If I have a given rectangle, with the width w, height h and angle r
How large does another rectangle which contains all points of the rotated rectangle need to be?
I would need this to perform fast bounding box checks for a 2D physics engine I am making
this may be what you need:
Calculate Bounding box coordinates from a rotated rectangle, answered by someone named markus.
You usually should consider rotating rectangles in a collision detection engine, since it will be quite straightforward to implement (I mean considering the rotated rectangle as it is).
In any case if you really want to simplify to have a coarse-level of collision detection the best thing is to embed the rectangle inside a circle, because it's really simple (centered over rectangle center and with a radius of the semi-diagonal of the rectangle) and compared to using a box it can be quite accurate for a coarse detection. Actually you can have an angle threshold to decide if it's better to use a circle or to consider the original rectangle (most degenerating cases are when angle is near to k*PI with k = 0,1,2,3
If you really really want to consider the rotated rectangle you can calculate it easily by choosing the topmost vertex of your rectangle (xT, yT) and the leftmost (xL, yL) (after the rotation of course) to obtain the topleft point that will be (xL, yT). Then you do the same thing for the bottomright corner taking (xR, yB) from the rightmost and lowest point of your rectangle and you have it. It will be the rectangle included in (xL, yY) (xR, yB).
I'm trying to work out which tiles a rectangle overlaps.
Right now I'm just taking the mix/max bounds of the rect, and iterating through the grid tiles that are within those bounds. And for each tile I check whether the tile rectangle intersects with the other rectangle. This isn't very performant as I still have to iterate a lot of tiles and do a lot of intersection checks.
I'm wondering if theres a more performant or mathematical way to achieve this.
Sort rectangle vertices by Y-coordinate and treat horizontal bands between vertice Y-positions separately (it is possible to get 1, 2 or 3 bands).
For every Y-interval you have left and right sides, walk through them using Bresenham algorithm (for pixels) or Amanatides-Woo algorithm (for cells/voxels).
For every horizontal you have the leftmost and the rightmost cell, fill also all cells between them.
Also look for triangle rasterization algorithms for more ideas.
I have a rectangle that is W x H.
Within that rectangle is another rectangle that is rotated by ϴ degrees which is always between -45 and 45 degrees, and shares the same center as the outer rectangle. I need to find w and h such that the area of the inner rectangle is maximized.
Here's a (ghetto) image to illustrate a bit. Though, the corners of the rectangles should probably be touching, I assume?
Here is the prototype of the function I'm looking to write:
SizeD GetMaxRectangleSize(double outerWidth, double outerHeight, float angle)
SizeD is just a struct that has a width and height in doubles.
Thanks to the comments for steering me in the right direction!
My solution, though perhaps not mathematically optimal, was to assume that if all four corners of the inner rectangle fall on the outer rectangle then area will be maximized.
H = wSin(ϴ) + hCos(ϴ)
W = wCos(ϴ) + hSin(ϴ)
Solving for w and h and substituting gives:
h = (HCos(ϴ) - WSin(ϴ))/(cos(ϴ)^2 - sin(ϴ)^2)
w = (WCos(ϴ) - HSin(ϴ))/(cos(ϴ)^2 - sin(ϴ)^2)
Which happens to work for ϴ = [0,45), and (-45,0] should act the same.
The tricky part of this question isn't how to calculate the area of an interior rectangle, but which of all the possible interior rectangles has maximum area?
To start with, observe that the box in your image is the same area regardless of how it is slid around horizontally, and if it is slid to the rightmost wall, it allows for an easy parameterization of the problem as follows:
I find it a bit easier to think of this problem, with the fixed box rotated by the offset angle so that the interior box lines up in a standard orientation. Here's a figure (I've changed theta to beta just because I can type it easily on a mac, and also left off the left most wall for reasons that will be clear):
So think of this constructed as follows: Pick a point on the right side of the exterior rectangle (shown here by a small circle), note the distance a from this point to the corner, and construct the largest possible interior with a corner at this point (by extending vertical and horizontal lines to the exterior rectangle). Clearly, then, the largest possible rectangle is one of the rectangles derived from the different values for a, and a is a good parameter for this problem.
