Simple encrypt/decrypt functions in Classic ASP - asp-classic

Are there any simple encrypt/decrypt functions in Classic ASP?
The data that needs to be encrypted and decrypted is not super sensitive. So simple functions would do. RC4 Encryption Using ASP & VBScript
See the attachments at the end of the page.
The page layout looks a bit broken to me, but all the info is there. I made it readable it by deleting the code block from the DOM via bowser development tools.

Try this:
' Encrypt and decrypt functions for classic ASP (by TFI)
'********* set a random string with random length ***********
cryptkey = "GNQ?4i0-*\CldnU+[vrF1j1PcWeJfVv4QGBurFK6}*l[H1S:oY\v#U?i,oD]f/n8oFk6NesH--^PJeCLdp+(t8SVe:ewY(wR9p-CzG<,Q/(U*.pXDiz/KvnXP`BXnkgfeycb)1A4XKAa-2G}74Z8CqZ*A0P8E[S`6RfLwW+Pc}13U}_y0bfscJ<vkA[JC;0mEEuY4Q,([U*XRR}lYTE7A(O8KiF8>W/m1D*YoAlkBK#`3A)trZsO5xv#5#MRRFkt\"
'**************************** ENCRYPT FUNCTION ******************************
'*** Note: bytes 255 and 0 are converted into the same character, in order to
'*** avoid a char 0 which would terminate the string
function encrypt(inputstr)
Dim i,x
for i=1 to len(inputstr)
if x<0 then x=x+255
if x>255 then x=x-255
cc=(cc+1) mod len(cryptkey)
end function
'**************************** DECRYPT FUNCTION ******************************
function decrypt(byval inputstr)
Dim i,x
for i=1 to len(inputstr)
if x<0 then x=x+255
if x>255 then x=x-255
cc=(cc+1) mod len(cryptkey)
end function
Function URLDecode(sConvert)
Dim aSplit
Dim sOutput
Dim I
If IsNull(sConvert) Then
URLDecode = ""
Exit Function
End If
'sOutput = REPLACE(sConvert, "+", " ") ' convert all pluses to spaces
aSplit = Split(sOutput, "%") ' next convert %hexdigits to the character
If IsArray(aSplit) Then
sOutput = aSplit(0)
For I = 0 to UBound(aSplit) - 1
sOutput = sOutput & Chr("&H" & Left(aSplit(i + 1), 2)) & Right(aSplit(i + 1), Len(aSplit(i + 1)) - 2)
End If
URLDecode = sOutput
End Function

I know is a bit late for BrokenLink, but for the record and others like me who were looking for the same.
I found this
It needs to install a chilkat ActiveX component on WindowsServer. But this inconvenient becomes convenient when looking resources and processing time.
Its very easy to use, and the given example is pretty clear. To make it your own, just change the "keyHex" variable value and voilá.


ADODB.Stream ReadText error

I am using a downloaded pure ASP script to upload files. My form contains a textarea and a file upload component. It works fine when I enter regular text but it cannot handle when I copy and paste something from word having special characters. The error I am getting is:
Provider error '80070057'
The parameter is incorrect.
/forum/freeaspupload.asp, line 309
The part of my code which throws the error is:
Private Function ConvertUtf8BytesToString(start, length)
StreamRequest.Position = 0
Dim objStream
Dim strTmp
' init stream
Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream.Charset = "utf-8"
objStream.Mode = adModeReadWrite
objStream.Type = adTypeBinary
' write bytes into stream
StreamRequest.Position = start+1
StreamRequest.CopyTo objStream, length
' rewind stream and read text
objStream.Position = 0
objStream.Type = adTypeText
strTmp = objStream.ReadText
' close up and return
Set objStream = Nothing
ConvertUtf8BytesToString = strTmp
End Function
Line 309 is the line:
strTmp = objStream.ReadText
Any idea how to fix it?
I know it's an old question but since there is no answer and I got the exact same problem and finally found a solution, I think it can be good to share it.
The problem is related to IIS version since it was working fine on IIS6 but stop to work when we moved to IIS8.5
See ReadText
By defaut ReadText parameter is -1 (adReadAll).
For some reason, this default parameter seems not working with IIS8.5. You have to put the length of the text that you want to read.
so ReadText(2000) will work fine.
Of course, you will have to figured out the maximum length or find a way to loop and read everything
If NumChar is more than the number of characters left in the stream, only the characters remaining are returned. The string read is not padded to match the length specified by NumChar. If there are no characters left to read, a variant whose value is null is returned. ReadText cannot be used to read backwards.

