Placing popup window in the middle of the main window - apache-flex

I'm trying to place a popup window (TitleWindow) in the middle of the main application window. how do i set the coordinates of my popup window to be of the main application window?
i tried the localToGlobal function but with no luck, I just can't get the main window x and y.
Thanks in advance,

From the Adobe Docs:
Just call the centerPopUp method in the CreationComplete event of your TitleWindow.
private function handleCreationComplete():void {
// Center the TitleWindow container
// over the control that created it.
If you're creating the popUp from within a method, you can also try:
public function openWindow(event:MouseEvent):void {
myPopUp = new TextArea();
myPopUp.width= 220;
myPopUp.height= 150;
myPopUp.text = "Hold down the Shift key, and " +
"click in the TextArea to close it.";
myPopUp.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeWindow);
PopUpManager.addPopUp(myPopUp, this, true);
Edit: You can also try:
PopUpManager.centerPopUp(Application.application as DisplayObject);
or if the component is directly on your application's main stage
Second Edit: If you're using the PopUpManager.addPopUp method to launch your popup, just change the 2nd argument from this to this.parent (or whatever component you like). The 2nd argument tells the PopUpManager what your popup's parent is. Check out the Adobe Live Docs for more info.
PopUpManager.addPopUp(myPopUp, this.parent, true);

myPopUp.x = (Application.application.width - myPopUp.width)/2
myPopUp.y = (Application.application.height - myPopUp.height)/2

#uzi orgad
I think this will be suitable for you, try this
var popup:Object ;
popup = PopUpManager.createPopUp(
FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication as DisplayObject,
popupname, true);
PopUpManager.centerPopUp(popup as mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject);
FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication as DisplayObject points to the main application.So the popup appears at the middle of the application


Capturing mouseEevents on a container, bypassing its children

I am building an RIA application using Flex 4.6 that contains a main borderContainer (page) that can contain some other borderContainers (graphic or text elements).
I added an event listener on the page to listen to click events:
page.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler, true);
clickHandler looks like this:
private function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
// Remove event listeners
page.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler, true);
// Get click position
objX = event.localX;
objY = event.localY;
My problem is that although the event's currentTarget is always the page (normal), the target can either be the page or one of its children, and then localX doesn't give me the position on the page but on the child.
Is there a way to make sure the page is always the target of the event? Something like stopping the capturing phase on the page so it doesn't go deeper?
Thanks in advance for your help
I think you may be asking the wrong question. As I understand it, you want the x/y position relative to 'page'. You can use the DisplayObject#globalToLocal() function to find this.
Just take the the global coordinates and convert them to local coordinates relative to 'page':
var coordinates:Point = new Point(event.stageX, event.stageY);
coordinates = page.globalToLocal(coordinates);
objX = coordinates.x;
objY = coordinates.y;

how to stop getting mouse click events in flex

I have made a hierarchy in which there is a main page, using add element i have attached a component mxml of type group. There is a single button on main page when clicked it should add children of type group in that group type mxml component along with two buttons. Now using one of buttons i am attaching another component mxml type group. the problem is even they overlap i can still excess the children groups of first group component mxml. how can i stop this mouse events to happen.
I think those kind of events usually bubble up to parent components.
You can try using the following code in your mouse click event listener to stop further propagation:
private function onMouseClicked(event: MouseEvent): void {
... do whatever you wanted when smth was clicked ...
By setting enabled, mouseChildren, mouseEnabled to false, you will disable the entire component and it's children. example below
private var myPreviousGroupComponent:Group = null;
function addNewGroup():void
if(myPreviousGroupComponent != null)
myPreviousGroupComponent.enabled = false;
myPreviousGroupComponent.mouseChildren = false;
myPreviousGroupComponent.mouseEnabled = false;
var newGroup:Group = new Group();
myPreviousGroupComponent = newGroup;

Flex: How to determine if a PopUpManager window is open (or when it has closed)?

