No features on IIS 7.5 -

I thought I could see an ASP.NET features panel (I don't know the exact name, though, some of them are .Net Compilation, .Net Roles, .Net Users and so on) on the IIS7 manager when I click a site node in the nodes list of the IIS7 manager. Now, I can see only IIS and Management, but no ASP.NET.
I first installed .NET Framework 4.0, so after installing IIS7, I used the aspnet_regiis tool, and seemed it worked well.
My environment is
Windows 7 Pro
IIS 7.5.7600
.NET Framework 4.0

I found the solution here.
Open Control Panel
Programs\Turn Windows Features on or off
Internet Information Services
World Wide Web Services
Application development Features
ASP.Net <-- check mark here
Andrew Zhu saved my life, thanks!

The solution that worked for me was slightly different:
Open Control Panel
Programs\Turn Windows Features on or off
Roles\Web server (IIS) Right-click Add Role Services Click on
ASP.NET and allow it to add any others it suggests.
Click Next
Close and re-open IIS


Registering ASP.NET in IIS

I am trying to deploy the website I built on Visual Studio. I would like to host on IIS instead of the default ASP.NET Development Server so that I can access the website on my phone.
One of the steps I need to do is register ASP.NET on IIS. I run the following in the command prompt:
2)aspnet_regiis -i
However, I get this error message:
This option is not supported on this version of the operating system. Administrators should instead install/uninstall ASP.NET 4.5 with IIS8 using the "Turn Windows Features On/Off" dialog, the Server Manager management tool, or the dism.exe command line tool. For more details please see
Here are the details of my system:
Visual Studio 2010
IIS 10
Windows 10
I have been to the link provided and it is not helpful at all.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem or is there another way for me to host on IIS instead of ASP.NET Development Server?
On windows 10, you can "setup" IIS and using the Program and Features...
Go to control panel | Program and Features | Turn Windows features on or off
Inside there locate the "Internet Information Services"
There ensure that "World Wide Web Services" is checked (partial) and inside "application development features" the .Net Extensible and are checked !

how to configure with .net 4.5

I am using visual studio 2012 ultimate. Every time I open web form application the following message pops up.
Configuring web http://"localhost":35651/ for ASP.NET 4.5 failed.
You must manually configure this site for ASP.NET 4.5 in order for the site to run correctly. ASP.NET 4.5 has not been registered on the Web server. You need to manually configure your Web server for ASP.NET 4.5 in order for you site to run correctly.
How to get rid of this message ?
You can install this update and your problem should be solved:
MSDN link
I've uploaded the file to my Dropbox account so that people can have alternative URL in case if the first one fails, The File Name is VS11-KB3002339.exe
I had this problem on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 which wouldn't support the aspnet_regiis -i approach.
Go to Control Panel, Click On Programs locate the "Turn Windows features on or off" option Under Programs and Features and drill down as follows:
Internet Information Services -> World Wide Web Services -> Application Development Features and check the "ASP.NET 4.5" option. In checking this box, other options such as ".NET Extensibility 4.5" and the ISAPI options will be checked automatically.
Apply the changes by clicking OK. Restart your System.
Use aspnet_regiis.exe -i. Only you need to set the path of .net version. See this link for more information
ASP.NET 4.5 has not been registered on the Web server
you actually need to download an update to fix it from here:
Unexpected dialog box appears when you open projects in Visual Studio 2012 after you install the .NET Framework 4.5.3
Reference from related thread.

No ASP.NET features shown in IIS 7.5

I'm having an issue in IIS 7.5 where the ASP.NET feature section isn't showing on my web application.
My environment: Windows 2008 R2 SP1, IIS 7.5 (7.5.7600), .NET Framework 4.0
My issue is similar to the issue posted here: No features on IIS 7.5, only my environment is different. The 'add features' fix mentioned in that post doesn't appear to work in Windows Server 2008, as I'm not seeing a simple "ASP.NET" feature that can be selected.
I tried running the aspnet_regiis tool as administrator against .NET 4.0 with no luck. The application pool selected for the web application is currently configured to use .NET 4.0. This application is functional, so I'm assuming that .NET 4.0 is installed correctly, but I'd like to be able to configure a few more things that are in the ASP.NET section.
Try Roles > Right Click Web Server (IIS) > Add Role Services > Application Development to turn on the ASP.Net features in IIS
The UI is a bit different in the newer versions of Windows Server. Here is where you have to enable ASP.Net in order to get it working on IIS
The same issue but in a developer machine it may solve:
Windows Features - Internet Information Services - World Wide Web Services - Application Development Features - ASP.NET 3.5 + ASP.NET 4.8

