background-image load or display delays even though cached in IE7 - css

I have a seperator li which has a background image, in an expanded tree menu, it may appear several times using the css:
.simpleTree .line {
background:url("/images/Css/gridLine.gif") no-repeat 0 0;
Even tho it is cached (from previous instances), there is still a slight delay in IE7 (~500 - 1sec) before all the background images fires up. Is there a better way to do this or make it quicker?

As far as I can tell the delay shouldn't be because of a single gif image. Check your site with YSlow or PageSpeed. Maybe some other content is blocking your image to appear fast (like javascript execution).

There are some things that you can try. You can try to reduce the size of your image and than in the CSS use the TAG "repeat-x" or "repeat-y".
In some cases, .gif's are not the best type to display images, you can try saving your image in diferent formats and see if they get smaller.
Best Regards


Most efficient position for background-image property in a style sheet

I am placing a large, non-repeating background image on my website using the CSS background property. Since the image is so large, it takes a long time for some connections to render the image.
Here is my CSS:
#wrapper {
background: url('large-image.jpg) no-repeat center center;
I have already done the following to optimize the image for the web:
Reduced it to the lowest possible resolution that does not compromise quality
Changed the image type from a PNG to a JPEG
Styled the page so that the content is readable even without the background image
My question: To further optimize the image loading time, would it make a difference if I put the background tag at the bottom of my style sheet? Or would the effect of this be negligible?
I tend to order my CSS by the hierarchy of my HTML, so the #wrapper styles are at the top of my style sheet. Does the order of properties in a style sheet make a noticeable impact on load time when the user has a slower connection?
Location in the stylesheet will not affect the load time.
What you can do though is prevent it loading in some cases, such as on a cellphone.
For reference:
Those media queries aren't fail-proof, but they'll catch alot of the slower cases, which would generally be mobile devices. On the other hand, if somebody is on a 56k modem with their desktop, I just don't know what to do about it (maybe they're used to it).
You can use Jquery and waitforimages to ensure it loads after all other images, if you wish.
What could affect perceived loading time is initial #wrapper availability - i.e. if at the time of the initial load it is not part of the page and is added with JS, the background image will not begin loading - but I doubt this would be a common scenario.
Background image loading does not affect domready handlers, however if you want to speed up background availability you could try the following:
#wrapper {
background: url(large-image.png) no-repeat center center,
url(small-image.png) no-repeat center center;
From mdn:
With CSS3, you can apply multiple backgrounds to elements. These are
layered atop one another with the first background you provide on top
and the last background listed in the back. Only the last background
can include a background color.
What this does is effectively allows you to load a lower-res image as the bottom layer of the background, while the expensive hi-res image is still loading. Remember the good old times of lowsrc? That's the behaviour we're simulating. Note that both the low- and the hi-res image downloads begin simultaneously, so use this only if the large image is truly unbearably large.
Also: you're saying you've optimized the image; I still suggest you try Yahoo SmushIt, you'd be surprised how muich redundant data can be stripped from a PNG witout loss of quality (I currently have intermittent problems using their service, but it works after a few attempts, alternatively you could use OptiPNG but imo it would be too much effort to set it up and configure for a single image)
It has been suggested you wait for domready to fire and add your style using $("#wrapper").css(...);. What that does is add inline styling to an element, which would 1) interfere with selector specificity 2) only apply to this particular instance of #wrapper (bad if, say, it is part of ajax content coming from the server).
You could alternatively add a new css rule at runtime:
$('head').append('<style type="text/css">#wrapper {background: url(large-image.jpg) no-repeat center center;}</style>');
This would be organically added to document stylesheets and apply to all future instances of #wrapper, as well as not interfere with selector specificity. You still end up with a brief flash of unstyled content (before the handler is fired and the style is applied) so I don't advocate this approach.
See this previous question. The CSS stylesheet will be fully loaded and evaluated before the page is shown, so the location of your background-image CSS does not matter in the stylesheet.
If you want the image to only load once the rest of the content is displayed you could use jQuery:
$("#wrapper").css({'background-image':'url("large-image.jpg")', 'background-repeat':'no-repeat', 'background-position':'center center'});

Temporary background image while the big one is loading?

Is there a way, without javascript, to load a small image for a background before the real image is downloaded? Without javascript because I know how to do it with it.
I can't test if the following CSS3 would work because it works too quick:
body {
background-image:url('hugefile.jpg'), url('tinypreload.jpg');
If the tinypreload.jpg is only, say 20k, and the hugefile.jpg is 300k -- would this accomplish the task? I assume that both downloads would start at the same time instead of being consecutive.
Timing the results using Firefox's profiling revealed that it's not practical / not worth it to load a smaller background first. Main reason is the connection time. For tiny pictures it's the same time to connect as it is to download the content. For images where this becomes worth it -- the file size is not recommended for mobile.
If you still want to achieve this effect - combine all your "necessary" images into 1 file and display them as cropped background with correct offset. Load your high-res images through javascript, and update the content afterward.
You could exploit css load order and overrides to achieve this result.
Try loading the small image from your main css file and then put a <style></style> tag at the bottom of the html page. The inline style will override the main style but will load last because of it's position in the code.
The difference would be milliseconds though, so it may be too quick. It's also hacky and would result in invalid, but working code. Worth a shot though.
If you're trying to fix a mobile problem then have a look at this article on context specific images as that might be a more effective way to go.
This article on CSS3 multiple backgrounds may also help, as you may be able to exploit the stacking order to achieve the result you're after
It would be useful to know what problem you are trying to solve beyond load order, as it's hard to give advice on this one.
As I said in my comment you can use the 'net' tab in firebug for firefox (called timeline in chrome) to see the actual load order on your page - you can even filter it (on firefox) for CSS only or images only - this will enable you to test.