So given that, then the area of the interior rectangle is:
A = (a * (H-a))/(cosß * sinß)
or, A = c * a * (H-a)
where I've folded the constant trig terms into the constant c. We need to maximize this, and to do that the derivative is useful:
dA/da = c * (H - 2a)
That is, starting at a=0 (ie, the circle in the figure is in the lower corner of the exterior rectangle, resulting in a tall and super skin interior rectangle), then the area of the interior rectangle increases monotonically until a=H/2, and then the area starts to decrease again.
That is, there are two cases:
1) If, as a increase from 0 to H/2, the far interior corner hits the opposite wall of the exterior, then the largest possible rectangle is when this contact occurs (and you know it's the largest due to the monotonic increase -- ie, the positive value of the derivative). This is your guess at the solution.
2) If the far corner never touches a wall, then the largest interior rectangle will be at a=H/2.
I haven't explicitly solved here for the area of the interior rectangle for each case, since that's a much easier problem than the proof, and anyone who could follow the proof, I assume could easily calculate the areas (and it does take a long time to write these things up).
How do I make a infinite/repeating world that handles rotation, just like in this game:
I have coded my rotating moving world by having a hierarchy like this:
- mainLayer (CCLayer)
- rotationLayer(CCNode)
- positionLayer(CCNode)
The rotationLayer and positionLayer have the same size (4000x4000 px right now).
I rotate the whole world by rotating the rotationLayer, and I move the whole world by moving the positionLayer, so that the player always stays centered on the device screen and it is the world that moves and rotates.
Now I would like to make it so that if the player reaches the bounds of the world (the world is moved so that the worlds bounds gets in to contact with the device screen bounds), then the world is "wrapped" to the opposite bounds so that the world is infinite. If the world did not rotate that would be easy, but now that it does I have no idea how to do this. I am a fool at math and in thinking mathematically, so I need some help here.
Now I do not think I need any cocos2d-iphone related help here. What I need is some way to calculate if my player is outside the bounds of the world, and then some way to calculate what new position I must give the world to wrap the world.
I think I have to calculate a radius for a circle that will be my foundry inside the square world, that no matter what angle the square world is in, will ensure that the visible rectangle (the screen) will always be inside the bounds of the world square. And then I need a way to calculate if the visible rectangle bounds are outside the bounds circle, and if so I need a way to calculate the new opposite position in the bounds circle to move the world to. So to illustrate I have added 5 images.
Visible rectangle well inside bounds circle inside a rotated square world:
Top of visible rectangle hitting bounds circle inside a rotated square world:
Rotated square world moved to opposite vertical position so that bottom of visible rectangle now hitting bounds circle inside rotated world:
Another example of top of visible rectangle hitting bounds circle inside a rotated square world to illustrate a different scenario:
And again rotated square world moved to opposite vertical position so that bottom of visible rectangle now hitting bounds circle inside rotated world:
Moving the positionLayer in a non-rotated situation is the math that I did figure out, as I said I can figure this one out as long as the world does not get rotate, but it does. The world/CCNode (positionLayer) that gets moved/positioned is inside a world/CCNode (rotationLayer) that gets rotated. The anchor point for the rotationLayer that rotates is on the center of screen always, but as the positionLayer that gets moved is inside the rotating rotationLayer it gets rotated around the rotationLayer's anchor point. And then I am lost... When I e.g. move the positionLayer down enough so that its top border hits the top of the screen I need to wrap that positionLayer as JohnPS describes but not so simple, I need it to wrap in a vector based on the rotation of the rotationLayer CCNode. This I do not know how to do.
Thank you
Like John said, the easiest thing to do is to build a torus world. Imagine that your ship is a point on the surface of the donut and it can only move on the surface. Say you are located at the point where the two circles (red and purple in the picture) intersect:
If you follow those circles you'll end up where you started. Also, notice that, no matter how you move on the surface, there is no way you're going to reach an "edge". The surface of the torus has no such thing, which is why it's useful to use as an infinite 2D world. The other reason it's useful is because the equations are quite simple. You specify where on the torus you are by two angles: the angle you travel from the "origin" on the purple circle to find the red circle and the angle you travel on the red circle to find the point you are interested in. Both those angles wrap at 360 degrees. Let's call the two angles theta and phi. They are your ship's coordinates in the world, and what you change when you change velocities, etc. You basically use them as your x and y, except you have to make sure to always use the modulus when you change them (your world will only be 360 degrees in each direction, it will then wrap around).
