Regex for anything between [] -

I need to find the regex for []
For eg, if the string is - Hi [Stack], Here is my [Tag] which i need to [Find].
It should return
Stack, Tag, Find

Pretty simple, you just need to (1) escape the brackets with backslashes, and (2) use (.*?) to capture the contents.
The parentheses are a capturing group, they capture their contents for later use. The question mark after .* makes the matching non-greedy. This means it will match the shortest match possible, rather than the longest one. The difference between greedy and non-greedy comes up when you have multiple matches in a line:
Hi [Stack], Here is my [Tag] which i need to [Find].
A greedy match will find the longest string possible between two sets of square brackets. That's not right. A non-greedy match will find the shortest:
Hi [Stack], Here is my [Tag] which i need to [Find].
Anyways, the code will end up looking like:
string regex = #"\[(.*?)\]";
string text = "Hi [Stack], Here is my [Tag] which i need to [Find].";
foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(text, regex))
Console.WriteLine("Found {0}", match.Groups[1].Value);

should work. You might have to change the matching group if you need to include special chars as well.

Depending on what environment you mean:

.NET syntax, taking care of multiple embedded brackets:
\[ ( (?: \\. | (?<OPEN> \[) | (?<-OPEN> \]) | [^\]] )*? (?(OPEN)(?!)) ) \]
This counts the number of opened [ sections in OPEN and only succeeds if OPEN is 0 in the end.

I encountered a similar issue and discovered that this also does the trick.
The \w means Metacharacter. This will match 1 or more word characters.
Using n{X,} quantifier matches any string where you can obtain different amounts. With the second number left out on purpose, the expression means 1 or more characters to match.


Extract mm/dd/yyyy and m/dd/yyyy dates from string in R [duplicate]

My regex pattern looks something like
<xxxx location="file path/level1/level2" xxxx some="xxx">
I am only interested in the part in quotes assigned to location. Shouldn't it be as easy as below without the greedy switch?
Does not seem to work.
You need to make your regular expression lazy/non-greedy, because by default, "(.*)" will match all of "file path/level1/level2" xxx some="xxx".
Instead you can make your dot-star non-greedy, which will make it match as few characters as possible:
Adding a ? on a quantifier (?, * or +) makes it non-greedy.
Note: this is only available in regex engines which implement the Perl 5 extensions (Java, Ruby, Python, etc) but not in "traditional" regex engines (including Awk, sed, grep without -P, etc.).
location="(.*)" will match from the " after location= until the " after some="xxx unless you make it non-greedy.
So you either need .*? (i.e. make it non-greedy by adding ?) or better replace .* with [^"]*.
[^"] Matches any character except for a " <quotation-mark>
More generic: [^abc] - Matches any character except for an a, b or c
How about
This avoids the unlimited search with .* and will match exactly to the first quote.
Use non-greedy matching, if your engine supports it. Add the ? inside the capture.
Use of Lazy quantifiers ? with no global flag is the answer.
If you had global flag /g then, it would have matched all the lowest length matches as below.
Here's another way.
Here's the one you want. This is lazy [\s\S]*?
The first item:
[\s\S]*?(?:location="[^"]*")[\s\S]* Replace with: $1
For completeness, this gets the last one. This is greedy [\s\S]*
The last item:[\s\S]*(?:location="([^"]*)")[\s\S]*
Replace with: $1
There's only 1 difference between these two regular expressions and that is the ?
The other answers here fail to spell out a full solution for regex versions which don't support non-greedy matching. The greedy quantifiers (.*?, .+? etc) are a Perl 5 extension which isn't supported in traditional regular expressions.
If your stopping condition is a single character, the solution is easy; instead of
you can match
i.e specify a character class which excludes the starting and ending delimiiters.
In the more general case, you can painstakingly construct an expression like
to capture a match between start and the first occurrence of end. Notice how the subexpression with nested parentheses spells out a number of alternatives which between them allow e only if it isn't followed by nd and so forth, and also take care to cover the empty string as one alternative which doesn't match whatever is disallowed at that particular point.
Of course, the correct approach in most cases is to use a proper parser for the format you are trying to parse, but sometimes, maybe one isn't available, or maybe the specialized tool you are using is insisting on a regular expression and nothing else.
Because you are using quantified subpattern and as descried in Perl Doc,
By default, a quantified subpattern is "greedy", that is, it will
match as many times as possible (given a particular starting location)
while still allowing the rest of the pattern to match. If you want it
to match the minimum number of times possible, follow the quantifier
with a "?" . Note that the meanings don't change, just the
*? //Match 0 or more times, not greedily (minimum matches)
+? //Match 1 or more times, not greedily
Thus, to allow your quantified pattern to make minimum match, follow it by ? :
import regex
text = 'ask her to call Mary back when she comes back'
p = r'(?i)(?s)call(.*?)back'
for match in regex.finditer(p, str(text)):
print (

sub command to extract data and split data frame column [duplicate]

