Google Analytics - IP Address as Website URL - google-analytics

Anybody ever successfully used an IP address as the website URL for a profile in Google Analytics?
See my post in the Google Analytics Forum also:

You can track the data in Google by adding the ip address along with the port number as website url.


How to update custom domain DNS to point Firebase keeping the custom domain address?

I have purchased a custom domain from Google and configuring it's DNS to point to Firebase URL. It is showing 404 error.

analytics, url forwarding continue tracking old site

I rebranded my website and changed the domain name, I setup a forward at my web host.
So for example forwards to
In Google Analytics is still getting lots of sessions, and isn't, I don't understand why!

Cross Domain Tracking with Universal Analytics and GTM

I'm tracking everything through Google Tag Manager.
So I have my main domain and I have a landing page at my parter's domain This landing page is redirected to with a DNS CNAME redirect.
Without any customization the traffic from the will be tracked as a referrer in Google Analytics.
What I want to do is to track the traffic from as my own traffic. So I have setup the GTM according to the UA dev guide with the "autolink" features. I have tried to add both and in the "Auto Links Domain" field. The traffic is still getting tracked as referred traffic.
How should I set this up in GTM, in order to track my traffic as my own and not as referred traffic?

Using Website IP address to set up Google Analytics

Trying to set up Google analytics tracking on my site. Right now it's in QA phase, site is not officially launched with vanity URL yet. So we are using Site IP address to enter in web property URL.
However, we do not get any data in GA, I wonder if it';s because we are using IP rather than url.
I see a post asking the same question but no answers yet: Google Analytics - IP Address as Website URL

Does Google Analytics track the traffic of multiple domains?

I have a website I created an analytics account for this and included the tracking code. Later I registered a new domain and pointed to the same website In Google analytics report, will the analytics display the traffic from both domains or do I need to make some alterations?
Google Analytics tracks website traffic no matter what hostname is specified in the page URL. You can use the Hostname dimension in the content report to find out.
In your case, depending on the type of hostname redirection you may or may not see the in your reports. When you navigate to the in browser, pick any page and can see in your browser - it will be tracked. If you can see - the last will be tracked.
If you website is accessible via and - you may have an issue with cross-domain users and duplicated (inflated count of) users since GA cookie in a browser is set per hostname
I have the same situation where our URL has changed and we are now in a crossover period while both URLs are active.
Without changing the tracking code I am getting our stats as before but I cannot tell in the analytics reports which URL the visitor used to access the site. If that is not of concern to you then you don't need to update your tracking code.
There is a secondary dimension under Content called "Hostname", this will break out your traffic by whether or not it was visited from or