Suppose now that your ship is at coordinates (theta_ship,phi_ship) and has orientation gamma_ship. You want to draw a square window with the ship at its center and length/width equal to some percentage n of the whole world (say you only want to see a quarter of the world at a time, then you'd set n = sqrt(1/4) = 1/2 and have the length and width of the window set to n*2*pi = pi). To do this you need a function that takes a point represented in the screen coordinates (x and y) and spits out a point in the world coordinates (theta and phi). For example, if you asked it what part of the world corresponds to (0,0) it should return back the coordinates of the ship (theta_ship,phi_ship). If the orientation of the ship is zero (x and y will be aligned with theta and phi) then some coordinate (x_0,y_0) will correspond to (theta_ship+k*x_0, phi_ship+k*y_0), where k is some scaling factor related to how much of the world one can see in a screen and the boundaries on x and y. The rotation by gamma_ship introduces a little bit of trig, detailed in the function below. See the picture for exact definitions of the quantities.
!Blue is the screen coordinate system, red is the world coordinate system and the configuration variables (the things that describe where in the world the ship is). The object
represented in world coordinates is green.
The coordinate transformation function might look something like this:
# takes a screen coordinate and returns a world coordinate
function screen2world(x,y)
# this is the angle between the (x,y) vector and the center of the screen
alpha = atan2(x,y);
radius = sqrt(x^2 + y^2); # and the distance to the center of the screen
# this takes into account the rotation of the ship with respect to the torus coords
beta = alpha - pi/2 + gamma_ship;
# find the coordinates
theta = theta_ship + n*radius*cos(beta)/(2*pi);
phi = phi_ship + n*radius*sin(beta)/(2*pi));
# return the answer, making sure it is between 0 and 2pi
return (theta%(2*pi),phi%(2*pi))
and that's pretty much it, I think. The math is just some relatively easy trig, you should make a little drawing to convince yourself that it's right. Alternatively you can get the same answer in a somewhat more automated fashion by using rotations matrices and their bigger brother, rigid body transformations (the special Euclidian group SE(2)). For the latter, I suggest reading the first few chapters of Murray, Li, Sastry, which is free online.
If you want to do the opposite (go from world coordinates to screen coordinates) you'd have to do more or less the same thing, but in reverse:
beta = atan2(phi-phi_ship, theta-theta_ship);
radius = 2*pi*(theta-theta_ship)/(n*cos(beta));
alpha = beta + pi/2 - gamma_ship;
x = radius*cos(alpha);
y = radius*sin(alpha);
You need to define what you want "opposite bounds" to mean. For 2-dimensional examples see Fundamental polygon. There are 4 ways that you can map the sides of a square to the other sides, and you get a sphere, real projective plane, Klein bottle, or torus. The classic arcade game Asteroids actually has a torus playing surface.
The idea is you need glue each of your boundary points to some other boundary point that will make sense and be consistent.
If your world is truly 3-dimensional (not just 3-D on a 2-D surface map), then I think your task becomes considerably more difficult to determine how you want to glue your edges together--your edges are now surfaces embedded in the 3-D world.
Say you have a 2-D map and want to wrap around like in Asteroids.
If the map is 1000x1000 units, x=0 is the left border of the map, x=999 the right border, and you are looking to the right and see 20 units ahead. Then at x=995 you want to see up to 1015, but this is off the right side of the map, so 1015 should become 15.
If you are at x=5 and look to the left 20 units, then you see x=-15 which you really want to be 985.
To get these numbers (always between 0 and 999) when you are looking past the border of your map you need to use the modulo operator.
new_x = x % 1000; // in many programming languages
When x is negative each programming language handles the result of x % 1000 differently. It can even be implementation defined. i.e. it will not always be positive (between 0 and 999), so using this would be safer:
new_x = (x + 1000) % 1000; // result 0 to 999, when x >= -1000
So every time you move or change view you need to recompute the coordinates of your position and coordinates of anything in your view. You apply this operation to get back a coordinate on the map for both x and y coordinates.
I'm new to Cocos2d, but I think I can give it a try on helping you with the geometry calculation issue, since, as you said, it's not a framework question.
I'd start off by setting the anchor point of every layer you're using in the visual center of them all.
Then let's agree on the assumption that the first part to touch the edge will always be a corner.
