Pros/Cons of using BizTalk instead of NServiceBus or MassTransit - biztalk

I am curious if it even makes consider BizTalk for the implementation of a pub/sub messaging architecture (basically what you can do with NServiceBus or MassTransit is all I really need). My manager tends to want to stick with frameworks provided directly from Microsoft and so as part of my due diligence as to which one to use I need to give a good set of pro/cons for both sides. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

One of the major cons of a Broker is that it is very difficult to version and upgrade. You would have to stop the flow of messages to upgrade a particular endpoint(s). A Service Bus allows endpoints to be autonomous and be upgraded independently.
Then there is a difference in terms of scale. With a Broker the tendency is to scale those up(vertical) versus a Service Bus which is built for scaling out(horizontal). You would also have to make the Broker highly available through some sort of HA setup(clustering usually). This combined with the cost of software to do so can become pretty cost prohibitive.
NSB in particular will be offering a paid support model so if your manager is nervous about not having someone on the other end of the line when something goes wrong, you can buy into support.

Biztalk is a broker and is more suited for EAI within the boundaries of different business services. A servicebus is fundamentally different. A comparison can be found here:
If you can share some of your requirements I might be able to give some more guidance.

It's important to note that BizTalk is a server product for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI -- as Andreas mentioned). It's more involved and complicated than a framework.
Microsoft does have the Enterprise Service Bus Toolkit available to use within BizTalk, so that you can call your BizTalk environment your ESB. What they consider "ESB" may not be what you consider ESB. You can take a look at their ESB Toolkit page (, but it includes things like:
Dynamic (i.e., at run-time) message
transformation and translation.
Message routing can be content-based, itinerary-based, or context-based, and determined at run-time.
Of course, the publish-subscribe pattern is not the same thing as using a service bus.
BizTalk does do pub-sub well, whether or not you use the ESB Toolkit. It's extremely simple to publish a single message to the BizTalk "Message Box", and have the message routed to any and all subscribers. The pub-sub solution means that BizTalk acts as a broker, but this helps guarantee that messages do not get missed, and all messages are tracked. A BizTalk pub-sub solution has built-in extensibility points that allow us to add, change, or remove endpoints without impacting the rest of the solution.
All that being said, your requirements may not dictate extensive message reliability, monitoring, and tracking, so it could be that BizTalk is not the best fit for you. It is a large investment, and since the product can do so many different things all at once, it can be daunting at a first glance.
A new book was just published call Applied Architecture Patterns on the Microsoft Platform, which covers much of this. One of that book's authors, Richard Seroter, also published SOA Patterns with BIzTalk Server 2009, which would be essential reading if you do decide to go with BizTalk for your company.

I'm with Andreas on this - BizTalk is generally more suited to 'value add' integration and business process management, rather than ESB type activity. BizTalk is good at:
Long Running / Compensated Transactions
Brokering / Mapping
Protocol changes (MQ to WCF, Flat File to SAP etc)
However, efforts have been made to use BizTalk as a service bus, notably the ESB Toolkit


Do I need a message broker like service bus with BizTalk?

I want to connect my database to CRM and as far as I understand BizTalk is the best choice. I know that BizTalk has its own messaging system, but is it enough considering the stability of my data or shall I put a message-bus in between?
Adding another link in a chain will not make the chain more available.
BizTalk has many built in mechanisms to improve the stablity of this connection. Think of automatic retries, automatic throttling. There is no need for servicebus for stability.
You may want to use servicebus when you need to use a protocol that BizTalk does not support (for example, CRM in the cloud uses azure queues, which BizTalk 2010 does not support (higher versions do)).
If the environment that you run BizTalk on is stable, then BizTalk will be stable as well. If the environment is not-so stable, then you can look into clustering to create some added stability.
No. Adding any 'message broker' between BizTalk and CRM, or most any system really, will only add unnecessary complexity. This would be a net negative.

BPM vs ESB - Orchestration?

