Better content administration, sort by node's CCK fields? - drupal

I was asking myself if there's a better way of sorting content in Drupal.
Right now, when I go to admin>content all the nodes are mixed up. I installed the module "Content administration" ( and now you can not only filter but also sort them by title, type, author... but that's all.
Is there any good module to improve the content administration a part from the one I mentioned?
For instance, it would be great if I could filter the nodes by their CCk field values.

An easy way to improve the content AI, is to build your own with views and views bulk operations. With it, you can run tasks on many nodes at once, like publish/unpublish and you get all the views filtering / display options you have in any view.

Also checkout - does basically what googletorp suggests for you.


Drupal, Ubercart products relating to blog articles and vice-versa

I'm very new to drupal however what I'm trying to achieve I assumed would be relatively straightforward but finding any documentation on the subject is proving difficult.
I am creating an ecommerce site using ubercart, i have installed this and all of the relevant modules and have created custom product pages with not much hassle. What I need to do is create a 'blog' that's articles can relate to one or multiple products. I have managed to set up the blog with no issues but I am struggling to find out how I can first of all link the story to a product in the product creation process (i.e. when creating a product I can choose a blog article from a list to form a relationship). I have kind of managed to provide this required relationship using the References module. But I have no idea how I can use this relationship to, for instance dynamicall display a list of products related to the current blog article or vice-versa.
I have previously asked a similar question but an still unable to figure this out.
Many thanks.
If the field is attached to the blog content type then you'll have a list of related products automatically outputted in the field display. If you haven't, go to the 'Manage Display' section for that content type and make sure that field isn't hidden.
The References module is only uni-directional currently so you'd have to code a solution for the other way around yourself (not particularly tricky). Alternatively you could ditch References altogether and try the Relation Module which defines bi-directional relationships between entities.

Drupal Taxonomy associate to content

I have some content I need to start categorizing. We've built the system a while ago, the content is growing a lot so now we're finding a few years later we should start categorizing this stuff. How can I enable taxonomy for this content?
You can absolutely enable taxonomy on already existing content types and nodes. There will be no effect of course until people actually edit the content to add terms.
In order to categorize the content I would recommend
It's awesome and saved my in the past during migration cleanup! Throw on some "exposed filters" for node type, then add some field columns that will help you sort things, make the table columns sortable, so you can sort on the fly.
Then add in your allowed actions on the view style to enable updating taxonomy terms in bulk.
This should take care of our needs.
BTW: If you find yourself changing your mind about categories you should make use of to MERGE terms and thus the associated content.
You can add term reference field to your content type and this will give you a field through which you can tag your content and categories it.
Then as doublejosh mentioned you can use Views Bulk Operations (VBO) module to categories your content in bulk as you said you have lots of content to categories.
Definitely tough to go back and get content categorized, but you have better options that just Views Bulk Operations... unless you just have a few categories then that will do the trick.
You can use varying levels of machine learning to automatically tag content. I've had lots of success using Open Calais to tag 100s of 1000s of nodes coming in via Feeds in the past. This is fairly exciting once you get it going :)
OpenCalais module
Auto Categorise
Auto Tagging

drupal6 taxonomy cache, dropdown arrays & webform vs cck questions taxonomy do caching ? i do a form that user needs to fill his personal infomation and that include a street name, i wonder how to do it, in taxonomy or in cck text field... what is better?
what is the best way to do a form dropdown options of known-non changing options? like choose color:
red,green,,gray ... should i use function and call to array? variable_set/get()? taxonomy vocab?
if i do a form for user that will not send to email its just need to add a node or stuff like that, is webform is a better alternative to the cck module?
taxonomy does no caching afaik. To have adress etc info for user i 'd use profile module in core. (you use d6 or d7?) ,
to 1. simple list of non-chaning option which does not need to maintained elsewhere (db/file) you use cck text field and provide values to choose from. Of course for many values, a cck taxonomy field is nice , because there are good import modules (taxonomy_csv and _xml)
question 2 i find hard to understand, pls elaborate a bit
Taxonomy isn't cached. It is also not really the best choice for entering addresses, CCK is perfect for that. If this data isn't going to be content Webform is ever perfecter :)
The benefit of Core+CCK for form based data collection is you can make nodes out of it, which means you can do anything that you would do with a node to the data you collect. Query, Display, Rules on it, whatever.
The advantage to that that it's not turned into a node, as such it's more specialized for collection of information such as surveys, questionnaires, contact forms, etc and there are plenty of integration modules for webform to help you see/use your data in cool ways.
Re your questions:
1) CCK Text/Select - OR - the equivalent in Webform
2) Core & CCK, you cannot add site content with Webform

Drupal - How can I use CCK to keep a local node copy of Aggregator items?

Hey, I received an learning project from my brother that includes:
Create a Drupal site that employs Aggregator, CCK, and Views modules in the following way:
Aggregator will fetch an RSS feed from an arbitrary source
Views will allow you to create excerpts from the Aggregator materials, as well as links to orignal articles
Determine if there's a way to use CCK to keep a local node copy of Aggregator items--we'll want to commenting on these nodes
I'm newb, but I know how to use CCK and Views a bit. However, I don't know what he's talking about in the third part. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Thanks for your time,
You're probably better off using the FeedAPI module instead of the Aggregator module. FeedAPI saves incoming feed stories as nodes, and even allows you to automatically map tags on the feed items to taxonomy terms on the nodes. Commenting, compelx views, etc are all a lot easier to put together in that situation.
If you want to map some of the feed data to CCK fields, also check out the Feed Element Mapper module. It lets you assign arbitrary chunks of the RSS or XML data to other CCK fields.

attach multiple images to a taxonomy term

I have installed "Taxonomy Image" module.
but i can not find a way to attach multiple images to one taxonomy term
my drupal version is 6
As a side note to what Henrik answered, an alternate way to implement what you want without having to code a single line could be:
Create "image nodes" for each term of your taxonomy.
Associate each image node to the right term of the taxonomy (here's where it get interesting: you can create more than one image node per term and can also use the same image node for different terms).
Create a wiew that takes as arguments the taxonomy term/terms and show all the image nodes tagged with that term.
If you already know the views module you probably realise how easy it is. If you are new to Drupal and do not know it yet, then I recommend you take a close look at it together with the CCK one: they are big and require some time to be "grokked" (neither so much, though!) but every second you spend studying them is worth it!
Using views also gives you a lot of flexibility as you can theme easily theme your output in tables, lists, grids, add or remove associated fields, and even put extra filters or expose them to the user in separate blocks...
As far as I can see, the module does not provide the option to attach multiple images to one term. From the features list on the project page:
Allows one-to-one term-to-image relationships.
Allows many-to-one term-to-image relationships.
So one term can have exactly on image, or multiple terms can have the same image (for 'inheritance' of a parent term image), but no 'multiple images per term' option.
I have not delved into the modules code to look if there is an easy way to change this, though. So far, there seems to be no request for this feature either.
The easiest way is to first install the following modules:
Views Bulk Operations
Administration Views
After enabling both modules. Go to Admin >> Structure >> Views and edit the Administration: Files view. Add the desired taxonomy field.
Go back to the Administration >> Content >> File and there you`ll see now operations, select change value and the desired images you wish to have the same taxonomy term. Click Execute >> Your taxonomy field. Select the term or terms and click next. That is it.
