Error "Invalid Parameter" fom ImageMagick convert on Windows -

I am trying to convert a PDF document into a PNG file using ImageMagick command line tools from a ASP.NET website. I create a new shell process and ahve it execute the following command:
convert -density 96x96 "[FileNameAndPath].pdf" "[FileNameAndPath].png"
This runs well when testing the website on my local machine with the ASP.NET Develeopment Server of VS and the command also works well when manually entered into the shell. When running from the programatically created shell in ASP.NET there is the following error message:
Invalid Parameter - 96x96
Does anybody know why that happens and what to do?
I have tested the command while being logged in on the server via RDP with a different user account than the ASP.NET process. I have used exactly the same ImageMagick and Ghostscript installation files as on my local machine and have activated adding the ImageMagick installation path to the enironment variables during installing. The server has not been rebooted since than.

convert is also the name of a windows executable which converts FAT filesystem to NTFS. When you do not specify the full path of an executable, quote:
...the system first searches the current working directory and then
searches the path environment variable, examining each
directory from left to right, looking for an executable filename that
matches the command name given.
"C:\Windows\System32" is generally present in the beginning of %PATH% variable, causing the Windows convert utility to launch, which fails with "Invalid Parameter" error as expected.
Try specifying the full path of the ImageMagick's convert.exe like so:
"C:\Program Files\ImageMagick\convert.exe" -density 96x96 "path_and_filename.pdf" "path_and_filename.png"

As others have stated convert points to a different program in your PATH. Instead preface your command with magick. So your command would instead be:
magick convert -density 96x96 "[FileNameAndPath].pdf" "[FileNameAndPath].png"

In Window actually exists a "convert.exe" in system32 - make sure your script doesn't start that one (maybe the environment paths on your development machine are set differently).

I am only answering this late because imagemagick was updated. Now, if you wish to use the "convert" command, you do it like this:
magick convert "image.png" "document.pdf"
magick convert "image_00*.png" "document.pdf"
for multiple images.
Same syntax for command, just add magick before it

A couple more options for fixing this:
Edit your Path system variable to contain the path to imagemagick
as it's first content and then add the rest after it. This will make
windows always find the imagemagic convert first before it finds
the other convert program. So something like this: C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.9.2-Q16;C:\Program Files\Haskell Platform\2014.2.0.0\lib\extralibs\bin;...
Another option is to create a dedicated folder somewhere on your machine where you will place shortcuts for some of these name clashes. Then what you do is that you rename those shortcuts to meaningful names, for example convert_image_magick, then add the path to this folder to your system path. So now as you hit tab more, you will finally find the right program you want to run

yes! if you launch an Administrator command window it defaults to C:\windows\sytem32\ ... as long as you're not in that directory the command will pickup the ImageMagick convert.exe
My issue was I was using the "FORFILES" command which is tricky because it requires using
"cmd /c" and passing the convert command with #path and #file parameters and it does some escaping of slashes... needless to say it's caused me hours and hours of headache. It even parses hex characters, like if your filepath has the combination 0x00 in it, it will think that's a hex value and mangle your path. I had a filepath named C:\ImageRes3000x3000
and FORFILES interprets that literally and it caused a strange path issue. Sorry if this is a long useless post but it's meant to be FYI, if someone runs across this, maybe it will help them. That being said, FORFILES and "convert.exe" are a powerful and simple image renaming line script combo.
here's my full 3 line image renaming script
robocopy D:\SRC_DIR\ D:\DEST_DIR\_staging *.jpg /e /MAXAGE:2
FORFILES /P D:\DEST_DIR\_staging\ /S /M *.jpg /C "cmd /c convert.exe #path -quality 65 -resize 1500 D:\RESIZED_DIR\\#file"
DEL D:\DEST_DIR\_staging\*.* /S /Q


How to "source" (not run line by line) an R script from the Windows command line

I am creating an R script myscript.R which manipulates an excel file by means of XLConnectpackage.
The point is it refers to several external files: the excel file itself and another R file (functions library), so I need to set a working directory in the location of the script (so that relative paths to external files work properly).
I am using the following in my script
new_wd <- dirname(sys.frame(1)$ofile)
When I source the script from my RStudio it gets the job done. The problem is that the script is to be used by non-programmers, non-Rstutio-users, so I create .bat file (which I want to turn into an .exe one)
"C:\Program Files\R\R-4.0.3\bin\Rscript.exe" "C:\my\path\to\myscript.R"
It executes the script line by line but sys.frame(1) only works when sourcing.
How could I solve it?
I have found a solution and it works properly.
From CMD command line or from a .bat file one can add an argument -e to the command, so that you can use a R language.
absolute\path\to\Rscript.exe -e "source('"relative\path\to\myscript.R"')"
It worked for me.
Besides, as Compo commented, I think there's no need for a .exe file, since a .bat does the job.

