Is there any limit to recursion in lisp? - recursion

I enjoy using recursion whenever I can, it seems like a much more natural way to loop over something then actual loops. I was wondering if there is any limit to recursion in lisp? Like there is in python where it freaks out after like 1000 loops?
Could you use it for say, a game loop?
Testing it out now, simple counting recursive function. Now at >7000000!
Thanks alot

First, you should understand what tail call is about.
Tail call are call that do not consumes stack.
Now you need to recognize when your are consuming stack.
Let's take the factorial example:
(defun factorial (n)
(if (= n 1)
(* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
Here is the non-tail recursive implementation of factorial.
Why? This is because in addition to a return from factorial, there is a pending computation.
(* n ..)
So you are stacking n each time you call factorial.
Now let's write the tail recursive factorial:
(defun factorial-opt (n &key (result 1))
(if (= n 1)
(factorial-opt (- n 1) :result (* result n))))
Here, the result is passed as an argument to the function.
So you're also consuming stack, but the difference is that the stack size stays constant.
Thus, the compiler can optimize it by using only registers and leaving the stack empty.
The factorial-opt is then faster, but is less readable.
factorial is limited to the size of the stack will factorial-opt is not.
So you should learn to recognize tail recursive function in order to know if the recursion is limited.
There might be some compiler technique to transform a non-tail recursive function into a tail recursive one. Maybe someone could point out some link here.

Scheme mandates tail call optimization, and some CL implementations offer it as well. However, CL does not mandate it.
Note that for tail call optimization to work, you need to make sure that you don't have to return. E.g. a naive implementation of Fibonacci where there is a need to return and add to another recursive call, will not be tail call optimized and as a result you will run out of stack space.


Is this Scheme function recursive?

Given the following function, am I allowed to say that it is recursive? Why I ask this question is because the 'fac' function actually doesn't call itself recursively, so am I still allowed to say that it is a recursive function even though the only function that calls itself is fac-iter?
(define (fac n)
(define (fac-iter counter result)
(if (= counter 0)
(fac-iter (- counter 1) (* result counter))))
(fac-iter n 1))
fac is not recursive: it does not refer to its own definition in any way.
fac-iter is recursive: it does refer to its own definition. But in Scheme it will create an iterative process, since its calls to itself are tail calls.
(In casual speech I think people would often say that neither fac nor fac-iter is recursive in Scheme, but I think speaking more precisely the above is correct.)
One problem with calling fac formally recursive is that fac-iter is liftable out of fac. You can write the code like this:
(define (fac-iter counter result)
(if (= counter 0)
(fac-iter (- counter 1) (* result counter))))
(define (fac n)
(fac-iter n 1))
fac is an interface which is implemented by a recursive helper function.
If the helper function had a reason to be inside fac, such as accessing the parent's local variables, then there would be more justification for calling fac formally recursive: a significant piece of the interior of fac, a local funcction doing the bulk of the work, is internally recursive, and that interior cannot be moved to the top level without some refactoring.
Informally we can call fac recursive regardless if what we mean by that is that the substantial bulk of its work is done by a recursive approach. We are emphasizing the algorithm that is used, not the details over how it is integrated.
If a homework problem states "please implement a recursive solution to the binary search problem", and the solution is required to take the form of a bsearch.scm file, then obviously the problem statement doesn't mean that the bsearch.scm file must literally invoke itself, right? It means that the main algorithmic content in that file is recursive.
Or when we say that "the POSIX utility find performs a recursive traversal of the filesystem" we don't mean that find forks and executes a copy of itself for every directory it visits.
There is room for informality: calling something recursive without meaning that the entry point of that thing which has that thing's name is literally calling itself.
On another note, in some situations the term "recursion" in the Scheme context is used to denote recursion that requires stack storage; tail calls that are required to be rewritten to express iteration aren't called recursion. That's just taking the point of view of the implementation; what the compiled code is doing. Tail calls are sometimes called "stackless recursion" as a kind of compromise. The situation is complicated because tail calls alone do not eliminate true recursion. There is a way of compiling programs such that all procedure calls become tail calls, namely transformation to CPS (continuation passing style). Yet if the source program performs true recursion that requires a stack, the CPS-transformed program will also, in spite of using nothing but tail calls. What will happen is that an ad hoc stack will emerge via a chain of captured lambda environments. A lambda being used as a continuation captures the previous continuation as a lexical variable. The previous continuation itself captures another such a continuation in its environment, and so on. A heap-allocated chain emerges which constitutes the de facto return stack for the recursion. For reasons like this we cannot automatically conclude that when we see tail calls, we have iteration and not recursion.
An example looks like this. The traversal of a binary tree is truly recursive, right? When we visit the left child, that visitation must return, so that we can then visit the right child. The right child visit can be a tail call, but the left one isn't. Under CPS, they can both be tail calls:
(define (traverse tree contin)
[(null? tree) (contin)] ;; tail call to continuation
[else (traverse (tree-left tree) ;; tail call to traverse
(lambda ()
(traverse (right tree) contin)))])) ;; ditto!
so here, when the left node is traversed, that is a tail call: the last thing our procedure does is call (traverse (tree-left tree) (lambda ...)). But it passes that lambda as a continuation, and that continuation contains more statements to execute when it is invoked, which is essentially the same as if control returned there via a procedure retun. If we take the point of view that tail calls aren't recursion then we are justified in saying that the function isn't recursive. Yet it has the recursive control flow structure, uses storage proportional to the left depth of the tree, and does so without appearing to maintain an explicit stack structure. As if that weren't enough, the following obviously recursive program can be automatically converted to the above:
(define (traverse tree)
[(null? tree)] ;; return
[else (traverse (tree-left tree))
(traverse (tree-right tree))]))
The CPS transformation inserts the continuations and lambdas, turning everything into tail calls that pass a continuation argument.

