How to substract a day/hour/minute from joda-time DateTime in Scala? - datetime

I am trying to use joda-time with its Scala wrapper.
Saying val dt is a DateTime and contains a date (zero time), how do I get the date of the day befor it? dt - 1.days doesn't work and gives
"type mismatch" ("found: org.scala_tools.time.Imports.DateTime, required: ?{val -:?}").
Scala-time examples like 2.hours + 45.minutes + 10.seconds don't work either saying that hours is not a member of an Int.
Joda-time examples like DateTime.dayOfWeek().addToCopy(3) don't work either as dayOfWeek, for example, is not a member of org.scala_tools.time.Imports.DateTime.
Formatted DateTimeinput and output seem to work as meant.
UPDATE: Seems to be a bug of NetBeans IDE.It shows the error, while compiler compiles ok and the program works as expected with dt - 1.days syntax.

Seems to be a bug of NetBeans IDE. It shows the error, while compiler compiles ok and the program works as expected with "dt - 1.days" syntax.

It seems that the code cannot find the implicit conversions. Are you sure you import org.scala_tools.time.Imports._ in the scope that you are using it?


Reticulate AWS Cogntito

This is my Python code (that I've checked and it works):
from warrant.aws_srp import AWSSRP
client = boto3.client('cognito-idp',region_name=region_name)
aws = AWSSRP(username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD, pool_id=POOL_ID,
tokens = aws.authenticate_user()
except Exception as e:
I'm working with R in order to create a visual interface for doing some operation (including this one) and it is a requirement.
I use the reticulare R package to execute Python code. I tested it with some dummy code in order to check the correct functioning (and it is okay).
When i execute the above function by running:
i get the following error:
An error occurred (InvalidParameterException) when calling the RespondToAuthChallenge operation: TIMESTAMP format should be EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss z yyyy in english.
I tried to search a lot but I found nothing, I suppose that can exist a sort of wrapper or formatter. Maybe someone as already face this problem...
Thank a lot of any help.

SysCTypes errors when using NetCDF.chpl?

I have a simple Chapel program to test the NetCDF module:
use NetCDF;
use NetCDF.C_NetCDF;
var f: int = ncopen("", NC_WRITE);
var status: int = nc_close(f);
and when I compile with:
chpl -I/usr/include -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lnetcdf hello.chpl
it produces a list of errors about SysCTypes:
$CHPL_HOME/modules/packages/NetCDF.chpl:57: error: 'c_int' undeclared (first use this function)
$CHPL_HOME/modules/packages/NetCDF.chpl:77: error: 'c_char' undeclared (first use this function)
Would anyone see what my error is? I tried adding use SysCTypes; to my program, but that didn't seem to have an effect.
Sorry for the delayed response and for this bad behavior. This is a bug that's crept into the NetCDF module which seems not to have been caught by Chapel's nightly testing. To work around it, edit $CHPL_HOME/modules/packages/NetCDF.chpl, adding the line:
public use SysCTypes, SysBasic;
within the declaration of the C_NetCDF module (around line 50 in my copy of the sources). If you would consider filing this bug as an issue on the Chapel GitHub issue tracker, that would be great as well, though we'll try to get this fixed in the next release in any case.
With that change, your program almost compiles for me, except that nc_close() takes a c_int argument rather than a Chapel int. You could either lean on Chapel's type inference to cause this to happen:
var f = ncopen("", NC_WRITE);
or explicitly declare f to be of type c_int:
var f: c_int = ncopen("", NC_WRITE);
And then as one final note, I believe you should be able to drop the -lnetcdf from your chpl command-line as using the NetCDF module should cause this requirement to automatically be added.
Thanks for bringing this bug to our attention!

