Is there any algebraic structures used in functional programming other then monoid? - functional-programming

I recently getting to know about functional programming (in Haskell and Scala). It's capabilities and elegance is quite charming.
But when I met Monads, which makes use of an algebraic structure named Monoid, I was surprised and glad to see the theoretic knowledge I have been learning from Mathematics is made use of in programming.
This observation brought a question into my mind: Can Groups, Fields or Rings (see Algebraic Structures for others) be used in programming for more abstraction and code reuse purposes and achieving mathematic-alike programming?
As I know, the language named Fortress (which I would surely prefer over any language once when its compiler is completed) defines these structure in its library code. But only uses I saw so far was for numeric types, which we already familiar with. Could there be any other uses of them?
Best regards,

You can model many structures. Here's a group:
class Group a where
mult :: a -> a -> a
identity :: a
inverse :: a -> a
instance Group Integer where
mult = (+)
identity = 0
inverse = negate
-- S_3 (group of all bijections of a 3-element set)
data S3 = ABC | ACB | BAC | BCA | CAB | CBA
instance Group S3 where
mult ABC x = x
... -- some boring code
identity = ABC
inverse ABC = ABC
... -- remaining cases
-- Operations on groups. Dual:
data Dual a = Dual { getDual :: a }
instance Group a => Group (Dual a) where
mult (Dual x) (Dual y) = Dual (mult y x)
identity = Dual identity
inverse (Dual x) = Dual (inverse x)
-- Product:
instance (Group a, Group b) => Group (a,b) where
mult (x,y) (z,t) = (x `mult` z, y `mult` t)
identity = (identity, identity)
inverse (x,y) = (inverse x, inverse y)
Now, you can write mult (Dual CAB, 5) (Dual CBA, 1) and get a result. This will be a computation in group S3* ⨯ Z. You can add other groups, combine them in any possible way and do computations with them.
Similar things can be done with rings, fields, orderings, vector spaces, categories etc. Haskell's numeric hierarchy is unfortunately badly modeled, but there's numeric prelude that attempts to fix that. Also there's DoCon that takes it to extreme. For a tour of type classes (mainly motivated by category theory), there's Typeclassopedia which has a large list of examples and applications.

Haskell's Arrows are a generalisation of monads and probably are relevant.

I'd recommend Edward Kmett's very readable blog and related category extras package. Should keep you busy for years.


Isabelle function to find the longest sequence of members of a relation

I have a relation R :: w => w => bool that is both transitive an irreflexive.
I have the axiom Ax1: "finite {x::w. True}". Therefore, for each x there is always a longest sequence of wn R ... R w2 R w1 R x.
I need a function F:: w => nat, that -for a given x - gives back the "lenght" of this sequence (or 0 if there is no y such that xRy). How would I go about building one in isabelle.
Also: Is Ax1 a good way to axiomatize the "finiteness of type w" or is there a better one?
First of all, a more idiomatic way of writing {x::w. True} is UNIV :: w set. I suggest writing finite (UNIV :: w set), or possibly using the finite type class, although that might make your theorem more difficult to apply because you need a finite instance for your type. I think it's not really necessary or helpful for your use case.
I then suggest the following approach:
Define an inductive predicate (using inductive) on lists of type w list stating that the first element is x and for each two successive list elements y and z, R y z holds, i.e. the list is an ascending chain w.r.t. R.
Show that any list that is such a chain must have distinct elements (cf. distinct :: 'a list ⇒ bool).
Show that there are finitely many distinct lists over a finite set.
Use the Max operator to find the biggest n such that there exists a list of length n that is an ascending chain w.r.t. R. That this works should be easy since there is at least one such chain, and you've already shown that there are only finitely many chains.

