Significance of : xmlns:mx="" - apache-flex

I want to know a bit more about 'xmlns:mx="". Generally namespaces acts as the pointers to the component location, but I've always seen them directing resources within local directory structure. When 'xmlns:mx=""' is used than is a new connection is set with adobe server or is it just a convention?
If an actual connection is set then the application should not get compiled without internet connection but in reality we can compile and run our application without internet connection as well !! Plz correct me if I am wring somewhere.
Please help me understanding its significance,
Thanks in advance.

It's just an identifier that with the use of flex-config.xml file (you can find it in your $SDK_HOME/frameworks folder) points to mxml-manifest.xml file which contains definitions of classes that you can use by "importing" specific namespace.

It's just a convention. Try actually following the URI, the page doesn't exist!
Namespaces aren't the same as directory structures btw... The actionscript compiler cheats a lot to make it look that way.

The URL is known as a namespace URL. Not all namespaces are directory structures. But, it takes quite a bit more work to create a namespace URL; whereas directory namespaces are almost automatic.
To create a namespace URL, you need to use a library project and add a manifest.xml file.
The documentation is really light on this topic. But, I demo about this in the last episode of The Flex Show's screencast series on creating custom components and in an episode of the Flextras Friday Lunch.


Where do I properly put my constants in Meteor

I usually follow the unofficial Meteor FAQ on how to structure my codebase, but I can't figure out where I should put my global constants.
To give an example: I have some database entries with a constant GUID that I need to reference in many points of my app. So far I just attached the constants to the relevant collection, such that in collections/ it would say:
#MyCollectionWithGuids = new Meteor.Collection "myCollectionWithGuids"
#MyCollectionWithGuids.CONSTANT_ID = "8e7c2fe3-6644-42ea-b114-df8c5211b842"
This approach worked fine, until I need to use it in the following snippet, located in client/views/, where it says:
Session.setDefault "selectedOption", MyCollectionWithGuids.CONSTANT_ID
...which is unavailable because the file is being loaded before the Collections are created.
So where should I put my constants then, such that they are always loaded first without hacking in a bunch of subdirectories?
You could rely on the fact that a directory names lib is always treated first when it comes to load order.
So I would probably advise you to organize your code as follow :
In your particular use case this is going to be okay, but you might find cases when you have to use lib in your client directory as well and as the load order rules stack (subdirectories being loaded first), it will be loaded BEFORE the lib folder residing in your project root.
For the moment, the only way to have full control over the load order is to rely on the package API, so you would have to make your piece of code a local package of your app (living in the packages directory of your project root).
It makes sense because you seem to have a collection and a view somehow related, plus splicing your project into a bunch of collaborative local packages tends to be an elegant design pattern after all.
Creating a local package is really easy now that Meteor 0.9 provide documentation for the package.js API.
I would put your collection definitions in a lib directory. File structure documentation explains that all files under the lib directory get loaded before any other files, which means your variable would be defined when you attempt to access it in your client-side code.
Generally speaking, you always want your collections to be defined before anything else in your application is loaded or executed, since your application will most likely heavily depend upon the use of the collection's cursor.

Using application scope variables in java

My company is redoing our website over the next few months, going from a ColdFusion website to one written in Java. I am just learning Java and I am curious as to how I can set application scope variables in a Java web application. ColdFusion has the application.cfm file that holds variables that are accessible by all ColdFusion pages/components within the app. Java obviously does not have a direct equivalent to that file, so I was wondering how to recreate something similar in Java. I want to have one central place that all jsp pages, servlets, classes, etc. in the webapp can access.
So what is the best way to do something like that?
Does anyone have any examples of something similar that they did?
Should application scope variables be placed in a class? an xml file? a jsp page? something else?
Is it even feasible to have application scope variables a in java webapp?
It would be a place that holds say the path to an images folder, so in individual JSP pages or classes or whatever would need acces to that images folder, you could reference the application scope variable for that path instead of writing it out in each place. Then if for some reason we needed to move the location of that images folder, we would just change the path variable in the one location and not have to update 20 places that reference that images folder.
I have had trouble finding any information on this type of thing in my research online, which is why I am asking about it here. I know it is a lot to ask for an explanation to this type of thing, but I figured I would ask and see what type of responses I could get.
Thank you for any help you can provide about this topic.
The equivalent is probably the ServletContext
In your controller servlet:
ServletContext context = request.getSession().getServletContext();
Just like in the session object you can store attributes in the servlet context as well
context.setAttribute("someValue", "aValue");
Object attribute = context.getAttribute("someValue");
If you're starting out with Java and you have a non-trivial application to build, I would recommend using a popular framework like Spring or Struts