Convert a web app created in VS 2010 ASP.NET 4.0 to ASP.NET 3.5

I've made a web app in VS 2010 and by default, I think it uses the .NET Framework 4.0. Problem is, the server that's going to run it doesn't have 4.0.
Is there a way to downgrade the project? I'm not really knowledgeable with web hosting or web servers so I don't really know which is easier, downgrading the project or upgrading the web server. It's a company web server by the way, so I'm not sure about the legalities and stuff. It's free though, right?
Just right-click on the project in the Solution Explorer and go to properties. Under the "Application" tab, change the "Target Framework" from 4.0 to 3.5. That should do it provided you are not using any code features unique to 4.0.
If you can update the server easily, I would recommend that so that you have the 4.0 framework available to you going forward. The .NET framework is a free download.
Right-click on the project name and select Properties On the Application tab, you should see a Target framework: dropdown. on visual studio .net 2003 web component Issues

I want to run ASP.NET on VS 2003 but it raises an error which says:
"Visual studio has detected that web server is running version
1.0.The web application you are creating or opening can be configured to be compliant with 1.0. However, the web application will
not be able to use the new features from 1.1."
When I choose the option "Make the application compliant with 1.0", then it is unable to set the compliance saying
"Visual Studio.NET cannot create or open the application. The
likeliest problem is that required components are not installed on the
local web server. Run Visual Studio.NET setup and add the web
development component."
It seems that you are running Visual Studio 2003 on Vista, which is not supported.
By default, Vista does not include .NET Framework 1.1 SP1. Install it first. Make sure that SP1 is installed. If you look into properties of "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\mscorsvr.dll", you should get the version 1.1.4322.2032.
Enable IIS 6 Compatibility in Control Panel -> Program and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off. Check "IIS 6 Management Compatibility" under "Internet Information Servces".
Register .NET 1.1 with IIS by running "c:\Windows\\Framework\v1.1.4322\aspnet_regiis.exe -ir". It will create the Application Pool targeted to Framework 1.1 with Classic pipeline in IIS7 and set Enable32BitAppOnWin64 property to true on 64bit OS.
Allow ASP.NET 1.1 in IIS7. Open the IIS Manager and click on the computer name in left tree. In main window select "ISAPI and CGI Restrictions" and make sure that ASP.NET v1.1.4322 is enabled. If not, select it and click Allow link on right side.
When you create an application on any directory that runs .NET 1.1 or lower, always select Application Pool that is targeted to Framework 1.1. For already configured applications, you have to change it manually.
You may need to update the script map of the ASP.NET application within IIS to use the newer version of the framework. I assume that .NET 1.1 framework and VS 2003 are already installed without issues.
Here is an MSDN article that should explain how to register the ASP.NET application within IIS to use the .NET 1.1 version using the aspnet_regiis.exe tool. Command-line reference for the tool is available here.
Visual Studio.NET cannot create or open the application. The likeliest problem is that required components are not installed on the local web server. Run Visual Studio.NET setup and add the web development component.
I faced this problem when I copied the project folder from the network shared location to my local system.
Solution: Create a empty folder in your local system. Copy the files from the original folder into the newly created empty folder.
In addition to the accepted answer, you may also need to add the actual "Web Development" component that is included with the Visual Studio 2003 setup file.
While in the menu, even after you install ASP.NET v1.1 & associated Hotfixes/security updates, as well as FrontPage Extensions for your version of IIS, you may STILL see a red X over the installation component.
This may seem very hacky, but for some reason the installer doesn't seem to do a very thorough check - just click the "Red X" and the "Update Now!" icon becomes visible, then you can install the component just fine.
Specs: Windows 10, Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise
TIP: If you are running a newer version of IIS, you won't be able to "just create" an ASP.NET 1.1 application pool. You'll need to enter these appcmd.exe commands:
appcmd create apppool /name:"YOURPOOLNAME"
appcmd set apppool /"YOURPOOLNAME" /enable32BitAppOnWin64:true
appcmd set apppool /"YOURPOOLNAME" /managedRuntimeVersion:"v1.1"
appcmd set apppool /"YOURPOOLNAME" /managedPipelineMode:"Classic"
appcmd set apppool /"YOURPOOLNAME" /autoStart:true