How do I delete characters in a string up to a certain point in classic asp?

I have a string that at any point may or may not contain one or more / characters. I'd like to be able to create a new string based on this string. The new string would include every character after the very last / in the original string.
Sounds like you're wanting the file name from a URL. In any case, it's the same function. The key is using the InStrRev function to find the first / char, but starting from the right. Here's the function:
Function GetFilename(URL)
Dim I
I = InStrRev(URL, "/")
If I > 0 Then
GetFilename = Mid(URL, I + 1)
GetFilename = URL
End If
End Function
Split it up into parts and get the last part:
a = split("my/string/thing", "/")
wscript.echo a(ubound(a))
note: Not safe when the string is empty.

How to generate MD5 using VBScript in classic ASP?

I need to generate an MD5 in my application.
I've tried google but only find PHP code for MD5. I need to connect to a client system that validates using MD5 hash but their code is in PHP, mine is in Classic ASP using VBScript.
My server is .Net supported so I cannot use the PHP script. Is there any such MD5 code for VBScript in Classic ASP?
Update 2017-02-21 - Now with added HMACSHA256 for JWTs
Update 2016-07-05 - Now with added SHA1 and SHA256
Right, for all of you who have been struggling with this (like myself) and want to know, it is possible!
The following code is split up into several functions so that you can either MD5/sha1/sha256 a string, or a file.
I borrowed the functions GetBytes and BytesToBase64 from another stackexchange, and the code within stringToUTFBytes is based on another stackexchange.
function md5hashBytes(aBytes)
Dim MD5
set MD5 = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider")
'Note you MUST use computehash_2 to get the correct version of this method, and the bytes MUST be double wrapped in brackets to ensure they get passed in correctly.
md5hashBytes = MD5.ComputeHash_2( (aBytes) )
end function
function sha1hashBytes(aBytes)
Dim sha1
set sha1 = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed")
'Note you MUST use computehash_2 to get the correct version of this method, and the bytes MUST be double wrapped in brackets to ensure they get passed in correctly.
sha1hashBytes = sha1.ComputeHash_2( (aBytes) )
end function
function sha256hashBytes(aBytes)
Dim sha256
set sha256 = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed")
'Note you MUST use computehash_2 to get the correct version of this method, and the bytes MUST be double wrapped in brackets to ensure they get passed in correctly.
sha256hashBytes = sha256.ComputeHash_2( (aBytes) )
end function
function sha256HMACBytes(aBytes, aKey)
Dim sha256
set sha256 = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256")
'Note you MUST use computehash_2 to get the correct version of this method, and the bytes MUST be double wrapped in brackets to ensure they get passed in correctly.
sha256HMACBytes = sha256.ComputeHash_2( (aBytes) )
end function
function stringToUTFBytes(aString)
Dim UTF8
Set UTF8 = CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding")
stringToUTFBytes = UTF8.GetBytes_4(aString)
end function
function bytesToHex(aBytes)
dim hexStr, x
for x=1 to lenb(aBytes)
hexStr= hex(ascb(midb( (aBytes),x,1)))
if len(hexStr)=1 then hexStr="0" & hexStr
bytesToHex=bytesToHex & hexStr
end function
Function BytesToBase64(varBytes)
With CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument").CreateElement("b64")
.dataType = "bin.base64"
.nodeTypedValue = varBytes
BytesToBase64 = .Text
End With
End Function
'Special version that produces the URLEncoded variant of Base64 used in JWTs.
Function BytesToBase64UrlEncode(varBytes)
With CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument").CreateElement("b64")
.dataType = "bin.base64"
.nodeTypedValue = varBytes
BytesToBase64UrlEncode = replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(.Text,chr(13),""),chr(10),""),"+", "-"),"/", "_"),"=", "")
End With
End Function
Function GetBytes(sPath)
With CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
.Type = 1 ' adTypeBinary
.LoadFromFile sPath
.Position = 0
GetBytes = .Read
End With
End Function
These can be used as follows:
BytesToBase64(md5hashBytes(stringToUTFBytes("Hello World")))
Produces: sQqNsWTgdUEFt6mb5y4/5Q==
bytesToHex(md5hashBytes(stringToUTFBytes("Hello World")))
Produces: B10A8DB164E0754105B7A99BE72E3FE5
For SHA1:
bytesToHex(sha1hashBytes(stringToUTFBytes("Hello World")))
Produces: 0A4D55A8D778E5022FAB701977C5D840BBC486D0
For SHA256:
