Storing French (decimal values) in database? -

I have my form set in french as well, and it automatically changes the text format to use ','. However When I try to insert my values into the database it says cannot convert nvarchar to decimal?
Worst case, Is there a way I can disable the numbers from changing to use ',' and just use '.' always regardless what language it is?
My working language is

If you're passing the values down to the database as nvarchar then you'll need to have converted this to a string using yourDecimalValue.ToString(Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) or similar. SQL Server will always expect a decimal to be in 1.23 format - you can imagine the trouble that would result if queries including WHERE myvalue IN (1,25, 1,33, 1,45) were submitted!


Searching for blob field in SQLite

I have column in my database that stores BLOB.
I want to run a query to check if specific byte array value is present in the table.
The value is b'\xf4\x8f\xc6{\xc2mH(\x97\x9c\x83hkE\x8b\x95' (python bytes).
I tried to run this query:
SELECT * from received_message
WHERE "EphemeralID"
LIKE HEX('\xf4\x8f\xc6{\xc2mH(\x97\x9c\x83hkE\x8b\x95');
But I get 0 results though I 100% sure that I store this value in the database.
Is there something wrong with my query?
Your search string is a bit weird-- you appear to have some complex things in there like { and (. Maybe you should search through the blob the way it is stored instead?
From the Sqlite documentation:
BLOB literals are string literals containing hexadecimal data and
preceded by a single "x" or "X" character. Example: X'53514C697465'
So maybe do a like with the ascii representation of the hex value you want? Maybe start with looking for just f48f or F48F if your sqlite stores it upper case.

Difference in these 2 queries in TERADATA

Here a is BIGINT, Explain plan does not show any difference, how teradata handles this and any difference in these query ?
Teradata automatically applies a datatype conversion if you compare different datatypes (usually but not always).
Whenever a string is compared to a number the string will be converted to a FLOAT, which is the most flexible numeric format.
In your case this conversion was already done by the parser, so the optimizer didn't know 10 was s string before.
If you do it the other way:
SEL * FROM TABLE WHERE a=10 -- column a is a character
you can spot this cast in explain:
"(table.last_name (FLOAT, FORMAT '-9.99999999999999E-999'))= 1.00000000000000E 001"
Sometimes this automatic conversion is convenient, but in a case like that it's really bad: No index can be used and all existing statistics are lost. So you better know you datatypes :-)
This (FLOAT, FORMAT '-9.99999999999999E-999')) in Explain is one of the first things I check if a query performs badly.

mysqli_fetch_field_direct wrong result

I was using mysqli_fetch_field_direct on MySQL to get length of fields, using :
$tab_field = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($result_fields,$j);
$long = $tab_field->length;
After creating a varchar(100) under PhpMyAdmin, I got back 100 as my varchar length which was correct.
Now, I'm using MariaDB and the same call to mysqli_fetch_field_direct for the same field, give me 300. I accept the fact that, according to the encoding, maybe it's the "internal size", but I need to know the number of char I can put, so I need to get back "100".
I notice that PhpMyAdmin return 100 when it shows the "structure" of the table, but it seems to use a SHOW query rather than fetch_field_direct.
Any idea?
Let's see SHOW CREATE TABLE. I'll guess that the column is declared CHAR(100)? And the old version was CHARACTER SET latin1? And the MariaDB one was CHARACTER SET utf8?
Generally VARCHAR is preferred over CHAR. (You found one reason.)
Generally utf8 is preferred these days.

Can't store a korean string in database using LINQ

I'm using this code to store korean string in my database:
Dim username As String = Request.QueryString.Get("Some Korean String")
Using dg As New DataContext()
Dim newfriend As New FriendsTable With {.AskingUser = User.Identity.Name, .BeingAskedUser = username, .Pending = True}
end using
Checking my database, the username stored is a string"????"...
anybody got an idea how this happened or any workarounds?
What is your database collation? Are you able to store Korean strings with any other data access technology? What is the type of the username column, and is it accurately mapped in LINQ to SQL?
I suspect that something in the database isn't set up correctly to allow full Unicode. I very much doubt that this has anything to do with LINQ itself.
The other thing to check is that you're actually getting the right data in the first place. There are often several places where things can go wrong - you need to validate each place separately to see where the data is being corrupted. I have a short article on this which you may find helpful.
It sounds like you are storing Korean text in a varchar/text column which is not using a Korean collation. Thea easiest fix is to change the column type to nvarchar/ntext.
The nchar column types store Unicode data, whereas the char and varchar types store single byte characters in the specified collation.

Classic ASP, SQL Server and character encodings

I have a classic ASP page that gets POSTed to. The data gets POSTed as UTF-8 (I can see this in Fiddler). I then open an ADODB connection to a database and store the data in a VARCHAR field. If the data can be represented by 8859-1 (e.g. iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn) it is stored correctly in the varchar field. If I try strings that can't be mapped to 8859 (e.g. Здравствуйте!) I get ????????????!. This all makes sense as the varchar field cannot hold unicode. I also understand the using an nvarchar field should enable me to store utf-8 strings.
My question is this. What settings in SQL Server or in the ADODB object control how the strings are converted from UTF-8 to 8859-1? Does VBScript (ASP) send the strings to ADODB.Connection.Execute as UTF-8 (or what I think it is actually doing - UTF-16) and the database itself handles the conversion? Is this controlled by the collation of the database (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS in this case)?
If you switch to using NVARCHAR instead then you'll need to remember to use the N specifier in your SQL commands like so whenever you use a string which is Unicode
INSERT INTO SOME_TABLE (someField) VALUES (N'Some Unicode Text')
SELECT * FROM SOME_TABLE WHERE someField=N'Some Unicode Text'
If you don't do this then the strings won't get treated as Unicode and your data will be silently converted to Latin1 or whatever the default character set for the relevant database/table/field even if that field is a NVARCHAR
You are correct.
VBScript and ADODB only know strings as Unicode (or UTF-16 as its sometimes refered to).
Its part of the DBs collation settings that determine how the VARCHAR fields are encoded.
In SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS its really the CP1 bit which is determining the CodePage to use. In this case 1 is a legacy reference to Windows-1252 which is a superset of ISO-8859-1.
