I have a few styles that I want to apply to a slider.
I'm aware of the MXML method of definig a mx:Style tag
Instead of doing it this way I want to define all the styles in a style sheet. I then want to define my slider in a .as file (not an mxml file) and apply the stylesheet to it.
How I can I do this?
Something like the following is what I'm after
levelSlider= new VSlider()
You can include the style sheet into your Flex application from the mxml file of Application class using <mx:Style source="style.css"/> You can add as many css files as needed.
Now if you have a .customCSSClass{} in the css file, you can apply that to your vSlider using vSlider.styleName = "customCSSClass". Global selectors like HSlider{} will apply automatically.
I have a Parent.js component with a child component Child.js inside of it.
Parent.js imports parents.css
Child.js imports child.css
If I define this in child.css:
.example {
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
How come I'm able to use this className in the Parent.js component as well despite not specifying it in the parent.css?
Unless you use unique class names, CSS Modules or some other alternatives available for scoping CSS styles to any component in React, styles specified in any CSS file will be applied globally.
If you want to limit styles to any component, use CSS Modules or make sure every class name is unique in your project.
For details on how to use CSS Modules, see Adding a CSS Modules Stylesheet. You can also look at 9 Ways To Implement CSS in React JS for other available alternatives.
I recommend using unique class names. For example, lets say you have multiple ListView components: MemberUsersListView, AdminUsersListView, TestUsersListView; and each of them needs to be styled differently. I would create the following CSS classes:
I know this seem's annoying, but it's cleaner than applying inline styles and easier to implement on smaller projects.
I have a Flex application with a main class that is a WindowedApplication. The CSS file is loaded using the <fx:Style source="defaults.css"> tag in the MXML.
However, when this main class will open a NativeWindow, the CSS does not get applied. I have a subclass of NativeWindow where I can add some things, but this is ActionScript, not MXML. Is there an equivalent of <fx:Style/> for AS? Or do I have to do things in a different way?
None of the proposed solutions so far seem to be working. I will try to write a small test app to show the behaviour, maybe it is a bug in the Flex framework.
I think you'll need to load the styles via a compiled stylesheet (as a SWF). You can compile a stylesheet to a SWF with MXMLC (mxmlc stylesheet.css). Then use StyleManager.loadStyleDeclarations(swf) to load and apply the styles.
You might have to do all styling with
someComponent.setStyle("someProperty", "someValue");
There's also a [StyleSheet](You can use StyleSheets parseCSS method class that you could use but it only applies to TextField elements IIRC
Have you tried using global selectors in your CSS?
global {
color: #000000;
color: #FFFFFF;
I have these things in my main application file in a style block and they are applied to all views
For my GWT application, I want to show the selected row in a FlexTable, and for that purpose I add a style to the specific row:
#UiField FlexTable productTable;
int row;
/* select row */
productTable.getRowFormatter().addStyleName(row, "row-selected");
In the corresponding ui.xml file, I have the style added as follows:
ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui="urn:ui:com.google.gwt.uibinder"
tr.row-selected {
background: #92C1F0;
<g:FlexTable ui:field="productTable" width="100%" height="100%">
This does not work, while adding the style in my global .css file does. In FireBug I see that the name tr.row-selected is garbled into something like: tr.GB1HWLGEI
Why does this not work and how should it work instead?
UiBinder uses ClientBundle for ui:style, so the rules and syntax/features of CssResource apply.
This means that your CSS class names will be obfuscated (so that they're unique and won't conflict with a same-named CSS class from another CssResource or external stylesheet).
In your case, you can either define a CssResource interface and declare the ui:style to extend that interface and inject the instance into a #UiField; so you can use the obfuscated style into your addStyleName; as in http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideUiBinder.html#Programmatic_access
Or you can use #external in your ui:style to disable obfuscation for the CSS class; see http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideClientBundle.html#External_and_legacy_scopes.
