Not able to connect to the SQL Server data from app -

We are upgrading from an environment where the development web server, the SQL Server 2005, and SQL Server data are all on the same machine, a Windows XP Machine. We are upgrading to having the web server on one Windows 2008 server, the SQL Server on a 2nd Windows 2008 Server, and to Server to a Windows 2008 server, nd the data on a SAN.
Now we are getting the error message:
A connection was succesfully established with the server, but then
an error occured during the login
process. (provider: named pipes
provider, error 0, no process is on
the other end of the pipe.)
The network guy thinks it is a problem with the connection string:
<add name="CNString"
connectionString="Data Source=WEBSERVER;
Initial Catalog=PCIdb;
User ID=sa;Password=pass;"
Can anyone help out here?

Is your SQL Server really called WEBSERVER (DataSource="WEBSERVER") ??
Also, I would never EVER use the sa account in a connection string - NEVER, period. Use an application specific user or something, but do not use the sa account under any circumstances.

This can be caused by any number of reasons, but the first thing to look at is the configuration and setup of the SQL Server itself.
Are named pipes enabled on the server? You can check this through the server configuration manager (on the SQL Server machine itself).
Is the user on the connection string (or the connection pool user if you are using SSPI) setup on the server?
I do hope the connection string you put up is an edited version of your real one, as there are a couple of issues with it:
Using the sa login - you should never do that as now any SQL exploit can do any damage it wants
Calling a sql server "webserver" - a really confusion naming decision
When it comes to connection strings, look at - they hold a good list of valid connection strings to many databases using different providers.

I got that error before...Make sure SQL server services are started
If that's not it, change the authentication mode to both server and windows.

It could be a connectionstring problem. Try comparing your connectionstring to the connectionstrings at but it could also be that the remote connection or the remote server (the webserver in this case) isn't allowed to connect to SQL.
Check if remote connections are allowed and named pipes and/or TCP/IP protocols are enabled on the database server.
But, based on the scenario you've described, I'd say it's the database-end that's refusing the connection (since you've already had a working solution).


Error connecting to SQL Server via alias from local IIS7

Just wondering if anyone has run into this before. Had a few devs look at this, and none of us can figure it out.
I have an ASP.NET Web Forms app connecting to a Sql Server db via an alias using EF4. The alias is set to point to my machine name (not "." or "local"). When I run it out of VS2012, it works fine. If I deploy it to my local instance of IIS7 and try to pull it up in a browser, I get the error:
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while
establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or
was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that
SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named
Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
My connection string looks like this:
Data Source=aliasName;Initial Catalog=databaseName;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True
If I change the connection string so that the Data Source is my machine name instead of the alias, it works fine from IIS7. So, the problem appears to be something with the alias and only when running out of IIS7.
As a workaround, I am using a local build profile to deploy a different web.config that doesn't use the alias locally, but I would really like to figure out why it's not working.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Check this, specifically:
Pre-requisites for SQL Server Alias usage
You must be willing for your clients to connect to the instance via a network protocol. It is not possible to use shared memory connections that are available when the client and instance are on the same system. I use TCP/IP connections for my aliases.
On the system hosting the SQL Server instance you must have the SQL Server Browser service running (this is normally has Start Mode set to Automatic).
On a 64-bit system, if you have both 32-bit and 64-bit clients, you will need to create an alias for BOTH 32-bit and 64-bit clients.

can not connect to SQL database on amazon EC2 - microsoft project server database

I am using SQL managment studio 2008 running on an Amazon EC2 machine. I am unable to connect to the database in my application. The EC2 instance has been set to accept connections over the SQL port. I am also able to remote the machine as well as view websites hosted on the server. Listed below is part of the connection string relating to this instance. When the program is ran and this connection string is called, it returns tcp error 0 - no return response. it just times out.
<add name="ProjectServer" connectionString="Data Source=*IP ADDRESS HERE*,1433;Initial Catalog=*Catalog Name*;User ID=IP-0A6ED514\Administrator;"/>
I removed the ip and the catalog name for the example, but I am sure they are correct.
The only thing that I could think may cause an error, is the differences in names between the user id and the server name - the server name is ip-0A6ED514\sharepoint but the user name is ip-0A6ED514\administrator when I log into the sql server manager on the EC2 instance. A password is not used. Not sure if I would need to leave in a blank string for password - also not sure if the difference between server name and user id to log in makes a difference. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
update - when this connection string is used with out the port, i get tcp provider error 40 - when the port is in there, i get error 0
edit- the sql server is using windows authentication - does this make a difference? Usually I always use SQL server authentication
edit 2- now running sql express at same location, would i need a \SQLEXPRESS tag? I feel like after looking around and what could be the error, it is that I am reaching the machine ok, but its not pointing me to the DB, any suggestions?

