DocumentMap/Table of Contents for DocumentViewer, and calling a hyperlink by name or link number for XPS documents - bookmarks

I have XPS files with header bookmarks. If you open the source document in Word and go to view->Document Map, you see all of the bookmarks on the left. Is it possible to get this same functionality in DocumentViewer, like you would get with a PDF document in some sort of PDF reader?
Also, the RequestNavigateEventHandler shows that each hyperlink/bookmark in an XPS document has a specific Uri which is something like "C:\my path\to\file.xps#PG_N_LNK_X" where X is a unique number for the link and N is the page number. I would like to figure out a way to call a bookmark by its heading. For example, if I had a section called "Main Screen" which was on page 8 of the XPS File, the Uri for that bookmark would end something like #PG_8_LNK_3. Is it possible for me to get that Uri from the Bookmark Heading?

For those wondering, XPS documents are simply ZIP files. Extract the zip and parse the XML file \Documents\1\DocStructure.Struct for the outline entries.

Take a look at:
How to open a XPS in a specified bookmarks
The method "GetBookmarks" in the last answer extracts the bookmarks from the XPS-File. The method "GotoBookmarkElement" navigates to the bookmark.
A faster way to navigate to the bookmark could be done by setting the Frame.Source property:
DocFrame.Source = new Uri(string.Format("pack://file:,,,{0}/FixedDocSeq.fdseq#{1}", _filePath.Replace('\\', ','), bookmark.Name));
The input string for the Uri-Constructor look´s like:
for a file which is located in:


Extract URL stream from webpage?

I am trying to extract direct HTTP, RTSP, MP stream URLs or something that I can work with from this website:
Any idea how to do it, I've tried f12 using chrome, but wasn't sucessful.
Thank you.
"Any idea how to do it, I've tried F12 using Chrome, but wasn't successful."
You have to first open the Network tab of Chrome's Developer tools then...
In the small text box that shows filter text, type in there: .m3u8
Select a camera. It should show multiple .m3u8 files being loaded
Choose a playlist.m3u8 that does not have ?auth=b64%3A etc in the URL
Try testing this link (is M3U8 playlist) :
You can try the above link with some online player : HLS Stream Tester.
Edit : Regarding comments...
"The URL link works for just a while and then it stops. Can I solve it somehow?"
Yes, their links are time-limited and will expire so you need a page refresh to get the newest version of the M3U8 link.
If you want to automate the process then you will have to write code that achieves the following:
Choose a camera ID number from this listing. Notice that the "cam_id" is followed by the related location's "title". Example is "cam_id":19.
Using the camera's ID number, make a request to this URL:
Note: Where XXXX is the current time as a UNIX timestamp (eg : 1659717867824).
This will return some text. Part of that text has the URL with the Base64 "auth" that you need for a correct request. You get it by finding the start position of return " and extracting (via String functions) everything between up until the first occurrence of "; going forward from the start position.
Request this newly extracted link, which looks like example:
There will be a re-direct to another URL of same M3U8 file name but from a different location, so you need to find out this new URL. It has the folder name you need.
Eg: the folder name is: /f3630f4527ce8ddd69bf27580737d66f/ from:
The final URL is basically (using chunklist.m3u8 seems to work better):

Ms access 2010 how to open MSpaint with a blank page using the form name as a file name?

I made a program to create Jobs field Tickets, and i want to add a option in the same form that open MSPaint or other program in a blank page using the ticket number as a file name, so, whoever is creating the Ticket can hand draw anything.
Create an empty template image file with appropriate dimensions and file type at a constant path
use FileCopy to copy it to your desired path & file name
use Shell to launch a mspaint.exe command-line with your file name as parameter.

