wordpress custom fields - wordpress

When adding a new post the custom fields from a previous post are showing as meta data for the new post. Is there some way to clear these fields when a new post is being created or is there possibly an issue with my installation?

I think this is a list of available custom fields if you talking about custom fields list in the select box below post editor, otherwise it's impossible that other fields were copied from previous post without any plugin interaction.


How to add text field in custom post without plugin and without using custom field

I'm new to WordPress and doesn't much about it. I am making property listing plugin for WordPress I want to add Price field/(numeric type)
.I don't want to use plugin and custom fields. I want the field as shown
You can use a metabox to add a new box to the Admin Frontend. If its done, you need a filter to handle the inputs value for the backend. For more detailed helped, you need to provide more informations about your plugin.
See: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/add_meta_box/

Can I set a custom link on a custom post type in WordPress?

I am creating custom post types in WordPress using the "Types" plugin. Those post types are not supposed to have a post page associated with them that the user would navigate to by default when clicking a particular post link. They are supposed to be merely titles that I am displaying in a grid and that should link out to separate sites. Every post title has an individual link associated with it. I am styling those post titles using the "Grid Element" creator of the "Visual Composer" plugin, so I can set which attributes of the post I want to display (in my case only the title).
When I am creating the post type, I am adding a custom field for the link url that I can then set when I create the individual post. However, I am not seeing an option to set that custom link to be the link for the post itself. I can add the link as a separate UI element of the post but I want the post title itself to be the link. Is this possible and how?
Very possible, but you will have to do some coding of your own, rather than relying on visual composer. Within the template you are using, in the loop that pulls the posts, you need to grab the meta data from that field for the current post:
// loop stuff here...
$link = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), your-key-here, true);
echo '<p>'.the_title().'</p>';
// other loop stuff...
In the above, your-key-here refers to the name of the custom field you've set up for the link that gets set by the post author. The above also assumes you know enough about WordPress to know where you need to edit this code in, in the template. The code does not check for empty values and handle with a fallback, so yes, this code can be improved upon, but it sill do what you've asked in the question.
EDIT: A link for reference regarding pulling meta data/custom fields data; https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/get_post_meta/

Add Custom Post Type Custom Fields to WordPress Search

I've created a custom post type for a client (gravesite), and it has several custom fields to fill out ('bcva_branch_text', 'bcva_rank', 'bcva_start_serve', 'bcva_end_serve', 'bcva_dob', 'bcva_dod', 'bcva_cemetary', 'bcva_latitude', 'bcva_longitude').
The client wants these fields to be searchable, but I'm having trouble finding a way to do it. The WordPress Search will search the custom post type's title and 'editor' fields, but how do I get WP to search the added custom fields as well?
The Custom Fields Search plugin looks like it will do what you need. It seems to let you choose which custom fields will be included in search.

keep custom field after deliting post in wordpress

I've created some custom fields to make it easier to add specific list items to a section in wordpress then I deleted the post and the custom fields disappear.
Does anybody knows how to keep a custom field after deleting the original post where they where created?
you should use an custom meta box.
In this you can specify your values so each post can access the values:

Wordpress: add a custom field option that's available to all posts

As part of my theme install, I'd like to add a set of custom field options to the wordpress database that would be available to all posts as long as my theme is active.
For example, I'd like to add these fields:
And also these
And then when a user goes to add or edit a post, they can insert values for each of these fields if they choose to...
You simply have to create a post and add these custom fields once to have them proposed for every next posts (in the custom fields part of the form).
If you need to create a more integrated interface for these extra fields, you might be better off creating a plugin or looking for existing ones, such as this one.
Use the add_meta_box function that comes with WordPress.
