Making a page secure -

I am building a ASP.NET website that has members pages. I have created a folder where I keep the members pages in and that can only be accessed by logging in or creating a new account. The problem is how do I make the url of these members pages secure, so that someone cant simply give the url to another user for them to copy into a browser or bookmark. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

In web.config you need specify that this folder for permitted user only.
To grant individual security (person against person) just add checking (for example at Page_Load) that member is permitted to see this page and throw HttException with code 403 (forbidden)

You can do this through the Authentication element in your web.config. has details on this but roughly you will add things that look like this:
<location path="subdir1">
<deny users="?" />
This will deny access to that subdir to all anonymous users.
To quote the MSDN page above:
When using forms-based authentication
in ASP.NET applications, only
authenticated users are granted access
to pages in the application.
Unauthenticated users are
automatically redirected to the page
specified by the loginUrl attribute of
the Web.config file where they can
submit their credentials. In some
cases, you may want to permit users to
access certain pages in an application
without requiring authentication.
In response to your edit of testing user pages then there are two ways I can think of that this might work. If the page is specific to a given user then you can just make sure that in the code rather than getting the user details from the url that you look up who the logged in user is and give them their page. So for example if you are currently looking at members/mypage.aspx?user=bob then instead just link to members/mypage.aspx and in the code get the name of the logged in user to use. Then there is no way to tell the code that you want Bob's page without being Bob.
In the more likely event that you have groups of users (eg admin) that can see a page then you will need to put some code on your page to check permissions. For a given page you will need to work out who can view it somehow (eg by lookign up that page against the allowed user roles to get a list of roles) and then check if the logged in user is in that list of who can view (does the user have one of those roles.
eg Bob is an admin and Frank isn't. When going to your admin.aspx page you first of all lookup admin.aspx and find out that roles Admin and SuperAdmin are allowed to view it. You then look up the logged in user and iterate through their roles til you find one in the allowed roles list. If you find one process the page as normal, if you don't then either redirect somewhere else or throw an exception (eg throw your own MyAccessDeniedException that gets caught in your global event handler and shows a message explaining the user doesn't have permissions).
All of this can be done in a base class of your page to prevent you having to include the code on every page. That is you can create MyPage that inherits from Page and in the onload (or oninit or wherever you fancy) of MyPage run this security check. Then all the pages of your site inherit from MyPage instead of Page and you immediately get the functionality on all pages.
Hopefully this answers your questions.


Redirect different user to another URL

I created different roles (such as Admin, Active user, User, ...) in my web system. The user get Authenticated by built in ASP: log in and I've different folder for different user roles.
Any user group have a folder and web config page to allow or denied to access the folder's pages.
Now my question is:
How to redirect a user from a page that not have a permission to see it, to another page like access denied.aspx page?
for more info:
I want when a "user" click on the manager's page, it redirect to access denied.aspx page.
If exit a way to don't show manager's page for user group, please say that.
Put this in masterpage
if (!(HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Admin")))
in manager's pageload:
if (!User.IsInRole("managers")) {
or something like that?

What are the ways to notify user that he does not have permissions to access a page?

What are the ways to notify user that he does not have permissions to access a page?
What I already started is that I made an error page with "no permissions" message and user will be redirected if he does not have permissions on this page.
I don't know if this is the official or the best way.
Another place that what should I do in the UserControl case, for example, when I have a user control to browse the employees and I don't want to prevent the user in everytime the user control is used. I would prefer to process the permissions from one place (inside the user control's code).
Any ideas will be approciated.
I would suggest you make a custom page and redirect the user to that page if that user is not in certain role...
Put this condition in master page:
if (!(HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Admin"))
You have many options including:
Option1: Redirect user to a page that you have created for such purpose ..
Option2: Throw an exception then handle it in an appropriate way..
throw new Excepion("Exception Message");
I usualy set the value of the Visible property for the control that user does not have permissions on them to false .
You can use the authorization section in the web.config
It would all depend on how fine grained your permissions are. Based on permissions set, sometimes it may not make sense to show the entire page while other times, you need to disable and/or make readonly and/or hide part of UI. For example, lets say, there are two permissions, view user details and add/edit user details. So if view permission is not present then navigating to user details page, one should redirect user to a common error page stating something like "Insufficient Permissions". On the other hand, if view permission is there but no edit permission then one can see user details but button/links such as Edit/Detele should be hidden/disabled (or you may show user details in read-only format etc).
Typically, I prefer to fetch entire user permission set on login and cache it into application wide context classes (generally user specific context gets backed by session state). The permission set would have methods to check against specific permission. Then the base page (all pages would be derived from one common base page - intermediate base pages are possible for different concerns) would check if view permission for the page is present (the permission is obtained via a virtual method that interested page overrides to supply) and if not then user is redirected to common error page. Adjusting specific UI as per permissions is left to the individual pages (although there can be cases where pages may have common templates and even share that piece of code via another base page).