Can we safely say that if ESB provides Orchestration features, it is eligible to be an implementation of BPM?
I understand that BPM has a different purpose, which is to Model some business processes and the implementation of those business processes can be done by any simple Java/J2EE application, complex SOA application, or some application saying that I provide BPM. Is that right?
First Question:
Your statement is valid for some business processes which merely models request-response interaction.
But when it comes to complex business processes we need to consider some other features apart from orchestration features. Here I have list down few such scenarios.
Let's take a business process which requires to maintain its state for a long period of time. We normally call them state-ful or long running business processes. To support these sort of business processes, there should be a state persistence mechanism. This functionality is not relevant to orchestration features.
Consider a business process, which requires some compensation capabilities. In that case, some of the business process modelling standards like, WS-BPEL have defined its compensation mechanisms. So apart from orchestration features, there are some other features which are needed to be considered.
Second Question:
Yes. But there are several pros in a BPM engine compared to your mentioned implementation mechanisms.
One advantage is, it's not possible to achieve a level of modelling abstraction provided by a BPM engine from a Java application. Let's say we used a JAVA application to implement a business process logic and that business process went to production. Say we need to change a endpoint URL of its partner service. In this case, now the business process implementation need to be modified, re-compiled and deployed back into the production system. if we implement the business process with a business process language standard like WS-BPEL, we can change the business process configuration very easily and push it back to the production. This improves the efficiency and reduce the business maintenance cost.
As well there are other reasons like easy adaptability and flexibility.
I've created these slides some time ago to explains exactly how you can use them both and the relationships between them:
You need to understand the different perspective between something like BPEL/ESB/Orchestration and BPMN (business oriented) they have very different scopes.
Normally ESB is assigned to the middle layer — orchestrating low-level services into larger service units, which will be exposed to the business for use in processes — and BPMs in the top layer.
So BPM will be used in the Business Process Orchestration Layer and ESB will enable and facilitate this by working in the Business Services and Service Enablement.
In another words to be successful with business processes first you need to have all your systems and apps exposed as services; that is where an ESB comes into play.
You could see this link :
Let me add clarity by making the distinction between BPM, Orchestration, and ESB, via design patterns and specifications.
Generally speaking, "Orchestration" has been defined as a compound pattern employing the Process Abstraction, Process Centralization, and the State Repository design patterns. By virtue of the implementation of the State Repository Pattern and contrary to a previous post, Orchestration supports long running, synchronous business processes, just like BPM.
The major practical distinction between the 2 is that Orchestration middleware (e.g. WebSphere Process Server, BizTalk, Oracle BPEL Manager, and Windows Workflow Foundation) supports most of the WS * specifications. This includes Ws BPEL, Ws Security, Ws Atomic Transaction, Ws Business Activity, Ws Reliable Messaging, etc., while most BPM Tools do not.
As a result, feel free to use Orchestration at an Enterprise Level, but be very careful about using BPM in that scope.
In practice, both BPM and Orchestration tools enable the graphical representation of a business process. The distinction is that Orchestration may be expressed through Vendor-Neutral BPEL (Business Process Execution Language), while BPM is expressed via Vendor Specific BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation). This is another reason to avoid BPM tools at the SOA/Enterprise Level.
In cases where a BPM Tool implements the Ws * specifications, it is an Orchestration Engine for all practical purposes. The distinction again being that BPM tools rely on Vendor-Specific BPMN and Orchestration tools rely on Vendor-Neutral BPEL.
In cases where both BPM and Orchestration need to coexist, limit BPM to application architecture (e.g. MVC style) and let Orchestration promote the sharing of enterprise assets.
An ESB is an entirely different animal. It should used for asynchronous, rather than synchronous processes and relies on a different set of design patterns (i.e. Service Broker, Asynchronous Queuing, Intermediate Routing, and the Content Enricher patterns)

