Find the source files of Wordpress - wordpress

i mean i want to see the source file of the main page.
when i click right click and choice the option view source, so i want to find
the "body" of the file,and edit it physical, which folder can i find it ?
thanks friends.

WordPress's HTML is generated by PHP in conjunction with CSS, so look in your active theme folder in wp-content/themes/yourtheme. You'll find all the parts of a WordPress theme: Using Themes « WordPress Codex.

WordPress runs on the server -- the "source" you're viewing from your browser is client-side, and is essentially the output of the WordPress PHP code that generates the pages (and some CSS transforms). In order to see the PHP source, you'll have to download it from WordPress's website yourself or look at your WP installation directory on your server.


Why does Wordpress Customizer think my theme is broken?

I am creating a Wordpress theme. I have index.php in my theme's root folder. I have my style.css in a separate folder /css. I've got the beginnings of the design done and everything is working fine.
I now want to add some options with Customizer. I've begun to add some in customizer.php. I then go to check what they look like in wp-admin, click "customize" on my theme and get...
"The active theme is broken. Reverting to the default theme."
The theme was working fine up until that point. I've deleted and re-installed it a couple of times now. All is well until I click "customize".
The error message instructs me to check index.php and style.css, both of which are present. Could it be because style.css is not in the root but in /css? If so, how do I get Customizer to recognise this? My stylesheet has been enqueued correctly in functions.php. As I say above, the theme works fine until I get involved with Customizer.
When I click theme details, wp seems to think the theme is a child of itself too. It isn't a child of anything. I am using underscores starter theme and adapting.
What is going on with Customizer and how do I fix it?
The style.css is a stylesheet (CSS) file required for every WordPress theme. It controls the presentation (visual design and layout) of the website pages. In order for WordPress to recognize the set of theme template files as a valid theme, the style.css file needs to be located in the root directory of your theme, not a sub-directory.
There must be connection lost when you update resulting to broken themes or missing files.
You need to reinstall a theme :
There are two ways to install WordPress themes.
Method 1.) Direct Upload inside WP Admin Console
Method 2.) Using an FTP Client
Method 1 is just a matter of uploading the theme from your WordPress admin console.
Once logged in, navigate to Appearance → Themes and click the "Install Themes" tab. Click the "Upload" link and browse to the location where you extracted the package and upload
Method 2 is pretty straightforward.
Using an FTP client is recommended. If the term FTP scares you, don't worry. It's no different than moving files and folders. Filezilla is a free and trusted FTP client.
Extract to your local machine
Login via FTP to your web server and navigate to the /wp-content/themes/ folder
Upload the entire themename folder and its contents. Example: /wp-content/themes/yourtheme/
Open your browser, log in to your WP admin section and (in the left column under Appearance) click the Themes link .Click Activate under the theme you just uploaded.

how to view and edit a wordpress php file locally (MAMP)

I am helping out creating a few wordpress templates. I've been sent over the basic content (wp-admin/wp-content/wp-includes folders and other wp-* files).
They've already created a new theme, and one front-page.php file. This file includes "parts" such as get_header and get_footer.
Essentially now they'd like me to create new templates using this theme, and php variables to make updating easier. My question is - how can I view this so I can see what i'm making?
I downloaded MAMP and set up a local server, and if I create a sample .php file in the htdocs folder, that page appears correctly. However when I paste the Wordpress folder that I was sent, nothing loads. Is there a special way to get a front-page.php including partials to load within a theme? Am I missing something obvious here?
You will have to Install WordPress completely in order to make it work. Then you will be able to add your folder in the "Themes" folder of WordPress..
You can Google "How to Install WordPress on Mamp" for more info... you will find plenty of websites helping you.
I also suggest you read a few blog post on how to create WordPress Themes... :)
Good luck

wordpress - how to access and edit index.php file

Is there a way to edit the index.php file in wordpress?
Around the web i found a lot of post saying to go to appearance -> editor,
but I can't find this menu... maybe this feature was removed...
So how can I do it?
There are two ways you can edit your PHP files.
Method 1: Edit the file in your Installation Directory on the Web Server
(this is what Anoop Asok is talking about)
Go to WordPress Installation directory. Follow the path wp-content >
themes. Open your theme folder. In that you can see index.php file.
Edit it and save.
Method 2: Edit the file from the WP Dashboard
(This is easier and is what you were trying to do but that file isn't always made available by your theme)
Download, install, and activate the Synchi plugin (this is an awesome IDE and one of its nice features is that it will allow you advanced theme editing)
Go to Appearance > Editor . Now you will see the -themes- window on the right and you will have full access to all your theme files.
Double-click your theme and drill down until you find your file you want to edit
NOTE! You should avoid editing your theme files because they might be over-written next time you update your theme. Make a child theme and put a copy of index.php in there and work off that one instead.
Please do this.
Go to WordPress Installation directory.
Follow the path wp-content > themes.
Open your theme folder.
In that you can see index.php file.
Edit it and save.

Modifying custom Wordpress pages

Sorry if this question is too basic (It would be great if someone could recommend me on a good resource/tutorial for starting up with wordpress development)
I am new to wordpress development. And I work on a Mac.
I downloaded MAMP, installed wordpress, and installed a custom theme which I bought online.
So far, I've been using the wordpress wp-admin interface to customize the theme.
I created a new Page called "myPage". I'm interested in making some design changes to myPage but the wp-admin tool is limited and I realized I have to start looking/modifying the code.
I'm using Netbeans, and created a new project of my local wordpress folder which contains the wp-admin, wp-content, wp-include folders.
However, I am not sure where in the code to find the page I created "myPage", in order to modify it.
I ran a search on all the code but I don't find any mention of it.
I guess my custom page is saved elsewhere? in the database?
Drill down through wp-content > themes > to your theme's folder. Inside there you will find a file called page.php. That is your default page template. To double check this is the page being used, in your wordpress backend, edit the page and on the right hand side in the 'page attributes' panel, you will see a dropdown under 'Template'. You're purchased theme may have many templates, so that is how you can tell which one is being used.
Note: Creating a page inside of the wordpress backend does not actually create a new page file for that page.
Hope this helps.
Yea, you can find your page in DB, check out link for more info.
To access your database, you need to go to url http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/ if everything is set right; or your local IP/phpMyAdmin/ if host alias is not set.
If you are looking for file, you should look in wpfolder/wp-content/themes/some-theme/ and now ether page.php or content-page.php I am not sure.

Integrate WordPress into existing php site using "the loop"

I'm trying to get WordPress to power a blog on an existing php site. I just want to have a directory and have wordpress running the pages in that directory, using the same look and feel as the rest of the site.
I'm using the method described in this article :
I already have everything up and running, but I can't find the appropriate php files to edit the css in the wordpress template. I don't know wordpress at all, so I can't trace back to the correct file without knowing the wordpress syntax.
I'm using the WordPress TwentyTwelve them. Can somebody tell me which php and css files control the right hand menu layout?
You can find the relevant files here:
The main stylesheet is style.css and the php files are all in there as well to edit to your liking.
NB. if you included the wordpress folder, it will be .../wordpress/wp-content/ etc.