bytesToHex(sha256hashBytes(stringToUTFBytes("Hello World")))
Produces: A591A6D40BF420404A011733CFB7B190D62C65BF0BCDA32B57B277D9AD9F146E
To get the MD5 of a file (useful for Amazon S3 MD5 checking):
Where sPath is the path to the local file.
And finally, to create a JWT:
'define the JWT header, needs to be converted to UTF bytes:
'define the JWT payload, again needs to be converted to UTF Bytes.
aPayload=stringToUTFBytes("{""sub"":""1234567890"",""name"":""John Doe"",""admin"":true}")
'Your shared key.
aSigSource=stringToUTFBytes(BytesToBase64UrlEncode(aHead) & "." & BytesToBase64UrlEncode(aPayload))
'The full JWT correctly Base 64 URL encoded.
aJWT=BytesToBase64UrlEncode(aHead) & "." & BytesToBase64UrlEncode(aPayload) & "." & BytesToBase64UrlEncode(sha256HMACBytes(aSigSource,stringToUTFBytes(theKey)))
Which will produce the following valid JWT:
Here is a readable and downloadable version of MD5 as VBS script:
It's the code from (thank you for this unique piece of code).
Thanks for all the links provided above, they were useful but this one I found really did the job if anybody ever needs it.
I have no idea if this code even works, since I have no way of testing it. However, it seems to be what you are asking for.
Here is an interesting article by Jeff Attwood on hashes. He has some important things to say about MD5:
First of all, thank you SgtWilko! :)
Based on your collected information, I've done one function for all (not for base64/Files).
Your code was very useful for me, but I was searching for a more PHP alike (simple) Function to deal with plain text and with a more explicit code.
Based on the issue How to hash a UTF-8 string in Classic ASP, I come up with the ADODB.Stream solution. You can now use non-English characters.
Parameter PlainText was changed to Target.
You can now use the HMAC versions.
Just use the Target parameter as an array.
Target(0) = PlainText
Target(1) = SharedKey
Thank you again SgtWilko ;)
Announcing the first SHA1 collision (Google Security Blog) February 23, 2017.
With this function you can hash the plain text into:
If you need more you can find it in: System.Security.Cryptography Namespace
Function Hash(HashType, Target)
On Error Resume Next
Dim PlainText
If IsArray(Target) = True Then PlainText = Target(0) Else PlainText = Target End If
With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
.CharSet = "Windows-1252"
.WriteText PlainText
.Position = 0
.CharSet = "UTF-8"
PlainText = .ReadText
End With
Set UTF8Encoding = CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding")
Dim PlainTextToBytes, BytesToHashedBytes, HashedBytesToHex
PlainTextToBytes = UTF8Encoding.GetBytes_4(PlainText)
Select Case HashType
Case "md5": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider") '< 64 (collisions found)
Case "ripemd160": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.RIPEMD160Managed")
Case "sha1": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed") '< 80 (collision found)
Case "sha256": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed")
Case "sha384": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384Managed")
Case "sha512": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512Managed")
Case "md5HMAC": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.HMACMD5")
Case "ripemd160HMAC": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.HMACRIPEMD160")
Case "sha1HMAC": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1")
Case "sha256HMAC": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256")
Case "sha384HMAC": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA384")
Case "sha512HMAC": Set Cryptography = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA512")
End Select
If IsArray(Target) = True Then Cryptography.Key = UTF8Encoding.GetBytes_4(Target(1))
BytesToHashedBytes = Cryptography.ComputeHash_2((PlainTextToBytes))
For x = 1 To LenB(BytesToHashedBytes)
HashedBytesToHex = HashedBytesToHex & Right("0" & Hex(AscB(MidB(BytesToHashedBytes, x, 1))), 2)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Response.Write(Err.Description) Else Hash = LCase(HashedBytesToHex)
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
These can be used as follows:
Hash("sha512", "Hello World")
Hash("sha256", "Hello World")
Hash("md5", "muñeca")
Hash("sha512HMAC", Array("Hello World", "Shared Key"))
There is Javascript code that produces an MD5 checksum. One of them, derived from the Google closure library, is available here.
It's pretty easy to produce a Windows Script Component from the Javascript, then call that component from any COM-enabled language, including VB.
Here's a working example.