What is the definition of "natural recursion"?

The Third Commandment of The Little Schemer states:
When building a list, describe the first typical element, and then cons it onto the natural recursion.
What is the exact definition of "natural recursion"? The reason why I am asking is because I am taking a class on programming language principles by Daniel Friedman and the following code is not considered "naturally recursive":
(define (plus x y)
(if (zero? y) x
(plus (add1 x) (sub1 y))))
However, the following code is considered "naturally recursive":
(define (plus x y)
(if (zero? y) x
(add1 (plus x (sub1 y)))))
I prefer the "unnaturally recursive" code because it is tail recursive. However, such code is considered anathema. When I asked as to why we shouldn't write the function in tail recursive form then the associate instructor simply replied, "You don't mess with the natural recursion."
What's the advantage of writing the function in the "naturally recursive" form?
"Natural" (or just "Structural") recursion is the best way to start teaching students about recursion. This is because it has the wonderful guarantee that Joshua Taylor points out: it's guaranteed to terminate[*]. Students have a hard enough time wrapping their heads around this kind of program that making this a "rule" can save them a huge amount of head-against-wall-banging.
When you choose to leave the realm of structural recursion, you (the programmer) have taken on an additional responsibility, which is to ensure that your program halts on all inputs; it's one more thing to think about & prove.
In your case, it's a bit more subtle. You have two arguments, and you're making structurally recursive calls on the second one. In fact, with this observation (program is structurally recursive on argument 2), I would argue that your original program is pretty much just as legitimate as the non-tail-calling one, since it inherits the same proof-of-convergence. Ask Dan about this; I'd be interested to hear what he has to say.
[*] To be precise here you have to legislate out all kinds of other goofy stuff like calls to other functions that don't terminate, etc.
The natural recursion has to do with the "natural", recursive definition of the type you are dealing with. Here, you are working with natural numbers; since "obviously" a natural number is either zero or the successor of another natural number, when you want to build a natural number, you naturally output 0 or (add1 z) for some other natural z which happens to be computed recursively.
The teacher probably wants you to make the link between recursive type definitions and recursive processing of values of that type. You would not have the kind of problem you have with numbers if you tried to process trees or lists, because you routinely use natural numbers in "unnatural ways" and thus, you might have natural objections thinking in terms of Church numerals.
The fact that you already know how to write tail-recursive functions is irrelevant in that context: this is apparently not the objective of your teacher to talk about tail-call optimizations, at least for now.
The associate instructor was not very helpful at first ("messing with natural recursion" sounds as "don't ask"), but the detailed explanation he/she gave in the snapshot you gave was more appropriate.
(define (plus x y)
(if (zero? y) x
(add1 (plus x (sub1 y)))))
When y != 0 it has to remember that once the result of (plus x (sub1 y)) is known, it has to compute add1 on it. Hence when y reaches zero, the recursion is at its deepest. Now the backtracking phase begins and the add1's are executed. This process can be observed using trace.
I did the trace for :
(require racket/trace)
(define (add1 x) ...)
(define (sub1 x) ...)
(define (plus x y) ...)
(trace plus)
(plus 2 3)
Here's the trace :
>(plus 2 3)
> (plus 2 2)
> >(plus 2 1)
> > (plus 2 0) // Deepest point of recursion
< < 2 // Backtracking begins, performing add1 on the results
< <3
< 4
5 // Result
The difference is that the other version has no backtracking phase. It is calling itself for a few times but it is iterative, because it is remembering intermediate results (passed as arguments). Hence the process is not consuming extra space.
Sometimes implementing a tail-recursive procedure is easier or more elegant then writing it's iterative equivalent. But for some purposes you can not/may not implement it in a recursive way.
PS : I had a class which was covering a bit about garbage collection algorithms. Such algorithms may not be recursive as there may be no space left, hence having no space for the recursion. I remember an algorithm called "Deutsch-Schorr-Waite" which was really hard to understand at first. First he implemented the recursive version just to understand the concept, afterwards he wrote the iterative version (hence manually having to remember from where in memory he came), believe me the recursive one was way easier but could not be used in practice...