Difference in implementation of gcd between logic and functional programming

I'm currently learning programming language concepts and pragmatics, hence I feel like I need help in differentiating two subbranches of declarative language family.
Consider the following code snippets which are written in Scheme and Prolog, respectively:
(define gcd
(lambda (a b)
(cond ((= a b) a)
((> a b) (gcd (- a b) b))
(else (gcd (- b a) a)))))
gcd(A, B, G) :- A = B, G = A.
gcd(A, B, G) :- A > B, C is A-B, gcd(C, B, G).
gcd(A, B, G) :- B > A, C is B-A, gcd(C, A, G).
The thing that I didn't understand is:
How do these two different programming languages behave
Where do we make the difference so that they are categorized either
Functional or Logic-based programming language?
As far as I'm concerned, they do exactly the same thing, calling recursive functions until it terminates.
Since you are using very low-level predicates in your logic programming version, you cannot easily see the increased generality that logic programming gives you over functional programming.
Consider this slightly edited version of your code, which uses CLP(FD) constraints for declarative integer arithmetic instead of the low-level arithmetic you are currently using:
gcd(A, A, A).
gcd(A, B, G) :- A #> B, C #= A - B, gcd(C, B, G).
gcd(A, B, G) :- B #> A, C #= B - A, gcd(C, A, G).
Importantly, we can use this as a true relation, which makes sense in all directions.
For example, we can ask:
Are there two integers X and Y such that their GCD is 3?
That is, we can use this relation in the other direction too! Not only can we, given two integers, compute their GCD. No! We can also ask, using the same program:
?- gcd(X, Y, 3).
X = Y, Y = 3 ;
X = 6,
Y = 3 ;
X = 9,
Y = 3 ;
X = 12,
Y = 3 ;
We can also post even more general queries and still obtain answers:
?- gcd(X, Y, Z).
X = Y, Y = Z ;
Y = Z,
Z#=>X+ -1,
2*Z#=X ;
Y = Z,
Z#=>X+ -1,
Z#=>_1712+ -1,
2*Z#=_1712 ;
That's a true relation, which is more general than a function of two arguments!
See clpfd for more information.
The GCD example only lightly touches on the differences between logic programming and functional programming as they are much closer to each other than to imperative programming. I will concentrate on Prolog and OCaml, but I believe it is quite representative.
Logical Variables and Unification:
Prolog allows to express partial datastructures e.g. in the term node(24,Left,Right) we don't need to specify what Left and Right stand for, they might be any term. A functional language might insert a lazy function or a thunk which is evaluated later on, but at the creation of the term, we need to know what to insert.
Logical variables can also be unified (i.e. made equal). A search function in OCaml might look like:
let rec find v = function
| [] -> false
| x::_ when v = x -> true
| _::xs (* otherwise *) -> find v xs
While the Prolog implementation can use unification instead of v=x:
member_of(X,[_|Xs]) :-
For the sake of simplicity, the Prolog version has some drawbacks (see below in backtracking).
Prolog's strength lies in successively instantiating variables which can be easily undone. If you try the above program with variables, Prolog will return you all possible values for them:
?- member_of(X,[1,2,3,1]).
X = 1 ;
X = 2 ;
X = 3 ;
X = 1 ;
This is particularly handy when you need to explore search trees but it comes at a price. If we did not specify the size of the list, we will successively create all lists fulfilling our property - in this case infinitely many:
?- member_of(X,Xs).
Xs = [X|_3836] ;
Xs = [_3834, X|_3842] ;
Xs = [_3834, _3840, X|_3848] ;
Xs = [_3834, _3840, _3846, X|_3854] ;
Xs = [_3834, _3840, _3846, _3852, X|_3860] ;
Xs = [_3834, _3840, _3846, _3852, _3858, X|_3866] ;
Xs = [_3834, _3840, _3846, _3852, _3858, _3864, X|_3872]
[etc etc etc]
This means that you need to be more careful using Prolog, because termination is harder to control. In particular, the old-style ways (the cut operator !) to do that are pretty hard to use correctly and there's still some discussion about the merits of recent approaches (deferring goals (with e.g. dif), constraint arithmetic or a reified if). In a functional programming language, backtracking is usually implemented by using a stack or a backtracking state monad.
Invertible Programs:
Perhaps one more appetizer for using Prolog: functional programming has a direction of evaluation. We can use the find function only to check if some v is a member of a list, but we can not ask which lists fulfill this. In Prolog, this is possible:
?- Xs = [A,B,C], member_of(1,Xs).
Xs = [1, B, C],
A = 1 ;
Xs = [A, 1, C],
B = 1 ;
Xs = [A, B, 1],
C = 1 ;
These are exactly the lists with three elements which contain (at least) one element 1. Unfortunately the standard arithmetic predicates are not invertible and together with the fact that the GCD of two numbers is always unique is the reason why you could not find too much of a difference between functional and logic programming.
To summarize: logic programming has variables which allow for easier pattern matching, invertibility and exploring multiple solutions of the search tree. This comes at the cost of complicated flow control. Depending on the problem it is easier to have a backtracking execution which is sometimes restricted or to add backtracking to a functional language.
The difference is not very clear from one example. Programming language are categorized to logic,functional,... based on some characteristics that they support and as a result they are designed in order to be more easy for programmers in each field (logic,functional...). As an example imperative programming languages (like c) are very different from object oriented (like java,C++) and here the differences are more obvious.
More specifically, in your question the Prolog programming language has adopted he philosophy of logic programming and this is obvious for someone who knows a little bit about mathematical logic. Prolog has predicates (rather than functions-basically almost the same) which return true or false based on the "world" we have defined which is for example what facts and clauses do we have already defined, what mathematical facts are defined and more....All these things are inherited by mathematical logic (propositional and first order logic). So we could say that Prolog is used as a model to logic which makes logical problems (like games,puzzles...) more easy to solve. Moreover Prolog has some features that general-purpose languages have. For example you could write a program in your example to calculate gcd:
gcd(A, B, G) :- A = B, G = A.
gcd(A, B, G) :- A > B, C is A-B, gcd(C, B, G).
gcd(A, B, G) :- B > A, C is B-A, gcd(C, A, G).
In your program you use a predicate gcd in returns TRUE if G unifies with GCD of A,B, and you use multiple clauses to match all cases. When you query gcd(2,5,1). will return True (NOTE that in other languages like shceme you can't give the result as parameter), while if you query gcd(2,5,G). it unifies G with gcd of A,B and returns 1, it is like asking Prolog what should be G in order gcd(2,5,G). be true. So you can understand that it is all about when the predicate succeeds and for that reason you can have more than one solutions, while in functional programming languages you can't.
Functional languages are based in functions so always return the SAME
TYPE of result. This doesn't stand always in Prolog you could have a predicate predicate_example(Number,List). and query predicate_example(5,List). which returns List=... (a list) and also query
predicate_example(Number,[1,2,3]). and return N=... (a number).
The result should be unique, In mathematics, a function is a relation
between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output
Should be clear what parameter is the variable that will be returned
for example gcd function is of type : N * N -> R so gets A,B parameters which belong to N (natural numbers) and returns gcd. But prolog (with some changes in your program) could return the parameter A,so querying gcd(A,5,1). would give all possible A such that predicate gcd succeeds,A=1,2,3,4,5 .
Prolog in order to find gcd tries every possible way with choice
points so in every step it will try all of you three clauses and will
find every possible solutions. Functional programming languages on
the other hand, like functions should have well unique defined steps
to find the solution.
So you can understand that the difference between Functional and logic languages may not be always visible but they are based on different philosophy-way of thinking.
Imagine how hard would be to solve tic-tac-toe or N queens problem or man-goat-wolf-cabbage problem in Scheme.

