ASP.NET LinkButton Tooltip gets overriden by image alternate text -

I'm using a lot of LinkButtons in my web application with text and images inside them.
All LinkButtons are set with a ToolTip and all images inside the LinkButtons are set with an alternate text.
<asp:LinkButton CssClass="button button-input" ID="btnSearch" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" ToolTip="Search">
<img id="imgSearch" runat="server" src="../../../images/icons/magnifier-left.png" alt="search-something" width="12" height="12" />
The problem is that in Internet Explorer the alternate text of the image is shown instead of the ToolTip of the LinkButton. In Firefox this problem doesn't exists, it always show the ToolTip of the LinkButton.
This is the produced XHTML:
<img width="12" height="12" alt="search-something" id="..." src="../../images/icons/magnifier-left.png">
Is it possible to overcome this issue?
Removing all alternate texts will resolve the issue but a better (more standard) way is always welcome!

Try to set a empty title attribute on your image.
Or use <asp:ImageButton /> instead of the <asp:LinkButton />


Watermark for an ASP.Net Panel

Does an panel can be inserted with a watermark? These panel is used for printing purposes. Another problem is that the background image in the panel is not printing, only the objects inside of it.
I think you should take a look at BackImageUrl property. And assign the path of the watermark image to it.
<asp:Panel BackImageUrl="yourimagefile.png" />
Also, the image should be given a proper opacity / alpha value so that it's transparent.
Here is one more example from codeproject that you can do many thinks on the image, including adding watermark from image.
<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server">
<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/yourimage.png" />
<div style="margin-top: -xxx"><--change the position <div> to overlaps with the image
your content here

Put a column image inside the gridview

Is there a way put an Icon in the colum header instead of text value in the gridview.I am doing this indirect way like this
<ext:Column ID="Column6" runat="server" Text="TS" Flex="1" Align="Center" DataIndex="SId">
<ext:Button Dock="Top" ID="Button6" runat="server" IconAlign="Right" IconCls="flagTs" Scale="Large" Flex="1"></ext:Button>
I am using a button which get the style outside in that way I put this image.But It really looks ugly
Is there any way to do that directly and without the messing the looking of the grid.
note the HtmlEncode=false:
<asp:BoundField HtmlEncode="false"
HeaderText='<img src="" />Filter' />
It will render an image on the header and the word Filter next to it.

How to give link to an image in .cs page?

I have a table. In that i have an image and a label. I have to give hyperlink to both of them. I have given hyperlink to label as same i have to give it to the image from the aspx.cs page. Can anyone tell me how to give it???
Thnx in advance.
It's not clear from the question what you are trying to do?
DO you want to just have both the image and the label be clickable, and go to the same url?
You can wrap them in an anchor like so:
<a href="[Your url]">
<asp:Label runat="server" Text="Label Text">
<img />

Weird spacing of Checkbox labels

when I try to create a number of Checkboxes, I have strange spaces inserted:
<td style="width:85%;white-space:nowrap;" colspan=3>
<asp:CheckBox ID="rdoSchool" runat="server" Text="School (NSL)" />
<asp:CheckBox ID="rdoSFS" runat="server" Text="Summer Food Service" />
<asp:CheckBox ID="rdoOther" runat="server" Text="Other (Specify)" />&nbsp<asp:TextBox ID="txtOther" Width="125px" runat="server" />
How can I make the label closer to the checkbox?
This isn't default styling, and is most likely caused by your CSS. Use a tool like Firebug (on Firefox) or Developer Tools on IE8 to find the applied CSS rules (Should be F12 either way).
Take a look at the markup the CheckBox control generates.
... "Now there's your problem" - Adam Savage, Mythbusters.
Basically the CheckBox control (along with the RadioButtonList control) generates crappy markup. One way to fix this, is to extend and override the Render method to implement some sensible markup-generation code. Another option is to force the HTML-tables the control generates into place with some clever CSS tricks.

Opera Bug: src="" generated by asp:image is empty

I have the following problem with Opera.
The following code
<asp:Image runat="server" ID="imgExpand"/>
<ajaxToolkit:CollapsiblePanelExtender ID="cpe" runat="Server"
ExpandedImage="<%$ Image:collapse.png %>"
CollapsedImage="<%$ Image:expand.png %>"
generates the following in FF3, IE6, IE7, IE8:
<img style="border-width: 0px;" src="/style/img/collapse.png" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_imgExpand" title="Ausblenden..."/>
however the following in Opera 10:
<img id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ucProductList_rptProducts_ctl02_imgExpand" class="expand-img" src="" style="border-width:0px;"/>
As you can see the src="" is empty and thus no image is beeing displayed.
Do you know any solution to this problem?
Thanks alot
Sounds pretty weird. I haven't heard of that particular error, but you could probably work around it the same way you can avoid all the problems associated with ASP.NET's idiotic, broken browser-sniffing: turn it off.
Discovered the same problem. But noticed that official example is working under Opera. After some playing found a reason:
It's necessary to specify image for control (ImageUrl="~/Img/icon-plus.gif")
<asp:ImageButton ID="ib" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Img/icon-plus.gif" ImageAlign="AbsMiddle" />
And after that put the ID of it into control (ImageControlID="ib"):
<ajaxToolkit:CollapsiblePanelExtender ID="cpe" runat="Server" TargetControlID="pD" ExpandControlID="pH" CollapseControlID="pH"
Collapsed="True" TextLabelID="lCategoryName" ImageControlID="ib" ExpandedText="(Hide Details...)" CollapsedText="(Show Details...)"
SuppressPostBack="true" ExpandedImage="~/Img/icon-minus.gif" CollapsedImage="~/Img/icon-plus.gif" />
