Can't find control (ASP.NET, MS TEST) -

The following test:
public class MyTestClass
private TestContext _testContext;
protected TestContext TestContext
get { return _testContext; }
set { _testContext = value; }
public void TestMyPage()
TextBox tb = TestContext.RequestedPage.FindControl("ControlId") as TextBox;
fails, and using the string "ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$ControlId" as control Id provide a proper control... I know, ASP.NET contains "ClientID" property for web-controls, but is there any possibility to know in advance the control's client Id in the TEST (Under VS 2008)?

I don't think the ClientID is what you're after here. I think your problem is that FindControl is not doing what you think it is.
FindControl is not recursive. If your textbox is inside of a ContentPlaceHolder, then you need to call FindControl on the placeholder, not the Page.
Otherwise, I suggest writing a recursive FindControl function that will search the entire control heirarchy. You can see an example here.


Firing OnCreatingModelDataSource event in ASP.NET Web Forms applications

All ASP.NET data bound controls have an additional event in ASP.NET 4.5, CreatingModelDataSource. It provides a great way to create our own implementation of ModelDataSource and bind to a control like GridView.
I created a sample ModelDataSource and hooked it up with a GridView in the CreatingModelDataSource event as follows:
protected void gvStudent_CreatingModelDataSource(object sender, CreatingModelDataSourceEventArgs e)
e.ModelDataSource = new MyModelDataSource((GridView)sender);
Following is the sample ModeldataSource implementation that I wrote:
public class MyModelDataSource : ModelDataSource
MyDataSourceView view;
public MyModelDataSource(Control control)
: base(control)
public override ModelDataSourceView View
if (view == null)
view = new MyDataSourceView(this);
return view;
And following is MyModelDataSourceView:
public class MyDataSourceView : ModelDataSourceView
private MyModelDataSource _owner;
private StudentRepository repository;
public MyDataSourceView(MyModelDataSource owner)
: base(owner)
_owner = owner;
repository = new StudentRepository();
protected override IEnumerable ExecuteSelect(DataSourceSelectArguments arguments)
return repository.GetAll();
But the ExecuteSelect method doesn't get called automatically. It gets called when I set a SelectMethod to the GridView. As the result of ExecuteSelect method is finally bound to the GridView, specifying the SelectMethod doesn't make any sense here. Also, the event is not fired when gridView.DataBind() is called. Is there any way to kick off the things and make this event called automatically?
CreatingModelDataSource() was put in for the Model data source which is used in Model Binding. When you use model binding you need to specify the Select() method for model binding to work with GridVIew

C# ASP.NET - Controlling/updating a textbox.text value through a class

Newbie here, I need help with a website I'm creating.
I have a class that does some analysis on some text that is input by the user, the class then finds an appropriate answer and sends it back to the textbox. (in theory)
Problem is I don't know how I can control and access the textbox on the default.aspx page from a class, all I get is "object reference is required non static field".
I made the textbox public in the designer file yet still no joy. :(
I've also read this: How can I access the controls on my ASP.NET page from a class within the solution? , which I think is along the lines of what I'm trying to achieve but I need clarification/step by step on how to achieve this.
Hope someone can point me in the right direction.
Many thanks,
This is the code I have added to the designer.cs file:
public global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox TextBox3;
public string MyTextBoxText
return TextBox3.Text;
TextBox3.Text = value;
This is the class method i have created:
public static cleanseMe(string input)
string utterance = input;
string cleansedUtt = Regex.Replace(utterance, #"[!]|[.]|[?]|[,]|[']", "");
WebApplication1._Default.TextBox3.text = cleansedUtt;
I could just return the cleansedUtt string i know, but is it possible for me to just append this string to the said textbox from this method, within this class?
I also tried it this way, i wrote a class that takes in the name of the textbox and string to append to that textbox. it works BUT only on the default.aspx page and does not recognise the textbox names within the difference classes. The code is as follows:
public class formControl
public static void ModifyText(TextBox textBox, string appendthis)
textBox.Text += appendthis + "\r\n";
I would suggest you that do not access the Page Controls like TextBox in your class. It will be more useful and a good practice that whatever functionality your class does, convert them into function which accept the parameters and returns some value and then on the basis of that value you can set the controls value.
So now you have reusable function that you can use from any of the page you want. You do not need to write it for every textbox.
Here I am giving you a simple example
public class Test
public bool IsValid(string value)
// Your logic
return true;
Now you can use it simple on your page like this
Test objTest = new Test();
bool result=objTest.IsValid(TextBox1.Text);
TextBox1.Text="Everything is correct";
TextBox1.Text="Something went wrong";
If you have your class in the same project (Web Project) the following will work:
public class Test
public Test()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
public static void ValidateTextBox(System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox txt)
//validation logic here
if (txt != null)
txt.Text = "Modified from class";
You can use this from your webform like this:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
If your class is in a different (class project), you would need to add a reference to System.Web to your project.

