register_globals is enabled. Drupal requires this configuration directive to be disabled - drupal

I've just moved my drupal to a new server and I get the following warning:
register_globals is enabled. Drupal requires this configuration directive to be disabled. Your site may not be secure when register_globals is enabled. The PHP manual has instructions for how to change configuration settings. (Currently using PHP register globals Enabled ('1'))
Should I change the configuration of the php server or I can ignore it ?
I probably don't have access to php settings.

Sadly hostgator leaves them enabled :(
Sometimes making the change in .htaccess is not sufficient. Hostgator has a little elaborate process and it can be irritating some times.
You will need to add the default php.ini file that Hostgator provides to your root. And then add the .htaccess with an entry for the address of php.ini to the www doc root.
For detailed steps and downloading these docs(php.ini and .htaccess file)read my blog on How to turn off register_globals in hostgator

Check with your host if they can help you out. If you don't have access to php.ini then you may not be able to. register_globals has been off for a good number of years now so that's surprising. If the host allows you .htaccess files you can add this to yours:
php_flag register_globals off

I found the solution on a forum.
So just just edit the file / / modules / system system.install then go to line 56:
$requirements['php_register_globals']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;
and replaced by:
$requirements['php_register_globals']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_WARNING;
Well, that's all, the installation should run perfectly normally.
As for me I think I'll go back nuked klan too uzinagaz this CMS ...


loading Module mod_rewrite on httpd.conf file causes "Forbidden" error on localhost

Im on a mac running Sierra 10.12.2 and apache 2.4.23
I set up a localhost environment and a virtualhost for the domain and installed wordpress on it. Without getting too into detail now, some changes were made on Git that modified the wp permalinks, and hence the .htaccess file through wp.
I went to my main httpd.conf file and told it to load the module mod_rewrite as suggested by a colleague since that was necessary to be able to modify the htaccess file. Regardless of that, activating this module results in my local environment for to become "Forbidden".
Can anyone think of any idea why this wouldbe the case or which permissions I need to modify and how? Thanks!

Disable mod_pagespeed (no server conf access, .htaccess doesn't work)

I have a Wordpress site that my client wants to validate perfectly (using W3C validator). One of the issues is Google's pagespeed, which seems to be enabled by default by hosting provider.
I try to disable mod_pagespeed in .htaccess file with the following, but it doesn't work for some reason:
<IfModule pagespeed_module>
ModPagespeed off
I can disable it by adding "?ModPagespeed=off" to URL, but this does not solve my problem.
Is there anything else I can try? I only have access via FTP (no server conf access, no c-panel access, etc.).
Create a .htaccess file, add below text and upload using ftp program. We are also a hosting provider and use Pagespeed.
Modpagespeed Off
Your URL can accept the PageSpeed query-paramter with an off or on value.
more here.
Which hosting provider? Can you make sure your server is Apache rather than nginx? nginx doesn't support .htaccess files, though the PageSpeed module is otherwise very similar in function.
Also check out the 'pedantic' filter:, which let's you get all the speed & bandwidth benefits of PageSpeed but still have a validation-clean site.
I had the same issue with my WordPress website, I had installed it on Google Cloud, and by default, the Application installed pagespeed mod for apache. But I found the solution on the Bitnami documentation page.
Check If PageSpeed Is Enabled
execute the command or edit conf file using FTP:
nano /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
And if you find these two lines:
Include conf/pagespeed.conf
Include conf/pagespeed_libraries.conf
That means pagespeed mod is enabled.
For Disable PageSpeed
execute the same command or edit conf file using FTP:
nano /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
Comment out the following lines as below:
#Include conf/pagespeed.conf
#Include conf/pagespeed_libraries.conf
Now restart the apache server
sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart apache
As above mentioned, the command and the directory location would be changed depending on the Apache server location or your deployment application.
For a detailed article, check out the official Bitnami WordPress Documentation.

Wordpress Permlinks 404 Not Found

I have installed the latest WordPress on my EC2 Ubuntu 13.1 server.
Once I have changed the permlinks to use /%post-name%/, I encounter 404 not found for posts.
I have followed almost everything here, but still having the issue.
FYI, I remember I did disable the directory listing for my apache server using SELinux (if I remember it correctly)
in order to have the Permalinks working you need:
Apache web server with the mod_rewrite module installed
The FollowSymLinks option enabled
FileInfo directives allowed
An .htaccess file
You can read more on the codex page.

Migrating Drupal

Currently I have a single drupal site installed on apache 2.2 with php 5.3 on RHEL 6. I am moving servers and am trying to migrate the site. I have imported the database and htaccess, but I cannot access any of the pages other than the root of the site.
You may need to disable clean URLs before exporting the database, try to add ?q= before each path.
That happens when:
a) Apache mod_rewrite is not enabled. If you have root access then do sudo a2enmod rewrite
b) .htaccess file at the root folder isn't there, so you need to copy it again.
Here's a troubleshoot check list for mod_rewrite issues:
Make sure Apache's rewrite module is enabled: sudo a2enmod rewrite.
Make sure original .htaccess file is there in the root of your Drupal installation.
Make sure that the existing .htaccess file is getting read by Apache. To test it, add a this line in the beginning of the file and you should get a 500 Internal Server Error: ThisIsReallyABadSyntax.
If the .htaccess file is not in effect, make sure that the AllowOverride directive in the main Apache config file (usually /etc/apache2/httpd.conf on debian-based distros) is set to All. It might be set to None by default.
Finally, make sure that the clean URLs feature is enabled in Drupal settings.
With the phpinfo(); compare all the server specs, just to be sure both server are quite the same or similar.
Steps to migrate Drupal correctly:
Go to Configuration
find Clean URLs
Disable tick inside!
Clean cache!
Download your site file
Download your database
Create new database in your new site
Transfer file and database
Log in
10.Do this step to enable Clean URLs:
It's work 100% guaranteed !
1. Download - Dev version (7.x-dev)
2. Find file .htaccess
3. just copy it to your server
4. That's it !

Wordpress Configuration File

I have insatlled wordpress 3.3.1 recently. I have not confirgured wp-config.php file before installation, after installation, i have copied the wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php & edit the details accordingly, but this wp-config file is not reflecting actually.
What may be the reason, how to make this enable so that wp-config file will be included while loading wordpress files,
Moreover from where the db & other settings are loaded in Wordpress.
Thanks !
Make sure that wp-config.php is in the right location (webroot), and that the file has the appropriate permissions. If everything checks out ok, check the apache logs.
Please make sure that you follow the following steps
I can only assume you are on a windows machine, since I've had the same problem, but not in Linux.