Julia : BLAS.gemm!() parameters

I want to use the BLAS package. To do so, the meaning of the two first parameters of the gemm() function is not evident for me.
What do the parameters 'N' and 'T' represent?
BLAS.gemm!('N', 'T', lr, alpha, A, B, beta, C)
What is the difference between BLAS.gemm and BLAS.gemm! ?
According to the documentation
gemm!(tA, tB, alpha, A, B, beta, C)
Update C as alpha * A * B + beta*C or the other three variants according to tA (transpose A) and tB. Returns the updated C.
Note: here, alpha and beta must be float type scalars. A, B and C are all matrices. It's up to you to make sure the matrix dimensions match.
Thus, the tA and tB parameters refer to whether you want to apply the transpose operation to A or to B before multiplying. Note that this will cost you some computation time and allocations - the transpose isn't free. (thus, if you were going to apply the multiplication many times, each time with the same transpose specification, you'd be better off storing your matrix as the transposed version from the beginning). Select N for no transpose, T for transpose. You must select one or the other.
The difference between gemm!() and gemv!() is that for gemm!() you already need to have allocated the matrix C. The ! is a "modify in place" signal. Consider the following illustration of their different uses:
A = rand(5,5)
B = rand(5,5)
C = Array(Float64, 5, 5)
BLAS.gemm!('N', 'T', 1.0, A, B, 0.0, C)
D = BLAS.gemm('N', 'T', 1.0, A, B)
julia> C == D
Each of these, in essence, perform the calculation C = A * B'. (Technically, gemm!() performs C = (0.0)*C + (1.0)*A * B'.)
Thus, the syntax for the modify in place gemm!() is a bit unusual in some respects (unless you've already worked with a language like C in which case it seems very intuitive). You don't have the explicit = sign like you frequently do when calling functions in assigning values in a high level object oriented language like Julia.
As the illustration above shows, the outcome of gemm!() and gemm() in this case is identical, even though the syntax and procedure to achieve that outcome is a bit different. Practically speaking, however, performance differences between the two can be significant, depending on your use case. In particular, if you are going to be performing that multiplication operation many times, replacing/updating the value of C each time, then gemm!() can be a decent bit quicker because you don't need to keep re-allocating new memory each time, which does have time costs, both in the initial memory allocation and then in the garbage collection later on.

Can any set of numbers be expressed by a function?

Is it possible to express ANY random set of numbers by a function?
Question clarification:
for example:
if desired result set = {1,2,3,4,5}
so I don't mean something like this:
function getSet(){
return {1,2,3,4,5};
but more like this:
function genSet(){
result = {}
return result;
So in other words, can there be a logic to calculate any desired set?
There is a lot of mathematics behind this question. There are some interesting results.
Any set of (real) numbers can be define by a polynomial function f(x) = a + b x + c x^2 + ... so that a number is in the set if f(x)=0. Technically this is an algebraic curve in 1D. While this might seem a optimistic result there is not limit on how complex the polynomial could be and polynomials above the degree 5 have no explicit result.
There is a whole field of study on Computable numbers, real numbers which can be can be computed to within any desired precision by a finite, terminating algorithm, and their converse: non computable numbers, which can't. The bad news is there are a lot more non-computable numbers than computable ones.
The above has been based on real numbers which are decidedly more tricky than the integers or even a finite set of integers which is all we can represent by int or long datatypes. There is a big field of study in this see Computability theory (computer science). I think the Turings halting problem come in to play, this is about if you can determine if a algorithm will terminate. Unfortunately this can't be determined and a consequence is "Not every set of natural numbers is computable." The proof of this does require the infinite size of the naturals so I'm not sure about finite sets.
There are two common representations used for sets when programming. Suppose the set S is a subset of some universe of items U.
Membership Predicate
One way to represent the set S is a function member from S to { true, false }. For all x in U:
member(x) = true if x is in S
member(x) = false if x is not in S
bool member(int n)
return 1 <= n <= 5
Another way to represent the S is to store all of its members in a data structure, such as a list, hash table, or binary tree.
enumerable<int> S()
for int i = 1 to 5
yield return i
With either of these representations, most set operations can be defined. For example, the union of two sets would look as follows with each of the two representations.
Membership Predicate
func<int, bool> union(func<int, bool> s, func<int, bool> t)
return x => s(x) || t(x)
enumrable<int> union(enumerable<int> s, enumerable<int> t)
hashset<int> r
foreach x in s
foreach x in t
if x not in r
return r
The membership predicate representation can be extremely versatile because all kinds of set operations from mathematics can be very easily expressed (complement, Cartesian product, etc.). The drawback is that there is no general way to enumerate all the members of a set represented in this way. The set of all positive real numbers, for example, cannot even be enumerated.
The enumeration representation typically involves much more expensive set operations, and some operations (such as the complement of the integer set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}) cannot even be represented. It should be chosen if you need to be able to enumerate the members of a set, not just test membership.

Union and intersection operations on collections in Cypher (Neo4j)

I need to calculate both the union and the intersection of a set of arrays/collections in Cypher. Let's say for instance I have the topics of interest of a number of individuals saved as array properties for each individual node and I need to know (1) the topics that every member of a given group find interesting; but I also need to know (2) the topics that may attract the attention of any of the group members.
So, take the following individuals as the members of a group of two:
CREATE ({name: 'bill', interests: ["biking", "hiking", "fishing", "swimming"]})
CREATE ({name: 'joe', interests: ["swimming", "hiking", "biking", "tennis"]})
Inspired by this great answer I have written the following scripts to get what I need:
Intersection (n.interests ∩ m.interests)
MATCH (n {name:'bill'}), (m {name:'joe'})
RETURN FILTER(x IN n.interests WHERE x IN m.interests)
Response: biking, hiking, swimming
Union (n.interests ∪ m.interests)
MATCH (n {name:'bill'}), (m {name:'joe'})
RETURN FILTER(x IN n.interests WHERE x IN m.interests)+
FILTER(x IN n.interests WHERE NOT(x IN m.interests))+
FILTER(x IN m.interests WHERE NOT(x IN n.interests))
Response: biking, hiking, swimming, fishing, tennis
Both work pretty well for groups of two. The problem is the union script is not generalizable and needs to be expanded further for each additional group member. This is because instead of doing a straightforward n.interests ∪ m.interests I am going the long way by producing (n.interests ∩ m.interests) ∪ (n.interests - m.interests) ∪ (m.interests - n.interests) which equals n.interests ∪ m.interests, but necessitates pairwise comparison of all individuals in the group.
Hence my question: Is there any better way in Cypher to produce the union of two collections/arrays, without redundant results in the response collection?
P.S. As you may have noticed these interests don't really have an ordering, so I am actually treating Neo4j collections as sets.
P.S.2 It is possible that I am misunderstanding and incorrectly conflating the notions of collection and array in Cypher, in which case please don't hesitate to point out what the mistake is.
APOC Procedures has union and intersection functions, should be exactly what you need.
MATCH (n {name:'bill'}), (m {name:'joe'})
RETURN apoc.coll.union(n.interests, m.interests) as interests_union,
apoc.coll.intersection(n.interests, m.interests) as interests_intersection
The above is usable with Neo4j 3.1 and up (which supports user-defined functions). In Neo4j 3.0, these are procedures instead, and you'll need to CALL them as procedures.
This is also easily applied to multiple collections, instead of just two. If the collections are collected, you can run REDUCE() on the list of lists to apply the union or intersection for all collections.
I recently solved the same problem by first taking the duplicated union, and then deduplicating using distinct
MATCH (n {name:'bill'}), (m {name:'joe'})
UNWIND n.interests + m.interests AS interests
RETURN COLLECT(distinct interests) AS interests_union
I think you can generalize it using reduce to produce your collections.
And probably use one of the quantor-predicates (ANY,ALL, SINGLE, NONE)
Something like this for intersection:
WITH [1,2,3] as a, [3,4,5] as b, [2,3,4] as c
REDUCE (res=[], x in a | case when x in b AND x in c then res + [x] else res)
WITH [1,2,3] as a, [3,4,5] as b, [2,3,4] as c
REDUCE (res=[], x in a | case when ALL(coll in [b,c] WHERE x in coll) then res + [x] else res)
But all of these operations won't have really good runtime characteristics.
