Number of combinations - math

Given the following letters in a license plate, how many combinations of them can you create
Please note that this is not a homework question (I am too old for college :)
I am only trying to understand permutations and combinations. I always get lost when I see questions like this. Do I use n! or nPr or nCr.
Any book on this subject in addition to the logic used to arrive at the answer will also be greatly appreciated.

I have faith in exactly one method to remember such formulas: Rethink through the reasoning to justify it as needed. Then, each time you need the formula, remembering it becomes a mental exercise that makes it easier to remember it the next time. It also allows you to know the math on your own authority, instead of someone else's authority.
If the letters are all different, then there are n choices for the first letter, n-1 choices for the second letter, and so on. That makes n! However, in your problem the letters are not all different. One trick is to tag them to make them different so that you are overcounting, then divide by the amount that you are overcounting. If a of the symbols are A, then you can tag them in a! ways. They are then all different, so that the answer to the modified question is n!. So the answer to the original question is n!/a! (This is assuming that the symbols other than the A are fixed, distinct numbers.)
Another argument is to count the positions for the numbers. There are n positions for the 1, n-1 positions for the 2, etc., so you get n(n-1)...(n-r+1) = n!/a!, where r = n-a.
In fact the answer is the same as the permutation formula nPr. And your arrangements are much the same as partial permutations, which is what the formula is for. But you'll learn it better if you reason through it before looking at the formula.
As for books, I might suggest Brualdi, Introductory Combinatorics.

One strategy that you can use (there will be many) is to get all the permutations possible, then divide out the repeats.
Permutations of 8 elements = 8!
But for each unique arrangement of these, there are a bunch more with the same positions of the A's. So, how many ways can you arrange four A's in one particular set of positions?
Permutations of 4 A's = 4!
So the total unique arrangements should be 8! / 4!
If I'm totally wrong just someone say so and I'll delete this answer...

If you mean 3 letters A-Z and 4 digits 0...9 in that order, then you have
26 letters x
26 letters x
26 letters x
26 letters x
10 digits x
10 digits x
10 digits x
10 digits
= 26^4 * 10^4
= 4569760000
If no leading "0" is allowed, you get a few less.
Edit1: Miscounted the "A"
Edit2: I reread the question - originally I thought it was just four letters at the beginning followed by 4 numbers. If it's just a permutation thing, then the answer is obviously different: 8! permutations at all, but 4! permutations for the A are the same, so 8! / 4! = 1680.

Answer is 8!/4!
Let's try to explain with a simpler question: Combinations of 112 ?
There are 112, 121 and 211. If all digits would be unique, we could just find the answer by 3! But there is a repeating digit. So we should extract repeating digits by 3!/2! = 3
Another example is 1122. We have two repeating digit here. So we should extract twice. 4!/2!.2! = 6

I think this is a good explanation of permutations and combinations:
Easy Permutations and Combinations Better explained.
It goes step by step until you discover how to make the calculations.

No need for permutations, because all letters can be repeated, even the number
since the given example is [AAAA1234],then we have 4-Letters and 4-Digits.
for each letter we have 26 {A-Z} possible combinations
Thats why for 4 letters we will have 26^4
For each Number we have 10 {0-9} possible combinations, except the last digit we 9 possible combinations {case 1}, if it not allowed to be 0 otherwise it is 10 {case 2}
Thats why for 4 letters we will have 9*10^3 {case 1} or 10^4 {case 2}
The total number of combinations is {case 1} 9*(26^4)***(10^3) or {case 2} (26^4)*(10^4)
But if your question about permutations for the set{A,A,A,A,1,2,3,4}, then consider the the equivalent set {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} and try avoid the repeated sequence by divide over the permutations of {5,6,7,8} and the answer is 8!/4!=5*6*7*8=1680. the{5,6,7,8} represent {A,A,A,A} See #Tesserex & #erkangur

How many distinct sets of positions can the A's occupy? Given this value, multiply by the number of distinct arrangements of 1234 and you have your answer. You'll need to choose the positions for the A's and then ! will help with the arrangements of 1234.

