SharePoint 2010 and ASP.Net 4.0 on same IIS -

Can the IIS version in Windows Server 2008 R2 host all the following:
SharePoint 2010;
ASP.Net 4.0;
Classic ASP applications;
VB6 compiled .dll web applications.
If so, can SharePoint 2010 be the Default Web application when accessing the server?

Sharepoint 2010 requires the .Net 3.5 framework.
I guess it's because a new SP version was being developed at the same time as the new .Net version, SP 2010 couldn't use .Net 4.0 yet.
Edit: here's the explanation in the words of the SharePoint Product Manager:
Unfortunately the release timeframes
didn't work out to get SharePoint 2010
built on .NET Framework 4.0.

I'm not sure about VB6 compiled .dll web application, but the rest is no problem.
Classic ASP isn't installed by default, but it's just a feature to enable.
As SharePoint is running .Net 3.5 it needs to be in a seperate AppPool from your .Net 4.0 sites.
Which site is the default is just a matter of selecting which Web Site is serving port 80 without a host header.

The separation; that needs to be explained here is the "application pool" term; a pool can use only one .net version so if they're in different application pools then everything is fine for IIS.
With the default web application is a relative object; if you mean through then this means the port 80 is assigned to eg. Sharepoint on the application server.


Software System Design Architecture IIS Server 7.5 and .NET Core (3.X or 2.X)( with Web API) compatibility issues & Design issues

We have a project to complete that involves using an Old Existing Web Application developed and deployed with following technologies:
-.NET Framework 4
-developed Using Visual Studio 2010 (VS2010)
-Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Service Pack 1)
-IIS Version 7.5
-Telerik\RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Q3 2011
We have a new project that involves creating a Csv File uploader for the web application.
Our proposed plan was to UI uploader Csv File Uploader component on the Old Existing Web Application.
However, we Want to use Newer technology for the main quasi-ETL processing of the Csv Data.
As we Brainstorm, we came up with the following technologies that could be used for the main quasi-ETL processing of Csv Data.
.NET Core (3.X or 2.X)
Visual Studio 2019
However, we have to deploy the Old Existing Web Application ( which would contain the UI Csv File Uploader) and the new main quasi-ETL processing of Csv Data to the same Web Server which would mean using the following slightly old technologies:
-Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Service Pack 1)
-IIS Version 7.5
I'm in the process of developing a - .NET Core (3.X or 2.X) Web application, and deploying it in an environment that uses:
-Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Service Pack 1)
-IIS Version 7.5
Please Keep in mind that both the Old Web Application and the New .NET Core application will be deployed on the same IIS Server 7.5
The Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Server & IIS Server hosts a lot of important applications so I am concerned about what kind of modifications/update/add-on that I might have need to install.
-Does anyone know about any possible technical compatibility problems or troubles that I might face? If yes, what could it be?
-To elaborate, within the Control Panel's "Turn Windows Feature on or off", could you please tell me what might need to be enabled for .NET Core (3.X or 2.X)( with Web API) to work on said IIS Version 7.5?
-Also, may I please know if I have to install any Microsoft module executable ( or something similar)?
-Also, please feel free to suggest improvements Or tell me about any pitfalls/obstacles that I might face.

Upgrading a web site from .NET 2.0 to .NET 4.0 gives warning when opening web site in Visual Studio "This project is targeting ASP.NET 2.0..."

I am using Visual Studio 2012. I have been developing on a legacy web site that uses .NET 2.0. It is configured on my local machine using IIS with an application pool set for .NET 2.0. I am able to open this web site from Visual Studio using File-Open-Web problem. This is a web site, not a compiled web application.
I just changed my application pool to .NET 4.0. My web site runs fine.
However, when I select File-Open-Web Site in Visual Studio, I get an error that says:
The site "...." is currently configured for use with a newer version of ASP.NET (4.0). This project is targeting ASP.NET 2.0; if not configured some features with the tool may not render correctly. Would you like the site to be configured for user with ASP.NET 2.0?
I can click "No" and attach to and debug the application no problem.
I have no SLN, SUO, CSPROJ, or USER files anywhere in the web site or in My Documents. I have deleted the contents of my web.config file so that it is empty. I still continue to get this message every time I open the web site.
Where is this message coming from?
Why does Visual Studio think that the web site is configured for .NET 2.0?
This is something local to my machine.
Other developers in the company have upgraded their application pool to 4.0 and do not see this message when opening the web site from Visual Studio.
While you may have upgraded your solution to be opened by Visual Studio 2012, you haven't changed the targeted .NET runtime.
To target something other then the .NET 2.0 runtime you need to change the target in the project properties.
See the following for a complete explanation.