ASP Classic - Type mismatch: 'CInt' - Easy question

Having an issue with type conversion in ASP classic.
heres my code:
Set trainingCost = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL3 = "SELECT cost1 FROM tblMain WHERE (Booked = 'Booked') AND (Paid IS NULL) AND (PaidDate BETWEEN '01/04/" & startyear & "' AND '31/03/" & endyear & "')"
trainingCost.Open strSQL3, Connection
totalTrainCost = 0
do while not trainingCost.eof
trainCost = trainingCost("cost1")
If NOT isNull(trainCost) then
trainCostStr = CStr(trainCost)
trainCostStr = Replace(trainCostStr, "£", "")
trainCostStr = Replace(trainCostStr, ",", "")
totalTrainCost = totalTrainCost + CInt(trainCostStr)
end if
when I run this I get the following error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch: 'CInt'
/systems/RFT/v1.2/Extract.asp, line 43
which is "totalTrainCost = totalTrainCost + CInt(trainCostStr)"
Im guessing that the problem is to do with the String value being uncastable to Int in which case is there any way to catch this error? I havent worked with asp classic much so any help would be usefull
the type of column cost1 is String as it may contain a number or a sequence of chars eg £10.00 or TBC
You have a couple of choices. You can be proactive by checking ahead of time whether the value is numeric using the IsNumeric function:
If IsNumeric(trainCostStr) Then
totalTrainCost = totalTrainCost + CInt(trainCostStr)
' Do something appropriate
End If
...or you can be reactive by using error catching; in Classic ASP probably easiest to define a function and use On Error Resume Next:
Function ConvertToInt(val)
On Error Resume Next
ConvertToInt = CInt(val)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
ConvertToInt = Empty
End If
End Function
Or return 0 or Null or whatever suits you, then use it in your trainCost code.
Note that CInt expects an integer and will stop at the first non-digit, so "123.45" comes back as 123. Look at the other conversions, CDouble, CCur, etc.
Rather than casting to a string, why not use CCur (Cast as Currency) so that your commas and any currency symbols (I think) are effectively ignored while doing arithmetic operations?
Potentially solving the wrong problem, depends on the type of Cost1 within the database but the code is looping through the records to generate a total.
strSQL3 = "SELECT sum(cost1) FROM tblMain WHERE (Booked = 'Booked') AND (Paid IS NULL) AND (PaidDate BETWEEN '01/04/" & startyear & "' AND '31/03/" & endyear & "')"
trainingCost.Open strSQL3, Connection
etc and just read off the value as a total.
I don't see why the RS is being looped to generate a sum when the database can do that work for you. All the conversion work it has generated just looks artifical.
Heh heh. Classic ASP. You have my pity :) Anyway,
On error resume next
And then on the next line, check that it worked.
Though maybe you want CDouble. Is that a function? I can't remember.

code critique - am I creating a Rube Goldberg machine?