Render multiple PDF to browser with Report VIewer - ASP.NET

Current situation
I have ASP.NET web application that render PDF for users using MS Report Viewer. The PDF is rendered with this method:
Byte pdfByte = Byte();
pdfByte = ReportViewer.LocalReport.Render("PDF", Nothing, mimeType, encoding, extensions, stream, warning)
And send to browser as an attachment with response object:
Response.ContentType = mimeType
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=myfile." + extension)
This work great! The user browser will get the PDF as download-able attachment.
What I am trying to achieve
Render multiple PDF and send all of them separately to user's browser. User will get separate PDF documents. It doesn't matter whether they will get them all at once or one by one.
The problem
The problem is after Response.End() the next line of code is not executed. I have tried to store the pdfByte object in session, looping through it and send them to user's browser with Response object but after the first PDF get sent then it stop.
I have also tried removing Response.End() thinking the code will keep running but still it stop after the first PDF get sent.
Please advice any workaround or tips. Thanks!
You cannot send multiple files (as separate entities) in a single HTTP response (the protocol does not support it. However, what you can do is to archive all files together and send the that single zip (or whatever format you want) to the client.
You can use libraries such as DotNetZip/SharpZipLib to combine (and compress) files together. Based on library API, you may need to save PDF files to disk before adding to zip file. Also do not forget to change your content type appropriate while sending the zip file to client.
Yet another alternative is to provide user with a page having multiple links to download files. It may mean that you either have to store your PDFs for some time so that they can served later (via links) or make link point to a handler that will re-run the report again to get the PDF out of it.
Admittedly the method I'm using doesn't feel very elegant, but here's what I'm doing:
create one IFRAME on the page for each document you want to send to the client (maybe create the IFRAMEs dynamically in server-side code if the number of documents is variable);
create a HttpHandler that generates the PDF documents, depending on a parameter you're passing in through the QueryString, just like you're doing above;
set the src on all IFRAMES to the URL of the HttpHandler with the appropriate parameters attached.
Of course the HttpHandler needs to do implement security logic, if required.
This works quite beautifully: If I want to send 3 documents, I create 3 IFRAMEs, set their src, and the user will see 3 "Save As..." dialogs pop up. creating tab delimited txt file

I have to create a tab delimited txt file from a query.
I want to call an HttpHandler that returns my txt file as a stream, I don't want to create the file phisically.
1st question:
what is the best practice to create the tab delimited txt file from a query result?
I have to fetch all rows and create the file manually?
2nd question:
How to set a timeout for the HttpHandler that creates the file?
Thanks for your time.
I would create a plain old http output stream and change the content type to 'text/plain' which means that you don't need to physically create the file on the web server, and if you add the content-disposition header to the output and specify that it has an attachment called something like 'report.txt' the user will be prompted to Open or Save the content, rather than just viewing it in the browser like a normal web page.
You can use the Server.ScriptTimeout = x to set the script timeout by gaining access to the current HttpContext object
Hope this helps

Embed word document into page and access using VBscript

I have some code that opens a word document using VBScript on an page:
set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Visible = True
objWord.Documents.Open "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\JSWordTest\test.doc", False, False, False
This works great but opens the word doc in another window. Ideally I would like to make this look as if it is contained in the current page perhaps in an IFrame. I have some other buttons which paste text into the word document when clicked.
I cannot just set the src of the iframe to the word document as need a reference to the word document (objWord) to allow me to paste text into it in real time again using Vbscript to do this.
Not sure if this is possible but any ideas/alternatives welcome?
The word doc needs to be displayed from web browser
At the side of the word document will be some buttons which when clicked paste text into it
You can use this technique to get the contents of the Word document without displaying any windows at all.
' Declare an object for the word application '
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Visible = False ' Don''t show word '"C:\test.doc") ' Open document '
objWord.Selection.WholeStory ' Select everything in the doc '
strText = objWord.Selection.Text ' Assign document contents to var'
objWord.Quit False ' Close Word, don't save '
Once you've got the contents of the document in the variable you can do what you want with it as far as writing it out with a document.write or whatever method you want to use.
You can find more detail on the MS Word application object and its methods here:
If it is an option to install an ActiveX component at the client machines, you can try EDraw Office Viewer component or the cheapter Ultra Office Control. Both are based on the DSOFramer example by Microsoft and provider similar methods to interface with the documents.
Sample code is given and shows how to trigger dialogs, insert text, etc.
You can get inspirations from Excel Viewer component. It is like EDraw Office Viewer but free and open source. Currently, it opens office documents only but you can easily change it to work with Word.
You could try saving to HTML format
Const wdFormatHTML = 8
dim doc
set doc ="C:\test.doc")
doc.SaveAs "doc.htm", wdFormatHTML
' etc ...
and then use that as the source of your iframe document. Bear in mind that when saving to HTML format, Word creates a corresponding resources folder (for images etc), so you might need to take that into account.
