Encryption on oracle 8i - encryption

I need some kind of DTE in oracle 8i?
Does oracle8i comes with something built in?
Is that even posible? no matter if is a 3rd party solution.

Oracle tde was introduced in 10g. I think if you were going to do it in 8i, you might be able to use something from dbms_obfuscation - take a look here: http://www.oracle-base.com/articles/8i/DataEncryption.php


Alternate to fallbackToDestructiveMigration()?

I don't want to provide a migration script while changing table schema in realm java. Also, app should not crash and all the previous data should be erased or truncated something similar to fallbackToDestructiveMigration() as room dose?
Realm provides RealmConfiguration.Builder().deleteIfMigrationNeeded()..., where deleteIfMigrationNeeded() does exactly what you are looking for.

Difference between lua-sqlite3 and lsqlite3

I would like to do a database in sqlite in OpenWRT using Lua, and I would like to know if there is any conceptual difference between libraries lua-sqlite3 and lsqlite3 ?
Looking at their documentation they seem to be different libraries for the same thing.
Thanks for your help!
Seems no conceptual difference.
Seems also that the lua-sqlite3 is no longer working under lua2. Am not sure.
The problem is that the syntax is different. So you have to rewrite old scripts if you use lsqite3 ...
Just like you would appreciate to have more info on the differences between lua-sqlite3 and lsqlite3

PowerAMC and SQLite

I just wanted to know if there is any way to generate a SQLite database from Poweramc ?
At first sight, it seems not, and Google isn't helping me much on this...
Thank you for your hints ;)
Since there has been no answer, I guess you'll have to prepare your own DBMS definition. I would have suggested to start by making a copy of the ANSI .xdb, but I saw someone mentioning the use of mySQL .xdb.
Update: I have started a DBMS for SQLite 3.

Package for prevention of sql injection

Is there any pl/sql package which is already written to handle all the scenearios which prevents SQL Injection.Please let me know if any one aware such package.
Thanks for your help
Prepared Statements
just use prepared statements in PL/SQL. That will protect against sql injections
Thanks for reply , I am looking for a package that validates user inputs. Like checks for only alpha numeric and special symbols etc etc It would be great helpful if package exits to check all scenarios –
It sounds more like you want an ORM for applications that use the database more than a PostgreSQL package. Or at least encapsulate your code in a function to provide parameterization.
Think about it this way. SQL injection works by turning invalid input into malicious (but valid) SQL. How would the database be able to determine anything else as far as whether or not it's valid SQL? And if it could tell otherwise in all cases, why wouldn't it just do that by default instead of requiring you to use a certain package?

Flash Logging API

Can anyone recommend a good (AS3) logging API for Flash/AIR/Flex? I need something to capture and record mouse and keyboard events in addition to coded events. Preferably something well documented/supported. Thanks in advance.
I've been using Thunderbolt. It allows you to see your log results in Firebug.
I developed and manage Loggee!, a Flash/Flex Logging Tool: http://davidbuhler.org/loggee-flex-logging-tool/
You must see http://sourceforge.net/projects/log4flash/
with no more....
bye bye
I would recommend Arthropod if you are looking for a development tool (this wasn't very clear in your question), if it's to log your client's behavior, I'm not aware of any tool sorry.
I always end up writing my own logging solutions. They generally are very simple compared to the rest of the project, and by writing my own I can tailor it exactly to what I need. Whereas using a pre-built one, always seems like either it is too over-engineered and complex to use, or it's too simple and lacking a couple features I need.
Try to use Log5F logging utility for ActionScript 3.0