I'm making a fair amount of calls to database tables via ADO.
In the spirit of keeping things DRY, I wrote the following functions to return an array of values from a recordset.
Is this hare brained?
I use it mainly for grabbing a set of combo-box values and the like, never for enormous values. Example Usage (error handling removed for brevity):
Function getEmployeeList()
getEmployeeList= Array()
strSQL = "SELECT emp_id, emp_name from employees"
getEmployeeList = getSQLArray( strSQL, "|" )
End Function
Then I just do whatever I want with the returned array.
Function getSQLArray( SQL, delimiter )
' Input a SQL statement and an optional delimiter, and this function
' will return an array of strings delimited by whatever (pipe defaults)
' You can perform a Split to extract the appropriate values.
' Additionally, this function will return error messages as well; check for
' a return of error & delimiter & errNum & delimiter & errDescription
getSQLArray = Array()
Err.Number = 0
Set objCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objCon.Open oracleDSN
Set objRS = objCon.Execute(SQL)
if objRS.BOF = false and objRS.EOF = false then
Do While Not objRS.EOF
for fieldIndex=0 to (objRS.Fields.Count - 1)
If ( fieldIndex <> 0 ) Then
fieldValue = testEmpty(objRS.Fields.Item(fieldIndex))
recordString = recordString & delimiter & fieldValue
recordString = CStr(objRS.Fields.Item(fieldIndex))
End If
Call myPush( recordString, getSQLArray )
End If
Set objRS = Nothing
Set objCon = Nothing
End Function
Sub myPush(newElement, inputArray)
Dim i
i = UBound(inputArray) + 1
ReDim Preserve inputArray(i)
inputArray(i) = newElement
End Sub
Function testEmpty( inputValue )
If (trim( inputValue ) = "") OR (IsNull( inputValue )) Then
testEmpty = ""
testEmpty = inputValue
End If
End Function
The questions I'd have are:
Does it make sense to abstract all the recordset object creation/opening/error handling into its own function call like this?
Am I building a Rube Goldberg machine, where anyone maintaining this code will curse my name?
Should I just suck it up and write some macros to spit out the ADO connection code, rather than try doing it in a function?
I'm very new to asp so I have holes in its capabilities/best practices, so any input would be appreciated.
There's nothing wrong with doing it your way. The ADO libraries were not really all that well designed, and using them directly takes too many lines of code, so I always have a few utility functions that make it easier to do common stuff. For example, it's very useful to make yourself an "ExecuteScalar" function that runs SQL that happens to return exactly one value, for all those SELECT COUNT(*)'s that you might do.
BUT - your myPush function is extremely inefficient. ReDim Preserve takes a LONG time because it has to reallocate memory and copy everything. This results in O(n2) performance, or what I call a Shlemiel the Painter algorithm. The recommended best practice would be to start by dimming, say, an array with room for 16 values, and double it in size whenever you fill it up. That way you won't have to call ReDim Preserve more than Lg2n times.
I wonder why you are not using GetRows? It returns an array, you will find more details here:
A few notes on GetRows:
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS.Open cmd, , adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
If Not objRS.EOF Then
astrEmployees = objRS.GetRows()
intRecFirst = LBound(astrEmployees, 2)
intRecLast = UBound(astrEmployees, 2)
FirstField = 0
SecondField = 1
End If
'2nd field of the fourth row (record) '
Response.Write (SecondField, 3)
Yes, it makes sense to factor out common tasks. I don't see anything wrong with the general idea. I'm wondering why you're returning an array of strings separated by a delimiter; you might as well return an array of arrays.
