Image rollover flicker using images via css in Safari - css

I have a fairly image heavy site and have image rollovers (:hover) on a lot of images on the page. The page loads but the rollovers images take longer to load and cause a flickering when the user intially rolls over the image. I know that this issue has been disscussed many times however I have not found an appropriate solution that works.
I am using safari, background rollovers are done through css. Need some kind of hover image preloader or delay script or similar but any suggestion is welcome

Check out CSS Sprites. That's the time-tested, tried and true technique for avoiding flicker like this on hovers.


Choppy scrolling in chrome with big background images

I've created a web page, and it has 7 six sections with huge background images using background-size: cover;. It works fine in all browsers except Google Chrome (All versions/All platforms). When I try scrolling the page in google chrome or click on its links (which they also scroll the page using $.scrollTo) the page gets choppy and laggy and it scrolls slowly and uses 100% CPU.
I've uploaded the page so you can test it: (I'll remove the page later). Even IE9/10 is fine, but chrome gets choppy.
The page has several "scroll" events bound to it and I have tried disabling the javascript altogether but it doesn't get better so its not from the scroll events.
I'm using background-size: cover because it shapes the photo exactly like I want it to and I want the image to be fixed that's why I can't use other methods like using img tag instead of backgrounds.
What should I do?
A solution I found for myself for a website with similar behaviour was to add background-repeat:no-repeat css property for those divs containing huge background images.
You can also check if you have a background image for body or html that is repeated, for me the big problem was a repeated pattern image that interfered considerably with google chrome's scrolling performance.
Also if you're using CSS transitions on those "slides" you should check that those are not assigned to "all". If you're having a transition only for the "left" property there is no point assigning it for "all".
I'm not sure if this alone will help you but it is always a good practice to compress your images and your scripts.
This stuff did the trick for me. Hope it helps.

Background image glitch

I'm banging my head against a wall with a coding problem. I've developed a website with a large background image to allow scrollable content.
The page appears fine on most browsers, but on the ipad/safari, this browser presents the full background image in the viewable area, not just the native resoltion of the background image as per the ther main borwsers.
It's important I keep the image background and allow it to scroll down as some pages on this site will be lengthy. Any ideas would be much apporeicated!
Thanks in advance!
Preview of layout page:
The homepage is index.html (for reference) - Homepage uses different bg image. No problems there...!
Error screnshot of background in Safari on iPad:
Mobile Safari has had some issues with image filesize, and some known limitations. Take a look at the discussion in the link below. It shows an example that looks very similar to yours, where the image is being cropped vertically, and some specs as to the limitations. Even though it is referencing using an iPhone, it would, of course, affect an iPad as well, as both use Mobile Safari.

Image Sprites and Cross Browser Compatibility Issues

I'm having some trouble with the CSS in my site, both with image sprites and IE compatibility.
Here is a jsfiddle:
The two main problems are:
In IE, the contact links at the bottom are not appearing in the blue bar, but way down and to the right of the rest of the site.
The image sprites for MMA Cage Door and FightNight Nutrition are not working. It appears that the hover image is on constant display, as the non-hovered image is supposed to be much lighter than what we are looking at.
On a side note - For some reason the background image repeating isn't working in the jsfiddle, but I haven't noticed a problem with it outside of that.
Any advice that you all can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
One other thing I am noticing with the sprites. It appears when I hover over an image the first image doesn't disappear, it still remains while the hover image appears on top of it. Is that how it is supposed to work? Because my images are semi-transparent, this is something I would like to avoid if possible.
Here is a link to the site in action:
Could be a width, margin-left, or even position relative/absolute giving problems here. I have not checked in depth through all css code to see the cause. A fast/dirty fix, obviously loading alternative css or html for IE7, is that setting (in IE7) the UL #social with top:190px and left:100px , it seems to fit ok (or fine tune to the preferred position) .I'd go from here to guess what is causing to act differently.
Seems you already fixed, images seen light when not hovered, darker when hovered. All in IE7.

Webkit browsers not fully rendering background-image

I've got a simple webpage with a centered background image around the main div. The background image renders fine in IE and Firefox, but on Webkit-based browsers (Chrome, Safari), the background image only partially renders when the page is initially loaded. It's almost as if the browser just quits trying to render it. If I resize the browser window, or click on any of the links on the page, the background image shows fully. Here's the site:
I've tried various CSS hacks, preloading images, etc and nothing seems to fix the problem. Has anyone had similar issues? Is there a problem with my HTML or CSS? I'm a realtive noob to HTML/CSS, so any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
For some reason, it's the overflow: auto on the #wrapper div that does it. Don't ask me why, but there seems to be your problem.

ie6 background image png AlphaImageLoader issue after load with mootools 1.11

I'm trying to render a .png background image in ie6 after a mootools onclick event which changes the background image of a logo div.
here is the relevant code as it is just now-
$('logo').setStyle('background-image', imagePath);
filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="+imagePath+")"
this, for whatever reason, doesn't seem to work! the event is called and works fine for all other browsers but the logo is just blank when this runs in ie6.
If anyone could shed some light on this, or has any ideas, I would be much obliged.
have you tried saving your PNG's as PNG8 instead? this way you can gracefully handle IE6. saves all that alpha load hassel.
futher, why not try and write your css in conditional stylesheets ands simply change the class (or add more on) of the item in question rather than its inline attributes.
