compiling libspeex for symbian - qt

I want to use libspeex library in my nokia Qt application. How do I compile speex for this purpose, and how do i add it to my qt project?

Did you check the README file for Symbian?
If you manage to compile it, basically you just need to add a line like this in your .pro file:
symbian:LIBS += c:/path/to/library/speex.lib
(or whatever the resulting library is called).


Integrating ros to an existing qt application

I have a QML, OpenCV application on qt5 which uses qmake and has a .pro file. I want to add publishers/subscribers to my qt project to publish video stream and instructions etc. I tried to use catkin_create_qt_pkg command to create a template and transfer my project to the template but there were numerous problems which made me question my approach. The ros-qt template uses Cmakelist and .ui instead of qml. So, I will need to change some things to integrate them.
First, is it possible to use ros with qmake and .pro instead of cmake. It would be easier to add just ros publishers and listeners to my existing application than changing the entire QML application. If not, how do I convert qmake and .pro to cmake and Cmakelist.txt (assuming that I can use QML with ros). Also, although it doesn't sound well, is it possible to use .pro for qt and Cmakelist.txt for ros in the same package?
Second, is it safe to use qt5 and qml with ros? The ros_qt app template uses qt4, not qt5. Here is the app template.

Creating a Win32 Application in Qt Creator

I'm looking to create a win32 application in Qt Creator - is this possible? If so, how would I go about doing it? My preference would definitely be to use native C code (and the native API) if possible.
Yes, you can use Qt Creator just as an IDE. It doesn't force you to use Qt or C++ only.
Create project for Qt Console Application
From .pro file remove "QT += core"
From main.cpp remove all Qt stuff
Include required WinAPI headers
Write C-code only
If you don't want to be tied to Qt at all, Qt Creator supports CMake. Create your CMakeLists.txt then open the file as a project in Qt Creator.

Using lupdate tool

I'm using Qt 4.7.1 on window vista.I want to make my qt application to be translatable.
How can I use the Lupdate tool to generate .ts files?
From where I can run it from Qt creator or Qt linguist?
or where ever your QT files are found, just check the bin folder.
Google told me this:

QT OpenGL QGLWidget cannot be found

I am new to Qt and I have problem. I downloaded Qt SDK for Open Source C++ development from, I add C:\QT\2010.05\bin in my PATH. When I start some demo projects it works, but when I create same project (I create a new project and copy the source code from the demo) it shows an error like "QGLWidget cannot be found" (I need to create an OpenGL project). Do I need to add anything else to my PATH? Does anybody know what could be the problem?
Edit your .pro file and add opengl as an option to QT:
QT += core gui opengl
You need to add the OpenGL module in your project file (.pro) as explain in the doc:
From Qt 6, you need to use cmake to access this. This is how you would do it:
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS OpenGL)
target_link_libraries(mytarget Qt::OpenGL)
For Qt 6+, add QT += openglwidgets instead of opengl, as per the documentation.

Linking GUI app against a static lib in QtCreator

What is the right way to build a library from source using MinGW and then reference it in the GUI application's project? I'm not familiar with gcc and makefiles, but I think there must be a utility which generates makefiles from existing source.
The library itself doesn't depend on anything except the standard C lib.
In the pro file write
LIBS += path/to/your/lib
This will add the reference to the static library. See the documentation.