Simple regex question. I have a string on the following format:
this is a [sample] string with [some] special words. [another one]
What is the regular expression to extract the words within the square brackets, ie.
another one
Note: In my use case, brackets cannot be nested.
You can use the following regex globally:
\[ : [ is a meta char and needs to be escaped if you want to match it literally.
(.*?) : match everything in a non-greedy way and capture it.
\] : ] is a meta char and needs to be escaped if you want to match it literally.
Will capture content without brackets
(?<=\[) - positive lookbehind for [
.*? - non greedy match for the content
(?=\]) - positive lookahead for ]
EDIT: for nested brackets the below regex should work:
This should work out ok:
Can brackets be nested?
If not: \[([^]]+)\] matches one item, including square brackets. Backreference \1 will contain the item to be match. If your regex flavor supports lookaround, use
This will only match the item inside brackets.
To match a substring between the first [ and last ], you may use
\[.*\] # Including open/close brackets
\[(.*)\] # Excluding open/close brackets (using a capturing group)
(?<=\[).*(?=\]) # Excluding open/close brackets (using lookarounds)
See a regex demo and a regex demo #2.
Use the following expressions to match strings between the closest square brackets:
Including the brackets:
\[[^][]*] - PCRE, Python re/regex, .NET, Golang, POSIX (grep, sed, bash)
\[[^\][]*] - ECMAScript (JavaScript, C++ std::regex, VBA RegExp)
\[[^\]\[]*] - Java, ICU regex
\[[^\]\[]*\] - Onigmo (Ruby, requires escaping of brackets everywhere)
Excluding the brackets:
(?<=\[)[^][]*(?=]) - PCRE, Python re/regex, .NET (C#, etc.), JGSoft Software
\[([^][]*)] - Bash, Golang - capture the contents between the square brackets with a pair of unescaped parentheses, also see below
\[([^\][]*)] - JavaScript, C++ std::regex, VBA RegExp
(?<=\[)[^\]\[]*(?=]) - Java regex, ICU (R stringr)
(?<=\[)[^\]\[]*(?=\]) - Onigmo (Ruby, requires escaping of brackets everywhere)
NOTE: * matches 0 or more characters, use + to match 1 or more to avoid empty string matches in the resulting list/array.
Whenever both lookaround support is available, the above solutions rely on them to exclude the leading/trailing open/close bracket. Otherwise, rely on capturing groups (links to most common solutions in some languages have been provided).
If you need to match nested parentheses, you may see the solutions in the Regular expression to match balanced parentheses thread and replace the round brackets with the square ones to get the necessary functionality. You should use capturing groups to access the contents with open/close bracket excluded:
\[((?:[^][]++|(?R))*)] - PHP PCRE
\[((?>[^][]+|(?<o>)\[|(?<-o>]))*)] - .NET demo
\[(?:[^\]\[]++|(\g<0>))*\] - Onigmo (Ruby) demo
If you do not want to include the brackets in the match, here's the regex: (?<=\[).*?(?=\])
Let's break it down
The . matches any character except for line terminators. The ?= is a positive lookahead. A positive lookahead finds a string when a certain string comes after it. The ?<= is a positive lookbehind. A positive lookbehind finds a string when a certain string precedes it. To quote this,
Look ahead positive (?=)
Find expression A where expression B follows:
Look behind positive (?<=)
Find expression A where expression B
The Alternative
If your regex engine does not support lookaheads and lookbehinds, then you can use the regex \[(.*?)\] to capture the innards of the brackets in a group and then you can manipulate the group as necessary.
How does this regex work?
The parentheses capture the characters in a group. The .*? gets all of the characters between the brackets (except for line terminators, unless you have the s flag enabled) in a way that is not greedy.
Just in case, you might have had unbalanced brackets, you can likely design some expression with recursion similar to,
which of course, it would relate to the language or RegEx engine that you might be using.
RegEx Demo 1
Other than that,
RegEx Demo 2
RegEx Demo 3
are good options to explore.
If you wish to simplify/modify/explore the expression, it's been explained on the top right panel of If you'd like, you can also watch in this link, how it would match against some sample inputs.
RegEx Circuit visualizes regular expressions:
const regex = /\[([^\]\[\r\n]*)\]/gm;
const str = `This is a [sample] string with [some] special words. [another one]
This is a [sample string with [some special words. [another one
This is a [sample[sample]] string with [[some][some]] special words. [[another one]]`;
let m;
while ((m = regex.exec(str)) !== null) {
// This is necessary to avoid infinite loops with zero-width matches
if (m.index === regex.lastIndex) {
// The result can be accessed through the `m`-variable.
m.forEach((match, groupIndex) => {
console.log(`Found match, group ${groupIndex}: ${match}`);
Regular expression to match balanced parentheses
(?<=\[).*?(?=\]) works good as per explanation given above. Here's a Python example:
import re
str = "Pagination.go('formPagination_bottom',2,'Page',true,'1',null,'2013')"'(?<=\[).*?(?=\])', str).group()
The #Tim Pietzcker's answer here
is almost the one I've been looking for. But there is one issue that some legacy browsers can fail on positive lookbehind.
So I had to made my day by myself :). I manged to write this:
Maybe it will help someone.
console.log("this is a [sample] string with [some] special words. [another one]".match(/([^[]+(?=]))/g));
if you want fillter only small alphabet letter between square bracket a-z
if you want small and caps letter a-zA-Z
if you want small caps and number letter a-zA-Z0-9
if you want everything between square bracket
if you want text , number and symbols
This code will extract the content between square brackets and parentheses
(?: non capturing group
(?<=\().+?(?=\)) positive lookbehind and lookahead to extract the text between parentheses
| or
(?<=\[).+?(?=\]) positive lookbehind and lookahead to extract the text between square brackets
In R, try:
x <- 'foo[bar]baz'
str_replace(x, ".*?\\[(.*?)\\].*", "\\1")
[1] "bar"
([[][a-z \s]+[]])
Above should work given the following explaination
characters within square brackets[] defines characte class which means pattern should match atleast one charcater mentioned within square brackets
\s specifies a space
 + means atleast one of the character mentioned previously to +.
I needed including newlines and including the brackets
If someone wants to match and select a string containing one or more dots inside square brackets like "[]" use the following:
Regex Tester

