How to dynamically create rss feed? - rss

I just created my first rss feed. it worked fine. got it validated. It is basic feed of my recent blog posts. I would like to know if i would dynamically url parameters..
feed would look like this ..
should show the recent blog posts of category "php". if category changes to "jquery" should show recent posts in "jquery"
How can I build a feed with changing URL parameters or build individual feeds?

Of course.
Just get the category name of out of the query string (using whatever standard library you use for that in whatever language you are using), add that as a conditional to whatever method you use to get the data (hopefully some sort of ORM), then drop the results into whatever library you generate the RSS from, just as if it were all the entries.


Gravity form does not correlate correctly when publishing a post

There is a problem, I do not know how to solve it.
The scheme is as follows.
There are categories of goods, in this form:
subcategory-3(name Tour)(term_id=6)<br>
subcategory-2(name Tour)(term_id=8)<br>
Gravity Forms will initially look for the category/tag of the same name as specified and use that. If no match is found, then a new category/tag will be created. All new categories/tags created this way will be placed at the top level of the category/tags hierarchy.
I tried everything in the Populate Anything settings, I can’t get it to correlate with the category that I need.I need this (subcategory-2(name Tour)(term_id=8)), inserts here anyway (subcategory-3(name Tour)(term_id=6))
By the way, I'll add one more thing.
It would seem that he chose the category that is needed, how to force the search not by name, but by term id?

WooCommerce Custom Attribute being indexed but shows no results

We're running WordPress 4.7, WooCommerce 2.6.9 and the Algolia 1.6.0.
We've got 7 indexes setup:
Searchable posts [searchable_posts]
Posts [posts_post]
Pages [posts_page]
Products [posts_product]
Brands [terms_product_brand]
Product Categories [terms_product_cat]
Full Code [terms_pa_full-code]
The first 6 all return results as expected but Full Code [terms_pa_full-code], although indexed returns no results. However, there should be several 100 if not 1000 as if a product has a Full Code it is set to be 'Visible on the product page'.
Because it's showing as something that can be indexed I'm assuming we don't need to do any custom coding so not sure why it wouldn't display any results?
Has anyone experienced anything similar
The terms_pa_full-code does only contain some metadata, not the values which are them correctly pushed as part of the product data if everything goes well.
You can then use values of that taxonomy as a facet to display a list of available options given a user search query.
You can also register for the Algolia plugin for WooCommerce here: and get this setup for you in a few clicks.

How to generate a feed for this category within a Custom Post Type?

How do I generate a feed for the following category?
The posts in this category comes from a "post-type" so I want to display a category feed from the post type. I tried using ths: But it doesn't work.
You can get a feed from a single custom post type by using this link format: You can add additional queries onto that if needed to go deeper, like specific categories. So, if you have the item-cat post type and you have the wordpress category, with an id of 42, your link would be:

Linklist with most recent blog at top?

I would like to have a simple linklist of blogs with their latest entry, author, blog name, and date be listed in order of latest update. So, kinda like what Blogger has on their sidebars -- whenever they have linklists, it auto-reorders based on which blog has been updated recently (though it usually doesn't have summaries, just the title of the site).
What I'd like to do is plug in multiple RSS feeds into one place that just checks the latest entry in each feed and then reorders them
The magpie plugin or RSS plugin in EE currently only allows you plug in ONE feed. It will show the latest entry per blog if I repeat the magpie tags several times (one per blog), but that doesn't help with re-ordering, and also it's a bit messy.
Help? Thoughts?
UPDATE: I want to make sure that each blog is still featured even if the last post they've done is a year ago. A blog like that will be the last in the link list for example, while an entry/site updated this hour will be at the top. So for example, if I limit the linklist to 5, it's not going to show the 5 most recent entries, period, from just one site if that one site updated 5 times in one hour. It will show 1 recent entry per site.
Sample behaviour: like the Flickr Friends Page sorted by date and 1 photo per person. Except this time, just titles of blog posts and the site they belong to, author, etc.
There is an RSS Aggregator EE Add-on available which combines feeds for you
{exp:rss_aggregator:items feed_ids="6|7" limit="10" order_by="pub_date" order="desc" pub_date_format="m-d-Y g:ia" cache_timeout="60"}
{title}<br />
<small>{pub_date} - From {channel_title}</small><br />
You could do this using Yahoo! Pipes. In fact, I created one a bit ago:
Just call it with a comma-delimited list of RSS feeds and voila! It gives you the latest entry for all the RSS feeds, sorted in reverse chronological order.
So now that you have the feed's URL, you can pull out the individual entries using the REST module from Phil Sturgeon.
For those interested, here's how the pipe is setup:
Fairly sure Stash could handle this via set_list and get_list. I haven't tested this but perhaps something like:
{exp:channel:entries channel="feed_urls"}
{exp:magpie url="{url}" limit="1"}
{exp:stash:append_list name="feed_items"}
{exp:stash:get_list name="feed_items" orderby="pubdate"}
What about using an entries loop with multiple channels, pulling lastest from that and stashing it. Then get the stash in the RSS feed? I think that would work.
You could probably do it with Datagrab because it lets you import XML feeds into your own site and then you'd be able to order them as EE channel entries.

Get an RSS feed's title using YQL

I'm using YQL to retrieve an RSS feed using javascript (as json), for example i use the following query:
select * from rss where url = ""
The response contains the feed items, already parsed as json and everything is cool so far.
Now, I also want to get the title of the entire feed (not the title of a specific item) - but it's not a part of the result (even though the original XML feed contains it).
There is the possibility of querying the original XML itself. for example:
select channel.title from xml where url = ""
and it indeed returns the feed title for that specific RSS, but that query is only valid for a RSS 2.0 formatted feeds, which stores it under rss\channel\title.
What about atom feeds which store the title under feed\title ?
What about other formats?
My question is - is there any generic way to request the feed's title through YQL? maybe somehow along with the feed itself?
You can use the feednormalizer table to convert the feed (regardless of its format) into one of the standard formats, then grab the title from the proper node for that format.
To take the Ajaxian feed, "normalize" it as Atom and get the feed title, the query would look like:
SELECT title
FROM feednormalizer
WHERE output="atom_1.0" AND url=""
(Try this in the YQL console)
There are also other tables that you can use like feed, rss and atom.
Regarding your follow up question of how to find data tables:
Go to the YQL console, make sure that the Community Tables are loaded (should already be the case with this link) and then just type in the search box on the right hand side what you are looking for. Often you can find something useful.