How to set up your path so you can call 'julia' via the Terminal?

This is more of a n00b Unix question regarding how to set up paths correctly. It is also not a question that is specific to julia, but rather how to set up paths correctly in general (I suspect).
At the moment, the only way I can start julia via the Terminal is by using the command:
$ exec '/Applications/'
rather than $ julia
How can I set this up correctly?
Change to your home directory and find the file .bash_profile (note the . at the start: this is a hidden file. You can do ls -a to see if it is there, or just try to open it with an editor.)
Create the .bash_profile file if it doesn't already exist (e.g. using your favourite text editor).
Add the following line somewhere:
alias julia="/Applications/"
Open a new terminal window and enjoy!
(Note that 0.4.1 is the current latest stable version, which is what I have used here.)

Set working directory to mapped network drive in BATCH mode

I'm having issues on windows with R failing when changing the working directory to a mapped network drive (e.g. \Share\Folder mapped to Z:) in batch mode. If I run the same script in an interactive console I don't have any issues. I am accomplishing this by running R.exe with the script specified inside of a windows batch (.bat) file. The .bat file contains the following.
"C:\RRO\R-3.2.1\bin\R.exe" CMD BATCH "C:/Scripts/Rscript.R"
The error is simply...
> setwd( 'Z:/' )
Error in setwd("Z:/") : cannot change working directory
I'd be open to a different approach entirely for scheduling these scripts via the windows task scheduler if that helps avoid the issue. The reason for mapping the drive is that I need to supply some credentials in order to access it, which is done automatically when it is mapped, but can test to see if that's not the case in R if anyone knows how.
I hope this can help with your question.
I duplicated the problem with no errors by using Rscript command instead of a CMD BATCH
my R code which I saved as a script (test1.R)
setwd("P:/Records/Indexing Operations/Indexing Data Analysis/Daily Reports") = read.xlsx("FSI Daily Project Status Report - 18 Mar 2016.xlsx", sheet = 1)
png(filename = "test.png", width = 500, height = 350 )
main = Sys.time())
Note I change the directory 2 times in this file. Once to access data on a mapped network drive and a 2nd to save the image to the computer. I put a timestamp of the current time as the main plot title so you can run the batch file repeatedly and verify it works
my batch file
cd C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.3\bin\i386
Rscript C:\Users\golieth\Documents\test1.R
Note: On the batch file if your code relies on 32 bit you need to change the directory of your R program (cd) to the R 32bit program. Same with R64. Next the Rscript should reference where you have saved your .R file
Finally, and this might be stating the obvious but make sure you are connected to your VPN before running the batch file.
Imagine a batch file with
cd Z:\<Destination>
RScript "C:/Scripts/Rscript.R"
This will enable Windows to change to the directory with all credentials and then start R within that directory. So the working dir. is the location from where R is started. Doing so requires that "C:\RRO\R-3.2.1\bin\" is part of your PATH variable.
Good luck!
When writing a .bat file, remember that cd is not used to change drive letters. To change drive letters you simply enter the name of the drive letter, which should be done prior to issuing the final cd to the working directory.
Like this:
cd z:\your\working\directory\
C:\RRO\R-3.2.1\bin\Rscript.exe C:/Scripts/Rscript.R
You can save the files locally in your code, and use file.copy in your code to copy the files over to your network drive. Also try replacing the path in file.copy the network drive letter by the full network address name eg. \\....\.....\

Premake5 prebuildcommands Directory

I'm converting a premake4 config to premake5. My prebuildcommands are failing because the commands are executed from the root working directory, not the directory that the premake5.lua is in that contains the 'prebuildcommands'. premake4 executed them in the subdirectory containing the prebuildcommands call.
Is this the new intended behavior? If so, it's not documented anywhere that I can find. I don't mind correcting the paths as long as it's not an bug.
This looks like the correct behavior to me. Premake doesn't attempt to parse the commands to identify paths, so they are left intact as entered. The command itself is executed by the build tool (Visual Studio, GMake, etc.) and so will operate in whatever directory the tool makes current at that time.
If I'm reading it right, you would like the command to execute in the project directory, so what about:
prebuildcommands {
"%{prj.location}/styx/utils/ndate > %{prj.location}/include/kerndate.h"
For Visual Studio, Premake will convert those tokens to $(ProjectDir) so they will stay relative to the generated project file.

Equivilant of $MODULE_DIR$ in unix terminals

I am trying to run a programme on a debain dedi. Using the following code.
java -cp bin:lib/* rs.Server false 43594
However it gives me a file not found error (even though the files are present). I fixed this error in intellij by picking the $MODULE_DIR$ option. Is there a equivalent to this in unix terminals?
The problem looks to be that the directory your are in when you run the command is wrong. You either need to cd to the directory containing the bin and lib directories or specify the full path to the directories in the command line.
