for Firefox with Firecookie addon, IE Developer tools and SQL Profiler for starters.
