Drupal 6: View module generates div mess :/ - drupal

I created some blocks with View Module. View Module really makes things easy! but it puts so many divs, class-names, etc... to output. and it mess up for some cases. example below:
alt text http://img.skitch.com/20100630-kh7rtfgj987c3dieibxu7wdxyd.jpg
How can I get a CLEAN output from view? without any div, span...
Appreciate helps! thanks a lot!

You can write your own theme files for the views to over ride the default output. If you click on 'theme information' in your views admin it will show you the candidate template files used.
However having a lot of divs won't hurt necessarily, so approach re theming with caution.

You can also try Semantic Views.

Try Style=unformatted in the basic settings (as opposed to Grid or Table or Panel etc).


Display a list of content inside an other content

I would like to know if it's possible in drupal-7 do make a list of a specific content type into an other content.
Not sure if there is such an option in Drupal. (I jsut started to use it)
Thanks in advance !
Not sure what you want to do but maybe you are looking for the entity reference module: https://drupal.org/project/entityreference
Edit: views module is what you need: https://drupal.org/project/views
Yes the views module is the ideal choice for making customised lists of content. Its is also easier to layout these lists if you use the panels module https://drupal.org/project/panels

Silverstripe 3 - Force list view of children for one page type

is it possible to force the children of a defined page type always to show as list?
And if yes, who? Can't figure out who to do this.
Thank you in advance
it is possible, however its pretty trick to get it working properly.
It is not only a lot of work to get it done right, it will also bring certain problems with it which you will have to overcome (eg the Preview Split Screen will not work, you will have to apply some custom javascript I think), so consider this carefully.
Have a look at the silverstripe-blogger module, micmania1 has done a pretty good job there.
He uses a GridField to display the blog children (BlogPosts) if you set the config like this:
show_in_sitetree: false
you can find the module on Packagist and GitHub

How to have a three column home page in Drupal

The home page of this site will have basically a 3 column layout.
I can create these as either content or blocks. I like using content because its easy for the user to understand, they login to the site, they browse to the page they want to edit, they click edit, but with blocks they have to go into Administer > Blocks etc
Any suggestions on this?
I would be managing the actual content as nodes(content) and then looking at blocks(or something like it) to arrange them how you like in your template regions.
If you are looking at creating custom home and/or landing pages, you might also want to look at http://drupal.org/project/panels - it can be a little heavy, but quite powerful for arranging content into columns and whatnot.
Not really sure what you're asking...
Administer > Blocks is for moving the blocks around into regions / disabling them, not really for creating content.
You can use the Node as Block module to easily turn your nodes into blocks, and they would still edit it from the content administration section.
Or, you could create a blank block, and in its associated template file (block-whatever.tpl.php) embed the node (node_embed, pretty much what the Node as Block module does) or query for it with a view and embed that (views_embed_view)
Or, if you're using views, you could create a view that queries for the node(s) you want and create a block display for that.
When you're actually building the Drupal site, you should consider what paradigm you're most comfortable with since there are so many ways to get your content together.
i would say boxes will help you. http://drupal.org/project/boxes
Many themes have block edit links/images as a part of them. Fusion is one such example.
I would suggest looking into Panels for layout and block editing, and also to download a version of open atrium. The layout management is uses is much easier than the administer blocks pattern.

Better control of views output markup?

I am developing a website with drupal 6, and using a 960 grid system based theme.
I want to create a dynamic thumbnail gallery with Views, and using this jquery effect:
I have some experience with views, but I am by not means an expert... I am facing two problems here:
How to make the views html output
conform to my 960 grid system theme
(that means that each object in the
views output should have a grid-x
class, at the very least)
How to adapt the views html output to
the DOM required by the jquery effect I want to use.
So what I want is basically more control over the output of Views. Right now I can only get html lists or tables. Is there anyway to use a more customized DOM and put some kind of placeholders for fields in it?
Thank you for reading
You can define your own templates, that Views will use instead of its default ones.
In those template, you can use almost any kind of HTML markup that you possibily can imagine -- which means you'll be having a really great level of control over the output.
For more informations, you can start looking at this question and its answers : Drupal 6: How to quickly theme a view ?.
And a couple more links that might be useful :
Drupal 6 theme guide
Overriding themable output
Views help index

How to theme a view in drupal

Can any one help me out on how to theme a view.
For each view created i want to have different templates.
Theming views can be somewhat tricky, depending on the kind of views you have created and the changes you need to make. Check out this introduction for Views 2, and make sure to install the Advanced Help module to get at the views2 documentation from the views module itself (there will be a link to the documentation on your views overview and edit pages, once you activated the Advanced Help module).
You can also find some questions/answers here on SO (e.g. Drupal 6: How to quickly theme a view?), if you search a bit.
I actually did this the other day. Ill give you a brief overview and expand a little later.
Set up your view; by going to Views -> Add View
Once, your view is completely set up, at the bottom of the view (left column in D6, right-most "Advanced" column in D7), you will see a link called "Theme: Information", click on it.
What you will be presented with is a list of templates (.tpl.php) files that the views uses to theme your data. Basically the file names that are bolded are the files views is using to theme the data.
To Customize Your Views
Select the page you need to theme. For Example, if you created a "Block" view, and I wanted to customize the basic html layout, I would pick a name (other than the one that is currently bolded) that is being displayed to me and create the file in my themes directory (sites/all/zen/custom-file-view-fields-views.tpl.php) - this is if views told me that I could use the filename custom-file-view-fields-views.tpl.php
The next step is knowing what code you need to put in there. The quickest way, is to go back to the theming information in views, click on the link of the file your replacing and grab the code that is presented to you. Paste that code in the file you created.
From here on out, you can now successfully customize that view.
Keep in mind that the theming information presented to you is presented from basic to complex (up to down). So choose which file you need to edit carefully. Ill put up some images in this answer a little later.
Hope this helps! Cheers!
Is there something specific you're trying to accomplish? There's a lot of ways to "theme" a view, unless you mean "theme" in the strict Drupal sense.
Personally I just give the fields classes and use those, rewriting the output to include variables as classes if need be. This tends to be easier and more manageable than modifying TPL files directly.