Find out how deep a call stack went in Clojure (or java)

Clojure is my first foray into the world of lisp. I decided to try a simple recursive function that raises a number to an integer power. Simple enough.
(defmulti pow #(compare %2 0))
(defmethod pow 0 [a n] 1)
(defmethod pow 1 [a n] (* a (pow a (dec n))))
(defmethod pow -1 [a n] (/ 1 (pow a (* -1 n))))
It works fine if you only pass integer powers. But I get stack overflows (predictably) when I use it to raise to a large enough power.
The question is, how can I find out exactly how deep the function IS recursing before it dies? One way to get a ballpark on how deep I can recurse is by doing something like:
(defn max-depth [n]
(max-depth (inc n))
(catch StackOverflowError err (do
(printf "%s at %d\n" err n)
(Clojure is my first foray in to lisp so I don't really know how to make the code look readable.) This code just recurses infinitely until it overflows the stack, then returns the number of recursions that took place before it blew up. This only gives me a ballpark figure of how deep I'm allowed to go... There are a lot of problems with this approach.
Another thing I can do is catch the exception and try to unwind the stack myself... But I don't really see a way to get the information that I want from the exception. Looking at the javadoc for StackOverflowError at I see a few methods that look promising, but nothing panned out as far as I could see.
I tried running (count (.getStackTrace error)) where error is the stackoverflow that I caught, but the result was just 1024 since "under some circumstances, stack frames may be ommited". So that didn't work.
The only other thing I could think of would be to run pow over succesively larger exponents, but again that doesn't really tell me how deeply the call stack got, it only tells me how large of an exponent I can raise to (since the function calls other functions, the two answers are not the same).
I don't know of any way to do it in java either, but if there is one, then that answer would also probably be helpful.
Any ideas?
I'd have thought that (.getStackTrace error) is your best bet - why do you think it isn't working?
A recursion depth of 1024 before blowing the stack for a simple function sounds about what I would expect.
Remember that single Clojure functions often get transformed into several JVM method calls, so the actual JVM stack depth could be considerable deeper than your recursion valiable n. If you want to convert from the stack trace back to n, you will probably need to count the number of times a recursive call to the multimethod appears in the stack trace.
So, I'm not actually going to answer your question - because I think trying to debug call stack depth is the wrong way to solve this problem. Instead I'm going to suggest a more effective approach to recursion in Clojure, which doesn't risk blowing the call stack.
The important concept is 'tail-call elimination' - which basically means that if function F is a recursive function, and the last thing it does is call itself, you can optimize that. For the nth recursive call of F, the last thing it does is call the n+1th recursive call of F and return that value to the n-1th call of F - so you can overwrite all the stack data relating to the nth call of F, and have the n+1th call return its value directly to the n-1st call. So this basically means you only need one place on the stack instead of hundreds or thousands.
The JVM doesn't natively support this optimization for function calls - otherwise your example would probably work. Instead, Clojure provides the recur operator, which reuses the current loop or function call rather than increasing the stack. I'd use this to rewrite your function like this (I've left out your support for negative exponents for simplicity's sake):
user=> (defn pow
#_=> ([base exp] (pow base exp base)) ; default the accumulator argument to the base of the power
#_=> ([base exp acc] (if (= exp 1)
#_=> acc ; base case - return the accumulated power
#_=> (recur base (dec exp) (* base acc))))) ; recur, decrementing the power
user=> (pow 1 10000000) ; stack not blown
user=> (pow 2 10)
See also: and
Of course, this implementation of pow is just a recursion example - anyone reading this should use Math/pow instead for real work.
user=> (time (Math/pow 1 10000000))
"Elapsed time: 0.166723 msecs"
user=> (time (pow 1 10000000))
"Elapsed time: 2991.321703 msecs"
user=> (time (pow 2 1000))
ArithmeticException integer overflow clojure.lang.Numbers.throwIntOverflow (
user=> (time (Math/pow 2 1000))
"Elapsed time: 0.069109 msecs"

