SQLite: update a record if exists, otherwise insert it? - sqlite

I tried INSERT OR REPLACE INTO, but it doesn't preserve the row id when it replaces the record to update it. Another option is do it in two steps: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO then UPDATE, but I would prefer a one step solution. So I am wondering if SQLite has something like the MERGE keyword or other simple solutions?

No, SQLite doesn't support MERGE or upsert.
You can use your two-step solution, but what you probably really want is for the ROWID to be a first-class column in your table. If you declare a column as INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, it will be an alias for the ROWID. Then INSERT OR REPLACE will work fine.


SQLite Find ROWID of most recent or next ROWID

So I have a table with data about an image. The table looks something like this...
The file path contains the name of the image. I want to rename the image to match the ROWID.
How do I get the latest ROWID? I need to also account for rows that have been deleted as I am using this as an autoincremented primary key. Because, if a row within the table has been deleted it is possible for the table to look like this...
1|title A|description A|..\fileA.jpg
2|title B|description B|..\fileB.jpg
5|title E|description E|..\fileE.jpg
7|title G|description G|..\fileG.jpg
On top of that there could be one or more rows that have been deleted so the next ROWID could be 10 for all I know.
I also need to account for an fresh new table or a table that has had all data deleted and the next ROWID could be 1000.
In summary, I guess the real question is; Is there a way to find out what the next ROWID will be?
If you have specified AUTOINCREMENT in primary key field and table is not empty this query will return latest ROWID for table MY_TABLE:
FROM sqlite_sequence
What language? Looks like the c API has the following function:
sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite3*);
You could also just do:
select MAX(rowid) from [tablename];
Unfortunately neither of these methods completely worked the way I needed them to, but what i did end up doing was....
insert data into table with the fields I needed the rowid for filled with 'aaa'
then updated the rows with the data.
This seemed to solve my current issue. Hopefully it doesn't cause another issue down the road.
I think last_insert_rowid is what you want, usually.
Note that the rowid behavior is different depending on the autoincrement flag - either it will monotonically increase, or it will assume any free id. This will not usually affect any smaller use cases though.

xcode delete a column for a sql database

Is it possible to delete a column from an SQLlite database. I have Googled this and it seems to be impossible.
From the ALTER TABLE manual;
SQLite supports a limited subset of ALTER TABLE. The ALTER TABLE command in SQLite allows the user to rename a table or to add a new column to an existing table. It is not possible to rename a column, remove a column, or add or remove constraints from a table.
So, no, not without dropping and recreating the table.
According to the docs:
It is not possible to rename a column, remove a column, or add or
remove constraints from a table.
I guess it has to be done manually.


I have to write a query in sqlite to update the record if it exists or insert it if the record do not already exists. I have looked the syntax of INSERT OR REPLACE INTO from here. But in my case, when I execute the query below many times the record is duplicated. i.e If I execute the query 5 times the record is inserted 5 times.
('nabeelarif', 'Muhammad Nabeel','2012-03-04')
Have you any idea what I am doing wrong. I am working on android platform and using 'Firefox Sqlite Manager' to test my query.
You need to have a unique index on one or a combination of those columns.
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_something ON NICKS (id_nick, name_nick, date_creation);
In Android, you should use SQLiteDatabase.replace(), which does insert or update. With the Android SQLite implementation, you normally don't use raw queries represented as strings. See http://developer.android.com/reference/android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.html#replace%28java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String,%20android.content.ContentValues%29
Do you have a primary key or unique index defined for your table? I believe the attributes that make up the primary key or a unique index are used to determine if a row already exists or not.

SQLite - How to insert to table with preliminary scan of the fields?

I use a database in my project and when i insert values ​​into a table i need to check if the field already has a value that does not produce an insert.
for exemple:
INSERT INTO myTable (column1) values ('some_value1')
if some_value1 alredy exists in column1 do not insert the value.
Put a unique constraint on myTable.column1. Then, whenever you try to insert a duplicate value, it won't let you as it violates the constraint. You can either catch and handle this error, or just let the DB engine do it's thing automatically.
EDIT: Note that SQLite doesn't allow you to do many alterations to your table, once it's created; so you may have to recreate your table with the constraint in place.
I believe this can be handled using the conflict resolution IGNORE method on SQLite. The code below should do the trick. The column1 here should be set to unique for this.
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO myTable (column1) values ('some_value1')
I'm using the following links for reference;

how to get primary key column names for a given table?

All I know is only table name, and id value on which I want to perform query, but I do not know what is id called in that table.
You can probably lookup the column name for the primary key column(s) using the answer to a quite similar question..
sqlite> pragma table_info(...)
It should also work programmatically, if needed.
