Using special auto start servlet to initialize on startup and share application data - servlets

I need to get some configuration and connect to external resources/objects/systems somewhere and store it in application scope.
I can see two ways to setup my application:
Overriding the init() in the existing servlets and required code there and keeping all constructed objects inside that same servlet.
Having some kind of an initialisation servlet and using its init() to do the work. Then storing created objects in ServletContext to share it with my other servlets.
Which out of above is better approach? Is there any better way to share objects between servlets? Calling them directly from one another or so...?

None of both is the better approach. Servlets are intended to listen on HTTP events (HTTP requests), not on deployment events (startup/shutdown).
CDI/EJB unavailable? Use ServletContextListener
public class Config implements ServletContextListener {
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {
// Do stuff during webapp's startup.
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent event) {
// Do stuff during webapp's shutdown.
If you're not on Servlet 3.0 yet and can't upgrade (it would be about time because Servlet 3.0 was introduced more than a decade ago), and thus can't use #WebListener annotation, then you need to manually register it in /WEB-INF/web.xml like below:
To store and obtain objects in the application scope (so that all servlets can access them), use ServletContext#setAttribute() and #getAttribute().
Here's an example which lets the listener store itself in the application scope:
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {
event.getServletContext().setAttribute("config", this);
// ...
and then obtain it in a servlet:
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
Config config = (Config) getServletContext().getAttribute("config");
// ...
It's also available in JSP EL by ${config}. So you could make it a simple bean as well.
CDI available? Use #Observes on ApplicationScoped.class
import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped; // And thus NOT e.g. jakarta.faces.bean.ApplicationScoped
public class Config {
public void init(#Observes #Initialized(ApplicationScoped.class) ServletContext context) {
// Do stuff during webapp's startup.
public void destroy(#Observes #Destroyed(ApplicationScoped.class) ServletContext context) {
// Do stuff during webapp's shutdown.
This is available in a servlet via #Inject. Make it if necessary also #Named so it's available via #{config} in EL as well.
Noted should be that this is new since CDI 1.1. If you're still on CDI 1.0 and can't upgrade, then pick another approach.
In case you're curious how to install CDI on a non-JEE server such as Tomcat, head to: How to install and use CDI on Tomcat?
EJB available? Consider #Startup#Singleton
public class Config {
public void init() {
// Do stuff during webapp's startup.
public void destroy() {
// Do stuff during webapp's shutdown.
This is available in a servlet via #EJB. The difference with other approaches is that it's by default transactional and in case of #Singleton also read/write locked. So if you would ever need to inject a random EJB (e.g. #Stateless) into a #WebListener or an #ApplicationScoped then you could basically as good merge both into a single #Startup #Singleton.
See also:
How to run a background task in a servlet based web application?
ServletContainerInitializer vs ServletContextListener
How do I force an application-scoped bean to instantiate at application startup?


what is the equivalence of contextDestroyed() in ServletContainerInitializer?

I have to create a class that implements ServletContextListener to add an event during the initialization or the shutdown of Tomcat. However, the class has to be located in a jar file inside WEB-INF/lib. After doing some readings, I found out that this is not possible, and the alternative is to use ServletContainerInitializer. However, only onStartup() method is available.
Is there any other alternatives where I can also add an event during the shutdown or destruction of the web application?
I am using Tomcat 8 and Java 8 btw.
Let your ServletContainerInitializer programmatically add a ServletContextListener which in turn does the desired job in its contextDestroyed().
Not sure how you tested your code. But this the ServletContextListener works fine for me on Tomcat 8.5.5. Just try this code, no need to put this to separate JAR file.
public class AppContextListener implements ServletContextListener{
Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AppContextListener.class);
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent servletContextEvent) {
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent servletContextEvent) {"### Context is destroyed ###");

Run a code when the war is deployed [duplicate]