How do I write this Clojure function so that it doesn't blow out the stack?

I'm new to Clojure and I think my approach to writing code so far is not in line with the "Way of Clojure". At least, I keep writing functions that keep leading to StackOverflow errors with large values. I've learned about using recur which has been a good step forward. But, how to make functions like the one below work for values like 2500000?
(defn fib [i]
(if (>= 2 i)
(+ (fib (dec i))
(fib (- i 2)))))
The function is, to my eyes, the "plain" implementation of a Fibonacci generator. I've seen other implementations that are much more optimized, but less obvious in terms of what they do. I.e. when you read the function definition, you don't go "oh, fibonacci".
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
You need to have a mental model of how your function works. Let's say that you execute your function yourself, using scraps of paper for each invocation. First scrap, you write (fib 250000), then you see "oh, I need to calculate (fib 249999) and (fib 249998) and finally add them", so you note that and start two new scraps. You can't throw away the first, because it still has things to do for you when you finish the other calculations. You can imagine that this calculation will need a lot of scraps.
Another way is not to start at the top, but at the bottom. How would you do this by hand? You would start with the first numbers, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 …, and then always add the last two, until you have done it i times. You can even throw away all numbers except the last two at each step, so you can re-use most scraps.
(defn fib [i]
(loop [a 0
b 1
n 1]
(if (>= n i)
(recur b
(+ a b)
(inc n)))))
This is also a fairly obvious implementation, but of the how to, not of the what. It always seems quite elegant when you can simply write down a definition and it gets automatically transformed into an efficient calculation, but programming is that transformation. If something gets transformed automatically, then this particular problem has already been solved (often in a more general way).
Thinking "how would I do this step by step on paper" often leads to a good implementaion.
A Fibonacci generator implemented in a "plain" way, as in the definition of the sequence, will always blow your stack up. Neither of two recursive calls to fib are tail recursive, such definition cannot be optimised.
Unfortunately, if you'd like to write an efficient implementation working for big numbers you'll have to accept the fact that mathematical notation doesn't translate to code as cleanly as we'd like it to.
For instance, a non-recursive implementation can be found in clojure.contrib.lazy-seqs. A whole range of various approaches to this problem can be found on Haskell wiki. It shouldn't be difficult to understand with knowledge of basics of functional programming.
;;from "The Pragmatic Programmers Programming Clojure"
(defn fib [] (map first (iterate (fn [[a b]][b (+ a b)])[0N 1N])))
(nth (fib) 2500000)

Are there problems that cannot be written using tail recursion?

