Convert Visual Studio 7.1 project to Visual Studio 9 project? -

I have an Asp.Net project in Visual Studio 7.1 , Now when I open it in Visual Studio 2008 , I can't access to project files :
How can I open the project with VS2008 or VS2010 ?

Open the sln file with a simple text editor (make backup)
and search for your project that did not find, and correct the directory path.
You have probably a line like that... you need to fix the dir, saved it and open it again.
Project("{XXXX-XXXXX-XXXX}") = "PECeShopSame",
"Dir1\PECeShopSame\PECeShopSame.csproj", "{XXXX-XXXXX-XXXX}"

I see this is old post but I learned that you can also accomplish converting the .csproj file by browsing to the .csproj file and double-clicking on it. Visual Studio will open and offer to convert it for you - follow the wizard. As a final step in the wizard, it will prompt you to select the project in solution explorer and convert to web application.
I had situation where the files didn't appear in solution explorer after converting .csproj file therefore I couldn't select "convert to web application". I closed the (empty) solution then opened as web site (instead of project/solution) and all was well!


Visual Studio Copy the Project to an external drive

I had done a project by using ASP.NET MVC. How do I copy and paste the project to an external drive. I have to submit my project as coursework yet they request to copy the entire project to a CD/VCD.
The problem is when I copy & paste the project into a CD, it can't run properly with loads of errors. How do I do this in the cleanest way possible?
Here's the warning message.
You can delete .vs folder. Visual Studio will recreate it, when you open the project.
The main issue is Visual Studio cannot read and write to CD. However, you can copy the project into USB Flash Drive, and open the project straight from it.
Starting from Visual Studio 2012, Microsoft uses IIS Express by default to host ASP.NET applications, which relies on a file applicationHost.config to store the site information.
The design of applicationHost.config, means a physical path to your project directory is hard coded which prevents this project from running if you simply copy the project to another location on another machine without updating applicationHost.config. What's worse, starting from VS2015 this applicationHost.config lives in .vs folder inside your project directory, which can be copied to other machines by mistake.
Read my blog post to understand the technical details if you like,

how to make a solution from server hosted files

I have a old website which running on iis6.
I have the hosted files in the virtual directory of this hosted website.
But I lost all the solution or project files which can be opened in visual studio 2003 for modification of this website.
Since it is missing I am thinking to make the solution file, .SLN file from the files resides in virtual directory and open this in visual studio 2003 for further modification.
Any idea how to create solution file from virtual directory files?
You can create a solution file by following steps.
1) Open visual studio
2) click on File -> Open -> Website --> File system dialogue will open
3) Navigate to your hosted files root folder and select folder --> Click on open
4) So your solution will be prepared by visual studio
5) Click on file-> save
Thats it, visual studio will create .sln file for you.

How do I open this in Visual Studio?

I came across this project online and can't really get it to open with Visual Studio. Extremely new to Visual Studio. This doesn't have an exact project file that can be opened from what I've understood. It has a bunch of .cs and .aspx.cs files. How exactly do I open and execute this project in Visual Studio? Or am I barking up the wrong tree and trying to open something that can't be opened?
Link to the project -
May be your project is not a web application project. it might be wesite.
If it is web application you will find .csproj file, if you didn't find then just follow the below steps
Open Visual Studio
click on file --> Open --> Website
You will get dialogue box with local file structure, Just Navigate to your project folder and select and click on open, After click on open your solution will be ready with your project.

MVC: Visual Studio Publish Web dialog cannot find my application's Views

I am using these steps to publish my ASP.NET MVC 4 application using Visual Studio 2010 on IIS 7.5 running on a 64-bit Windows 7 Professional machine.
When I click the Publish button on the wizard after entering the values, it reports a single error that reads:
Copying file Views\Shared\Error.cshtml
to obj\Debug\Package\PackageTmp\Views\Shared\Error.cshtml failed.
Could not find file 'Views\Shared\Error.cshtml'.
I looked into the target folder where the wizard dumps the necessary files that will be needed to deploy the application. It turns out that the folder had the Views folder which had only the _ViewStart.cshtml of the root Views folder, but no other View. My application has at least 20 views, perhaps more.
I realized that it was my fault. The local copy of my project had the file Error.cshtml in the Views\Shared folder. However, the TFS copy of the project file did not. Apparently, the file had been excluded from the project at some stage.
I excluded the file from my project locally and ran the build and it worked.
In my case the problem was that the file was in the solution but didn't actually exist on the local file system.
For me, this problem occurred when I moved a file (via explorer) from the shared folder to another folder.
I added the file in visual studio, but did not "delete" the file from the shared folder (as far as visual studio was concerned).
For some reason, visual studio did not put a little flag or warning sign to tell me the expected file was missing (even after a refresh), so I didn't notice (although trying to open the missing file revealed the problem).
The error message is clear, and self explanatory. I just couldn't understand it for some reason.

Can't export Visual Studio project to Qt Creator

I want to export a visual studio project or the entire solution and I installed the Qt Visual Studio add-in but the menu actions are not clickable:
What can I do to export the project or solution?
You are probably trying to convert a project that doesn't actually use Qt and there's a bug preventing you to do that. Here is a workaround for Visual Studio 2008:
Open yourproject.vcproj file and after the line:
Add a new attribute like this:
And the workaround for Visual Studio 2010 is (haven't tried this one myself):
1) Open yourproject.vcxproj with a text editor
2) Locate the tag :
3) Between and add the following line :
4) Reload your project in VS2010
5) In solution explorer, righ-click on your project
6) In the menu, select "Convert project to Qt Add-in project"
Revise your Qt Project Settings to include the modules you need and then you are ready to go.
Taken from here:
