How can I upload and replace a Wordpress theme? - wordpress

I just created my first Wordpress theme. I zipped it up and installed it on the server using the Wordpress 3.0.1 Administration Panel. That worked fine. But now I've made a few changes to my theme and I want to update it. I couldn't find an "upgrade" option for uploaded themes so I tried just uploading it again. This is what I got.
Installing Theme from uploaded file:
Unpacking the package…
Installing the theme…
Destination folder already exists.
Theme install failed.
Is there any way to update the theme through the administration panel? Or do I have to access the filesystem somehow (FTP, etc.) and delete the directory first?

You can do it all through the control panel. Each theme has a Delete link that you can use to wipe it from the server's file system. Once it's gone, you can re-intall your updated version.


Why the wordpress theme uploaded in zip is treated as new instead of triggering update?

So I have a wordpress theme I'm working on. When I deploy the theme to the server I pack it into a zip and upload using WP admin. Assuming this theme is already installed I expect an update to happen but WP treats it as new and proposes to activate the uploaded theme. What am I doing wrong?
Unfortunately, I have no (s)FTP or SSH access to the server.
It is worth mentioning that metadata in style.css is the same (hence theme name, author etc).
WP version is 6.0.2
Thanks in advance.

Wordpress won't allow me to download updates, plugins or themes

Two days ago we've received a project to realize for my school. We have to build a website using Wordpress.
As told in the title, I can not manage to install plugins, themes, updates and probably some things more from the admin panel.
When I try to download a theme, for example, I get the following message: "Can not locate themes directory".
However, I've been able to install two themes (actually one theme and its parent one, dont know if it matters) by downloading them as zip, and unzip in the wp-content/themes folder.
I've also added some lines to my wp-config.php file:
define('FTP_BASE', '/wordpress');
define('FTP_CONTENT_DIR', '/wordpress/content');
define('FTP_PLUGIN_DIR', '/wordpress/wp-content/plugins');
define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', dirname(__FILE__).'/wordpress/wp-content');
define('WP_PLUGIN_DIR', dirname(__FILE__). '/wordpress/wp-content/plugins');
define('WP_CONTENT_URL', '');
define('WP_PLUGIN_URL', '');
I am using Ubuntu with apache2, mysql and PHP7.2
Any suggestion is welcome.
check your site origin at file manager and left click to make sure that your site has permission to create/upload/etc activities

WP not displaying the latest version update button for wordpress

Hello i am not getting the Update Now button at wordpress admin.
My current worpdress version is 4.8.3
so how can i solve upgrade my wordpress 4.8.3 to latest version 4.9
you can do one thing in wordpress folder i.e. you can do all plugins deactivated after you refresh the dashboard page from backend admin side then you can get the Update Button.
Otherwise you can upgrade the version by manually,
Follow the steps,
Upgrading WordPress Core Manually
First create a full backup of your website. This is very important
in case you make a mistake.
Download the newest WordPress ZIP file from
Unzip the file into a directory on your local machine or in a separate directory on your website.
Deactivate all of the plugins on your WordPress site.
Go to your website root directory and delete your ‘wp-includes’ and ‘wp-admin’ directories. You can do this via sFTP or via SSH.
Upload (or copy over) the new wp-includes and wp-admin directories from the new version of WordPress you unzipped to your website root directory to replace the directories you just deleted.
Don’t delete your wp-content directory or any of the files in that directory. Copy over the files from the wp-content directory in the new version of WordPress to your existing wp-content directory. You will overwrite any existing files with the same name. All of your other files in wp-content will remain in place.
Copy all files from the root (‘/’) directory of the new version of WordPress that you unzipped into your website root directory (or the root directory of your WordPress installation). You will overwrite any existing files and new files will also be copied across. Your wp-config.php file will not be affected because WordPress is never distributed with a wp-config.php file.
Examine the wp-config-sample.php which is distributed with WordPress to see if any new settings have been added that you may want to use or modify.
If you are upgrading manually after a failed auto-update, remove the .maintenance file from your WordPress root directory. This will remove the ‘failed update’ message from your site.
Visit your main WordPress admin page at /wp-admin/ where you may be asked to sign-in again. You may also have to upgrade your database and will be prompted if this is needed. If you can’t sign-in, try clearing your cookies.
Re-enable your plugins which you disabled earlier.
Clear your browser cache to ensure you can see all changes. If you are using a front-end cache like ‘varnish’ you should also clear that to ensure that your customers can see the newest changes on your site.
Your upgrade is now complete and you should be running the newest version of WordPress.
Hopefully, you get the solution.

Upgrading to WooCommerce 3.1 not available?

My website is using WooCommerce 2.6.14, so I thought I should update to WooCommerce 3.1. The weird thing is that I don't see "Update now" button in the Plugins admin page:
Plugins page
And I can't manually update WooCommerce by overwriting the folder in FTP because it's not visible!
Any idea how can I update WooCommerce?
First back-up your WordPress site if you haven’t already.
Download a ZIP file of the plugin you need to upgrade.
Use FTP to delete the existing plugin directory from the wp-content/plugins/ directory on your site.
Replace the deleted directory by uploading the unzipped plugin to the wp-content/plugins/ directory leaving it in a directory that looks like (for example) wp-content/plugins/plugin-name
5.Sign in to your WordPress site. Go to the ‘Plugins’ menu and verify that the plugin you upgraded is the newest version.

how to install downloaded wordpress theme in xampp

I am trying to install a theme I downloaded from this website.
I am using XAMPP and I am not sure how to install this dowloaded theme using XAMPP.
I tried installing this theme with the zip folder (in zip format) in Wordpress but I get the error
” The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Theme install failed. “
I found a similar on Wordpress website but they mentioned using FTP but I don’t know how to use FTP with XAMPP
I want to install the theme and test it out locally before I make it live or buy a domain name.
This is my first time doing this (I am a student) so I don’t totally know how things work together, don’t know if I am using the description/terms but I hope I described the problem well enough.
How to go about this? Any help will be appreciated.
OK so its a bit weird that the theme you downloaded is missing the CSS file. When you upload it Wordpress is trying to find that file and failing. For now, let's assume that the creator of the theme put the CSS file in a different location than usual.
To install a theme manually via XAMPP do the following:
Locate XAMPP's htdocs folder. This is normally Applications>>XAMPP>>HTDOCs on Mac or My Computer>>C:>>XAMPP>>HTDOCs on Windows (I think - someone might need to correct me on that).
If your site is installed in a sud-directory in htdocs, go there. If not skip to next step.
Open the wp-content folder
Open the themes folder
Copy in your downloaded theme and extract it there (if its zipped)
Go to your Wordpress Dashboard and go to the Appearance button on the left and click Themes from the drop down. Find your newly installed theme and hit Activate.
That should do the trick unless your theme is missing some vital elements
(PS: what your are doing here - moving (theme) files from one location to another - is essentially the same as FTP. Difference is FTP allows you to transfer files accross the internet from computer to computer: say your computer to a web server hosting your site.)
Add this lines to your wp-config.php file
//** To add the direct installation of the themes **//
define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');
Then go to wp-admin and click on customize your site. Press on change button on the active theme and browse for your favorite theme from and install then enjoy