How to get ASP.NET Forms Authentication (using role restrictions) to not redirect to login page

Does anyone know of a way to get ASP.NET Forms Authentication to not redirect back to the login page if a user is not allowed to visit a certain page or folder based on their role (and perhaps show a message instead)?
The redirect happens because the user is not authorized to see the page - not because she is not authenticated with the system. As such, the framework does not distinct between the situation where a user is "not logged in" and the situation where she is just "missing the required role". If she does not have acccess, she is redirected to the login page - end of story.
What I usually do, is to create my login form with a MultiView with a view for each of the two cases, as well as one for the case where the user asked for the login form himself. Then I do something like this to toggle between the different views:
if (Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"] == null)
myMultiView.ActiveViewIndex = 0; // user asked for login form
else if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
myMultiView.ActiveViewIndex = 1; // insufficient rights
myMultiView.ActiveViewIndex = 2; // login required
Rather than using a MultiView you could also insert a Response.Redirect in branch above, if this seems to make more sence in your application - e.g. if the three login forms are significantly diverse.
If you don't want it to redirect back to the login page, then what page do you want to resolve, the requested page, which they don't have access to? If so, and if you want that URL to be in their address bar, then you will need to override the base ASP.NET page, and prevent the continuation of rendering, and instead return an simple page with a pop up message or something.
I think you'll have to change the authorization in web.config for the given page's location so that everyone is authorized.
<location path="somepage.aspx">
<allow users="?"/>
Then you can use Roles.IsUserInRole() in the page logic to determine if they are authorized, and then display a message if they are not. I've done this before when I use the same aspx page for viewing and editing a record where anyone can view but only certain roles can edit.
4GuysFromRolla have a pretty detailed tutorial on how to use the membership provider. The link provided gives you details about how to apply user- and role-based authorization rules to methods and classes.
Hope this helps some.

How to bypass forced login for a token authenticating service?

OK so whenever anyone hits our site who is not logged in, it pushes to the login page and has them sign in, and then pushes them back to the page they attempted to access. I have been tasked to create a service (using ASHX) that returns reporting data via xml. This is all done, however in order to access it you have to be logged in. Instead of logging in I am going to have them pass a token through query string to authenticate that it is a valid request. However I am unsure how to go about bypassing the forced login. Is this too vague or does anyone have any ideas? I suppose the last ditch effort would be to create a totally separate site in ISS but I would like to avoid that if possible.
One way to do it in the same site would be to have your service accessible anonymously, then do your own authentication inside the service against the token.
To allow anonymous, add a section to your web.config that allows full access to a directory that contains your service. For example, your service is Add this to your web.config where your other authorization sections are:
<location path="Services">
<allow users="*" />
Then, in your service, authenticate your token you've passed in however you want to. If the authentication doesn't pass, throw a SoapException. How to authenticate all depends on how you are currently authenticating in your login page..
Hope this helps.
Just change your sign in page to check the referrer or URL for your details.
If it finds it, automatically make it authenticate this user you have setup.
// In your signin aspx file
bool bYourCriteriaIsMet = true; // do something here like check the referrer or querystring etc..";
if (bYourCriteriaIsMet)
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage("Your Temp User Name", false);
Just figure out what you need to verify and then do the redirect manually.
You could also just have the page you want accessible in the NON secured area like where your sign in page exists then anyone will be able to access it without having to worry about all this redirect and authentication stuff.

Prevent visitors from opening certain pages

I have as ASP.Net 2.0 website with SQL Server as database and C# 2005 as the programming language. The website is almost complete and all the links are working fine. But I want to prevent normal users from opening a couple of pages. When any user clicks on those specific links, another page opens which contains a ASP Login control. The user has to supply a valid userid and password to display the links pointing to the restrictive pages. But being a newbie, I don't know how to leverage the full power of the ASP Login control. Because, if a user gets to know the exact url of the restricted pages, then he/she can bypass the login control and directly access those pages by typing the url into the address bar. I want to prevent this. If the user types the url directly in the address bar, I want that the page itself should check, whether the user has been validated through the Login control and either display the page or point the user to the Login page.
How do I implement this feature??
Thank You.
Lalit Kumar Barik
You'll want to take a look at the location secton of the web config.
In that section, you can define down to the page level the access rights, so it wouldn't matter if the users knew the URL of the secured pages, ASP.NET wouldn't let them in.
So you would add something like:
<location path="SecuredPage.aspx">
<deny users="?"/>
The "deny users="?"" bit says "Deny all anonymous users".
You can also set it up to only allow certain roles, if you are using those.
More information on the Authorization section can be found here:
authorization Element
This is food for the ASP.Net Membership services. Take a look at this article and also the great series over at 4GuysFromRolla.
Membership allows you to store user/password information which is used, among others, by the Login control. Coupled with the authorization configuration you will be able to directly narrow access to specific pages down to specific users or roles.
You will need a way to manage login sessions for each user. The following are some tutorials that could help you:
You should verify the user's logged in state at every Page_Load() event on pages that must control permissions, or simply put the authentication code in a CS file that will be included in all other files.
Depending on the authentication architecture that you choose (simply use the session variable, or create a session id with cookies), you must adapt your code accordingly.
The simplest way would be to manage log-ins through the session object. When the user logs in properly with the right credentials, you can set Session["logged_in"] = true. And on every Page_Load() event of the pages you want to protect, you'd need to do the following check.
Add this code at the beginning of your Page_Load() function:
if (Session["logged_in"] != null && (bool)Session["logged_in"] == true){
Response.Write("I'm logged in!");
Response.Write("I'm not logged in.");
Please keep in mind that this is okay for simple intranet applications, but if you want to get into more secure login architectures, read up more about the subject, as reloying solely on session variables isn't safe because sessions can be highjacked.
I would make a role table for users. Everyone who logs in gets the 'normal' role. Special uses whom you designate by their credentials get assigned roles to access a page or section of your website. Certain users (like yourself) would get an administrator role that automatically allows them access to everything.
Fire off a function called CheckIsInRoles('Admin', 'Normal', 'WhateverRoleYouChoose') which returns a boolean. If true, load the page; if not, don't.
Even better don't display a link if not in the correct role.
This has the added benefit of everyone logging on once and then accessing all the pages they need to without having to log on each time.