Garbled is really obfuscated which will be faster in the browser and harder for someone to reverse engineer. It also means you don't need to worry about css namespace conflicts.
So, just use the following line in your ModuleName.gwt.xml file during development to disable obfuscation.
<set-configuration-property name="CssResource.style" value="pretty" />
I have a simple button in a mxml file, if I set the skinClass property in the tag itself it works, however, if I set the skinClass property in an external css file, it doesn't apply to the button.
<s:Button id="btnRefresh" skinClass="skins.RefreshButtonSkin"/>
Doesn't work:
<s:Button id="btnRefresh"/>
skinClass: ClassReference("skins.RefreshButtonSkin");
fontSize: 12px;
Someone knows how I can get this css working?
Note: I can apply other styles to the button using the css, eg fontSize works
Edit: Additional info
The button is nested in the actionContent part of my view
<s:Button id="btnRefresh"/>
The css file is declared in my main mxml file
<fx:Style source="style.css"/>
I'm compiling for flex 4.5.1, it's a mobile application
It would seem that this is a bug in the ActionBar component. I've tried id selector (#btnRefresh), class selector (.btnRefreshStyle), component selector (s|Button) and #Thembie's suggestion.
I've tried using skinClass and skin-class.
None of these work when the button resides in the actionContent property of the View component. But it all works fine when you move the button to the View component.
So I'm afraid you're stuck with hard-coding that skinclass. You might consider filing a bug report.
skinClass: ClassReference("skins.RefreshButtonSkin");
defaults.css in the mobile theme has style rules for ActionBar with a higher CSS "specificity" level than the ID selector you're using.
Short answer: Use #actionGroup #btnRefresh as your selector.
Long answer: ActionBar has the following selectors for rules to support the "defaultButtonAppearance" style in the mobile theme:
ActionBar Group#navigationGroup Button
ActionBar Group#actionGroup Button
ActionBar.beveled Group#navigationGroup Button
ActionBar.beveled Group#actionGroup Button
These are in place to make it easy to swap out the flat-look buttons with the iOS-styled "beveled" buttons.
Jason was right, the default.css in mobile theme override your s|Button#btnRefresh style.
In order for your skin to work, just make your style stronger like:
s|ActionBar s|Group#navigationGroup s|Button#btnRefresh{...}
I am trying to define my Flex 4 Skins via CSS but I my custom skin will not display. Here is what I am doing:
In my application I import my css and define the styleName in my button:
<fx:Style source="styles.css"/>
<s:Button label="Button" styleName="circle"/>
Here is my CSS:
#namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark";
#namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx";
skinClass: ClassReference("skins.buttons.CircleButton");
My understanding is that my button should be supplied it's skinClass via the CSS but it fails to work. If I define the skinClass directly like below it works fine:
<s:Button label="Button" skinClass="skins.buttons.CircleButton"/>
Any help would be appreciated.
Make sure you have your CSS file under the root Application file first. Second, I would try to do the css without the type selector, so instead of s|Button.circle, just do .circle.
You can also try putting the style in a Style tag within the same container as your button to see if that works. Are you sure your application can find your style.css? Showing more code might help the situation.
Per the official Flex CSS documentation:
Class Selector: A CSS class selector
matches components that meet a class
condition. The CSS syntax to declare a
class selector is to prefix the
condition with a dot. You can either
declare a class selector as a
condition of a type selector, or
universally to any type that meets the
class condition.
.header { background-color: #CCCCCC; }
HBox.footer { background-color: #999999; }
Note: In Flex a class condition is met
using the styleName attribute on a
component. For example, you may have
two classes of HBox: "header" and
"footer". Above, the first selector
applies to any component with
styleName="header"; the second
selector should only apply to HBox
components with styleName="footer"
(something that actually needs to be
fixed and enforced in Gumbo, as
to-date class selectors have only been
universal and any type in the selector
is ignored).
It looks like selectors may not be working in Gumbo...