Drupal 6 knowing it's current environment - drupal

I want to write a utility function so my Drupal project knows if it's running on the development, staging or live server.
Something like:
function mymodule_is_development() {
return (//some condition) ? TRUE : FALSE;
Does anyone know how to do this the Drupal way? Drupal's multisite functionality should be leveraged I think...

Take a look at Environment Indicator and how it works. You can use the settings.php to set a variable, or store one in the database with variable_set.

You can also try:
global $base_url;


How to clear local storage before running each test in WebdriverIO?

I am writing tests for a React based web tool. So I want to clear all local storage such as login information etc. before each test. I have majorly worked in Cypress, where this was just a simple command.
I am now using WebdriverIO and this is the approach that I was trying out (in the test file).
afterEach(() => {
However, this doesn't seem to be working. Moreover, I would prefer a global solution, something that I don't have to write in each test. Thanks in advance for the help.
From the WebdriverIO Docs:
// remove the storage item for the given key
client.localStorage('DELETE', 'someKey');
// clear the storage
You can clear localStorage by running this preset function.
You were almost right in your assumption. I'd suggest using official docs to eliminate minor errors.
Instead of executeScript use https://webdriver.io/docs/api/browser/execute.html
localStorage is not a function, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/localStorage
So it should be
afterEach(() => {
Assuming you are using WebdriverIO 5 or above.
So, after a lot of time, we realized the problem.
The cy.clearLocalStorage() cleans only the local storage under the baseUrl definition.
If you would like to open multiple pages, you have to explicit define the clearing in the cy.visit() call, like that:
cy.visit(`subdomain.another.domain`, {
onBeforeLoad(win) {
In this case, the local storage for the exact domain, will be deleted.
I hope, this workaround helps.

How to pass a database prefix to DDEV?

One of the DDEV sites I manage uses a database that includes a prefix. The default behavior for DDEV is to recreate the settings.ddev.php on every start. But that obviously overwrites anything added, purging any manual addition of the prefix.
Is the assumed solution to stop DDEV from overwriting the file? Or to create another settings file (like settings.local.php) to override what's been overridden? Or am I missing something?
This just seems like something that would exist as a simple variable in the config to generate a more accurate settings.ddev.php file. Thanks!
There are a few straightforward answers:
Don't let ddev fiddle with settings at all. Change the project type to 'php' and ddev won't mess with it.
Make the changes you want to db settings in settings.php after the inclusion of settings.ddev.php. That should work no matter what. And it should work on your prod site as well.
Do the work in settings.local.php, but include it after settings.ddev.php in your settings.php file
Take over settings.ddev.php and do whatever you want with it. This just means deleting the line that contains #ddev-generated in settings.ddev.php. After that, ddev won't muck with it at all.
I decided to use a version of the second suggestion:
// Automatically generated include for settings managed by ddev.
$ddev_settings = dirname(__FILE__) . '/settings.ddev.php';
if (getenv('IS_DDEV_PROJECT') == 'true' && is_readable($ddev_settings)) {
require $ddev_settings;
$databases['default']['default']['prefix'] = "drupal_";
I just added the $databases line. The rest was already there.

Drupal 7 User of Two diiferent base_url?

Any solution to use two different $base_url's for drupal 7. What i need to do is when i log to my site using IP/VPN,
$base_url should be xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx and
without any vpn connections $base_url should be aaaa.aaaa.aaaa.aaa.
Any solutions? I'm Using Drupal 7.54
Without really knowing why would you need this, a possible solution could be to implement hook_boot and override $base_url to suit your needs like this:
function mymodule_boot() {
if ($condition_is_met) {
global $base_url;
$base_url = $new_base_url_value;
Your condition could be to check client IP.

