change master page <a href link from content page -

i have this on my
<ul class="menu">
<li class="first" runat="server" id="Li2">
<a runat="server" id="A1" href="../NewEntry.aspx">Create a New Entry</a>
when i go to content page ("NewEntry.aspx") i want the link name to be changed to "Update Entry"
<ul class="menu">
<li class="first" runat="server" id="Li2">
<a runat="server" id="A1" href="../UpdateEntry.aspx">Update Entry</a>
any feedback?

Make the link an asp:Hyperlink. Then have the master page expose a function or property:
public void SetLink(string href, string text)
A1.NavigateURL = href;
A1.Text = text;
Call the function from the main page.

You can use a hyperlink control <asp:hyperlink> and set the url as well as the text values.

I would recommend handling this as a HyperLink control as others have mentioned. If for some reason you must handle this as a server-side HTML anchor, you can access it using the following code from your webform code-behind:
HtmlAnchor link = (HtmlAnchor)(this.Master).FindControl("A1");
link.InnerText = "Update Entry";

You can also define a content place holder where you have "Create a New Entry". Leave that as the default inside that place holder, and only in the content page set content for it to Update Entry.


In href, ~ is not working when binding from code behind

When binding href tag from code behind it's not working. This is my aspx code. When I am directly putting <a> tag on aspx it's working whereas as soon as I doing it through Response.write it's reading ~ as such not as a root directory.
<% Response.Write("<a id=\"A1\" runat=\"server\" class=\"menuItem\" href=\"~/HR/Emp/EmpDetails.aspx?mid=167\">My PIPs</a> "); %>
<a id="A1" runat="server" class="menuItem" href="~/HR/Emp/EmpDetails.aspx?mid=167">My PIPs</a>
binding through literal also it's not working
Literal.text = "<a id=\"A1\" runat=\"server\" class=\"menuItem\" href=\"~/HR/Emp/EmpDetails.aspx?mid=167\">My PIPs</a> ";
Please help on this.
these are the HTML tags
<ul id="jMenu">
<a runat="server" class="fNiv" href="~\Default.aspx?mid=1&">Home</a>
<a runat="server" class="fNiv" href="">Human Resources</a>
<li class="arrow" />
<a runat="server" class="menuItem" href="~\HR\EMP\PIPWorkFlow.aspx?mid=166">Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)</a>
<a runat="server" class="menuItem" href="~\HR\EMP\PIPWorkFlow.aspx?mid=171">Data Protection Statement</a>
<a runat="server" class="menuItem" href="~\HR\EMP\EmpPIPDetails.aspx?mid=167">My PIPs</a>
<a runat="server" class="menuItem" href="~\HR\EMP\PIPHome.aspx?mid=168">Team PIPs</a>
<a runat="server" class="menuItem" href="~\HR\EMP\HRPIPHistory.aspx?mid=169">Employee PIPs</a>
<a runat="server" class="menuItem" href="~\HR\EMP\AppraisalRatingUpload.aspx?mid=170">Upload Appraisal Ratings</a>
<a runat="server" class="menuItem" href="~\HR\EMP\PIPRoleAssignment.aspx?mid=472">PIP Spoc Role Assignment</a>
<a runat="server" class="fNiv" href="~\ContactUs.aspx?mid=39">Contact Us</a>
these are the html tags... if we are binding these tags with Literal or div or TD ... they are reading ~ sign as such...
if I am putting these tags directly in HTML its working perfectly fine
Response.Write and Literal.Text output whatever you give them with no processing.
This means whatever you give these methods/property will be output verbatim. No URL resolution will occur and the runat=server attribute is meaningless.
You can use the Control.ResolveClientUrl() method to generate the link yourself, or manipulate the link as a server control in the codebehind.
Option 1
// this line is fine
string url = ResolveClientUrl("~/some-url/foo.aspx");
// this line is quite ugly, but should work
var lit = new Literal { Text = "<a href='" + url + "'>a link</a>" };
// add it the page/control's control hierarchy
this.Controls.Add( lit );
Option 2
// instantiate the control dynamically
// URL resolution is done automatically
var lnk = new HtmlAnchor { HRef = "~/some-url/foo.aspx" };
// add it the page/control's control hierarchy
this.Controls.Add( lnk );
Option 3
Let's say that you must deal with a string, not the control hierarchy (as per the comments). This is not ideal, but it is possible if the URLs in the string are relative to the application root.
// resolve the application root
string root = ResolveClientUrl("~/");
// string of raw HTML
string html = "My PIPs";
// replace the urls with a resolved version
// this is very simplistic...a proper parser would be more reliable
html = html.Replace( "~/", root + "/" );
// output as desired
Response.Write( html );

