Page specific CSS styling, but where to put the code? - css

Apart from the global.css i'm including in my header.php, i would also like to load certain page-content specific styles.
But since my <head></head> is already covered by my header file, and i don't wish to resort to inlines, what is the best way to place the styles on the specific page?
Thanks ! :D

I would try one of the following:
Break the header.php in 2 distinct files to allow any pages including it to add their own link tags
At the top of the file, before including header.php, set an array like $included_css containing styles (style1.css, style2.css). Then in header.php you can do a simple foreach and include them after global.css (to allow them to take precedence)

in our CMS we have a header folder inside the template directory. If you name a file form.tpl its gonna insert it self only in when form.tpl is called (we handle that with the smarty template engine). What is good practice i think.
An other solution would be to uses classes or id's on your body. <body id="suscribeForm"> and to use them as reference in your css. (the problem is the CSS is loaded even if you don't use it, but on the other side its already cashed if the user changes to an other page).
You can link different CSS files in your main CSS also, but this is not a good practice, because your browser is gonna wait until mains.css is loaded and then load the linked files.


Disable all styles for a container

On my site, I have one CSS file that dictates all the styles for the site, "styles.css".
However, I've recently installed a forum module.
This forum module has its own CSS file, "chatter.css", and it's placed on one of the pages of my site.
Problem is, there's a LOT of conflicting styles going on.
The entire forum is contained within a div with the id of "chatter".
Is there any way I could tell the dom "hey, only apply chatter.css in this div"?
You may put entire css file into #chatter between brackets, but that requires usage of precompiler(SASS,Less).
Like that...
#chatter {
<css file content>

Is there a way to associate one stylesheet(s) for one particular template in Meteor?

The way it works now, Meteor automatically finds CSS files in the client directory and renders it without having to call it in the HTML's header tag.
However, how would I be able (if it's even remotely possible) to associate one particular CSS file or files to just one HTML page?
I recently purchased a theme for one section of my website that I didn't want to bother creating myself, since I hate doing UI for my main page myself. But when I place the CSS files of this template with the ones I have for the other template I use, one template's CSS files overwrite the other, so everything ends up looking like a huge jumbled mess.
I hope I'm being clear with my question. Is there a way to get around this?
So, if there's not a way to keep the file from being included in meteor, you could add a class to the body tag of the page you want the styles to appear in, then prepend that class to the beginning of the styles in your new stylesheet, ex: .yourBodyClass#stylehseetID, .yourBodyClass.stylesheetClass
if you put your stylesheet in the public folder, it will be treated as a static file, but then it should go in the header which is rendered by Meteor, and since Meteor is a single page app (SPA), it only has one header for the whole application.
If you need specific styles for a page, you can use some prefix for your css classes. That's probably the easiest.

Django CMS, per page CSS Styles

I often use small, page specific CSS files for a page in Typo3 using css_select. These styles usually apply only to some special element on these pages. Putting these styles in a global file doesn't feel right.
Using css_select I can select a bunch of files that may be included into the page's header, so that it loads it's special styles.
Now I'm looking for a way to do something similar in Django CMS 3. The only built in solution I'd know is to create a new template which seems a bit excessive for a single page where an image needs to be handled a bit differently from all the others, to name just one example.
Is there a way to do this using nothing but django CMS?
If not, is there an app that would do that?
If not, how could an app extend the page admin form in such a way that this function could be added.
You could extend the page.
A good example is
This the above package allows you to add additional meta tags to page header.

Django css files

i want to create some css styles for my Django templates. Each view will have a css associated, but there will be zones that are not associated to any views in my template.
How can i load the css files? is there enough having them declared in the Media of my view, and loading them in the header of the html?
Also, is it a correct approach to have styles associated to the divs that are not associated to a certain view?
If you use a word view for a typical django view (a method) it is not good idea to create separate css file for each view (unless you have very specific application).
In general you need to create you css files in such way that:
general styles that can be applied in many templates are not repeated in multiple css files
it is easy for you to manage styles in couple of css files
There is no strict guideline to create css file per view or css file per template in Django as far as I know.
Basically pointing to some css file in head, which contains styles appropriate to a template is enough here. Of course you need to make sure that you provide correct path to this file.
You can make one general css with styles that are used by most of your templates and a series of specific css files that are valid only in some specialized templates.
I also advice to take a look at django-compress if you want to go with your site to broader audience - this app makes your static files (like css) smaller and also it helps to concatenate group of css and js files. This has some positive impact on performance without decreasing readability of your code.

ASP.NET Themes - Should They Be Used?

I'd been reading up on themes in my ASP.NET book and thought that it could be a very handy solution, then I met some problems.
The theme picks up every single CSS file in the folder
If you want to use reset styles (where ordering is important) the order of imported stylesheets is not guaranteed
Your master page would not explicitly indicate what style is being used, only the rendered page can tell you that unless you dig into your web.config
Styling web controls using the theme file is... well... stupid? You can simply do this in your stylesheet. Granular control should be at the HTML level, should it not?
How do you specify print stylesheets without having all styles in a single stylesheet?
I'm wondering as to whether they're actually worth using at all. Is there any benefit? Are there any major sites using them?
Just to clarify slolife's last point. If I had two stylesheets, one called print.css and one called main.css and I used ASP.NET themes, how would it know that print.css was a print stylesheet? In regular HTML you use the media type in the tag itself (i.e. <link rel= ...>) but the themes wouldn't know this, so it would just get included as a regular stylesheet.
I like using themes, but as Raj pointed out in his answer, URL rewriting can cause problems. My search for some solutions to that is what led me to your question. But I'll add my opinions in anyway.
I'll address some of your bullets from above as to why I think themes are good:
- The theme picks up every single CSS file in the folder
I guess you are looking to apply only certain stylesheet files to certain pages. Yes, themes takes the shotgun approach here, so that's a problem. But you don't have to put all stylesheets in the the theme folder. Put your specialized ones outside of it and they won't be included automatically. But I think it is nice feature to have the common/site wide ones included automagically.
- If you want to use reset styles (where ordering is important) the order of imported stylesheets is not guaranteed
I think you can guarantee the order by the way you name the files, so they are numerically and alphabetically ordered. Maybe not an elegant solution, but not horrible.
Personally, I have a build step that combines and compresses all of the *.css files in my theme folder into one single style.css file, and since I control that build step and the order that the files are combined, that doesn't affect me.
- Your master page would not explicitly indicate what style is being used, only the rendered page can tell you that unless you dig into your web.config
You can change the theme via code and in the <%#Page directive
- Styling web controls using the theme file is... well... stupid? You can simply do this in your stylesheet. Granular control should be at the HTML level, should it not?
I agree that applying style attributes to controls via the theme doesn't seem to be a best practice. But I love the fact that I can define image skins in the theme's skin files and don't have to cut and paste Width,Height,AlternativeText,Align attributes for common images that I use lots of places throughout the site. And if I ever change one of those images, I can fix the attributes in one place, rather than all over. I also can created skinned controls with a certain list of css classes applied, which seems handy to me.
- How do you specify print stylesheets without having all styles in a single stylesheet?
I have a Print.css file that starts with #media print and that defines print styles for my site. Why do you need to put them in one stylesheet?
IMHO, themes are absolutely USELESS
try implementing url rewriting with an app which uses themes and see them break straight away
basically, you can achieve the same thing writing few lines of code in and multiple css folders. i am yet to come across any developer / company who has been using themes
when 2.0 was launched, there was a big hype around themes but my personal opinion is its simply not worth it :-)
Use themes to change control attributes ONLY.
They were bad designed for working with css.
