WebKit and overflow: hidden affecting width - css

I'm having a problem with overflow and width in Google Chrome/Webkit. This is a follow-up question on this question, there you will find the CSS. I need to have visibility: hidden to fix the problem in the first question.
The problem is visible in the screenshots below.
Why does this attribute affect the width in Webkit? Can I solve this without nasty hacks? Or can I re-think my strategy for the right pane?
Main div with overflow: visible. The div is stretched to the right pane, as it should be.
Main div with overflow: hidden. The right pane is now affecting the main div's width.

It's due to "formatting context" : http://www.communitymx.com/content/article.cfm?cid=6BC9D
"Floats don't overlap each other, and neither will a float overlap an element that establishes a new block formatting context."
If you use overflow: hidden to create a new block formatting context in the main div, you don't need the horizontal margins any more.


Move a child element positioned absolutely outside of its parent container

I'm trying to move the green box 10px outside of the top of its container. However, since .cover has an overflow of hidden, the top of the green box isn't showing. How can I show the green box without switching around elements in the DOM?
Sorry for the confusion and the lack of info. Also, if I take off overflow: hidden or switch it to visible, the container reduces to 0 height which then hides a vertical border (on the site I'm working on) that spans the height of the content.
if I take off overflow: hidden or switch it to visible, the container reduces to 0 height which then hides a vertical border
Sounds like you're using overflow:hidden; to create a new block formatting context. Obviously the side effect is that you can't easily have any overflow. That MDN page I linked includes a list of ways to force a new block formatting context. One thing you can do is replace overflow:hidden; with display:inline-block; width:100%;. This demo uses that method: https://jsfiddle.net/sb40ha0n/
As pointed out by Roko C. Buljan, Clearfix methods might also be available to correct this issue.

Child Dynamic Height with Fixed Parent Height

I have a parent element with a fixed height, with 2 child elements.
The first element is dynamic in height, according to its content (or collapsed nature).
I want the 2nd element to be as high as it can be, until reaching the end of the parent's height. The trick is, I want it to be scrolled if it has more content than its height.
Here is a Fiddle demonstrating this. Notice the 2nd section is cut - I'm trying to get it to scroll. Of course I can have overflow: auto, but I want only the child div to scroll, and not the entire parent.
I solved this with Javascript and it worked fine.
However, due to some glitches and animations, it didn't look all that smooth.
I tried searching for a CSS only solution, but nothing I did came close to solving this. Is there a way, or am I bound to dynamic calculations in JS ?
.parent {
max-height: 250px;
overflow: hidden;
Edit: Fiddle had incorrect link, fixed now.

How can I have display: block; elements wrap around a floated element like text would?

I've done a bit of Googling and found a number of references to the problem I'm trying to solve, but all suggest the same solution that I can't use. The problem is that I have a sidebar floated right and some divs that need to expand to the width left over from the sidebar, but then expand to the full width when the sidebar is no longer preventing them from doing so.
The jsfiddle is here: http://jsfiddle.net/qdk3n/
The solution found elsewhere is to apply overflow: hidden; to the .left items. This achieves exactly the effect I want: divs that share horizontal space with the sidebar only expand as far as the sidebar, but additional divs expand to the full allowed width. Unfortunately, there will be an absolutely positioned item inside the left divs that exceeds the size of the div and will get cropped if I apply overflow: hidden;, so I can't use that. Is there any way to accomplish what I'm trying to do without using overflow: hidden;?
Note: I don't know the size of either the sidebar or any of the left divs prior to page render time, and I cannot use Javascript in any way, shape, or form (since this is meant to work for users with JS disabled). The only dimension I can set in all of this is the width of the sidebar; the divs need to be fluid and I can't arbitrarily choose some number of them to only extend part of the way.
Also note: I've seen this: Div stretch then wrap around other floated div. It is exactly what I'm trying to do, but the only real solution is the overflow: hidden; property, and I can't use that.
Unless i missed something, i don't think it is possible to achieve exactly what you ask for.
The reason overflow: hidden; changes the behavior of the (display: block;) elements is something called "Block Formatting Context", which you can read about here;
Technically, you can keep the elements display: block; and have them respect the floated sidebar, by floating your left divs as well, but this will unlikely have the effect you want.
However, any inline content inside your left divs are going to respect the floated sidebar, so i don't really see the need for the divs to behave like you describe (maybe elaborate on your reasons behind it to get more constructive feedback).

Is it possible to position or float an element without affecting overflow?

I am working on a site design in which the main content area is centered via margin: auto and has a fixed width.
I would like to place another element slightly outside of this fixed width (off to the right, in my case) without affecting the overflow scrolling of the center content area.
Perhaps this is better explained with an example: http://jsfiddle.net/rxje6/
In this example, try shrinking the bottom right pane and notice how the bottom scroll bar appears immediately after the orange goes out of view. Although this is the default behavior, this is not what I want. I prefer the scroll bar to only appear once the gray area is obscured and the orange to be hidden out of view.
I've tried absolute positioning, but the scroll bar still appears. Using overflow: hidden on the primary navigation div works, but simply chops off the overflowing orange.
Any help is much appreciated!
P.S. Stackoverflow's tag helper seems to be down at the moment, so I'm placing this under css for now since I can't think of any others.
One method is to wrap everything in a new div:
#container {
overflow-x: hidden;
min-width: 400px
See: http://jsfiddle.net/thirtydot/rxje6/1/

How to "clear" overflow:visible elements?

I have one div element at the top of my page that is set to overflow:visible. Immediately beneath it, I have the page content.
I do not want the top div to expand, because of aesthetic reasons, but I would like the content below to treat the overflow from above as it would a block element...by "clearing" it.
I know about CSS clear...but it doesn't seem to apply to overflow.
Is there a correct method to do this?
The overflow:visible doesn't really have anything to do with the issue, as it's the default.
Set the height of the top div, and put another floating div inside it for the content. The floating div will expand outside the top div, and you can use the clear style to get below it.
overflow: auto;
it will expand the div and should solve your problem
