Same FOR Loop acts differently (WinXP) - networking

I am trying to write a batch script with a section that ouputs your drive mappings to a text file, so i can restore it later once i wipe out the machine. I came up with this for loop to do it, but its acting differently when its a batch script versus running the command itself.
This is the actual line of code:
FOR /F "tokens=1,2" %i in (H:\mappings2.dat) do #echo %i %j
When i copy and paste the command from the script to the command window it works fine. When I run the batch script from a command window it outputs this:
FOR /F "tokens=1,2" \mappings2.dat) do #echo j
\mappings2.dat) was unexpected at this time.
Im guessing there is some little trick that will fix it, but i cant find anything on google...
oh, in case your wondering here is that section of script:
net use > H:\mappings0.dat
findstr /r [A-Z]: H:\mappings0.dat > H:\mappings2.dat
FOR /F "tokens=1,2" %i in (H:\mappings2.dat) do #echo %i %j >> H:\mappings1.dat

Nevermind, I figured it out...for loop variables have to have double percentage signs, while the command line versions only use single percentage sign for loop variables...I added another % to each variable in my for loop and now it works perfectly.


$ZSH_VERSION not being printed

I have a test.zsh script that contains echo $ZSH_VERSION and it outputs nothing. From the command line, echo $ZSH_VERSION prints 5.8. Is there a reason why this variable is null inside a zsh script? I am runing macOS 11.1.
As pointed out in the comments, file name extensions like .zsh mean nothing to Unix shells. What matters when sourcing a script is the shebang on the first line of the script. If you want your script to be interpreted by zsh instead, then you need to put this as the first line of your script:

Converting this code from R to Shell script?

So I'm running a program that works but the issue is my computer is not powerful enough to handle the task. I have a code written in R but I have access to a supercomputer that runs a Unix system (as one would expect).
The program is designed to read a .csv file and find everything with the unit ft3(monthly total) in the "Units" column and select the value in the column before it. The files are charts that list things in multiple units.
To convert this program in R:
myData= read.table("yourFileName.csv", header=T, sep=",")
funData= subset(myData, units="ft3(monthly total)", select=units:value)
write.csv(funData, file="funData.csv")
To a program in Shell Script, I tried:
cd /Users/yourusername/Desktop
touch RunThisProgram
nano RunThisProgram
(((In nano, I wrote)))
grep -r yourFileName.csv ft3(monthly total)
cat > funData.csv
cat > nofun.csv
control+x (((used control x to close nano)))
chmod -x RunThisProgram
(((It runs for a while)))
We get a funData.csv file output but that file is empty
What am I doing wrong?
It isn't actually running, because there are a couple problems with your script.
grep needs the pattern first, and quoted; -r is for recursing a
if without a then
cat is called wrong so it is actually reading from stdin.
You really only need one line:
grep -F "ft3(monthly total)" yourFileName.csv > funData.csv

Unix Shell Script: sleep command not working

i have a scenario in which i need to download files through curl command and want my script to pause for some time before downloading the second one. I used sleep command like
sleep 3m
but it is not working.
any idea ???
thanks in advance.
Make sure your text editor is not putting a /r /n and only a /n for every new line. This is typical if you are writing the script on windows.
Use notepad++ (windows) and go to edit|EOL convention|UNIX then save it. If you are stuck with it on the computer, i have read from here [] that you can use [tr -d "\r" < >] to remove the problem. if you want to see if it has the problem use [od -c] and /r will occur before any /n.
Other problems I have seen it cause is cd /dir/dir and you get [cd: 1: can't cd to /dir/dir] or copy newfilename the resulting file will be called newfilenameX where X is an invisible character (ensure you can delete it before trying it), if the file is on a network share, a windows machine can see the character. Ensure it is not the last line for a successful test.
Until i figured it out (i knew i had to ask google for something that may manifest in various ways) i thought that there was an issue with this linux version i was using (sleep not working in a script???).
Are you sure you are using sleep the right way? Based on your description, you should be invoking it as:
sleep 180
Is this the way you are doing it?
You might also want to consider wget command as it has an explicit --wait flag, so you might avoid having the loop in the first place.
while read -r urlname
curl ..........${urlname}....
sleep 180 #180 seconds is 3 minutes
done < file_with_several_url_to_be_fetched