How to properly use capture reference in R using grepl function [duplicate]

I'm a regular expression newbie and I can't quite figure out how to write a single regular expression that would "match" any duplicate consecutive words such as:
Paris in the the spring.
Not that that is related.
Why are you laughing? Are my my regular expressions THAT bad??
Is there a single regular expression that will match ALL of the bold strings above?
Try this regular expression:
Here \b is a word boundary and \1 references the captured match of the first group.
Regex101 example here
I believe this regex handles more situations:
A good selection of test strings can be found here:
The below expression should work correctly to find any number of duplicated words. The matching can be case insensitive.
String regex = "\\b(\\w+)(\\s+\\1\\b)+";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher m = p.matcher(input);
// Check for subsequences of input that match the compiled pattern
while (m.find()) {
input = input.replaceAll(,;
Sample Input : Goodbye goodbye GooDbYe
Sample Output : Goodbye
The regex expression:
\b : Start of a word boundary
\w+ : Any number of word characters
(\s+\1\b)* : Any number of space followed by word which matches the previous word and ends the word boundary. Whole thing wrapped in * helps to find more than one repetitions.
Grouping : : Shall contain the matched group in above case Goodbye goodbye GooDbYe : Shall contain the first word of the matched pattern in above case Goodbye
Replace method shall replace all consecutive matched words with the first instance of the word.
Try this with below RE
\b start of word word boundary
\W+ any word character
\1 same word matched already
\b end of word
()* Repeating again
public static void main(String[] args) {
String regex = "\\b(\\w+)(\\b\\W+\\b\\1\\b)*";// "/* Write a RegEx matching repeated words here. */";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE/* Insert the correct Pattern flag here.*/);
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
int numSentences = Integer.parseInt(in.nextLine());
while (numSentences-- > 0) {
String input = in.nextLine();
Matcher m = p.matcher(input);
// Check for subsequences of input that match the compiled pattern
while (m.find()) {
input = input.replaceAll(,;
// Prints the modified sentence.
Regex to Strip 2+ duplicate words (consecutive/non-consecutive words)
Try this regex that can catch 2 or more duplicate words and only leave behind one single word. And the duplicate words need not even be consecutive.
Here, \b is used for Word Boundary, ?= is used for positive lookahead, and \1 is used for back-referencing.
The widely-used PCRE library can handle such situations (you won't achieve the the same with POSIX-compliant regex engines, though):
Here is one that catches multiple words multiple times:
No. That is an irregular grammar. There may be engine-/language-specific regular expressions that you can use, but there is no universal regular expression that can do that.
This is the regex I use to remove duplicate phrases in my twitch bot:
(\S+\s*) looks for any string of characters that isn't whitespace, followed whitespace.
\1{2,} then looks for more than 2 instances of that phrase in the string to match. If there are 3 phrases that are identical, it matches.
Since some developers are coming to this page in search of a solution which not only eliminates duplicate consecutive non-whitespace substrings, but triplicates and beyond, I'll show the adapted pattern.
Pattern: /(\b\S+)(?:\s+\1\b)+/ (Pattern Demo)
Replace: $1 (replaces the fullstring match with capture group #1)
This pattern greedily matches a "whole" non-whitespace substring, then requires one or more copies of the matched substring which may be delimited by one or more whitespace characters (space, tab, newline, etc).
\b (word boundary) characters are vital to ensure partial words are not matched.
The second parenthetical is a non-capturing group, because this variable width substring does not need to be captured -- only matched/absorbed.
the + (one or more quantifier) on the non-capturing group is more appropriate than * because * will "bother" the regex engine to capture and replace singleton occurrences -- this is wasteful pattern design.
*note if you are dealing with sentences or input strings with punctuation, then the pattern will need to be further refined.