Subclassing Global and overriding Application_Start

I have a couple of web applications whose source code is missing. The project is compiled to a dll and is hosted on a IIS.
I have couple of questions to make.
What is the best way to recreate the
project from the dll file??
We are planning to change the
database server, and the database
connection strings are specified in
the Global.asax ( I mean the public
class Global : HttpApplication ). Is
there a way I can subclass this
Global and override the connection
strings? If yes, how can I make the
IIS refer to the new dll
Thank you all for any suggestions!!
For first part, use decompiler tools such as Reflector/ILSpy/dotPeek to convert IL code from DLL to higher level language such as C#. However, tools cannot get back comments, local variable names and project structure. You need to manually organize the code into files and project structures. From aspx files, you have to figure out the code-behind classes and then link up the source of the class into a correct named code-behind file - for example, if default.aspx says that it inherits from MyApp.Default then create file default.aspx.xs and put the source code for the class into that.
For second part, you can create a new class derived from Global and modify Global.asax to use that class - you need to put the assembly containing new class in bin folder and overwrite inherits clause in asax file to point to the type name of new class. You anyway need to inspect the code of your current Global class (using tools sighted above) to see if you can override connection strings by sub-classing.
Probably the best tool available to reverse engineer a dll into code is .NET Reflector. Unfortunately, the latest version is no longer free, but it is worth the money.
I am not sure exactly if this still applies if you can already reverse engineer your source code. However, I would recommend moving your connection strings outside of your project into web.config as a best practice. This way you can make the change in the future without changing any code.

ASP.NET MVC - Local Resource Issue

I am having an issue when attempting to override the DisplayNameAttribute in ASP.NET MVC to provide a localized string. The code itself is straightforward and similar to that in another Stackoverflow post link text
The code works for global resources but not so well for local resources. I have a registration screen and used the Visual Studio "Generate Local Resource" command to create my local resource file. The generated file is named Registration.aspx.resx and the App_LocalResources folder is created relative to the actual Registration.aspx page - as one would expect.
However, when I attempt to get the localized string using:
I receive the following error message.
Could not find any resources
appropriate for the specified culture
or the neutral culture. Make sure
was correctly embedded or linked into
assembly "FullAssemblyName" at compile
time, or that all the satellite
assemblies required are loadable and
fully signed.
Using reflector, I can see that the file is actually Registration.aspx.resources and not Registration_aspx.resources - the underscore/period being the subtle difference
I have toyed with the code quite a bit but no matter what I do, the file being requested is always different than that copiled in the assembly. For instance, if i rename Registration_aspx (in the generated Registration.aspx.designer.cs class i get the same error but this time the path is "...App_LocalResources.Registrationaspx.resources"
Has anyone run into this? Is there any way I can ensure that the resource found in my assembly has this underscore?!?!?
Thank you in advance!
Try Michael K. Campbell solution link text. It worked fine form me in localizing my project.

ASP.NET xsd dataset where do I put it

I am trying to convert an ASP.NET website into a web application project. The conversion has gone ok I think apart from previously I had 2 xsd files in the App_Code folder. I believe this folder is not used in web applications projects, so where would I put xsd files now.
I don't think you have to put them anyplace in particular. For the purposes of organization you could create a data directory. If the project is small enough, I leave it in the root.
You can place the files wherever you want, but you have to be careful that your namespace references are still correct.
I would look at your Root Namespace declaration in the project properties to ensure that it is set to what you expect it to be. Also, you will want to look at the location of your TableAdapter objects, as that is where the actual error is, not in the declaration of your StudentQueriesDataTable (Referenced by your xsd as the posted question)