In case you just want to check IF it's inside the circle, just check if all the four edges are inside the circle.
In case you want to know which edge is touching the circumference of the circle, just check for the one that is the furthest from point x=0 y=0, since the anchor will be at the center.
If you have a reason for not putting the anchor in the middle, you can use the same logic, just as long as you include half of the width of each object on everything.
I am currently getting the bounding box for my polygon by getting the min/max x and min/max y of the points, but when rotating the polygon the bounding box is too small to fit the rotated polygon. See the illustration for clarification:
Turns into this:
How would I get the bounding box that is big enough to contain any rotated state?
If I understand the problem correctly, this is really trivial.
The point furthest away from the center will always be a vertex. So find the vertex with the maximum distance from the center, and make the box large enough to fit the polygon when that vertex is facing straight up, down, left and right:
Find the vertex furthest away from the center, and let d denote its distance from the center.
The polygon will always fit in the box 2d × 2d.
let me begin by stating that's i'm dreadful at math.
i'm attempting to reposition and rotate a rectangle. however, i need to rotate the rectangle from a point that is not 0,0 but according to how far its coordinates has shifted. i'm sure that doesn't make much sense, so i've made some sketches to help explain what i need.
the image above shows 3 stages of the red rectangle moving from 0% to 100%. the red rectangle's X and Y coordinates (top left of the red rectangle) only moves a percentage of the blue rectangle's height.
the red rectangle can rotate. focusing only on the middle example ("Distance -50%") from above, where the red rectangle is repositioned at -50 of the blue rectangle's height, its new angle in the above image is now -45º. it has been rotated from its 0, 0 point.
now, my problem is that i want its rotational point to reflect its position.
the red and blue rectangles are the same size, but have opposite widths and heights. since the red rectangle's 0,0 coordinates are now -50% of the blue rectangle's height, and since they have opposite widths and heights, i want the rotational point to be 50% of the red rectangle's width (or 50% of the blue rectangle's height, which is the same thing).
rather than specifically telling the red rectangle to rotate at 50% of its width, in order to do what i want, i need to emulate doing so by using a formula that will position the red rectangle's X and Y coordinates so that its rotational point reflects its position.
Here's an illustrated solution to your problem:
I don't exactly understand what you need, but it seems that a procedure to rotate a rectangle around an arbitrary point may help.
Suppose we want to rotate a point (x,y) d radians around the origin (0,0). The formula for the location of the rotated point is:
x' = x*cos(d) - y*sin(d)
y' = x*sin(d) + y*cos(d)
Now we don't want to rotate around the origin, but around a given point (a,b). What we do is first move the origin to (a,b), then apply the rotation formula above, and then move the origin back to (0,0).
x' = (x-a)*cos(d) - (y-b)*sin(d) + a
y' = (x-a)*sin(d) + (y-b)*cos(d) + b
This is your formula for rotating a point (x,y) d radians around the point (a,b).
For your problem (a,b) would be the point halfway on the right side of the blue rectangle, and (x,y) would be every corner of the red rectangle. The formula gives (x',y') for the coordinates of the corners of rotated red rectangle.
It's quite simple really.
1. Let's settle on your point you want to rotate the rectangle about, i.e. the point of rotation (RP) which does not move when you swivel your rectangle around. Let's assume that the point is represented by the diamond in the figure below.
2. Translate the 4 points so that RP is at (0,0). Suppose the coordinates of that point is (RPx,RPy), therefore subtract all 4 corners of the rectangle by those coordinates.
3. Rotate the points with a rotation matrix (which rotates a point anticlockwise around the origin through some angle which is now the point of rotation thanks to the previous translation):
The following figure shows the rectangle rotated by 45° anticlockwise.
4. Translate the rectangle back (by adding RP to all 4 points):
I assume this is what you want :)
It seems like you could avoid a more complex rotation by more crafty positioning initially? For example, in the last example, position the red box at "-25% Blue Height" and "-25% Red Height" -- if I follow your referencing scheme -- then perform the rotation you want.
If you know the origin O and a point P on the side of rotated rectangle, you can calculate the vector between the two:
(source: equationsheet.com)
You can get the angle between the vector and the x-axis by taking the dot product with this vector:
(source: equationsheet.com)
Given this, you can transform any point on the rectangle by multiplying it by a rotation matrix:
(source: equationsheet.com)