Adobe Air parent frame bridge - iframe

I tried following the tutorial at but just can't get it right.
I have an app with an iFrame. Dynamically loading into the iFrame are pages from a website. To ensure any links in these pages open in the local client browser, the iFrame content needs to call a function in the parent to launch the link as desired.
So the child iFrame needs to call the following function in the parent:
function openInBrowser(url) {
air.navigateToURL(new air.URLRequest(url));
How can I achieve this using the bridge technique?

Ok, I guess the good old read the instructions worked! Although not in the above page, but a link from that page... ;(
I followed the tutorial at:
and it worked very well!


mmenu wordpress plugin - can't setup position from option page

I'm using the free version of mmenu plugin for wordpress. The menu is working correctly but it opens always from the left, even if i set up another position from the option page.
If I inspect the js file "mmenu.js" it seems that the option is passed correctly as I can see it in the code this string:
extensions: { "all": ["position-top"] }
But if I inspect the HTML source there are still the classes as the menu is setup to be opened from the left: (mm-wrapper--position-left, mm-menu--position-left, ...)
I wonder if this is a known issue or just a problem of my website, and if maybe you have a possible solution.
Thanks in advance

Open a link in a frame/lightbox

im using wordpress and want to add a link which open in a frame/lightbox. Cant find a small solution for that.
There should be no new window. Just a content box which appear inside the page where i am. I hope u know what i mean
That should be pretty easy using the Easy Fancybox plugin.
Citing the entry from the FAQ section of the plugin's page:
Can I display web pages or HTML files in a FancyBox overlay?
Yes. First, enable the iFrame option on Settings > Media. Then, in your post or page content create a link to any web page or .htm(l) file in your content. Then switch to the Text tab in the Classic Editor or to Edit as HTML (under More options in the block menu) in Gutenberg, find the link <a ... > tag and give it a class="fancybox-iframe" attribute.
Voilà !
Beware, though, that:
Note: Not all external web pages are allowed to be embedded in an iframe and may be blocked by a server response header or script. The result will be either an empty/blank light box or the target page “breaking out” of the light box and loading in the main browser tab.
And you'd probably face the same problem with any other iframe solution. So that would work better with locally served pages.

Why iframe is not loading all webpages in winjs app?

Hi All,
I took a blank WinJS Store app and placed the below code in default.html file
<iframe src="" height="400" width="400"></iframe>
But the iframe is not loading the google home page. The page is left blank. While if I replace the src value to "" its working fine. Why is this strange behavior. Do we need to acquire any other permissions kind of thing for some urls? Kindly help me out.
Thanks in Advance
You can't load ooogle in iframe,since they are blocking this facility.
You can use Iframe for some other sites,but you won't get full controll of their JS[Loading sites] ,may have to face some breaking point in such sites.
if you really want to load google try this,.
1. Make your default browser as IE10.
2. trigger an event.
function openYourLink(){
var url = new Windows.Foundation.Uri("")
In Windows 8.1 you'll also be able to use the webview control which is not sensitive to frame-busting code that sites like Google use.

Chrome Extension: Communication iframe <-> Content Script

Well, a often discussed thing. But I can't get it work. What has to be done:
The Content or Background Script has to communicate with the iframe et vice versa.
The iframe is under my hand, so there is everything possible.
I tried a lot. It doesn't work at all. For instance: If I deploy the content script on every page with allFrames=true via (manifest). Ok, makes sense. The iframe is created later so the trigger won't be called. So let's do this: create the iframe and afterwards sending an executeScript request:
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabinst.tab_id, { allFrames: true, file:'frame.js'}, function() {
But that doesn't work either. Has anyone a solution to communicate with an XDM iframe and a chrome extension?
PS: How nice it would be if the chrome extension would allow postMessage on iframe
The code doesn't get injected in the iframe. Scenario:
The file "file.js" has a simple foo function in it. I now apply it with the above statement 2 seconds after the iframe was created and showed. This function foo is not available in the iframe...but is in the content script. The ReferenceError is thrown by trying to execute foo within the iframe (by click).
So, it's not a timing thing. And it doesn't matter if I apply the Scripts via manifest and all_frames true. If that would work, the content_script would be available. But is not.
Yeah, thanks, that works! I just got through it. My problem was, that I assumed that when the callback of chrome.tabs.executeScript is called, the requested script is ended and the including DOM manipulation finished. But that's actually not the case. It takes some time till the script in the iframe and the containing listener is ready.
So I had to send a chrome.extension.sendRequest from that script in the iframe and then start some code out of the background listener to manipulate the iframe. Thanks for your help.
PS: It's also possible to do it without "all_frames": true. It just takes some time till the dynamic iframe is ready. With a timeout it works. For the most cases, this is not useful, but maybe someone has another user interaction first.
PPS: I still can't see why it's possible like this, and not possible to send postMessage events. But maybe somewhen this will works.
I just tested and content script is getting injected into dynamically created iframes (I used manifest). I think the problem is you are trying to access content script's function within iframe, which is not allowed.
Inside your iframe you can't just do:
<a onclick="contentScriptFunction()"></a>
You need to be adding event listener from within the content script:

How to include HTML contents from another site? I have access to both sites

I have a site which is using DNN (DotNetNuke) as a content management system. I am using another site for my event registrations. I have sent them my template; which displays the basics including a hover menu with many different items in it.
Issue is - as I update the menu on my site using DNN, I need it to be reflected on the site using my template - without me having to send them a new file. Anyone have suggetsions on how to approach this?
I don't want to send the events provider all of the DNN DLLs as well as my database login information in order to render the menu.
I created a page on my site that is something like 'menu.aspx' - this produces the menu in HTML format, however it has tags like in it that I'd like to remove before serving it to them.
What is the best approach for this? Do I need to write a custom server control using XMLHttp? Can I accomplish this in Javascript?
Any advice much appreciated.
Thank you!
If both sites are hosted on the same domain (eg and you can use JavaScript and XmlHttpRequest to insert code from one site to another. Otherwise, the Same Origin Policy prevents you from using AJAX.
If they're not on the same domain but you have access to the page on their website, you can simply include there a JS script from your site :
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
In the JS, simply document.write() what you want on the page. This way, you can easily change the content of the page on their site without having to send them a new file.
Finally, you can also use an iframe on their site, pointing to a page on yours.
EDIT: As Vincent E. pointed out, this will only work if they're on the same domain - my bad.
If you are unwilling or unable to use frames, then I would set up an ashx on your DNN server which renders the menu (if you've got it in a user control all the better, as you can just instatiate it and Render it directly to the output stream) and then just make an Ajax call to that from your events page and insert it directly into the DOM.
Here's a quick and hacky jquery-based example of the events page end of things:
<script type="text/javascript">
function RenderMenu(data)
$(document).ready(function() {
type : 'GET',
url : 'http://localhost/AjaxHandlers/Menu.ashx',
data : '',
success : RenderMenu,
You'll want an empty div with the ID 'Menu' on the page where you want your menu to sit, but apart from that you're good to go.
If for whatever reason you can't get the menu HTML in an isolated way, then you'll need to do some text processing in RenderMenu, but it's still do-able.
I am not a web expert, so don't shoot me.
Can't you just put their registration form into an iFrame in DNN ?