Connection to SQL server 2000 on a windows server 2003 domain controller

I am trying to connect an ASP.NET 2.0 application hosted on a client machine to an SQL server 2000 instance which is installed on a domain controller running windows server 2003 (I appreciate this is not best practise, but it is something I cannot change). I am using SQL server authentication, not Windows authentication.
During debugging, the following error is displayed at the point the 'connection' is attempted within the web application (not on running any object within Sql Server):
"An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)"
I have done some research, and have checked a variety of things:
1) I am certain the conection string is correct - in fact I built a little Windows app that uses the same connection information and connection succeeds...
2) This is limited to the web application - a windows application running on the remote client machine connects just fine using the same connection string (see 1).
3) The firewall settings on both computers do not prevent the connection (see 1).
4) I can ping the windows 2003 server (see 1)
5) The SQL Server credentials definitely have the rights to the objects needed
6) If I (temporarily) put the web application on the windows server 2003 and run it, it loads and runs fine (using a browser on a separate machine, or on the client machine I am trying to connect) - suggesting this is only an issue with a remote connection, and confirming the connectivity between the machines again, and also confirming the necessary security right of the SQL Server user.
7) I can start query analyser on the client machine and using the same SQL server credentials, can run the same queries on the target database just fine.
Stumped. Please help!
You need to go into the SQL Server Configuration Manager and make sure the Named Pipes option is turned on. It is not turned on by default when you install SQL Server.
Because of the research I did in the original question covering the ability of a windows app to connect but not the ASP.NET app to connect from the same machine, and the confirmation the web app was working on the server itself, I was convinced SQL server was set up correctly, that connectivity and firewalls were not a problem - it must have been a difference in the security credentials of the windows app versus the web app.
The windows app runs in the security credentials of the logged on windows user and authenticates using that, whereas the webapp runs in a restricted account and does not pass these credentials over when connecting to SQL server by default. I simply added to web.config, which impersonates the user account within which the web app runs, and it all worked!
Problem solved.

Could not open a connection to SQL Server

I have problems connecting to my database server. The database server is not local, I am connected via its IP address.
It works fine in my development machine. After publishing the website to my server, it can not connect to my database server.
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
Why can't my publish server connect to the database server, whereas it works fine through the development machine?
I often had that problem. Mostly it's because of two problems.
Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Check if the SQL Server Network Configuration supports TCP/IP, if it's disabled, enable it.
e.g. SqlServer 2005 Network Configuration, Protocols for SQLEXPRESS
Open the SQL Server Management Studio
Click on the Sql Server Properties (right click on the server name and
select properties).
After that, select the page "Security" and switch the check to "SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode".
That's all.
I'll attempt to go two for two on the psychic debugging for today...
I will assume that you are not using integrated security? If so it might explain things as the account on your local machine probably has permissions, but the SYSTEM account that is running on the server does not. Just a shot in the dark though.
It sounds like your server can't make the network connection, rather than a security issue.
Ensure that any firewalls on both the DB and app servers allow traffic on the port (1433).
Ensure you're able to ping or tracert from both machines.
Is it your first time you publish your website on the web server ? if it is , Are you sure you have set your connection string properly ?
You need to create a login ( of curse a password for that too ) and the IP Address of that SQL on the web server .
So you need IP Address of the sql server host , Database Name , UId , Pwd .
I will agree that this sounds like a network issue and not a security issue.
Remote into the web server and ping the DB server by IP address. If this does not work, your server cannot see the DB server via that address (different subnet, incorrect firewall/proxy setup, etc). There may be a proxy address you must use to get to the DB server from the web server, or your web server may also be the gateway and IIS doesn't know to look for the DB server on the LAN. If it does work, the computers may not be talking on the same port, or the firewall may be blocking that port exiting the web server.
I have spent hours trying to connect to SQL server using sqlcmd. I disabled my firewall, checked all ip listed in "Protocols for SQLEXPRESS", edited my hosts file. I tried using different ips and machinename to connect to the server. But none of work worked. After hours of investigation, I found out that I made absolutely stupid blunder making me unable to connect.
I want to remind people that the connection string is not case sensitive. But the option is!!
what i did is I put
sqlcmd -s .\sqlserver
But the correct string is
sqlcmd -S .\sqlserver
so watch out, people

ASP.NET Membership DB connection

I can neither login from my application nor connect using the wizard to my Membership Provider on my local machine. My other DBs can connect from my application just fine. My connection string is correct, it has not been changed (I was able to login using membership previously, this is a new issue).
I created a new App to see if it could be the config, threw a login on it and registered and ran into the same issue.
This is the error message I am getting: "A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) "
Though my other DB can connect I still checked:
TCP/IP enabled
Multiple connections enabled
Firewall down
Correct instance of sql server being referred to in Machine config.
Also, my network service account has rights to the DB, but should there be an ASPNET user?
I can't think of a single thing I have changed to this machine since this was working previously.
Thank you.
EDIT DETAILS: There are no aliases, yet, but if my other connections are working that shouldn't be the issue. I understand these things can be wonky though, so that's something I'm going to try now. Thanks. I will also try and take a look at what's going on while trying to connect. Best way: event logs?
I am using Windows Auth, I'm connecting locally, using Windows 7 and SQL Server 2008 along with VS 2008. I can connect with Management Studio and query the DB, yes. NetworkService account has rights to the DB.
Check the Server name in the connection-string if the Sql-Server is in the same machine with the web application use "."(dot) without quotes instead of the computer-name in your connection string.
Have you tried sniffing it to see if there's anything you can see on the wire when the connection attempt is made?
Are there any aliases around the server/DB name? Have you tried creating one and connecting to it?
Are the other instances you can connect to on the same machine? Same SQL Server instance?
If you use impersonation, does the problem go away?
It sounds like you can connect to one database, but not the one you need. Is that correct?
The ASPNET user is a Windows XP thing. You should generally use NETWORK SERVICE for server-based deployments.
So, you can connect from Management Studio, but not from IIS? What identity are you using for the IIS AppPool?
Can you connect if you use Cassini (the web server that comes with Visual Studio)? That should pass through your user ID.