Consider a simpler example. Let's say you had asked the question:
How many arrangements are there of the symbols: ABCD1234?
Now, since every symbol is distinct, there are 8! ways to arrange them.
Now let's build up to your problem. If we change the letter B to an A, we have AACD1234.
This destroys the uniqueness of exactly half the possible combinations, since any combination where we could have previously switched the A and the B is now non-unique. Therefore, we now have 8!/2 combinations.
Similarly, replacing the C with another A would result in half of the remaining combinations losing their uniqueness, and so on.
So, if only one symbol is duplicated, the generalized formula is (number of symbols total)!/2^(number of duplications)
In your case, the number of possible arrangements is 8!/2^4


Find all the permutations of the set S = {1,2,3,4}. List even and odd permutaions

This is my first post on stack overflow.
I am to submit my maths assignment till 30 April and this the question i have been searching for but i couldn't find any answer anywhere.
I know i can lisst out all possible permutaions which is = 4! = 24
But the question is which of them are even and which of them are odd?
(1,2,3,4), (1,2,4,3), (1,3,2,4) and so on.... Every permutaion will have 3 no. of transposition that means all of them are odd then what's the point of the question? Am I right?
You are not right. The number of transpositions will not always be 3 but will vary.
Your first example (1,2,3,4) needs no transpositions (it is the original order) so it is an even permutation. Your second example (1,2,4,3) can be done with one transposition (swap the 3 and the 4) so it is odd. Your third example (1,3,2,4) can also be done with one transposition (swap the 2 and the 3) so it is odd. And so on.
An example you did not give is (1,3,4,2), which can be done with two transpositions (swap the 2 and the 3, then swap the 2 and the 4) so this is an even transposition. Another final example is (2,3,4,1) which can be done with three transpositions (swap the 1 and 2, then swap 1 and 3, then swap 1 and 4) so this is odd.
No permutation of four elements will require more than three transpositions, but many can be done in fewer. Note that when I say "can be done with one transposition" the permutation can be done with a different number of transpositions, such as with three or five. However, a mathematical theorem states that if a permutation can be done with n transpositions and also with k transpositions, then n and k have the same parity--they are both even or both odd. So an "even permutation" can be done with an even number of transpositions, but we neither know nor care what the exact number is. An "odd permutation" can be done with an odd number of transpositions--one or three or five or ....
Ask if you need help in writing code that determines the parity of a permutation.

Randomly pairing elements of a vector in R to count unique arrangements

On this combinatorics question, the issue is how to determine the sample space: the ways 8 different soccer teams can be paired up for the next round of competition. Two different answers have been advanced for that part of the problem: 28 (see comments OP) and 105 (see edit within OP and answer).
I'd like to do this manually to try to hone down on the mistake in whichever answer is incorrect.
What I have tried:
teams = 1:8
names(teams) = c("RM", "BCN", "SEV", "JUV", "ROM", "MC", "LIV", "BYN")
split(sample(teams), rep(1:(length(teams)/2), each=2))
Unfortunately, the output is a list, and I wanted a vector to be able to run something like:
Is there a way of doing this in an elegant manner?
After a now erased answer (thank you), I would go with
a <- replicate(1e5, unlist(split(sample(teams), rep(1:(length(teams)/2), each=2))))
to simulate 100,000 random samples, and later run
unique(a, MARGIN = 2).
But how can I account for the fact that the order of the 4 pairings of opponents doesn't matter, and that LIV-BYN and BYN-LIV, for example, is the same pairing (field advantage notwithstanding)?
> u = ncol(unique(replicate(1e6, unlist(split(sample(teams), rep(1:(length(teams)/2), each=2)))), MARGIN = 2))
> u / (factorial(4) * 2^4)
[1] 105
The idea of unlist is from #Song Zhengyi, and if his answer is un-deleted, I'll accept it. The complete answer is in the lines above.
u needs to be divided by 4! because
is exactly the same as
The term 2^4 is to avoid over-counting since for every possible unique draw, each one of the pairings can be flipped without loss (discarding field advantage): BCN-RM is the same as RM-BCN, and there are 4 pairs in each draw.
If field advantage is a consideration (real life)...
> u/factorial(4)
[1] 1680
we end up with 1,680 possible draws.

