How do I hide a div before the page is loaded? -

I have a div on my page - I'd like when that page is being loaded that Div is being hidden by jQuery's .hide method. Now I have that when a page is ready then that div is hiding - but that hiding is visible. I don't want that
Now I have that code:

.hide('fast') will still animate. To do it (nearly) instantly use .hide();. However, you may still see a flicker, in which case what you want to do is append
to the element in question as part of the initial html sent. This still allows you to use jQuery's .show(); method later on if you wish.


YUI3 Y.Panel - How to hide HTML contents while page is loading?

I have a Panel that I'm using as a modal dialog box, and as such the contents should be hidden from view while the page is loading. However, if I use CSS to set the div's display:none or visibility:hidden then the YUI show() & hide() methods don't work properly (eg, clicking the button to call up the modal dialog greys out the screen, but the referenced div does not appear). Can anyone point me towards the best way to do this?
Try adding yui3-widget-loading to the container div. When Y.Panel is instantiated, it will remove this class. You can then define .yui3-widget-loading { display:none; } so it is not visible during page load.

anchors and iframes?

I have an HTML document with an iframe in it. Now, if you click a certain button/link in the iframe, I want the parent document to scroll back to the top.
I'm not sure how to make that work. When I put an anchor at the top of the parent document, and have the button do something like window.parent.location = '#anchorname';, then the browser opens the iframe document itself, having the parent one vanish.
First of all, I suggest the usage of JQuery scrollTop (see here) to scroll on top. This is not enough, however, you need to call your function from the page in the iFrame, so, supposing that your function which scrolls your document is called 'foo', you can call your function from the page in the iFrame this way:;
Hope this helps.

Position:fixed in iOS5 Moves when input is focused

I have a div at the top of my mobile application that is position:fixed so it will stay on the top of the browser (it scrolls away in ios 4 and lower which is fine). When an input is focused and brings up the keyboard, the div moves down to the middle of the page. See screenshots:
Here is a simplified test page:
<div class="fixed"><input type="text" /></div>
<div class="content"></div>
.fixed { position:fixed; top:0; left:0; width:100%; background:#ccc; }
.content { width:100%; height:1000px; background:#efefef; }
Unfortunately you are probably best off using absolute positioning for your fixed elements when working with IOS. Yes, IOS5 does claim to support fixed positioning, but it all falls down when you have interactive controls within that fixed element.
I had the same problem with the search box on my site. In IOS5 the fixed header would jump down the page if the search box gained focus while the page was scrolled. I tried various workarounds, and the one I currently have is a <div> which sits over the search box. When this <div> is clicked the following occurs:
The page is scrolled to the top
The fixed header is changed to absolute
The <div> covering the search box is hidden
The search <input> is focused
The above steps are reversed when the search box loses focus. This solution prevents the header jumping down the page when the search box is clicked, but for a simpler site you are probably better using absolute positioning in the first place.
There is another tricky issue with IOS5 and fixed positioning. If you have clickable elements on your fixed area with body elements scrolled behind them, this can break your touch events.
For example, on the buttons on the fixed header became unclickable when interactive elements were scrolled behind them. touchstart was not even being fired when these buttons where tapped. Luckily onClick still seemed to work, although this is always a last resort for IOS because of the delay.
Finally notice how (in IOS5) you can click on the fixed header and scroll the page. I know this emulates the way you can use the scroll wheel over a fixed header in a normal browser, but surely this paradigm doesn't make sense for a touch-UI?
Hopefully Apple will continue to refine the handling of fixed elements, but in the meantime it's easier to stick with absolute positioning if you have anything interactive in your fixed area. That or go back to IOS4 when things were so much easier!
Using the JohnW recomendation to use absolute instead of fixed I came up with this workaround:
First set up a bind to detect when the input is onFocus, scroll to the top of the page and change the element position to absolute:
$('#textinput').bind('focus',function(e) {
scrollTop: 0
Note that I'm using the id textinput for the input and textinput-container for the div top bar that is containing the input.
Set up another bind to detect when the input is not on focus anymore to change the position of the div back to fixed
$('#textinput').bind('blur',function(e) {
I've been using a similar solution for a bar fixed at the bottom of the page, the code posted should be working for a bar fixed at the top but I didn't test it
Modified version of pablobart's solution but without scrolling to top:
// Absolute position
$('#your-field').bind('focus',function(e) {
$('section#footer').css('top',($(window).scrollTop() + window.innerHeight) - $('section#footer').height());
}, 100);
// Back to fixed position
$('#your-field').bind('focusout',function(e) {
The simple CSS:
*{ position:fixed; bottom:0; left:0; height:42px }*
This solution works pretty well for me. All the code does is wait until the user taps on a text field, then changes the element identified by the 'jQuerySelector' parameter from a 'fixed' to 'static' position. When the text field looses focus (the user tapped on something else) the element's position is changed back to 'fixed'.
// toggles the value of 'position' when the text field gains and looses focus
var togglePositionInResponseToInputFocus = function(jQuerySelector)
// find the input element in question
var element = jQuery(jQuerySelector);
// if we have the element
if (element) {
// get the current position value
var position = element.css('position');
// toggle the values from fixed to static, and vice versa
if (position == 'fixed') {
element.css('position', 'static');
} else if (position == 'static') {
element.css('position', 'fixed');
And the associated event handlers:
var that = this;
// called when text field gains focus
// called when text field looses focus
The reason the buttons are becoming unclickable is because they have actually scrolled invisibly with the content. They are still there, just not at the location they were originally, nor where you see them.
If you can guess how much the button has moved (based on how much the content has moved) you can click on the invisible button and it will function normally. In other words, if the content has scrolled by 50 pixels, click 50 pixels away from the button and it will work.
You can scroll the content manually (even by a tiny amount) and the buttons will again work as expected.
Just hide your fixed element on focus and then show it again on focusout. I bet your users don't need to see it when focused. I know this is not a solution but I think it is a better approach. Keep it simple.