The example in Javascript: The Good Parts can be adapted to do this:
var doubled_words = /([A-Za-z\u00C0-\u1FFF\u2800-\uFFFD]+)\s+\1(?:\s|$)/gi;
\b uses \w for word boundaries, where \w is equivalent to [0-9A-Z_a-z]. If you don't mind that limitation, the accepted answer is fine.
This expression (inspired from Mike, above) seems to catch all duplicates, triplicates, etc, including the ones at the end of the string, which most of the others don't:
/(^|\s+)(\S+)(($|\s+)\2)+/g, "$1$2")
I know the question asked to match duplicates only, but a triplicate is just 2 duplicates next to each other :)
First, I put (^|\s+) to make sure it starts with a full word, otherwise "child's steak" would go to "child'steak" (the "s"'s would match). Then, it matches all full words ((\b\S+\b)), followed by an end of string ($) or a number of spaces (\s+), the whole repeated more than once.
I tried it like this and it worked well:
var s = "here here here here is ahi-ahi ahi-ahi ahi-ahi joe's joe's joe's joe's joe's the result result result";
print( s.replace( /(\b\S+\b)(($|\s+)\1)+/g, "$1"))
--> here is ahi-ahi joe's the result
Try this regular expression it fits for all repeated words cases:
I think another solution would be to use named capture groups and backreferences like this:
.* (?<mytoken>\w+)\s+\k<mytoken> .*/
val regex = Regex(""".* (?<myToken>\w+)\s+\k<myToken> .*""")
val input = "This is a test test data"
val result = regex.find(input)
var pattern = Pattern.compile(".* (?<myToken>\\w+)\\s+\\k<myToken> .*");
var matcher = pattern.matcher("This is a test test data");
var isFound = matcher.find();
var result ="myToken");
const regex = /.* (?<myToken>\w+)\s+\k<myToken> .*/;
const input = "This is a test test data";
const result = regex.exec(input);
// OR
const regex = /.* (?<myToken>\w+)\s+\k<myToken> .*/g;
const input = "This is a test test data";
const result = [...input.matchAll(regex)];
All the above detect the test as the duplicate word.
Tested with Kotlin 1.7.0-Beta, Java 11, Chrome and Firefox 100.
You can use this pattern:
This pattern can be used to match all duplicated word groups in sentences. :)
Here is a sample util function written in java 17, which replaces all duplications with the first occurrence:
public String removeDuplicates(String input) {
var regex = "\\b(\\w+)(?:\\W+\\1\\b)+";
var pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
var matcher = pattern.matcher(input);
while (matcher.find()) {
input = input.replaceAll(,;
return input;
As far as I can see, none of these would match:
London in the
the winter (with the winter on a new line )
Although matching duplicates on the same line is fairly straightforward,
I haven't been able to come up with a solution for the situation in which they
stretch over two lines. ( with Perl )
To find duplicate words that have no leading or trailing non whitespace character(s) other than a word character(s), you can use whitespace boundaries on the left and on the right making use of lookarounds.
The pattern will have a match in:
Paris in the the spring.
Not that that is related.
The pattern will not have a match in:
This is $word word
(?<!\S) Negative lookbehind, assert not a non whitespace char to the left of the current location
(\w+) Capture group 1, match 1 or more word characters
\s+ Match 1 or more whitespace characters (note that this can also match a newline)
\1 Backreference to match the same as in group 1
(?!\S) Negative lookahead, assert not a non whitespace char to the right of the current location
See a regex101 demo.
To find 2 or more duplicate words:
This part of the pattern (?:\s+\1)+ uses a non capture group to repeat 1 or more times matching 1 or more whitespace characters followed by the backreference to match the same as in group 1.
See a regex101 demo.
Alternatives without using lookarounds
You could also make use of a leading and trailing alternation matching either a whitespace char or assert the start/end of the string.
Then use a capture group 1 for the value that you want to get, and use a second capture group with a backreference \2 to match the repeated word.
Matching 2 duplicate words:
See a regex101 demo.
Matching 2 or more duplicate words:
See a regex101 demo.
Use this in case you want case-insensitive checking for duplicate words.