Difference between RPC system and Enterprise Service Bus

What's the difference between an RPC System, like Twitter's Finagle, and an Enterprise Service Bus, like Mule? What kind of problems are each of them good at solving?
I will try to answer this as a soft explanation, rather than a technical breakdown of features:
One may say that Finagle is a asynchronous messaging library that allows services to connect to one another freely (not tightly tied to architectural system integration standards) while supporting multiple protocols.
From the Finagle website:
Finagle is a network stack for the JVM that you can use to build asynchronous Remote Procedure Call (RPC) clients and servers in Java, Scala, or any JVM-hosted language. Finagle provides a rich set of protocol-independent tools.
An enterprise service bus (ESB), on the other hand, is a asynchronous messaging architecture which typically adheres to industry standards and protocols. An ESB promotes a system where message flow is controlled and routed between systems, and where servers can register their service and clients can register what messages they are interested in. The services offered by servers can be registered and versioned.
You will typically find Finagle being used somewhere between a website and backend services. But, you will typically find an ESB inside a large corporate, where it's responsible to integrating systems like finance, support, sales, etc.
Both solutions offer asynchronous messaging and buffering to various extends, but are not designed to solve the same problem. For ESB, you would probably think 'strict, enterprise', but for Finagle you would probably think 'flexible, web'.
Hope this helps
Not quite related, but if you are exploring this space, I would look at Kafka these days.
RPC and ESB are two architectural patterns. While RPC is usually a request-reply and synchronous in nature, an ESB works on the concept of messaging (simplified explanation) and of asynchronous in nature. ESB is the foundation for any SOA implementation. ESB enables loose coupling thus promoting true agility. A simplified example from implementation perspective is as follows:
A web service is a typical RPC. The consumer is tightly bound to the producer and any change in the contract on the producer side, will require changes on the consumer side.
In ESB, the service consumer doesn't invoke the service producer directly. It just puts the message in the bus and based on the rules (mediator), appropriate service producer will handle it. If the service consumer and service producer talk in different formats, ESB provides the facility to do the transformation (like formatting the zipcode as xxxxx-xxxx, splitting the name into first name and last name, etc.).
This is just simplified explanation. For more information, please check the following links:
Why do developers need an Enterprise Service Bus?
Enterprise Service Bus
Both solve completely different problems:
An ESB is an intermediation middleware that provides message transformation and routing, protocol adaptation and other value-add operations (like orchestration, guaranteed delivery, idempotent filtering...). It sits in-between your service consumers and providers and transparently (ie without any change in consumer or provider) provides its different features.
An RPC system provides client and server technologies for performing RPC operations.

Is BizTalk an ESB?