Get selected li

hi i have master page and menu like this
<ul id="ulhotel" runat="server">
<li class="userprof active"><a href="AddAdminDetail.aspx">
<p class="activenav">
<span class="entypo activenav">+</span>User Profile</p>
<li class="hoteldetails"><a href="AddHotelDetails.aspx">
<span class="entypo">j</span>Hotel Details</p>
<li class="hoteldirectory"><a href="AddHotelDirectory.aspx">
<span class="entypo">l</span>Hotel Directory</p>
<li class="appconfig"><a href="Appconfiguration.aspx">
<span class="entypo">#</span>App Configurate</p>
<li class="featoffers"><a href="OfferDashboard.aspx">
<span class="entypo">C</span>Offer Dashboard</p>
now right now User Profile Is seleted now when i Click HotelDetail link I want to change it same as User Profile
i am trying this but its not working
$('#ulhotel li').click(function()
Thanks in advance.
You have
five different pages so you can also add active class to appropriate li tag on related page.
Comment Response
$('#ulhotel li').on('click',function(e)
and then set cookies for clicked li now when page redirected use that previously set cookies and add active class to appropriate li.
It is due to when you click link each time master page is loading.
you have to use script to change class in AddHotelDetails.aspx page to active related li.
In AddHotelDetails.aspx page you can use
$('#ulhotel li').removeClass("active");
$('#ulhotel li.hoteldetails').addClass("active");
Hope this help you.

show/hide css menu item depending user role using

I have the css layout: One column fixed width layout, from
I have two menu items defined like the following:
<div id="navigation">
<li>Data Entry</li>
Now, let's say that I have two roles: guest and operator, and I want that for example if a user with role guest is logged in, then just the Report item from the menu appear, and in case of a user operator is logged in, then both options appear.
How can I accomplish that?
Based on your responses, I'll go with the server side logic to deal with this:
<div id="navigation">
<li><asp:LinkButton ID="lkbDataEntry" runat="server">Data Entry</asp:LinkButton></li>
<li><asp:LinkButton ID="lkbReports" runat="server">Reports</asp:LinkButton></li>
You can put this in the Page_Load..
Dim cs As ClientScriptManager = Page.ClientScript
If Not cs.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(Me.GetType(), "RoleVariable") Then
Dim js As New String
js = "var _role = " & role & ";"
cs.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "RoleVariable", js, True)
End If
And from there, you will have the role in the Javascript realm, where you can manipulate the visibility of the items you want.
<script type="text/javascript">
function hideStuff() {
if (_role === "operator") {
// hide/show your elements here
else if (_role === "guest") {
// hide/show your elements here
Keep in mind that this approach is all client-side and is therefore easy for another developer to manipulate if they really wanted to. But on the other hand, it's the simplest. Don't use this approach for high-security situations.
You could give your menu elements an ID attribute and then in your codebehind either use RegisterClientSideScriptBlock or use Response.Write to send JavaScript to the client to hide (or show) elements based on some condition.
how about something simple like?
<% if(Page.User.IsInRole("operator") || Page.User.IsInRole("guest")) { %>
<div id="navigation">
<% if(Page.User.IsInRole("operator")) { %>
<li>Data Entry</li>
<% } %>
<% } %>
I don't 100% think you can (or should) be doing logic operations with stylesheets. You may need to have some javascript and then decide based on guest or operator which style to display

<a href or <asp:hyperlink.....tag does not render at runtime

i am trying to display a simple div with hyperlink that represents x
like this:
So, when my run my app i see the div but i dont see the x which is <a href tag
and here is my code:
<div class="success">×status message here...</div>
and when i looked at the source of the page this is what it renders:
<div id="ctl00_ctl00_ContentMain_ContentMain_employee_status" class="success" style="display:block;">status message here...</div>
and then i tried with <asp:hyperlink....
<div class="success" id="divStatus" visible="false" runat="server"><asp:HyperLink id="success" runat="server" CssClass="close" Text="×"></asp:HyperLink></div>
and i still dont see href tag, what is going on here and why i am not able to render the <a href or <asp:hyperlnk tag any clue?
i am writing InnerHtml divSuccess.InnerHtml ="status message here...
if thats the case that erasing its static contents then what is the
If divStatus contains controls that you want to keep, then you can append HTML to it by using a Literal control and adding it to the controls collection, like:
var lit = new Literal();
lit.Text = "my text or <strong>html</strong>";
Alternatively, you could use another control inside divStatus and alter its inner HTML:
<div id="divStatus" runat="server">
<a id="lnk1">This is the link that we don't want to be removed.</a>
<asp:Literal runat="server" id="litStatusHtml" />
here is how i able to solved my question
divStatus.InnerHtml = "<a href='#' class='close'>×</a>" + "status message here...";

FindControl results in null reference

I have anchor tags like this
<div id="menu_container">
<ul id="nav-bar">
<li><a href="Account.aspx" runat="server" id="menu_item_account" >Account</a></li>
<li>Contact us</li>
<div id="login_registration_container">
Sign in / Register
I want to change the CSS class for menu_item_default this way:
WebControl wc = (WebControl)FindControl("#menu_item_default");
wc.Attributes.Add("class", "value");
error: null reference exception
How can this be done?
You shouldn't use '#' symbol in the FindControl argument:
WebControl wc = (WebControl)FindControl("menu_item_default");
Using a MasterPage and the element is in a ContentPlaceholder:
If so then you must retrieve the ContentPlaceholder first, and from it retrive the element you want.
If your page has the following Content-area for example:
<asp:Content ID="BodyContent" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">
Then you would do the following (error handling omitted):
var mainCtrl = Master.FindControl("MainContent");
var anchor = (HtmlAnchor) mainCtrl.FindControl("menu_item_default");
anchor.Attributes.Add("class", "value");
Using a MasterPage and the element is in the MasterPage:
var anchor = (HtmlAnchor) Master.FindControl("menu_item_default");
Is there a particular reason you are using a regular anchor tag? Why not use an ASP.Net LinkButton? That will make it much easier to reference in the code.
If the control is on the master page, try