Need help with a regex

Hi I'm trying to right a regular expression that will take a string and ensure it starts with an 'R' and is followed by 4 numeric digits then anything
eg. RXXXX.................
Can anybody help me with this? This is for ASP.NET
You want it to be at the beginning of the line, not anywhere. Also, for efficiency, you dont want the .+ or .* at the end because that will match unnecessary characters. So the following regex is what you really want:
This should do it...
\d{4} matches 4 digits
.* is simply a way to match any character 0 or more times
the beginning ^ and end $ anchors ensure that nothing precedes or follows
As Vincent suggested, for your specific task it could even be simplified to this...
Because as you stated, it doesn't really matter what follows.
/^R\d{4}.*/ and set the case insensitive option unless you only want capital R's
The caret ^ matches the position before the first character in the string.
\d matches any numeric character (it's the same as [0-9])
{4} indicates that there must be exactly 4 numbers, and
.* matches 0 or more other characters
To use:
string input = "R0012 etc..";
Match match = Regex.Match(input, #"^R\d{4}.*", RexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (match.Success)
// Success!
Note the use of RexOptions.IgnoreCase to ignore the case of the letter R (so it'll match strings which start with r. Leave this out if you don't want to undertake a case insensitive match.

Regex: Match opening/closing chars with spaces

I'm trying to complete a regular expression that will pull out matches based on their opening and closing characters, the closest I've gotten is
Which will match a string such as "[[word1]]" and bring me back all the matches if there is more than one, The problem is I want it to pick up matchs where there may be a space in so for example "[[word1 word2]]", now this will work if I add a space into my pattern above however this pops up a problem that it will only get one match for my entire string so for example if I have a string
"Hi [[Title]] [[Name]] [[surname]], How are you"
then the match will be [[Title]] [[Name]] [[surname]] rather than 3 matches [[Title]], [[Name]], [[surname]]. I'm sure I'm just a char or two away in the Regex but I'm stuck, How can I make it return the 3 matches.
You just need to make you regex non-greedy by using a ? like:
^(\[\[)[a-zA-Z.-_ ]+?(\]\])
Also there is a bug in your regex. You've included - in the char class thinking of it as a literal hyphen. But - in a char class is a meta char. So it effectively will match all char between . (period) and _ (underscore). So you need to escape it as:
^(\[\[)[a-zA-Z.\-_ ]+?(\]\])
or you can put is in some other place in the regex so that it will not have things on both sides of it as:
^(\[\[)[a-zA-Z._ -]+?(\]\])
^(\[\[)[-a-zA-Z._ ]+?(\]\])
You need to turn off greedy matching. See these examples for different languages:
You should use +? instead of +.
The one without the question mark will try to match as much as possible, while the one with the question mark as little as possible.
Another approach would be to use [^\]] as your characters instead of [a-zA-Z.-_]. That way, a match will never extend over your closing brackets.