I am looking into architectural patterns, Enterprise Services Bus (ESB) precisely. Upon reading this article Enterprise Integration, and with little to no experience I am wondering if BizTalk has is a ESB or is it just a EAI (Hub/Spokes or Bus)?
I found this NServiceBus and Biztalk, describing BizTalk as a central message broker.
Taking other ESB frameworks into account (NServiceBus and Rhino Service Bus). These frameworks have no central point to process messages.
Is Biztalk a EAI rather than an ESB?
Many thanks
BizTalk is punted by Microsoft as having ESB capabilities - see the BTS ESB toolkit
However, the term 'ESB' covers a very broad field, and there is a lot of subjectivity about an exact definition of an ESB. IMHO there are weak points in BizTalk's claim to be comprehensive as an ESB (in a > 2010 definition of the term).
BTS originated in the Hub-and-Spoke EAI era, before ESB became widespread.
BTS is more suited toward asynchronous processes than synchronous processes - latencies will vary depending on load on the system, throttling state, etc.
BTS is cumbersome when it comes to ease of versioning of services and schemas (new deployment is needed)
BTS is cumbersome when it comes to management of MANY services (e.g. Using BizTalk as a facade for all 5000 of your corporate SOA / Web Services will be painful)
FWIW we have found BTS a good fit for:
all of our synchronous and asynchronous EAI (i.e. formalized integration contracts between major LOB systems, and with trading partners), and the large number of adapters assists with integrating a wide number of protocols.
For Business Process and Business Monitoring capabilities
Addressing transactional and delivery reliablity - Biztalk has capability to retry, tracking and resumption of Suspended messages, which is useful over unreliable networks or when it comes to integration with unreliable systems.
Update, with some further comparative experiences
BTS is very centralised - ultimately, even a multi-server BizTalk cluster / group is dependent on Sql-Server. Queue based ESB products tend to be more decentralised (logically and physically), so loss of a few endpoint or queue servers should not pull the whole enterprise down.
Many queue based ESB's are built on open source technologies, with an eye on avoiding single vendor lock-in
Many contemporary ESB's seem to take a commodity-computing approach to scale out. Scaling out with products like BizTalk can become expensive.
On the plus side, the monitoring and administration capabilities of commercial offerings like BTS should not be underestimated - make sure any ESB you are considering has adequate auditing, instrumenting, retry, and diagnostic (WMI / SNMP / SCOM etc) capabilities - you'll need a dashboard to monitor the health of your bus, and there is nothing worse than not knowing where a message went. Here, centralisation administration and diagnosis is a plus.
BizTalk is a messaging and workflow orchestration platform, on which you can build ESB behaviours and capabilities. To make this easier, and standardise ESB implementation on BizTalk, Microsoft released the BizTalk ESB Toolkit - a set of guidelines, patterns and code.
The concepts of EAI and BPM have been around for a while, so there are many companies that have leveraged BizTalk to create solutions to these problems. Companies that host a full ESB on BizTalk server are far fewer, and adoption has certainly slowed in the advent of WCF/WF/NServiceBus and, of course, Azure Service Bus.
So in summary, BizTalk out of the box is nether EAI or ESB, but can do both with a number of developers applied to the problem.
By "EAI or ESB" I'm assuming you wanted to know if BizTalk follows the Hub&Spoke or the Bus architecture.
From an architecture patterns perspective, integration solutions roughly fall under one of the two patterns-
The Hub and spoke:
This involves a centralized message broker sending out messages to various receivers, while all the senders send their messages only to this broker.
Thus neither the senders nor the receivers need to be aware of each other.
This is typically what many people refer to as EAI (although it is absolutely possible to implement an EAI solution that follows the BUS pattern).
Solutions following this pattern are easy to develop and administer. All the routing logic is centrally managed at one place - in the hub.
But as you would have guessed, this has a glaring drawback - single point of failure. If the hub crashes everything comes to a halt. Also, this model doesn't scale very well.
