Extending Contact Form 7 Wordpress plugin by using hooks - wordpress

I would like to create a plugin that uses the contact form 7 hook, wpcf7_admin_after_mail. I want to use the plugin to interface with a CRM system. What I have thus far is the following:
//plugin header here
function add_to_CRM( $cf7 )
if (isset($cf7->posted_data["your-message"]))
} else {
return $cf7;
add_action('wpcf7_admin_after_mail', 'add_to_CRM');
//other functions here
I can't seem to get this working. I can't even get the hook to work and do something like mail me. Anybody have any idea what I'm doing wrong here. Since I have limited Wordpress experience I might me missing the boat completely with what I'm trying to do here. I've Googled for answers to no end.
EDIT: I ended up adding this to the theme's functions.php file and it works perfectly. Thing is, I want to get it working as a plugin. Any help will be appreciated.

Try delaying the add_action() call, something like;
add_action('init', create_function('',
'add_action("wpcf7_admin_after_mail", "add_to_CRM");'));
This actually registers your CF7 hook once WordPress is ready (which is nearer the time functions.php gets loaded in).


How to properly use CF7 hooks

I'm fairly new to Wordpress development so please excuse if my question is dumb.
I'm trying to call a REST API when CF7 is submitted. So I've tried to hook into both wpcf7_before_send_mail and wpcf7_mail_sent but to no avail. Whenever I put this code in my theme's functions.php file; the form doesn't submit and keeps on loading (like it's trying to submit)
For simplicity's sake, I tried to do a simple redirect as you see in the following code but that's not working either. The form works when I remove the following code from functions.php file.
add_action("wpcf7_mail_sent", "wpcf7_do_something_else");
function wpcf7_do_something_else($cf7) {
Please advise what I am doing wrong. Thank you very much!
It keeps loading because it's an ajax function and you are trying to use 'wp_redirect' in it and that won't work.
The 'wpcf7_mail_sent' hook is working fine, you can test that by using something like that
add_action("wpcf7_mail_sent", "wpcf7_do_something_else");
function wpcf7_do_something_else($cf7) {
And while sending the form monitor the 'network' tab in the dev tools of your browser to see the results and you will find that it returns an object of the submitted data.

WordPress Plugin enqueue scripts not working

I am trying to load some scripts in the front-end. Been trying the code below (and variations of it) but doesn't do anything. Otherwise, the plugin is loading fine (using custom shortcode).
class MyPluginClass {
function load_scripts() {
wp_enqueue_script('any_unique_id_is_ok', plugins_url('/somefolder/somefile.js', __FILE__),array('jquery'));
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array('MyPluginClass','load_scripts'));
Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks!
For those who might stumble upon this issue, the problem was the missing wp_head() and wp_footer() hooks in my custom theme. Put these into the relevant places and everything should work fine.

Enable WP-postratings

I've created my own wordpress theme and installed WP-Postratings plugin, but it doesn't work. I add only
<?php if(function_exists('the_ratings')) { the_ratings(); } ?>
It show rating image, but i can't rate anything.
Should I add something to the functions, maybe the reason is ajax, should I add some function?
I'm using the same plugin on my theme
Rating Buttons
if(function_exists('the_ratings')) { the_ratings(); }
Rating Avarage
if(function_exists('the_ratings')) { echo ''.expand_ratings_template('<span class="rating-images">%RATINGS_IMAGES%</span>', get_the_ID()); }
If it doesnt work you may have any javascript conflict , try to disable all plugins and try it again.You must be sure that admin-ajax.php is not blocked by server or anything else.
You should add something to the functions. That code is enough.
It usually happened because the plugin is crashed with another plugin. Disable another plugins one by one until you can rate. Then change the plugin that make the issue with the similar one.

WordPress functions.php: how to apply update_option()?

I'm trying to set the default Image Link URL for my WP users so that it doesn't include the url link as a default. I've done some research, and I know the function is in the wp-admin/options.php:
Rather than mess with the core files, I'd like to put this into the functions.php, but never know the proper way to implement stuff like this! This is what I have so far in my functions.php:
This obviously doesn't work: it needs the proper setup! What is the correct way to implement this in functions.php?
Also: I'd like to know the strategy for figuring out how to implement functions like this in the future by myself? For example, I never know whether or not I'm supposed to use add_filter or do_action, and how I need to pass the parameters. I've yet to find a book or post out there that explains this very well, and can show me by example. Any good leads on this would be awesome too!
Start with the Wordpress codex. Visit the plugin API (which is really what you are doing) that explains Hooks, Actions and Filters. Then see the Action Reference which provides your list of hooks.
Here you will find the hook update_option_OPTIONNAME. Description from codex:
Runs after a WordPress option has been update by the update_option
function. Action function arguments: old option value, new option
value. You must add an action for the specific options that you want
to respond to, such as update_option_foo to respond when option "foo"
has been updated.
Adding code from asker's comment:
function inventory_linkurl_setting() {
add_action('admin_init', 'inventory_linkurl_setting'); ?>

Wordpress plugin functions: check if function exists

I'm developing a Wordpress site that relies on a plugin to be activated for the site to function properly.
The plugin has a few useful functions that I'm using in the site's template files. When the plugin is active, everything works perfectly. If the plugin is deactivated, the content doesn't load.
Wrapping these functions in if(function_exists(...) obviously fixes that, but I'm wondering if there's a cleaner way of doing that in Wordpress. Is there a function that can be placed in the theme's functions.php file that can check if these functions are available every time I call them, and if not provide a safe fallback without me having to wrap them in the function_exists()?
If you're only using it sparingly (1-2 times), use if( function_exists() ). If you're calling the function several times through in different template files, I'd suggest using something like
In your functions.php
function mytheme_related_posts( $someparams = nil ) {
if( function_exists( 'related_posts' ) ) {
related_posts( $someparams );
} else {
echo 'Please enable related posts plugin';
Then use mytheme_related_posts() in your template.
I think this is the most clear way. It prevents all problems. I think you can write a function instead which can check if these functions are available every time you call them, but I'm almost sure it can cause you more trouble and it burns more memory then simply using if(function_exist()). Don't forget the else branch and it will work fine.
If you want to check if a plugin is active then you should be using the is_plugin_active() function - you can find the docs at: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/is_plugin_active
You can then also use if(function_exists()) as well just to doubly make sure :)