Deploying .NET 4.5 web app with Web Deploy

I have a working ASP.NET MVC 3 application. The project is built with VS 2010 and targets .NET 4.0. Now I re-targeted it to .NET 4.5 and successfully recompiled. Trying to deploy it to our test server (Windows 2008 R2 SP1) now fails:
More Information: The application pool that you are trying to use
has the 'managedRuntimeVersion' property set to 'v4.0'.
This application requires 'v4.5'. Learn more at:
The server has .NET 4.5 installed but there is no app pool 4.5 (because it's inplace upgrade and as I understand 4.0 pool should be fine). The client machine has VS 2012 and so Web Deploy 3 (was Web Deploy 2 previously). I also installed Web Deploy 3 to the server.
Tried to re-register ASP.NET with aspnet_regiis - no luck.
Why do I get the error and how can I fix it? This is so frustrating...
Found similar question about RC but it does not help
Looks like this is a bug Microsoft hasn't fixed since CTP. IgnoreDeployManagedRuntimeVersion property did the trick. What a shame!
You can try adding this property to the project:
Windows Server 2012 includes .NET 4.5 by default and (when Web server role added) IIS has the following app pools: DefaultAppPool, .NET v4.5, .NET v4.5 Classic that use .NET Framework 4.0 (because 4.5 is inplace upgrade of 4.0). However, if we install .NET 4.5 redistributable on Windows Server 2008 that has .NET 4.0 installed the pools are not renamed: ASP.NET v4.0, ASP.NET v4.0 Classic. And this is the key why Web Deploy fails.
#kzu: not trying, this will work.
Had the same problem when installing Orchard CMS. Keep targeting v2.0.
But find the simple solution: in IIS, on the Application Pools (the list with all application pools), you can find the 2nd setting top right list: "Set Application Pool Defaults.." change there the default from 2.0 to 4.0 et, voila.
Register ASP.NET for IIS
a. Run CMD as Admin
b. CD to \windows\\framework\v4.x
c. Aspnet regiis -i

No ASP.NET features shown in IIS 7.5

I'm having an issue in IIS 7.5 where the ASP.NET feature section isn't showing on my web application.
My environment: Windows 2008 R2 SP1, IIS 7.5 (7.5.7600), .NET Framework 4.0
My issue is similar to the issue posted here: No features on IIS 7.5, only my environment is different. The 'add features' fix mentioned in that post doesn't appear to work in Windows Server 2008, as I'm not seeing a simple "ASP.NET" feature that can be selected.
I tried running the aspnet_regiis tool as administrator against .NET 4.0 with no luck. The application pool selected for the web application is currently configured to use .NET 4.0. This application is functional, so I'm assuming that .NET 4.0 is installed correctly, but I'd like to be able to configure a few more things that are in the ASP.NET section.
Try Roles > Right Click Web Server (IIS) > Add Role Services > Application Development to turn on the ASP.Net features in IIS
The UI is a bit different in the newer versions of Windows Server. Here is where you have to enable ASP.Net in order to get it working on IIS
The same issue but in a developer machine it may solve:
Windows Features - Internet Information Services - World Wide Web Services - Application Development Features - ASP.NET 3.5 + ASP.NET 4.8

.NET version compatibility issue

I have developed an MVC 3 (using .NET 4.0 and not .NET 3.5 SP1) application with jQuery Mobile that communicates with a legacy application's business layer built in 3.5. Now the time has come to upload the application to a production server. However issues have arised. Namely, the client insists that the mvc app should be a sub app of a desktop version of the same app (built in 3.5). What do I do now?
You could use IIS Express to host the web application locally. IIS Express can be packaged within an application installer and distributed to the users.
The desktop app can then have a simplified browser window that navigates to the local web application.
... an ugly solution to a problem that shouldn't exist.
