CSS Solution to image rendering - css

I have an zoomable image in the website. When the image is zoomed out to a large extend it appears very SHARP and ugly.
I tried using image-rendering : opimizequality, optimizespeed CSS but did not work.
Is there any other way out.

According to image-rendering on MDC, image-rendering is currently only supported in Firefox 3.6. A similar property, -ms-interpolation-mode, is available for IE7 and IE8. Other browsers don't seem to have this feature (yet).
As latze mentioned, your best bet is to edit the image itself, scaling it to the level you need. I'm not sure, but you may try using <canvas> to perform the interpolation you desire.

I would simply edit the picture instead of the CSS.
Try making the picture slightly larger step by step while you make sure the picture doesn't (as we call it in danish, not sure if it correct english) "pixelate".
This can be done in various image editing programs from The Gimp-shop to Photoshop.

Images aren't meant to be resized that much. Think about an image as a graph where each pixel is a single square in the graph. If you stretch the image out, you're essentially making the pixels stretch out. Some programs try to fill in these pixels with what they think would fit there, others just make the pixel bigger, and others just fill in the surrounding areas with the same pixels to give it a sort of glowish effect. Resizing images down, while it tends to work better, also creates the same effect, because you're just chopping off pixels instead of adding them. Most programs that I've seen will squish pixels together, combining whichever colors were in those pixels. If you have a high detail image, then chopping off pixels is going to make it look horrible. There are no really safe ways to determine which pixels need to be retained to keep the overall image in tact. Most websites that have zoom features have a much larger image which has been resized down and they let you zoom to view the details of the larger image. Some even get separate images of the massive detailed one and the smaller preview one.


Sprite Image Horizontal or Vertical?

I am using Sprite image for my project. Which one should we have to follow horizontal or vertical? I meant to say adding side by side(occupies more width ) or one bye one(occupies more height).
Is there any width/height limitation for adding images in sprite? Is there any loading concept included?
It doesnt matter if you use horizontal or vertical ones. Just dont make them too big. Mostly 1500x1500 is enought for one sprite - then change to another.
If you think about mobiles then try to not make sprites bigger than around 800x800.
For image type i would suggest png (if have full colors and transparency) if you use some popular graphic editors option to ,,save for web'' it will be even smaller that way.
Sprites are mostly used for lowering httprequests for images - if you use many small images its always good way to store them in one bigger (just dont forget to set cache headers) so all browsers will try to cache them (and mobiles at least for the session).
According to this article it depends.
One aspect to consider is how much memory the decoded sprite map image will use consume. Here's are guidelines for whether horizontal stacking or vertical stacking will be more optimal:
For all images in the sprite, find the width of the widest image and
the height of the tallest image.
If the largest width is greater than the largest height, then a
horizontal stacking will result in a more optimal sprite sheet.
Otherwise, vertical stacking is more optimal.
It then goes on to show examples of the same images in either a vertical or horizontal sprite along with their file sizes which is quite a surprising. It suggests using Google Chrome's Developer Tools "Native Memory Profiler".
Vertical Sprite
Horizontal Sprite
In this case the horizontal sprite is best.

How to implement padding-free sprites in css?

While learning how to use css sprites, I quickly noticed and/or read that it is best to have 1 or 2 empty pixel space between all images inside a sprite to avoid other images bleeding through when the user zooms in or out.
While looking at the apple homepage, I noticed that they don't do this, without suffering from bleeding images. I did not find any reason in their css that would explain this.
How is that possible? ;)
There's no need for padding between sprites if you know exactly what size the containing element is going to be. The problem comes from when something inside the element causes it to grow. For example, if the text inside that element has to use a fall-back font it may end up causing the container to grow.
The reason padding between sprites is recommended is that there's no real downside to it. It doesn't increase the file size by any meaningful amount and it gives you a bit of a safety margin when a browser does something slightly different than you expect.
It seems like it is indeed necessary, because when the browser deems it necessary to scale the cropped areas (for example, if one zooms in or out or if an animation temporarily changes the size) the browser will use anti aliasing to smoothen the scaled image. Since anti aliasing uses surrounding pixels, the most outer pixels of a crop will be influenced by those that lie outside of the cropped area.
The transparent padding ensures that this doesn't happen since the transparent padding wouldn't affect the resulting color. Without padding, the cropped pictures would affect each other.
This can easily be tested by filling the (theoretically invisible) padding area with a color like magenta and then zoom in or out in one's page, all crops will have a bit of magenta on their edges.