I need to get some configuration and connect to external resources/objects/systems somewhere and store it in application scope.
I can see two ways to setup my application:
Overriding the init() in the existing servlets and required code there and keeping all constructed objects inside that same servlet.
Having some kind of an initialisation servlet and using its init() to do the work. Then storing created objects in ServletContext to share it with my other servlets.
Which out of above is better approach? Is there any better way to share objects between servlets? Calling them directly from one another or so...?
None of both is the better approach. Servlets are intended to listen on HTTP events (HTTP requests), not on deployment events (startup/shutdown).
CDI/EJB unavailable? Use ServletContextListener
public class Config implements ServletContextListener {
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {
// Do stuff during webapp's startup.
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent event) {
// Do stuff during webapp's shutdown.
If you're not on Servlet 3.0 yet and can't upgrade (it would be about time because Servlet 3.0 was introduced more than a decade ago), and thus can't use #WebListener annotation, then you need to manually register it in /WEB-INF/web.xml like below:
To store and obtain objects in the application scope (so that all servlets can access them), use ServletContext#setAttribute() and #getAttribute().
Here's an example which lets the listener store itself in the application scope:
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {
event.getServletContext().setAttribute("config", this);
// ...
and then obtain it in a servlet:
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
Config config = (Config) getServletContext().getAttribute("config");
// ...
It's also available in JSP EL by ${config}. So you could make it a simple bean as well.
CDI available? Use #Observes on ApplicationScoped.class
import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped; // And thus NOT e.g. jakarta.faces.bean.ApplicationScoped
public class Config {
public void init(#Observes #Initialized(ApplicationScoped.class) ServletContext context) {
// Do stuff during webapp's startup.
public void destroy(#Observes #Destroyed(ApplicationScoped.class) ServletContext context) {
// Do stuff during webapp's shutdown.
This is available in a servlet via #Inject. Make it if necessary also #Named so it's available via #{config} in EL as well.
Noted should be that this is new since CDI 1.1. If you're still on CDI 1.0 and can't upgrade, then pick another approach.
In case you're curious how to install CDI on a non-JEE server such as Tomcat, head to: How to install and use CDI on Tomcat?
EJB available? Consider #Startup#Singleton
public class Config {
public void init() {
// Do stuff during webapp's startup.
public void destroy() {
// Do stuff during webapp's shutdown.
This is available in a servlet via #EJB. The difference with other approaches is that it's by default transactional and in case of #Singleton also read/write locked. So if you would ever need to inject a random EJB (e.g. #Stateless) into a #WebListener or an #ApplicationScoped then you could basically as good merge both into a single #Startup #Singleton.
See also:
How to run a background task in a servlet based web application?
ServletContainerInitializer vs ServletContextListener
How do I force an application-scoped bean to instantiate at application startup?

#PostConstruct not working in JBoss 5

I have a servlet that I cannot change (com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer of Jersey RS) . What I can do is create a subclass of it. However, I needed that when the servlet is initialized it runs one function of my subclass. I cannot override the init method because it has the Jersey code.
I tried to use the annotation #PostConstruct on a method to make it run after initialization but it does not work (but it does work under Tomcat 6).
In web.xml the class is set to run on startup.
You should be able to subclass ServletContainer, override init, invoke the superclass method then perform your own logic, i.e.
public class MyServletContainer extends ServletContainer {
public void init() throws ServletException {
//... perform custom initialization logic here
Check if you have some of these jars "commons-annotation.jar, geronimo-annotation_1.1_spec, jboss-annotations-api_1.1_spec" in your webapp lib and remove.

Jersey app-run initialization code on startup to initialize application

I have an app built with Jersey.I need to do some initialization on startup of the webapp/war in the Tomcat 7 container by running an application specific login/code.
What is the best way to do this with Jersey ? I have used ContextListener with contextInitialized()before in a Servlet environment. I need to make sure the Jersey resources are loaded before I make this call.
Not sure what you mean by "Jersey resources are loaded before", but if you want to really plug in into Jersey init process.. Jersey has several "monitoring" plugin points (not widely advertised or documented) and what I'm going to describe is being called after initialization of AbstractResourceModel - so right after app startup.
Try this:
public class Listener implements AbstractResourceModelListener {
public void onLoaded(AbstractResourceModelContext modelContext) {
System.out.println("##### resource model initiated");
It should happen only once per app lifecycle, I'm not very sure about reloading, but you don't need to bother by it if you are not using that feature (anyway, you should put some check there to avoid multiple invocation if could cause some issues).
For Jersey 2.x you can do the following:
private static class MyFeature implements Feature {
public boolean configure(FeatureContext context) {
//code goes here
return true;

How to expose an EJB as a web service that is not transactional?

I have an EJB (coded using Java EE 6 annotations) that is defined as follows:
public class SecurityWebService {
public void registerUser(RegistrationRequest request) {
Note that this EJB is also exposed as a web service. However, I am running into an issue with the generated web service. The WSDL generated by my container (GlassFish) contains WS-Atomic Transaction policies because a stateless session bean by default is transactional (see details here). Unfortunately my .NET client is choking on the WSDL because it does not understand WS-AT policies.
So what I really want is a nice-clean web service that is not transactional, but the associated EJB should be transactional (it has to insert records in the database). How do I do this? The only approach I can think of is to create a "normal" web service that passes all its calls to an EJB like this - not elegant at all:
public class SecurityWebService {
private SecurityService securityService;
public void registerUser(RegistrationRequest request) {
public class SecurityService {
public void registerUser(RegistrationRequest request) {
Is there a better way?
You can try annotating the method:
Dunno if the web service will pick that up or not, but it's worth a shot.
Edit for comment:
Did you try REQUIRES_NEW? They may well not propagate back out to the web service.
Otherwise, yea, you'll be stuck facading the transactional part with the non-transactional web service.