Tail recursion is an important performance optimisation stragegy in functional languages because it allows recursive calls to consume constant stack (rather than O(n)).
Are there any problems that simply cannot be written in a tail-recursive style, or is it always possible to convert a naively-recursive function into a tail-recursive one?
If so, one day might functional compilers and interpreters be intelligent enough to perform the conversion automatically?
Yes, actually you can take some code and convert every function call—and every return—into a tail call. What you end up with is called continuation-passing style, or CPS.
For example, here's a function containing two recursive calls:
(define (count-tree t)
(if (pair? t)
(+ (count-tree (car t)) (count-tree (cdr t)))
And here's how it would look if you converted this function to continuation-passing style:
(define (count-tree-cps t ctn)
(if (pair? t)
(count-tree-cps (car t)
(lambda (L) (count-tree-cps (cdr t)
(lambda (R) (ctn (+ L R))))))
(ctn 1)))
The extra argument, ctn, is a procedure which count-tree-cps tail-calls instead of returning. (sdcvvc's answer says that you can't do everything in O(1) space, and that is correct; here each continuation is a closure which takes up some memory.)
I didn't transform the calls to car or cdr or + into tail-calls. That could be done as well, but I assume those leaf calls would actually be inlined.
Now for the fun part. Chicken Scheme actually does this conversion on all code it compiles. Procedures compiled by Chicken never return. There's a classic paper explaining why Chicken Scheme does this, written in 1994 before Chicken was implemented: CONS should not cons its arguments, Part II: Cheney on the M.T.A.
Surprisingly enough, continuation-passing style is fairly common in JavaScript. You can use it to do long-running computation, avoiding the browser's "slow script" popup. And it's attractive for asynchronous APIs. jQuery.get (a simple wrapper around XMLHttpRequest) is clearly in continuation-passing style; the last argument is a function.
It's true but not useful to observe that any collection of mutually recursive functions can be turned into a tail-recursive function. This observation is on a par with the old chestnut fro the 1960s that control-flow constructs could be eliminated because every program could be written as a loop with a case statement nested inside.
What's useful to know is that many functions which are not obviously tail-recursive can be converted to tail-recursive form by the addition of accumulating parameters. (An extreme version of this transformation is the transformation to continuation-passing style (CPS), but most programmers find the output of the CPS transform difficult to read.)
Here's an example of a function that is "recursive" (actually it's just iterating) but not tail-recursive:
factorial n = if n == 0 then 1 else n * factorial (n-1)
In this case the multiply happens after the recursive call.
We can create a version that is tail-recursive by putting the product in an accumulating parameter:
factorial n = f n 1
where f n product = if n == 0 then product else f (n-1) (n * product)
The inner function f is tail-recursive and compiles into a tight loop.
I find the following distinctions useful:
In an iterative or recursive program, you solve a problem of size n by
first solving one subproblem of size n-1. Computing the factorial function
falls into this category, and it can be done either iteratively or
recursively. (This idea generalizes, e.g., to the Fibonacci function, where
you need both n-1 and n-2 to solve n.)
In a recursive program, you solve a problem of size n by first solving two
subproblems of size n/2. Or, more generally, you solve a problem of size n
by first solving a subproblem of size k and one of size n-k, where 1 < k < n. Quicksort and mergesort are two examples of this kind of problem, which
can easily be programmed recursively, but is not so easy to program
iteratively or using only tail recursion. (You essentially have to simulate recursion using an explicit
In dynamic programming, you solve a problem of size n by first solving all
subproblems of all sizes k, where k<n. Finding the shortest route from one
point to another on the London Underground is an example of this kind of
problem. (The London Underground is a multiply-connected graph, and you
solve the problem by first finding all points for which the shortest path
is 1 stop, then for which the shortest path is 2 stops, etc etc.)
Only the first kind of program has a simple transformation into tail-recursive form.
Any recursive algorithm can be rewritten as an iterative algorithm (perhaps requiring a stack or list) and iterative algorithms can always be rewritten as tail-recursive algorithms, so I think it's true that any recursive solution can somehow be converted to a tail-recursive solution.
(In comments, Pascal Cuoq points out that any algorithm can be converted to continuation-passing style.)
Note that just because something is tail-recursive doesn't mean that its memory usage is constant. It just means that the call-return stack doesn't grow.
You can't do everything in O(1) space (space hierarchy theorem). If you insist on using tail recursion, then you can store the call stack as one of the arguments. Obviously this doesn't change anything; somewhere internally, there is a call stack, you're simply making it explicitly visible.
If so, one day might functional compilers and interpreters be intelligent enough to perform the conversion automatically?
Such conversion will not decrease space complexity.
As Pascal Cuoq commented, another way is to use CPS; all calls are tail recursive then.
I don't think something like tak could be implemented using only tail calls. (not allowing continuations)