Having trouble implementing -webkit-transform to scale up images in a photo gallery

I have a conceptual question about photo galleries like this:
If you open this in a browser that supports CSS Transitions (for example Chrome), it will smoothly scale the hovered image whilst the zoomed version remains of a high quality.
This is accomplished by showing the non-zoomed images into a slightly smaller version than they really are, in essence the zoom shows them in their true dimensions.
So, normal images are first scaled down:
And then upon hover scaled up:
My question: How is the initial scaling down supposed to work for browsers that do not support this method of scaling down? Try opening that gallery in IE to see what I mean, it shows the images not scaled down, which makes them too large and thereby they break the layout.
What I want:
The full effect in browsers that support it. Important is that the zoomed version remains quality.
No effect at all for browsers that do not support it, yet a solid original dimension so that no layout is broken
It should work for both image orientations and there may be variety in image widths and heights too
Anyone? Preferably an elegant solution that does not need browser sniffing or javascript, but all answers are welcome.
If you are wanting it to work without the use of javascript then it seems the only method you have is to forgo the initial scale down with css. You will want to do this in the "antiquated" way of adjusting the width and height of the image in the markup.
<img src="yourImageSrc" width="80%" height="80%">
This would allow you to still keep your layout in tact if the user agent is not up to date.
** I don't know if the percentage works in the literal height/width definition. But you can always figure out the ratio you need and plug it in.

Creating a fixed background for a website

I am trying to implement a fixed background for a website like one over here. Searching around for it told me that I can use background: fixed or background-attachment properties for this.
My problem is the image which will be used as background. I am thinking about following issues:
What should be image size?
how will it repeat when browser window size is very large? for big 27" monitors out there?
Can somebody guide me on these points?
That is not a single background image. Its mostly a bgcolor, except for the side clouds. Using a single large image as a background will dramatically slow down your load time.
There's no specific guideline. You need to make the image as large as necessary to satisfy the requirements of the design. If you want someone with a maximized browser window on a 30-inch display to see a single unbroken non-repeating background image, then yes, you'll need quite a large image. It won't perform well.
The Twitter example is a wide but short image, set to repeat along its x-axis. It's wide at 2247 pixels, but perhaps unnecessarily so: it actually appears to be a fixed pattern that repeats horizontally four times within that 2247 pixel image. Nonetheless, you get the idea: make an image that blends gracefully into itself at its edges for seamless tiling, and/or blends into a fixed background color. Position and repeat it as needed, set the background-color of the page, and you're done.

How to make images resizable in flexible layout?

If we make fluid layout we can use em or % for font and div width and height to make fluid but how to make images resizable?
I want to make one layout for all sizes and devices
Joel Spolsky managed to find a very easy solution (a small proprietary CSS definition for IE). He found the solution here.
There's no simple solution for this. You can use flexible units for the images just like you can your other page elements. But this will result in inefficiencies and aesthetic issues including excess file size for a tiny image (if you're sizing it down), pixellation of sized-up images, etc. So what you likely want is to start with a large image and scale down to the appropriate size versions, and use Javascript to write out a tag referring to the correct size image depending on context.
Well you can size images relative to the viewport width (eg. img.thing { width: 50%; }, but you don't generally want to. Scaled images will at best (when the browser does bicubic resizing) look a bit blurry, and at worst totally blocky/jaggy (nearest neighbour resizing). You can include some CSS (SVG's image-rendering will be supported for HTML in Firefox 3.6; -ms-interpolation-mode in IE) to try to coax the browsers to use the better scaling mode, but it's far from reliable and still the best rendering isn't that great.
In addition, CSS background-image​s cannot be resized at all (yet; it is proposed for CSS3 but you'll have a long wait).
Liquid layout generally aims to adjust the distances between fixed-size images to respond to changes in viewport width, rather than scale the whole page including images. The user can, at least in modern browsers, zoom the whole page including images themselves, taking the image quality hit if they need to.
I reckon you will have to make use of the canvas element from HTML5. Or you could have some JavaScript that sets the size of the image tag but you would have to do some math to figure out the correct proportions.