DateTimeParseException while trying to perform ZonedDateTime.parse

Using Java 8u222, I've been trying a silly operation and it incurs in an error that I'm not being able to fully understand. The line code:
The error:
java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text '2011-07-03T02:20:46+06:00[Asia/Qostanay]' could not be parsed, unparsed text found at index 25
at java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.parseResolved0(
at java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.parse(
at java.time.ZonedDateTime.parse(
at java.time.ZonedDateTime.parse(
Using the same date (although the timezone could be incorrect, the intention is just testing here), I changed the square bracket's value and it works, I mean:
It works as expected, as well as other values such:
I found some similar questions such as the one below, but not precisely the same usage that I'm trying / facing.
Error java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: could not be parsed, unparsed text found at index 10
Does someone have an understanding of Java Date API to help me out to grasp what I'm doing wrong here?
Asia/Qostanay is a zone which doesn't exist in the JDK8's list of timezones. It was added later.
If you don't care about the location of the timezone then just splice the [...] part of the string off the end before parsing. Knowing that the time is +06:00 is going to sufficient for almost all purposes.
Alternatively, upgrade to a more recent version of Java.

Jupyter Notebook, NameError: is not defined, %%time prevents assignment

I came across a very strange bug running a Jupyter Notebook (IPython: 7.4.0) where a variable was not assigned as normally. It took me quite bit of time to figure out the cause, searching in vain all over, variable scope, type conversion and TensorFlow intricacies ;(
In fact, using %%time cell magic was preventing assignment of the variable in the cell. Therefore the assigned variable was not defined in the cell below giving a characteristic error message: "NameError: 'xxx' is not defined."
It seems to be a known issue, hoping that can help someone else.
The solution is simple, just remove %%time from the cell.
Rather use:
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from datetime import timedelta
start = timer()
# Process
# ...
end = timer()
print ("Execution time HH:MM:SS:",timedelta(seconds=end-start))
Source: Stackoverflow - Measure time elapsed in Python?

How to use Moment.js in ServiceNow?

Our team is trying to use Moment.js in our instance, but can't seem to get it to work. Here are a couple questions we have about it:
We noticed that there is a dependency out of the box called moment-timezone-with-data-2010-2020-v0.5, is this the same as moment.js? If so, does this mean we don't need to bring in moment.js as a new dependency?
We tried using the above ootb dependency AND tried to bring in moment.js to use in a widget, and we keep getting a console error saying that moment is undefined. Can someone provide some instructions on how to correctly get either one of these dependencies to work?
If we wanted to use moment.js on a platform business rule, what do we have to do to make that happen? Are you able to access a dependency via business rule?
Here's how I was able to do it:
Create a Script Include with the following attributes:
script name is "moment" (it needs to have this exact name)
scope is either global or the same scope as your project (I used global)
set as client callable
Paste the code from MomentJS 2.22.1 into the script body.
To verify that you can access your Script Include, open a Background Script and run the following test code:
var calendar = moment().add(1, 'days').calendar();
gs.log("calendar test: " + calendar);
var dayCount = moment().diff('1809-02-12', 'days');
gs.log('Abraham Lincoln was born ' + dayCount + " days ago!");
To answer your question on moment-timezone-with-data-2010-2020-v0.5: no's it's not the same; here's a link to Moment Timezone which is a different library by the same organization.
As of the time of this post, 2.22.1 is the newest version that runs in ServiceNow. There are newer versions of MomentJS, but they're too new for the SN interpreter.
You can also create a UI Script with version 2.22.1.
Load the code for Moment.js into a script include and then you can call that like any other script include.
If you are going to use the timezone functions you would need to rewrite the calls to moment from the timezone javascript to use the above script include.
On April 1st, 2022, the most recent version of moment.js to work on SNOW San Diego is 2.22.1:
Any version > 2.22.1 will give you the following error:
Could not save record because of a compile error: JavaScript parse error at line (1) column (37954) problem = missing name after . operator (<refname>; line 1)
On April 1st, 2022, the most recent version of moment-timezone.js to work in SNOW San Diego is 0.5.28:
Any version > 0.5.28 will give you the following error:
Could not save record because of a compile error: JavaScript parse error at line (1) column (236) problem = missing name after . operator (<refname>; line 1)
sadly you can not use momentjs on the server side in ServiceNow. Here are the installation instruction for momentjs for Rhino (the javascript interpreter SNOW uses):
As you can see you would need to write new Java classes which SNOW will not allow you to do.
On the Client on the other hand you can use it, just copy paste the "Browser" implementation and include it as a global ui script:
