mvc regular expression -

(#"^\w+(?: \w+){0,8}$"
the above regular expression restrict all the special characters except _ . how would i restrict it.

#"^[^\W_]+(?: [^\W_]+){0,8}$"
to allow everything that \w matches except _.
\W means "any character that isn't matched by \w", so by putting it into a negated character class and adding a _ to that class, we're effectively subtracting _ from \w.*
In other words, [^\W_] means "match any character that is neither a non-alphanumeric character nor an underscore".
Another way (perhaps more explicit and easier to understand) would be to use Unicode properties:
#"^[\p{L}\p{N}]+(?: [\p{L}\p{N}]+){0,8}$"
where [\p{L}\p{N}] means "any Unicode letter or number".
*In .NET, the \w shorthand matches a lot more than [A-Za-z0-9_], especially international (non-ASCII) letters.

Replace \w with [a-zA-Z0-9]. The shortcut \w matches any word character, i.e., alphanumeric characters and the underscore.
#"^[a-zA-Z0-9]+(?: [a-zA-Z0-9]+){0,8}$"
You can use [a-z0-9] once you figure out how to set the i flag (case-insensitive) on.


r gsub regex keep only [A-z0-9_] but ^ also remains [duplicate]
Should match "17 alphanumeric chars, hyphens allowed too, must include at least one letter and at least one number"
It'll correctly match:
and correctly decline to match:
(and almost any other non-alphanumeric char)
but will apparently allow:
Because your character class [A-z] matches this symbol.
[A-z] matches [, \, ], ^, _, `, and the English letters.
Actually, it is a common mistake. You should use [a-zA-Z] instead to only allow English letters.
Here is a visualization from Expresso, showing what the range [A-z] actually covers:
So, this regex (with i option) won't capture your string.
In my opinion, it is always safer to use Ignorecase option to avoid such an issue and shorten the regex.
regex uses ASCII printable characters from the space to the tilde range.
Whenever we use [A-z] token it matches the following table highlighted characters. If we use [ -~] token it matches starting from SPACE to tilde.
You're allowing A-z (capital 'A' through lower 'z'). You don't say what regex package you're using, but it's not necessarily clear that A-Z and a-z are contiguous; there could be other characters in between. Try this instead:
It seems to meet your criteria for me in regexpal.

Underscore in front of css class

While inspecting some part of css of facebook i've noticed some class like this "_5pcb _5tmf _5p3y _50f3". Does the underscore has any special use or just for aesthetic and readability? I'm aware that underscores and hypens are valid character but I'm just wondering if the underscore in the front has a special use
The underscore itself has no special meaning (and I don't find it very aesthetic), but you cannot start class names with a digit, so it's probably just padding for that.
Basically, a name must begin with an underscore (_), a hyphen (-), or a letter(a–z), followed by any number of hyphens, underscores, letters, or numbers. There is a catch: if the first character is a hyphen, the second character must be a letter or underscore, and the name must be at least 2 characters long.
Note that, according to the CSS grammar, a rule starting with TWO hyphens, e.g. --className, is invalid.

Regular expression to allow dash sign

I currently need to allow a "-" sign in this regular expression ^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$.
You could use a regex like this:
Working demo
The idea is to use insensitive flag to avoid having A-Za-z and use only a-z. And also use \d that's the shortcut for 0-9.
So, basically the regex is compound of three parts:
^[a-z\d]+ ---> Start with alphanumeric characters
[-a-z\d]+ ---> can continue with alphanumeric characters or dashes
[a-z\d]+$ ---> End with alphanumeric characters
Simply add it as the first character after the opening bracket: ^[-a-zA-Z0-9]*$
Or, to match one or more of letters/numbers with a dash in between: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+-[a-zA-Z0-9]+$
Hyphen can be included immediately after the open bracket [ or before the closing bracket
] in the character class. You should not include in the middle of the character class, otherwise it will treat as range characters and some Regex engine might not work also.
In your case both are valid solutions
(^[-a-zA-Z0-9]*$) - Starting of the Char class
(^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$) - End of the Char class

Regular expression for one Alphabet and many numbers

I need a regular expression that check my string contains one alphabet+many digits.Eg, A546456 or B456 or N455,
I have tried
A regular expression to validate if a string starts with a single letter A-Z in any case and has 1 or more digits and nothing else is: ^[A-Za-z]\d+$
^ ... beginning of string (or beginning of line in other context).
[A-Za-z] ... a character class definition for a single character (no multiplier appended) matching a letter in range A-Z in any case. \w cannot be used as it matches also an underscore and letters from other languages as for example German umlauts.
\d ... a digit which is equal the expression [0-9].
+ ... previous expression (any digit) 1 or more times.
$ ... end of string (or end of line in other context).
Be careful with a regular expression containing a backslash as used here for \d put into a string as the backslash character is in many programming/scripting languages also the escape character inside strings and must be therefore often escaped with one more backslash, i.e. "^[A-Za-z]\\d+$"

Regular Expression to match only letters

I need write a regular expression for RegularExpressionValidator ASP.NET Web Controls.
The regular expression should ALLOW all alphabetic characters but not numbers or special characters (example: |!"£$%&/().
Any idea how to do it?
validates a string of length 1 or greater, consisting only of ASCII letters.
does the same for international letters, too.
[^ # match any character that is NOT a
\W # non-alphanumeric character (letters, digits, underscore)
\d # digit
_ # or underscore
] # end of character class
Effectively, you get \w minus (\d and _).
Or, you could use the fact that ASP.NET supports Unicode properties:
validates a string of Unicode letters of length 1 or more.
Including spaces:
"^[a-zA-Z ]*$"
Excluding Spaces:
To make it non-optional, change the * to a +
You can use the regex:
^ : Start anchor
[..] : Char class
+ : one or more repetations
$ : End anchor