In Flex (Flash Builder 4) I am opening a new window via PopUpManager.addPopUp. I have timer code that runs in my component and I need to stop my timer when that window opens and start the timer again when the window closes.
I figure it's easy enough to stop the timer in the function that opens the window, but how can I start the timer again when the window closes?
Is there a way to tell if there is a pop-up window in front of my component, or if a specific pop-up window is still open via PopUpManager?
Maybe events are a better approach?
Events! is the way to go.
Fire events during launch/close. Add your logic in the event Handlers!
You can use following code to check whether opened popup window is getting closed or not.
if it is closed you can stop the timer.
//set the flag to find your popup window is exist or not.
private var isPopupExist:Boolean = false;
private function closePopUpWindow():void
var systemManager:SystemManager = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.systemManager;
//Returns a list of all children.
var childList:IChildList = systemManager.rawChildren;
for(var i:int=childList.numChildren-1;i>=0;i--)
var childObject:* = childList.getChildAt(i);
//If child object is Uicomponent.
if (childObject is UIComponent)
var uiComponent:UIComponent = childObject as UIComponent;
//If uicomponent is popup and class name is equal to **your popup component name** here i am using "ChatComp".
if (uiComponent.isPopUp && uiComponent.className == "ChatComp")
isPopupExist = true;
in your Timer,
private function checkPopUpExistance():void
call closePopUpWindow() function for every 1 sec or any seconds(your wish) to check whether popup is exist or not.
here you stop the timer.
Now you can start the Timer, when you opened the Popup window.
The popupmanager is a singleton class, so you can easily know how many popups have been created with his ChildList

How do I make a video full screen using actionscript in flex desktop application

I am playing a flv video using the videoplayer class of flex. (all the properties of it are being set at runtime)
I want to make the video fullscreen without clicking on the fullscreen button i.e. through programming.
Is it possible. If yes then how can I do this.?
Dispatch click event from the fullScreenButton of VideoPlayer.
yourplayer.fullScreenButton.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK));
Use the displayState property of the stage. You can access the stage as a variable on the Application class. So, conceptually, do this:
FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN
run this code in an applicationComplete event handler on the main application tag to put your app into full screen mode after it is finished loading.
You can remove the VideoDisplay from it's parent and then add it to the stage at full width & height. Reverse the process when exiting full screen.
protected function fullScreenBtn_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
this.stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
videoDisplay.width = stage.width;
videoDisplay.height = stage.height;
this.stage.addEventListener(FullScreenEvent.FULL_SCREEN, fullScreenHandler);
protected function fullScreenHandler(event:FullScreenEvent):void
videoDisplay.percentHeight = videoDisplay.percentWidth = 100;
this.stage.removeEventListener(FullScreenEvent.FULL_SCREEN, fullScreenHandler);

Add Child immediately in Flex 3

I'm having a problem similar to FLEX: dialog not display immediately . Code follows:
private function saveBitmap(event:ContextMenuEvent):void
loadingScreen.visible = true;
loadingScreen.appLoadingText.text = "Preparing bitmap...";
var bmpd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(canv.width, canv.height);
var fr:FileReference = new FileReference();
fr.addEventListener(DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA, removeLoadingScreen);
fr.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL, removeLoadingScreen);
var png:PNGEncoder = new PNGEncoder();
var iba:ByteArray = png.encode(bmpd);, "export.png");
Basically, bmpd.draw and/or png.encode are dog slow, so I'd like to have a nice "please hold while we prepare your png" dialog to appear. I can't use callLater() because of the FileReference.
And just for good measure, the loading screen appears at the same time the save dialog appears from the call to
Any ideas?
You're adding the child in this function. Are you doing any other work to the loadingScreen, such as sizing it? Or positioning it? Most commonly this is done in updateDisplayList(). What container are you using?
Are you sure the Z-order of your two children is correct? You can swap children with the swapChildren method