JavaScript moving slightly down a Message (div)?

Is there a way to move down by some pixel a div with a text inside? (Maybe using jQuery or w/e)
The effect I would get is like when stackoverflow shows at top the yellow message (for a badge) But I need it inside a page, without moving down all the rest of the page
(I would add a fade effect too while the message is moving down)
Ps. Please consider the message can be more than 1 (just like stackoverflow at top)
with jQuery this would be done like:
<div id="message">Some message</div>
$("#message").slideDown(500); //where 500 is the time effect in miliseconds..
Online demo:
Se more about jQuery effects here:
If you want to slide it down and fade it in at the same time, then you should use .animate() instead, something like:
$("#message").animate({height:"30px", opacity:1 },500);
Online demo:
UPDATE: If you want to avoid moving other content while animating you can use position:absolute in css see demo below:
Demo avoiding push down:
You can set the div to position:absolute and then animate it down using jQuery.animate to change the top style.
read about jQuery.animate here:
You can see a simple example here:
Note: This method as opposed to using the slideDown will actually slide the entire div down from it's hiding place, where as slideDown will just reveal statically positioned content, which imo looks really awefull
Assuming that your page is not laying inside some container with position-absolute,
adding a container element as fist child of the body will push down render all the rest of the page.
(container - any HTML tag that contains HTML. usually DIV).
This is an example using pure javascript:
connect the "add" to your messaging event, or render the on the server
connect the "remove" to the close button of the message bar
and that will be all :)
function $e(s){ return document.getElementById(s) }
function add(){
var d = document.createElement("div");
d.innerHTML = "your message: " + $e("txt").value;
document.body.insertBefore(d, document.body.firstChild);
function remove(){
// assuming that your page content is wrapped in a div with ID="content"
if ( == "content") return;
document.body.removeChild( document.body.firstChild);

How can I hide controls (not remove them from the DOM) on the server side?

I have a div with runat="server" set. I have an ASP.NET button control in my page. When this button is clicked, I want to hide the div.
Is there any other option that setting visible="false"?
I can't use that, because when I do, I can't access the element in my JavaScript since it is removed from the browser. I want to show the hidden div with JavaScript at a later point.
Add a display:none CSS style to the control:
myDiv.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "none");
Is there any other option that
changing visibility to false.I cant
use the visibility to false,because
when i change visibility,I cant access
the same in my javascript since it is
removed from the browser.
This doesn't make sense. Setting the CSS visibility to hidden will not remove the element from the DOM.
If that's the only thing your button does, I'd probably do it in javascript first to avoid the postback all together.
If that's not an option, then just add the style attribute to the div server-side with "display:none;" for the value.