Enterprise Integration solutions developed around this pattern are generally referred to as ESB. There is no intelligent central authority here. All senders publish their messages on the bus. The receivers need to be intelligent enough to determine which messages are intended for them and take them off the bus.
Thus the senders and the receivers need only be aware of the bus. But here the routing logic is spread across the receivers so there is no single point of failure. Also this model is highly scalable. However such solutions are quite complex and difficult to administer.
Coming to the question which pattern does BizTalk follow- it is a hybrid of both these patterns.
the Hub-like appearance is very obvious with its centralized Messaging Engine, and a central MessageBox database. This gives one the simplicity and ease of administration which is typical of the hub approach.
But if you look at the BizTalk architecture, one can have a Host with its Host Instances spread across multiple servers. It is also possible to have the different BizTalk databases like MessageBox, Tracking, Ent SSO etc. configured on different servers. This makes BizTalk solutions more scalable and tolerant to faults than the run-of-the-mill hub implementations - which is a behavior usually attributed to the bus approach.
Hope this answers your question.
BizTalk is certainly an ESB. EAI is more of a loose concept - BizTalk can certainly be deployed to support EAI, and it can also do a lot more.
BizTalk is more than an ESB but certainly fits the bill. This link is a little old, but answers your exact question.
EDIT: Here is a more-recent MS link that gets into specifics of implementation.
BizTalk can be used as both EAI and ESB.
As for ESB, the BizTalk server architecture is publish-subscribed, a single message can be published to the messagebox which acts as the messaging backbone bus. That message can be received by one or more destination systems that are subscribed to that message. Of course there more capabilities and features that you can get by using BizTalk server like the mapper tool and the use of pipeline components for example.
For use as EAI, BizTalk offers you orchestrations that manage the business logic, LOB(Line of business) adatpers to connect to systems(also legacy), mapper tool, rules engine, and a lot of what you need in order to integrate the different systems in or outside your company.
Absolutely! Biztalk comes from an EIS background, which makes perfect sense for ESB as an infrastructure backplane for service-oriented architectures that span hybrid technical platforms.
At a previous company we chose Biztalk in preference to the IBM ESB product for reasons of functionality and lower cost.
It is Microsoft, so you get what you pay for, but still well worth looking into.
Biztalk Server withot "ESB Toolkit" Is not an ESB.
Because of the following:
Is a contract first, need to build you message types first.
Need to Plan the whole scenario first to minimize the impact of changes.
Changes requires Deployment which increases downtime.
Regarding to your qustion, Yes BizTalk Server is EAI Product
I agree with most of what's said here. It's a stretch to pitch BizTalk as an all inclusive EBS solution even with the EBS toolkit.
To address a couple points made here ...
•BTS is more suited toward asynchronous processes than synchronous
processes - latencies will vary depending on load on the system,
throttling state, etc.
BizTalk hosts with unchanged defaults are not ideal for a low latency. But those hosts are meant to be tuned. Out of the box configuration is not suitable for any situation where throughput is needed. In my experiences of walking into an organization where BizTalk has been shunned there is always an untuned single host setup sitting in the middle of it. It is somewhat analogous to making tables in a dbms with no indexes, getting performance issues and saying the dbms itself sucks.
•BTS is cumbersome when it comes to ease of versioning of services and
schemas (new deployment is needed)
Like with any development platform you need to have a deployment strategy. If schemas have version in the namespace you do not need to redeploy anything. A new version maybe deployed without taking anything down.
As far as the service endpoints are concerned BizTalk can host web services without the use of IIS (BizTalk can use HTTP.SYS to host just as IIS does). To host an inprocess service in BizTalk is merely a matter of importing a binding which can be done without stopping anything in BizTalk. In those end points you can implement versioning as well (like http:.../thing/v1, http:.../thing/v2, etc.).
Anyway ~5 years have passed I'm sure you have hit a conclusion before now :)
BizTalk can do both ESB and EAI, depends how you design your biztalk applications.