Loading high res background image

I have a colourful background image that is 2000px x 1500px and because of the details I am saving it as a jpeg that renders at 1.1 MB. I am using the CSS background property to render the image. So being relatively new to web dev and working with a client/designer that's not open to a change of design at this point in the process, what should I do to help this image load blazingly fast. I don't know if it makes a difference but the site is using Joomla 1.5.9. This is something I've always wanted to understand but have had trouble uncovering solutions for... I hope someone can help!!
Thanks everyone!
There's no way to make images magically load faster. Sometimes, though, splitting an image in smaller images allows for surprising size gains; so if it's not out of question for your CSS layout (it typically is, though), you could try this.
Another possibility for you would be to use progressive JPEG images. They are encoded in such a way that enables browsers to display a progressively more precise image as it loads. This means that at first, the image appears blurry (or incomplete) but with full-dimensions, then it progressively gets sharper and better. It's well-suited for images meant to load slowly (or at least, images acknowledged to load slowly).
The best thing that you can do is try to shrink the file size to as small as possible. Let this be using some type of optimizer, for example. If you created the background image try saving it as progressive first, it loads a lower res version first then finishes loading. But the best thing is to try to shrink the size of the image width and height by finding a repeating pattern and cropping just that portion out and using it. Most images are no larger than 100kb in size that are above 1200px wide.
you could immediatley call the image in the head by using
(new Image()).src = "IMAGE PATH";
and make sure you compress the image as much as you can with different programs, or if you have photoshop cs5 you can save it for a web device to strip out all of the extra junk, you can try yahoo's
or you could delay the loading of the site entirely for a few seconds, until you can be sure that the image is loading, you could try something like hiding all of the elements and fading them in upon a setTimeout something like
although that may not be all that practical.
Would loading the background image after the rest of the page has loaded work for you? At least this way visitors will be able to use the rest of your site until the 1.1MB has loaded.
Something along the lines of setting the style attribute of the <body> to be background: url(image.jpg) within an onload function?
Delivering the image over a CDN will likely speed things up; the better ones are usually optimized to deliver the proper TCP packet size/MTU to the wide variety of clients out there and have generally done a lot of work in the details of delivering things quickly. Slow connections like cellphones will still hate you for it, but getting things like packet size right can make the most of the bandwidth that is available.

Inserting background images like Bing using CSS

I want to put images of the 1024x768 as backgrounds and load quickly using css. I could use
in the CSS, but will that solve the issue, of downloading images quickl?
If you have to use this technique, then remember to compress and cache the image, this will speed it up somewhat, but try and be creative with alternative solutions.
For example can the background repeat on the x-axis? If it can you'll be able to create a 1px wide version that you can repeat across the page.
Try searching for this. It helps cutting off a few KB of data. PNG Gauntlet is also a free software for PNG compression that also cuts Gama correction that causes problems with IE6 and IE7.
Body background images are usually saved with lower quality, thus reducing size.
If your backgrounds are changeable, preload them. It is done by putting divs of zero height at the beginning of the page, and assigning background-image style to each. The images are loaded at the beginning, so when the background of the body gets changed the user doesn't notice the lag.
Google started to count the load time already, so classic preloading causes problems with SEO. Loading with JS, after the page fully loads is an option, or even assigning styles with JS after certain actions are made is also a solution.
remember you can't change the user dsl speed. so css background would be good. Maybe start with take a higher JPEG compression to minimize the file
(btw. i hate (full size) background images at websites with my dsl light)

Does EVERY image in a CSS file load when the file is loaded?

Let's say I have my whole sites CSS in 1 css file so it is fairly large, I am wanting to know if a page uses 3 classes with something like below that request 3 images from the server, lets say there is something like 50 of these in the whole css file, does everyone get called/requested from the server or just the 3 that a page needs?
There's one easy way to find out (ok, not easier than just asking Stack Overflow). Put this into a CSS file:
#nonExistantElement {
background-image: url(myScript.php);
and make that script record the hit by writing to a file or something.
Ok, I've just done that myself now. Turns out: no it doesn't get the file. (Tested on Firefox 3.5.2, IE7, Chrome 2.0)
I don't think so. Images required for hover pseudo-class (mouseover) are loaded when you hover, and there can be a noticeable lag on the first appearence (unless you use a cheat to get it preloaded).
The browser will load what it needs to display a page. Although I can imagine various browsers could employ certain caching techniques and prefetch everything they see in a CSS file.
Your answer lies with firebug
No, a request for the image is made only when the class, or id is present on the page.
If you do want an image that's not visible on page load to "preload", then there are a variety of tricks you can use, such as displaying the image off screen on load. The most common case where "preloading" is necessary is in the case of background images that change on hover, where there would otherwise be an unacceptable lag the first time the user hovers and causes the image to change. The most common solution to this problem is called "CSS Sprites". You combine the default, hover, and (if present) active images into one file, one above the other, and you simply change the background image offset on :hover and :active.