Calculate correlation coefficient between words?

For a text analysis program, I would like to analyze the co-occurrence of certain words in a text. For example, I would like to see that e.g. the words "Barack" and "Obama" appear more often together (i.e. have a positive correlation) than others.
This does not seem to be that difficult. However, to be honest, I only know how to calculate the correlation between two numbers, but not between two words in a text.
How can I best approach this problem?
How can I calculate the correlation between words?
I thought of using conditional probabilities, since e.g. Barack Obama is much more probable than Obama Barack; however, the problem I try to solve is much more fundamental and does not depend on the ordering of the words
The Ngram Statistics Package (NSP) is devoted precisely to this task. They have a paper online which describes the association measures they use. I haven't used the package myself, so I cannot comment on its reliability/requirements.
Well a simple way to solve your question is by shaping the data in a 2x2 matrix
obama | not obama
barack A B
not barack C D
and score all occuring bi-grams in the matrix. That way you can for instance use simple chi squared.
I don't know how this is commonly done, but I can think of one crude way to define a notion of correlation that captures word adjacency.
Suppose the text has length N, say it is an array
text[0], text[1], ..., text[N-1]
Suppose the following words appear in the text
word[0], word[1], ..., word[k]
For each word word[i], define a vector of length N-1
X[i] = array(); // of length N-1
as follows: the ith entry of the vector is 1 if the word is either the ith word or the (i+1)th word, and zero otherwise.
// compute the vector X[i]
for (j = 0:N-2){
if (text[j] == word[i] OR text[j+1] == word[i])
X[i][j] = 1;
X[i][j] = 0;
Then you can compute the correlation coefficient between word[a] and word[b] as the dot product between X[a] and X[b] (note that the dot product is the number of times these words are adjacent) divided by the lenghts (the length is the square root of the number of appearances of the word, well maybe twice that). Call this quantity COR(X[a],X[b]). Clearly COR(X[a],X[a]) = 1, and COR(X[a],X[b]) is larger if word[a], word[b] are often adjacent.
This can be generalized from "adjacent" to other notions of near - for example we could have chosen to use 3 word (or 4, 5, etc.) blocks instead. One can also add weights, probably do many more things as well if desired. One would have to experiment to see what is useful, if any of it is of use at all.
This problem sounds like a bigram, a sequence of two "tokens" in a larger body of text. See this Wikipedia entry, which has additional links to the more general n-gram problem.
If you want to do a full analysis, you'd most likely take any given pair of words and do a frequency analysis. E.g., the sentence "Barack Obama is the Democratic candidate for President," has 8 words, so there are 8 choose 2 = 28 possible pairs.
You can then ask statistical questions like, "in how many pairs does 'Obama' follow 'Barack', and in how many pairs does some other word (not 'Obama') follow 'Barack'? In this case, there are 7 pairs that include 'Barack' but in only one of them is it paired with 'Obama'.
Do the same for every possible word pair (e.g., "in how many pairs does 'candidate' follow 'the'?"), and you've got a basis for comparison.