making commandargs comma delimited or parsing spaces

I'm trying to run R from the command line using command line arguments. This includes passing in some filepaths as arguments for use inside the script. It all works most of the time, but sometimes the paths have spaces in and R doesn't understand.
I'm running something of the form:
R CMD BATCH --slave "--args inputfile='C:/Work/FolderWith SpaceInName/myinputfile.csv' outputfile='C:/Work/myoutputfile.csv'" RScript.r ROut.txt
And R throws out a file saying
Fatal error: cannot open file 'C:\Work\FolderWith': No such file or directory
So evidently my single quotes aren't enough to tell R to take everything inside the quotes as the argument value. I'm thinking this means I should find a way to delimit my --args using a comma, but I can't find a way to do this. I'm sure it's simple but I've not found anything in the documentation.
The current script is very basic:
ca = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
tempdata = read.csv(inputFile)
tempdata$total = apply(tempdata[,4:18], 1, sum)
write.csv(tempdata, outputFile, row.names = FALSE)
In case it's relevant I'm using windows for this, but it seems like it's not a cmd prompt problem.
Using eval(parse()) is probably not the best and most efficient way to parse command line arguments. I recommend to use a package like the optparse to do the parsing for you. Parsing command line args has already been solved, no need to reimplement this. I could imagine that this solves your problems. Although, spaces in path names are a bad idea to begin with.
Alternatively, you could take a very simple approach and pass the arguments like this:
R CMD BATCH --slave arg1 arg2
Where you can retrieve them like:
ca = commandArgs(TRUE)
arg1 = ca[2]
arg2 = ca[3]
This avoids the eval(parse which I think is causing the issues. Finally, you could try and escape the space like this:
R CMD BATCH --slave "C:/spam\ bla"
You could also give Rscript a try, R CMD BATCH seems to be less favored than Rscript.
As an enhancement of #PaulHimestra answer here how you can use Rscript :
you create a launcher.bat ,
echo off
PATH R_PATH;%path%
Rscript youscript.R arg1 arg2
with R_PATH something like C:/Program Files/R/R-version
There are many similarities with this post:
R command line passing a filename to script in arguments (Windows)
Also this post is very OS related. My answer applies only to Windows.
Probably what you are looking for is RScript.exe instead of R.exe. The latter has no problem with spaces: path\to\RScript "My script.r".
One boring thing may be searching or setting the path for RScript and doing this every time one updates R.
Among the convenience scripts I have in my search path, I wrote a little facility to run RScript without bothering with paths. Just in case it may be of interest for someone:
#echo off
::Get change to file dir par (-CD must be 1st par)
If /I %1 EQU -cd (
::No args given
If [%1] EQU [] GoTo :USAGE
::Get R path from registry
:: may check for updates on R reg keys
Call :CHECKSET hklm\software\R-core\R InstallPath
Call :CHECKSET hklm\software\wow6432Node\r-core\r InstallPath
if not defined RINSTALLPATH echo "Error: R not found" & goto:EOF
::Detect filepath when arg not starting with "-"
::Note the space after ARGS down here!!!
if [%1]==[] (GoTo :ELOOP)
Set ARGS=%ARGS% %1
::Echo [%ARGS%]
Set THIS=%~1
if [%THIS:~0,1%] NEQ [-] (Set FPATH=%~dp1)
::echo %FPATH%
::Run Rscript script, changing to its path if asked
Echo "%RINSTALLPATH%\bin\Rscript.exe" %ARGS%
"%RINSTALLPATH%\bin\Rscript.exe" %ARGS%
:: ==== Subroutines ====
Echo R [-cd] [RScriptOptions] Script [ScriptArgs]
Echo -cd changes to script dir. Must be first par.
Echo To get RScript help on options etc.:
Echo R --help
if not defined RINSTALLPATH for /f "tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query %1 /v %2 2^>NUL') do set RINSTALLPATH=%%~b
The script prints the actual RScript invoking line, before running it.
Note that there is an added argument, -cd, to change automatically to the script directory. In fact it is not easy to guess the script path from inside R (and set it with setwd()), in order to call other scripts or read/write data files placed in the same path (or in a relative one).
This (-cd) might possibly make superfluous your other commandargs, as you may find convenient calling them straight from inside the script.

cron syntax for date

The following statement work at command prompt. But does not work in a cron.
myvar=`date +'%d%m'`; echo $myvar >> append.txt
The cron log shows that only a part of the date statement is run.
How do I use it in a cron?
Escape the percent signs with a backslash (\%).
My general rule of thumb is "do not write scripts in the crontab file". That means I don't place anything other than a simple script name (with absolute path) and possibly some control arguments in the crontab file. In particular, I do not place I/O redirection or variable evaluations in the crontab file; such things go in a (shell) script run by the cron job.
This avoids the trouble - and works across a wide variety of variants of cron, both ancient and modern.
from man 5 crontab:
The sixth field (the rest of the
line) specifies the command to be run.
The entire command portion of the line, up to a newline or % character, will be
executed by /bin/sh or by
the shell specified in the SHELL variable of the cronfile.
Percent-signs (%) in the command, unless escaped with backslash (), will be changed into
newline characters, and all
data after the first % will be sent to the command as standard input.
Your %s are being changed to newlines, and the latter part of your command is being fed to the command as stdin. As Ignacio says, you need to escape the %s with a \