Smart IP module - how to check what every country sees

Unfortunately i don't have too much experience with drupal so please feel free to ask for more information if needed and i will provide.
I am using Drupal 7.34 and i have a module installed called Smart IP. I have different blocks which are shown depending on the users IP/Location/Language.
For example, when editing a block, going to the Show block on specific pages -> Pages on which this PHP Code returns TRUE (experts only) with the below code :
$smart_ip_session = smart_ip_session_get('smart_ip');
if (isset($smart_ip_session['location']['country_code'])){
if ($smart_ip_session['location']['country_code'] =='GR' && drupal_is_front_page()){
return TRUE;
The above block will be shown if it's a drupal_is_front_page()) and if country_code is GR.
Since i am from Greece, the specific block is going to be loaded. How can i check how the block of another country looks like?
A couple of options:
If you know already how you want this function to behave then use dependence injection to return a mocked version of this object.
This will allow you test the rest of the application using whatever country's settings you like.
Or, if it is this function itself you need to test then use a VPN to request the page from another country.
e.g. https://www.operavpn.com/ or https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/unlimited-free-vpn-hola/gkojfkhlekighikafcpjkiklfbnlmeio
Both free to use.

Using specific drupal-related functions in a non-drupal.php file INSIDE the drupal dir

Good morning all.
I'm having some issues while trying to make the function "field_file_load" work in a php script I've done to process an AJAX call.
I've read about bootstrapping drupal core elements inside, but it doesn't seem to work.
So far I've succesfully populated a Select Box using the data from another Select Box, making an AJAX call to this php file (which is in the drupal directory folder, in a theme to be precise)
$var = $_GET['q'];
$con = mysql_connect('*******', '******', '********');
if (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("drupal", $con);
$sql="SELECT DISTINCT xc.field_brand_value FROM node
INNER JOIN term_node AS tn ON node.vid = tn.vid
LEFT JOIN content_type_extra_content AS xc ON node.vid = xc.vid
WHERE tn.tid IN (SELECT th.tid FROM term_hierarchy AS th WHERE th.parent = '149')
AND xc.field_location_value = '".$var."'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
echo(' <select name="brand" id="brand">
<option value="default" selected>Select a brand</option>
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo('<option value="'.$row['field_brand_value'].'">'.$row['field_brand_value'].'</option>');
And this is working like a charm because all I have to do is connecting to the drupal db and fetch the desired values.
The problem arises when I want to fetch the url of some pictures (with a query that uses values from the first and second dropdown) and use the "file_field_load" to load the url of the given picture.
I get (obviously) a "call to undefined function" error.
So I tried bootstrapping drupal.
But it doesn't work anyway.
/** bootstrap Drupal **/
require_once './includes/bootstrap.inc';
Since I don't have full access to the server where the site is hosted, assuming that drupal is convenientrly installed in the root, how can I figure out the path to drupal site htdocs ?
Moreover, does calling a full bootstrap (instead of just the needed part) can cause some problems?
So, to be brief:
1] how can I call a drupal function (in this case which comes from the filefiled module) in a non-drupal php script which resides however in the drupal directory?
2] Which is the correct way of bootstrapping?
3] Do I need to connect to the db (like in the previous working example) IN ADDITION to bootstrapping?
Or, finally. there's a different, speedier way you know how to do what I need to do?
Thanks in advance for any reply.
Hmm that's weird. If the FileField module is enabled, the function should be available. So maybe FileField is not actually enabled?
If that's the case you're gonna have to manually add the file that contains the function definition, which is the field_file.inc file in the module's directory, so you'd add that dependency to your bootstrapping code:
/** bootstrap Drupal **/
require_once './includes/bootstrap.inc';
module_load_include('filefield', 'inc', 'field_file');
AFAIK what you're doing for bootstrapping Drupal from an outside script is the "correct" way.
Now, I'm not sure if, on a big picture level, whatever you're trying to do is a good idea at all... That is: You're making a little nonDrupal script which:
manually connects to the Drupal database with plain mysql functions instead of Drupal's DB API functions, in order to
fetch CCK information using a query that's 100% vulnerable to SQL injection, and
all of this put in a theme directory no less!
So you might want to rethink your angle of attack here, you know?. Maybe making a custom module for this.
But if you just have to do things this way (for reasons I can't think of), then at least use db_query so you don't have to do the whole mysql_connect() stuff, and do something like
db_query("YOUR BIG QUERY HERE... xc.field_location_value = '%s'", $var);
...for at least some degree of security.
I would also recommend that you browse the involved modules a bit (FileField, etc) to see if they have APIs (or at least some internal functions) that might return what you're trying to get through plain DB querying.