Passing parameters between webforms using PreviousPageType

I am trying to pass a few parameters between two web pages
within the source page I have the following properties
private string _testString { get; set; }
public string TestString
return _testString;
In previous msdn examples the return type was always set to a UI element (textbox.text)
However I am trying to pass the value from a dynamically generated link button which is why I chose to use the private accessor
In the click event of the link button on the source page I have the following:
protected void RenderReportInNewPage(LinkButton lb)
_testString = lb.CommandArgument.ToString();
Response.BufferOutput = true;
On the target page I have the source page referenced in the aspx as follows:
<%# PreviousPageType VirtualPath="~/stuff/testviewer.aspx"%>
And then in the codebehind of the target page I have the following:
Textbox.Text = PreviousPage.TestString;
PreviousPage displays the public property TestString but it is always null (as I don't think it is getting set but not sure why)
Is is possible to set a private accessor (_teststring) and have that value reflected within the public property? I'd appreciate any suggestions on what I have done wrong.
Found the error. It was not in the setting of the property but in how I was invoking the target page. In order to pass the properties across I needed to user Server.Transfer instead of Response.Redirect
protected void RenderReportInNewPage(LinkButton lb)
_testString = lb.CommandArgument.ToString();
Response.BufferOutput = true;

Get state of ASP.NET page life cycle

I need the following functionality in my method: if the method is called before OnLoad event of ASP.NET life cycle throw an exception else continue execution of the method.
I was thinking of something like this:
if (Page.LifeCycleState < LifeCycleState.OnLoad) {
throw new InvalidPageStateException();
Is it possible to retrieve the state of ASP.NET page life cycle?
One approach would be to use a Basepage that you always use in your site. This would contain a variable called PageLoadComplete, which you would set at the end of your PageLoad event. Then you could check the state of this variable from within your method.
public abstract class BasePage : System.Web.UI.Page
public bool PageLoadComplete { get; private set; }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
PageLoadComplete = true;
If you want to access the variable from code external to your page such as a UserControl, you would have to make it public and cast your page as BasePage.
public partial class MyUserControl : System.Web.UI.UserControl
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
BasePage basePage = this.Page as BasePage;
if (basePage != null && !basePage.PageLoadComplete)
throw new InvalidPageStateException();
There is property in a realization of System.Web.UI.Control class(realization):
internal ControlState ControlState {
get { return _controlState; }
set { _controlState = value; }
Where ControlState is enum that contains members such as: Initialized, ViewStateLoaded, Loaded etc. here declaration
But as you can see this property is internal. So only way to get control state is proposed by Daniel Dyson.
You maybe able to find what you are looking for, by looking at the CurrentHandler and PreviousHandler properties of the current HttpContext.
if the method is called before OnLoad event of ASP.NET life cycle
throw an exception else continue execution of the method.
It is not clear which Onload event is meant, nor where the "method" resides. Is it the Page's Onload or a Control's OnLoad? Is it a Page's "method" or a Control's "method"?
Anyway, one can store sort of flag in the Context.Items Dictionary, which all controls (including Page) have access to during a request. This eliminates the need to use a general base page like suggested obove.
In the OnLoad method (no matter whether it is a Page's OnLoad or a Control's OnLoad):
Context.Items[UniqueID] = this;
In the "method":
if (Context.Items[UniqueID] != null)
throw new InvalidPageStateException();

Custom Web Control - ParseChildren & Resource Objects

I hope someone can help me. I have the following custom server control:
public class MyControl : WebControl, INamingContainer
public string MyProperty
It works perfectly with the following mark-up:
<acme:MyControl runat="sever">
<MyProperty>Test String</MyProperty>
But if I try to localise the property string, I get a parse error:
<acme:MyControl runat="sever">
<MyProperty><%=(string)GetLocalResourceObject("MyResourceKey") %></MyProperty>
Even if I cast the type, ASP.NET indicates that the property cannot accept controls as children. How should the expression look like if I want to localise it? I can make the property accessible as an attribute of the control's tag, but I prefer the mark-up above, it looks more elegant and clean.
Add a second property called MyPropertyResourceKey, so your final code would be:
public class MyControl : WebControl, INamingContainer
public string MyProperty
string _propertyResourceKey;
public string MyPropertyResourceKey
get {
return _propertyResourceKey;
set {
_propertyResourceKey = value;
MyProperty = (string)GetLocalResourceObject(_propertyResourceKey);
Based on comments, it seems that there may also be a demand for a more flexible method. Generally, if you are looking assign a dynamic value to a control, you will want to either create a Data Bound control (if applicable)
If, on the other hand, the control does't know how its will usually be assigned, the accepted method is to assign the property value in the code-behind of the page.
