Setting up Drupal node reference autosuggest to search on two separate fields - drupal

The simple versoin of my question: I need a CCK Node reference field to search on two different fields in a node. What's the best way to do this?
Some Background
I run a calendar for a physical therapy program. Each lecture has a reading list. Readings are their own content type and the lecture has a autosuggest node reference field that currently only searches the reading's title. I need it also to search on an additional cck field, the readings author.
I attempted to do this a custom view, but I need a very simple title OR author search, and we're stuck with AND for a little bit longer. Is there a workaround? Do I need to create a small module to do this? If so, wheres a good place to start to learn how to do that? (I've made custom modules before but none that involve interfacing with views/cck). I'm not really sure where to go with this right now.
Thanks for the help!

There isn't really a neat way to accomplish this, because searching only in the title is a "feature" of the Node Reference module (which is part of CCK). However, you can create a custom View to provide the results for the autocomplete, and use hook_views_query_alter() to change the query that the View execute. The view you create should be selected in the configuration page of the field.
Below is a sample implementation that changes the query to search both the title and the body of nodes. You'll probably need to customize it a little bit to get exactly what you want.
function mymodule_views_query_alter(&$view, &$query) {
if ($view->name == 'my_custom_view' && $view->current_display == 'content_references_1') {
// Remove the original title constraint
// Duplicate the argument (keyword to search for), so
// it is passed to both the title and the other field
$query->where[0]['args'][] = $query->where[0]['args'][1];
// Add the custom where clause
$view->query->add_where(0, "(node.title LIKE '%%%s%%' OR node_revisions.body LIKE '%%%s%%')");


Algolia - WordPress - how can I get the actual query into JS variable to work with it further in the hits template?

I would like to do some interesting stuff with the hits that are being displayed based on the search query that user is not only typing into search box but actually filtering using the instant search filters. I have filter based on hierarchical events_location taxonomy. Based on what user selected I would get the info in JS variable that I can then further use to do other operations in the hits div, specifically on each hit card.
So my URL when searching updates like this:
I could potentially take the URL and extract the data from it, but I am sure there is more elegant way of working with the query.
In InstantSearch.js, the state is managed by another library called the algoliasearch-helper. Through this library you can read and write the search parameters.
The cleanest to access the helper is to build a custom widget, which is a plain object with lifecycle hooks (initial rendering and the other renderings). You can read more about custom widgets there.
Once you've accessed the helper, you can read and write with the helper API.
This can be found under search.searchParameters
Will give you whole object that you can then work with.
There is however one issue with this and that is that it works only on initial load. I was unable to make this work or get any data after starting to selecting categories. So if anyone knows how to use this so it updates after each selection please comment bellow.

2sxc List.Presentation in General View

I have an entity type "Post" and I would like to create a view that will show one random Post with a given category. I created a Data pipeline that grabs all posts and I created a view with ListPresentation = a "TemplateSettings" entity type that lets me choose categories.
I planned to use the Razor template to filter the items for those matching the categories in List.Presentation.Categories. But, I can't seem to reference List.Presentation.Categories. I get an error that System.Collections.Generic.List doesn't contain an entry for "Presentation". When I use #ListPresentation, the whole object in null... so #ListPresentation.Toolbar, etc. all throw errors, despite me having set a "Demo Item".
Can anybody see what would be wrong with this setup? How do I reference List Presentation stuff in Razor?
I figured this out... The direct thing seems to be "ListPresentation", but the snippets use "List.Presentation". Still, it wasn't working in my case because I was using a data query that didn't include the module data. So, I had to modify that query to include the module data as well as the full list of entities, regardless of the module. Then, I got the full list from one data stream, and the ListPresentation fields were available.
Note also that you can use ListContent.Presentation - that would be the newest, most consistent API which always places Presentation information as a property of the entity it's describing.