Is orchestration an ESB responsibility?

Is an Enterprise Service Bus (a tool that acts as a mediator, a message broker, a service enabler, schema transformation enhancer, transparent location provider, service aggregator, load balancer, monitor, and all that stuff) responsible to orchestrate services?
What about putting an automated business business process with more than thousand steps and dozens of service invocations inside your enterprise service bus?
Would you do it, or would you use a specialist in orchestration such as a BPEL engine?
Please gimme you opinion.
Yes and no. There's a thin, and sometimes indistinguishable line between orchestration and aggregation/service augmentation.
In general, if you've got any long-running or complex business process (process being the key word, although I'm going to avoid defining it) - that's best suited to BPEL.
Simple tasks, such as aggregating the results of three service calls, could and often should be done in an ESB layer.
It's not worth losing too much sleep over, though
Disclaimer: I am an IBM ESB consultant, although I'm not writing this in an official capacity.
No, an ESB's responsibility is not the orchestration of services (per se).
The ESB provides a layer of abstraction at the "software infrastructure level".
This means that an ESB is a "single logical abstract port of call for connectivity" with any service that is published on the bus.
The ESB being abstract, means that consumers of services on the bus, don't "need to know" deployment details of the service, and it is possible to expose "internally facing services" with a single document model. The ESB provides low level services (such as protocol translation and message transformation), so that internally services can communicate in a simplified fashion.
This implies some orchestration: The ESB provides orchestration of the afore mentioned low level services (e.g. when service X is called via IIOP, translate this to SOAP with Attachments. Then transform the request from whatever serialized data to an XML payload).
The orchestration you would typically avoid in an ESB is: In order to process this (insurance) sale, we first need to validate the information provided by the buyer, then we need to underwrite the risk of insuring, and finally calculate the premium that needs to be paid for the insurance, after which we need to… etc.
The steps described above are clearly a business process (which could even be interrupted… e.g. if automatic underwriting is not possible, then a human underwriter needs to further assess the risk).
Business Services (e.g. Validation, Underwriting, Premium Calculation) that make up a Business Process (e.g. Insurance Sale), which is what is typically referred to as Orchestration, is best suited to happen in a Business Process Engine and defined using a formalized Business Process Modeling Language (such as BPEL).
Also making a guess about the many steps in your process: In the above example, Validation is a (course grained) service. The validation rules themselves are internal to that service. For complex business rules (i.e. not business process), the use of a Business Rules Engine may be required.
My short quick answer is NO, that not its responsability.
I would rather let that to the BPEL or a BPM suite.
Mhh I don't know what else to add :) ... Good luck?
Now my own vision.
Regarding all the work an ESB has to do, putting service orchestration inside the main infrastructure element of your SOA is not a good idea.
Aggregate, ok! But keeping your communication channel busy with business logic will, for sure, cause a terrible impact in the ability to delivery other features.
After all, most ESBs such as as BEA Aqualogic Service have a limited support for orchestration including lack of stateful capabilities, and activities like wait (a timer) or pick (wait for some input to move on the process), split/join capabilities (already added on ALSB 3.0), and so on.
No way. Just use tools like a BPEL engine or a tool like Weblogic Integration.
Whenever you have two or more services that interact use service orchestrator, i.e. for composition and process control services. If you have esb expose this composition service on esb. Now if you have to compose new service that includes this composition service use orchestrator and again expose on esb.
Use esb as service delivery mechanism and web service broker and proxy. In composing a service orchestrator will use esb to reach interacting services. If these interacting services use incompatible xml schemas esb can transform/map them to common schema in runtime and route service requests based on the content, e.g. namespace.
Yes orchestration is a responsibility, in most cases, of the ESB. Or, alternatively, if you draw a line between ESB infra and orchestration infra, then you are doing so on a physical level for performance reasons, not for logical attribution of responsibility.
You have 2 choices - when, for example, an HR system receives a new employee - where do you place the business logic that says "the compliance department will need to approve and check first, and then if that's ok, the HR department will need to finalise the hire, then the accounting department will need a new entry, and then the payroll system will need updating, and if that fails, then we'll need to send an email to HR"? If all business processes are considered 'owned' by the initiating dept/application, then the overall system that is the enterprise becomes complex, with disparate orchestration systems.
The second choice is centralise the orchestration, essentially making it a logical partner of the messaging platform. If you choose to see these as separate artifacts, that is up to you, but it is equally valid to described both as ESB.
An Enterprise Service Bus should never be responsible for orchestrating services.
Orchestration implies a minimum of "smarts", specifically the ability to compensate for failed transactions. Service bus tools will often say they offer "try-catch" or something like that but the ability to run scoped componsation is the mark of a proper orchestration tool. Additionally the ability to wait, know its own state, or keep things in suspense is another indicator that you're dealing with an orchestrator and not a bus.
Speaking to 1000+ steps plus dozens of services, consider the if-then's in the process. If all the if-then statements in your 1000 steps speak only to routing with no change to the payloads then you're still in "routing" and therefore still in ESB. But if there's even one nested if-then and I start to look for different tools. Aside, if-thens that look like routing can very quickly impact business logic. Once business logic starts showing up then a better language such as BPEL or BPMN is better.
The example of an orchestra conductor is often given to describe how orchestration works, a central individual directing the musicians according to a score. Often what's left off is the idea that the conductor is not only directing, but listening as well, and if something goes wrong can compensate in a reliable, repeatable way.
For instance imagine our first conductor goes to bring in the tuba player but said tuba player has decided to go do something else. A simple pinball-style "orchestrator" will bring in the tuba section, knowing full well it isn't there, and then wait for the audience to complain later. A really savvy conductor would see the tuba gone, and immediately bring up the deeper baritone horns to compensate.
