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Where is monobook.js stored in MediaWiki?
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I installed Mediawiki on our web server and at the moment the design is lacking a bit. I am not satisfied with the layout of my tables. In short they are ugly.
I took a look a wikipedia tables and they are using the class="wikitable" in the table declaration. After some research I found the page were code is provided to improve the layout. You have to create a new page in your wiki installation and add the provided CSS-Code and save it. After reloading and emptying the Cache of your browser (SHIFT + Reload-Button for FF) you should be able to use class="wikitable" in your table definitions. It is not working for me. Does anyone know what I missed?
regards, Usurper
Look at the HTML source of your wiki
pages to see if these pages are loaded
at all (note that Common.js is called
"site js" URL. If they are called,
check the content inside.
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Inject CSS with chrome developer tool?
(9 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a project where I'm writing new CSS for a client's website, but I have no actual access to their code. To get around this, I've been editing the CSS in browser element by element using google dev tools. The big problem with this method is that once I've written all this new CSS, if the browser is refreshed I lose all of it.
Question is, does google dev tools have a feature where I can upload a whole new CSS document to override what it's displaying in browser?
I'm going to guess no, but if it was possible it would make my life a lot easier moving forward. Thank you all.
You could inject a script using JavaScript. You could have the code run automatically with a something like TamperMonkey. GreaseMonkey for FireFox is similar and will give you many more examples. You could also use the script to remove any stylesheets on the page right before you inject the reference to yours.
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css best practices - combining all css into a single stylesheet?
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Are there any notable differences between placing all my CSS into custom.css, and dividing it up by controller (For example, putting all user-related CSS into user.css, etc)?
Dividing it up is more organized, but one concern I have is that if I have to write '#import "bootstrap";' at the top of every css file, my app might load bootstrap seperately for every file, thereby possibly increasing the load time.
Any input would be appreciated!
Adding css in different files is, as you said, purely for organizational purposes. It has no functionality differences.
However, when you refer to the #import bootstrap implementation, i would suggest against adding that in every css file, for the reason you stated above (because you can miss something or you can link it twice). If you simply add a reference link at the top of your template html page (if you are using one) or at the top of your html pages (if you are not using one), it ensures that bootstrap is loaded once per page (or once per session if its a single page application) so you wont have to worry about missing bootstrap or loading it multiple times unnecessarily.
hope this helps!
I think it is a matter of personal preference. the more you have code, the more difficulty you will have when debugging or going through the file. For me, I usually store them under the root folder in a Css folder. and I also like breaking them down and not mixing my bootstrap files with my custom cssbut that's just me.
I also split it using specific values like for example if i have a css for a specific browser, i put it in the folder a folder like css/firefox/overrider.css
I think it is just a matter of preference. for the import, individual csswill be better (correct me if I am wrong). It is better explained here: Import vs Link files
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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to clean up styles in a large web site?
Is there any kind of parsing tool, which can scan my *.css file across all pages of my web application and organize its content ? By organizing I mean throw out redundant inputs, unify selectors which duplicate each other's behavior, and so on.
Im not sure of a program that will go through all your files. but this one will do it one at a time and
I've used CleanCSS to great extent.
It's not your ideal solution- It can't scan a directory, but you can copy/paste the contents of your css files and it will condense all of the duplicate selectors and properties.
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Closed 11 years ago.
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Image tagging like facebook in
I am developing a website. I want to add a functionality like tagging photos like we have in facebook and orkut.
please suggest how can i do that?
Is there any open source gallery(or paid) which i can directly plug in.
Any solution is welcomed as soon as possible.
Yes. already provides an API for this functionality.
Take a look at this website for information on a C# Wrapper.
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Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Why not use tables for layout in HTML?
i know that using tables as layout is a big problem..Why don’t professional web designers use tables for layout anymore? and what are the alternatives in CSS that i can use and will be the best alternative to tables??
1) as soon as a browser sees an opening table tag, it will stop rendering until it sees the closing tag, since it has no way of even guessing what the table structure will look like. Because of that, tables will dramatically increase the wait time between when the user starts the request, and when they can actually use your page.
2) tables require 3 nested tags to define a cell, which is a hell of a lot of noise in an already incredibly verbose language (xml)
3) semantically, a table is for tabular data. using it for layout means your html doesn't make sense when you read it.
Discussed here - Why not use tables for layout in HTML?
CSS doesn't provide 'alternatives' to tables. It is used to style HTML elements including tables.
Try to learn using div tag and giving style to it using has more effect in look
I would definitely suggest using CSS and XHTML to layout pages.
I think there are far too many benefits to go into here. Ranging from accessibility, SEO, ease of coding to future proofing. I think blog posts and articles on the subject will be able to provide more information on why and how you should use CSS instead of table to layout pages.
One book I would suggest is Web Standards Solutions: The Markup and Style Handbook by Dan Cederholm This book will tell you everything you need to know about using CSS and HTML in a web standards compliant way.
One thing to keep in mind is that HTML5 is starting to gain widespread usage there are a few differences and added features that differ from XHTML