Dynamically creating field using Drupal

Okay lets say I have a basic demographic content type (Client) that I am saving as a node.
I need to make a key for an external database that we occasionally need to work with.
I want Drupal to take the fragments of three fields being collected in the Client content type and join them into a single field to be saved within the Client content type. Ideally this should be done when I create a new (Client) node.
The new field should contain the following
First 3 letters of firstname
First 3 letters of lastname
and last 4 digits of Social Security Number.
For example
firstname: John
lastname: Doe
SSN: 123-45-6789
A new field should be created, let’s call it fk_database. Using the example above the field >created would be -> johdoe6789
Can this be done via Rules module, or should I approach this in a different way? If I need to do this via a PHP script where exactly should that be added in the Drupal structure?
The easiest way would probably be to use the Computed Field module, it's pretty much built for exactly what you want to do:
Computed Field is a very powerful CCK field module that lets you add a custom "computed fields" to your content types. These computed fields are populated with values that you define via PHP code. You may draw on anything available to Drupal, including other fields, the current user, database tables, you name it.
If you do need to do it in code though, have a look into hook_entity_presave() which would probably be the best place to run your code from.
I personally would build a custom module to handle this and make use of the node API to handle the custom fields if you want to build them on the fly?
Modules could be created either in the modules directory on the 'root' or really they should be in sites > all > modules
You'll have to switch it on in the backend under site building > modules to enable it
You will be able to hook into the API and handle requests via the case statements e.g.
function hook_node_load($node, $types) {
//do something on node load
function hook_node_update($node) {
//do something on node update
function hook_node_insert($node) {
//do something on node insert

Add extra field in story content type using hook without CCK

I want to add extra field in story content type using hook, I don't want to use CCK, because am trying something different.
Please tell some suggestion with hook method.
If you do not use CCK, you will have to create your database table and code to add the form field, validate the form field, capture the data and save it in your field. I know cck can be a monster, but it does all this for you. I'd be happy to give you more info on all of this, but it is quite lengthy
There are lots of reasons that you may want to do this without CCK or Fields, and the best example is found at the node_example module in the examples project which can be found at: You can also view the documentation on
The short version is that you're going to have to define your own node type using hook_node_info() and then define all the hooks for _load(), _insert(), _update(), _delete(), _access(), _validate(), and _view() in addition to defining your schema in your hook_schema and managing your tables on your own.
Sadly there is no good example for Drupal 7 as the node_example module for 7 was converted to use fields instead of the hooks listed above, which are still fully documented on (they do now typically act on an array of nodes instead of a single node, but are otherwise identical).

Create multiple CCK nodes with single custom form in Drupal

I need a form which will allow creation of several related nodes at the same time. All of the nodes involve CCK fields.
I would like to use as much of CCK's built-in validation, submission, input widget, and security functionality as possible/practical.
What is the best way to accomplish this in Drupal 6? Are there 'best practices' or docs anywhere?
Here are 3 possibilities I can see. I would love feedback on whether any of these would work, or if there are even better options.
start with the standard node creation form for content type foo.
modify the form by adding fields for content type bar, using hook form_alter [can cck widgets for content type bar be inserted directly?]
use a custom submit handler to create node of type bar when the form is submitted
[can the standard cck handler be called? or do i need to 'manually' construct the node object, do my own validation, and use node_save?]
create a new, custom form that concatenates the 'normal' node creation forms for the relevant content types.
then use hook form_alter to modify the forms as necessary.
allow standard cck submit handlers to do the work of creating the nodes.
create a custom form from scratch
create the nodes in my own submit handlers, using node prepare, node save, etc.
If found documentation on re-using the standard node creation form, but creating multiple nodes at the same time is not mentioned.
Using hook nodeapi and hook form_alter is documented in a post on advomatic's site, but the particular method descrube seems to require polluting one of the content types with 'dummy' fields.
Thank you very much for your help!
The advomatic guys posted a nice solution to this.
why not just use hook_nodeapi to handle the node creation for certain content types.
just set up a test condition to see if $node->type = 'foo', and then run a function to create two nodes or however many, using the values from the predefined fields. you can even set hook_nodeapi to only run when the $op is almost ready to insert the node into the database, thus ensuring the object has been run through appropriate validation before being passed on to the new nodes that need to be created. this page has a list of all available operations for the $op variable and what they do.
I hope that helps
If the 2nd type bar needs only one or two additional inputs (fields) from the user, I would go with your approach one.
But given your clarification it seems that foo and bar are sufficiently different and complex, so your approach two seems more reasonable.
Concatenate both forms into one and hide the bar fields that you want to populate from the foo fields (or node, after you created it). In the forms validate and submit functions, you'll have to separate the forms again so that you can call the standard validation/submit handlers for both separately.
I have not done this yet, so I'm not sure how well this will play with the cck functionality, but I would expect it to work reasonably well to give it a try.