Probability of 3-character string appearing in a randomly generated password

If you have a randomly generated password, consisting of only alphanumeric characters, of length 12, and the comparison is case insensitive (i.e. 'A' == 'a'), what is the probability that one specific string of length 3 (e.g. 'ABC') will appear in that password?
I know the number of total possible combinations is (26+10)^12, but beyond that, I'm a little lost. An explanation of the math would also be most helpful.
The string "abc" can appear in the first position, making the string look like this:
...where the X's can be any letter or number. There are (26 + 10)^9 such strings.
It can appear in the second position, making the string look like:
And there are (26 + 10)^9 such strings also.
Since "abc" can appear at anywhere from the first through 10th positions, there are 10*36^9 such strings.
But this overcounts, because it counts (for instance) strings like this twice:
So we need to count all of the strings like this and subtract them off of our total.
Since there are 6 X's in this pattern, there are 36^6 strings that match this pattern.
I get 7+6+5+4+3+2+1 = 28 patterns like this. (If the first "abc" is at the beginning, the second can be in any of 7 places. If the first "abc" is in the second place, the second can be in any of 6 places. And so on.)
So subtract off 28*36^6.
...but that subtracts off too much, because it subtracted off strings like this three times instead of just once:
So we have to add back in the strings like this, twice. I get 4+3+2+1 + 3+2+1 + 2+1 + 1 = 20 of these patterns, meaning we have to add back in 2*20*(36^3).
But that math counted this string four times:
abcabcabcabc we have to subtract off 3.
Final answer:
10*36^9 - 28*36^6 + 2*20*(36^3) - 3
Divide that by 36^12 to get your probability.
See also the Inclusion-Exclusion Principle. And let me know if I made an error in my counting.
If A is not equal to C, the probability P(n) of ABC occuring in a string of length n (assuming every alphanumeric symbol is equally likely) is
P(0)=P(1)=P(2)=0 and P(3)=1/(36)^3
To expand on Paul R's answer. Probability (for equally likely outcomes) is the number of possible outcomes of your event divided by the total number of possible outcomes.
There are 10 possible places where a string of length 3 can be found in a string of length 12. And there are 9 more spots that can be filled with any other alphanumeric characters, which leads to 36^9 possibilities. So the number of possible outcomes of your event is 10 * 36^9.
Divide that by your total number of outcomes 36^12. And your answer is 10 * 36^-3 = 0.000214
EDIT: This is not completely correct. In this solution, some cases are double counted. However they only form a very small contribution to the probability so this answer is still correct up to 11 decimal places. If you want the full answer, see Nemo's answer.

Maths Question: number of different permutations

This is more of a maths question than programming but I figure a lot of people here are pretty good at maths! :)
My question is: Given a 9 x 9 grid (81 cells) that must contain the numbers 1 to 9 each exactly 9 times, how many different grids can be produced. The order of the numbers doesn't matter, for example the first row could contain nine 1's etc. This is related to Sudoku and we know the number of valid Sudoku grids is 6.67×10^21, so since my problem isn't constrained like Sudoku by having to have each of the 9 numbers in each row, column and box then the answer should be greater than 6.67×10^21.
My first thought was that the answer is 81! however on further reflection this assumes that the 81 numbers possible for each cell are different, distinct number. They are not, there are 81 possible numbers for each cell but only 9 possible different numbers.
My next thought was then that each of the cells in the first row can be any number between 1 and 9. If by chance the first row happened to be all the same number, say all 1s, then each cell in the second row could only have 8 possibilites, 2-9. If this continued down until the last row then number of different permutations could be calculated by 9^2 * 8^2 * 7^2 ..... * 1^2. However this doesn't work if each row doesn't contain 9 of the same number.
It's been quite a while since I studied this stuff and I can't think of a way to work it out, I'd appreciate any help anyone can offer.
Imagine taking 81 blank slips of paper and writing a number from 1 to 9 on each slip (nine of each number). Shuffle the deck, and start placing the slips on the 9x9 grid.
You'd be able to create 81! different patterns if you considered each slip to be unique.
But instead you want to consider all the 1's to be equivalent.
For any particular configuration, how many times will that configuration be repeated
due to the 1's all being equivalent? The answer is 9!, the number of ways you can permute the nine slips with 1 written on them.
So that cuts the total number of permutations down to 81!/9!. (You divide by the number of indistinguishable permutations. Instead of 9! indistinguishable permutations, imagine there were just 2 indistinguishable permutations. You would divide the count by 2, right? So the rule is, you divide by the number of indistinguishable permutations.)
Ah, but you also want the 2's to be equivalent, and the 3's, and so forth.
By the same reasoning, that cuts down the number of permutations to
By Stirling's approximation, that is roughly 5.8 * 10^70.
First, let's start with 81 numbers, 1 through 81. The number of permutations for that is 81P81, or 81!. Simple enough.
However, we have nine 1s, which can be arranged in 9! indistinguishable permutations. Same with 2, 3, etc.
So what we have is the total number of board permutations divided by all the indistinguishable permutations of all numbers, or 81! / (9! ** 9).
>>> reduce(operator.mul, range(1,82))/(reduce(operator.mul, range(1, 10))**9)
